Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах @footpath
Статьи журнала - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах
Все статьи: 256

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The article discusses false friends in British and American English with reference to Nick Hornby's novels About a Boy (1998), A Long Way Down (2005), Slam (2007) and their translations - Мой мальчик (2004), Долгое падение (2013), Слэм (2008).

Love and war in Beryl Bainbridge's novel Master Georgie
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The next two articles were sent in separately. The Editorial Board felt that they both raised issues about interpretation of fiction generally, and about assessing moral issues in individual books, in particular. So it was decided to add a third article in which one of the editors would ask questions concerning fiction and moral values, drawing upon the two articles for examples. We hope that readers will contribute to what is an open-ended debate in future issues of FOOTPATH.

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The article considers love discourse in writing by Julian Barnes. It demonstrate that contemporary love discourse can be viewed as a multiple dialogue with the multiple Other. The Other is primarily represented by the actual reader, and sometimes, the fictional reader. The aim of the dialogue is the pursuit of meaning together with the reader, i.e. the pursuit of the truth, beauty, and harmony.

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The article deals with the key dichotomies and motives of A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters (Julian Barnes) represented via the concepts of history and religion.

Malorie Blackman. Noughts & crosses
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The essay is the review of the Children Laureate prized book of a well-known British author.

Master Georgie: a novel of responsibility?
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The next two articles were sent in separately. The Editorial Board felt that they both raised issues about interpretation of fiction generally, and about assessing moral issues in individual books, in particular. So it was decided to add a third article in which one of the editors would ask questions concerning fiction and moral values, drawing upon the two articles for examples. We hope that readers will contribute to what is an open-ended debate in future issues of FOOTPATH.

Mastering Georgie? A brief introduction to Beryl Bainbridge's novel
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Using the novel “Master Georgie” as an example, the article analyzes the work of the famous English writer B. Bainbridge. The chapters of the novel, which tell about the main character, surgeon and photographer George Hardy, on behalf of three storytellers, recreate the events of the Crimean War, an original fusion of fuzzy negatives (chapter titles) and the author's clear, unique style.

Memories and identities of Hugh Arkwright in pieces of light
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The paper explores Adam Thorpe's return to the themes of memory and twisted reality in his third novel.

Memory processes in nothing to be frightened of by Julian Barnes
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The article examines the problem of memory in J. Barnes's autobiographical book Nothing to Fear, where the author's personal memories illustrate the unreliability and limitations of memory, revealing its main mechanisms, such as subjective interpretation, forgetting and imagination.

Methods of teaching Mark Haddon's The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
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The article dwells on teaching fiction books to students of three specialities. The author discusses the problem of shortage of class hours and possible ways to introduce reading into courses.

Migrants and migrant writers in English literature
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The article traces the depiction of migrants in English literature. It concentrates on the voices of immigrants and their descendants as both authors and characters in contemporary fiction such as White Teeth.

More critical terms: defamiharisation
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An article which provides detailed examples of ways in which the technique of defamiliarisation can be used to amuse, confuse and challenge the reader.

New violence' in British drama of the war on terror
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In modern British drama, cruelty is again actively brought to the scene. The reason for this can be largely attributed to the global political instability of the 1990s - 2000s, even if playwrights do not seek to portray specific military conflicts in their works. The article analyzes the plays of S. Kane, M. Ravenhill, J. Lichtenstein, N. Wright, G. Edam.

Nice work (if you can measure it)
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An editorial on the present state of the humanities in British universities with reflections on problems of finance and research funding that Russian readers will recognise.