Статьи журнала - Историческая и социально-образовательная мысль

Все статьи: 3419

Adaptation potential of a preschool child with special educational needs

Adaptation potential of a preschool child with special educational needs

Khalilov Timur A., Azletskaya Elena N.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the actual problem of the adaptive potential of a preschool child with special educational needs at the time he enters the preschool educational organization. The article provides a theoretical review of the concept of “adaptive potential”. A theoretical analysis of methodological approaches to the conditions of development of the adaptive potential of a child with special educational needs is given. Based on the results of the analysis, the co-authors define the concept of “personal adaptive potential of a child with special educational needs” and put forward a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions for its development.


Communication features in online and offline spaces

Communication features in online and offline spaces

Karapetyan Anrieta A.

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No other media has become so popular in such a short period of time as online, which mainly serves for the purpose of communication. Online communications have the potential to fundamentally change the character of our social lives on all levels of social interactions. This article represents an attempt of discussing pros and cons of the online communication compared to the offline ones, and including functional as well as cultural components such as habits, usefulness, as well as specific cases affecting the gradual and immediate shift from the offline to the online communication (like COVID-19 pandemic). Online communication spaces provide ample opportunities for self-representation, convenience and compliance, easy connectivity from every place in the world, it is time-consuming and costly. It is widely used in all areas of everyday life. At the same time participants of online communication need nonverbal communication and those all-important social signals, which make communication more efficient. Despite the number of advantages, online communication still cannot completely replace the offline ones.


Communicative competence

Communicative competence

Podgrecki Jzef, Ropski Janusz

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The paper presents the most significant factors that influence interpersonal and group communication in multicultural environment in education. It highlights main theories of intercultural communication and its effectiveness as well as ones which deal with coping with conflicts in the intercultural environment. In contemporary times, which require working in multicultural environment, communicative skills become more and more important. In teachers’ work cultural awareness and being open-minded about differences between nations and cultures are essential. These skills are especially important while there is a need to avoid or overcome problems, conflicts which may occur. The author shows the significance of these factors. The article closes with the recommendations and clues concerning effective intercultural communication.


Contes merveilleux de Madagascar

Contes merveilleux de Madagascar

Kartachova Ludmilla Alekseevna

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L'isolement de Madagascar a aide a preserver l'originalite du patrimoine des contes de fees. La singularite des contes de fees malgaches est un melange du merveilleux et de l'ordinaire, de l'attitude prosaique envers le miraculeux comme l'element de la vie quotidienne. Beaucoup de fabuleux motifs sont semblables a ceux qui existent dans d'autres civilisations: le motif de la conception miraculeuse, la lutte contre les monstres, le «matchmaking difficile». Les motifs populaires: heroine persecutee; liberation des princesses enlevees du monde souterrain; une naissance merveilleuse. Il y a aussi des motifs de legendes bibliques: la creation de l'homme et le premier peche; l'origine d'une femme de la cote d'un homme; a propos du deluge universel. Et les motifs etiologiques: la creation du monde et l'apparition de l'homme. Les contes de fees refletent des elements de la vie reelle: des animaux et des oiseaux, connus seulement a Madagascar; les noms des personnes historiques; les noms des localites; les noms des ancetres des rois malgaches et des fondateurs des anciens royaumes malgaches. Un trait distinctif des contes de fees est leur imagerie: les textes regorgent de paroles et de dictons, de poemes et de chants, qui sont souvent inclus dans le texte en prose.


Cоциальная эволюция человечества как эволюция индивидуализма и коллективизма в трудах Ф. Хайека, Р. Арона, К. Поппера: часть 3. К. Поппер

Cоциальная эволюция человечества как эволюция индивидуализма и коллективизма в трудах Ф. Хайека, Р. Арона, К. Поппера: часть 3. К. Поппер

Румянцева Нина Леонидовна

Статья научная

В 3-ей части статьи дан анализ основных положений концепции социальной эволюции К. Поппера, который оперирует понятиями открытое и закрытое общество. Понятие закрытого общества сформировано на основе изучения племенных обществ, его основные характеристики – лишение индивида свободы и, соответственно, личной ответственности, жесткие табу и традиции, магическое отношение к жизни. Основное отличие открытого общества – освобождение от незыблемых табу, рациональная личная ответственность его членов. Открытое общество переходит в абстрактное. Критикуются тоталитарные режимы.


Cоциальное проектирование в формировании и реализации региональной молодежной политики

Cоциальное проектирование в формировании и реализации региональной молодежной политики

Рашковецкая Н.с

Статья научная

В работе рассмотрен один из подходов к формированию молодежной политики - социальное проектирование. Освещены основные принципы социального проектирования, а также произведен анализ региональных проектов в сфере молодежной политики (на примере Краснодарского края).


Developing reader's literacy in primary education

Developing reader's literacy in primary education

Lukac Michal, Imrovic Michal, Orlikova Monika, Poorova Edita

Статья научная

Reading and reader´s literacy are essential prerequisites for developing key competences, especially competencies for learning, and are still used as a tool to achieve other goals that are the gateway to success in work and personal life. The topic of the article is reader´s literacy and its development at pupils of primary education through the use of methods developing reader´s literacy in the teaching process.


Development of democratization processes in Turkey in the late Ottoman and early republican periods

Development of democratization processes in Turkey in the late Ottoman and early republican periods

Zhigulskaya D.V.

Статья научная

Since the start of the third wave of democratization and the end of the Cold War, the study of democracy and democratization has occupied center stage in the field of comparative politics. The focus of this work has been diverse, ranging from questions such as the origins and design of democracy to its overall quality and sustainability. Turkey, which is the subject of this paper, is a unique example of a secular country with a Muslim population that has a long history of democratization processes rooted back in the late Ottoman Empire (although the quality of its present democracy is debatable). It is also worth bearing in mind that complex phenomena such as democratization are never linear, but rather experience ups and downs. This paper focuses on the early steps towards the establishment of a democratic regime in Turkey, such as adoption of the First and Second Constitutions in the Ottoman Empire, proclamation of the Republic, implementation of Atatürk's reforms, and transition to a multi-party system. Thus, it could be argued that the foundations of the democratic regime in Turkey were laid as far back as the Tanzimat period. The Ottoman experience of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary life has strongly influenced the further democratization processes in the country during the 20th century. However, the early republican period was not a democratic regime, although its legacy contributed to the formation of some background conditions for a democratic system. The real political liberalization in Turkey started in 1946 with the transition to a multiparty system.


Distance education at the university during the COVID 19 pandemic: reflection of teachers and students

Distance education at the university during the COVID 19 pandemic: reflection of teachers and students

Kotlebov Sandra, Poorova Edita

Статья научная

The article aims to reflect the provision of distance education by university teachers and students during the COVID 19 pandemic. The authors draw on theoretical sources in distance education and focus on its use in general and specifically at the university, concentrating on a teacher and a student. They provide an analysis of data obtained through a questionnaire designed for teachers and students of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia when full-time education was absent for more than one academic year because of the Covid 19 pandemic. The article is completed by a case study reflecting the theme by a teacher of English for Specific Purposes. We compared our survey with the findings of several foreign surveys on higher education and the COVID 19 pandemic.


E-learning: trends and stepping stones

E-learning: trends and stepping stones

Frolova Natalia H.

Статья научная

Acceleration of exchange of educational information its constant updating requires incorporating innovative educational products based on informational communications in educational system. Students who are mostly digital natives use information communication technologies more frequent and willingly compared to teaching staff. Consequently it calls for urgent measures to be taken to satisfy contemporary students’ emerging needs. Integration of information communication technologies, enhancing students’ motivation, adding to personalized learning, into higher education is challenging but beneficial. It is particularly acute in the field of foreign language learning which requires language competence formation along with knowledge of grammar patterns, vocabulary specificity and reproductive skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. The given article reflects the current trends of e-learning of foreign languages, providing insights of teaching and learning practice, providing theoretical literature review and empirical data gained by qualitative and quantitive research methods, by students’ opinion polls in NRU HSE Nizhniy Novgorod branch in particular. Both advantages and shortcomings are analyzed and the comparison of the traditional classroom education and innovative one is carried out. Recent trends in e-learning of foreign languages, use of various tools such as wiki sites, educational platforms, Massive Online Open Courses, Gamification, flipped classrooms and other inspiring techniques are considered.


Hierarchy of values preferred by secondary school students in spending free time

Hierarchy of values preferred by secondary school students in spending free time

Imrovi Michal, Orlkov Monika, Poorova Edita

Статья научная

The research of the youth has always been a topical issue. The aim of this article was to identify and analyse the preferences of contemporary secondary school youth in spending free time in terms of value creation and value orientation. The authors have analyzed the current state of spending free time by secondary school students and used a quantitative research method, a questionnaire. The results of the analysis of the gained data is presented through graphs. The survey was focused on health, life, education, family, friendship, spiritual values and interests. The results show that young people consider health, family and friendship to be the most importantvalues in their lives. Spiritual values are of the greatest importance in their lives. This survey shows that although contemporary young people live in conditions which are very different from those of the previous generations they still prefer the same values and therefore parents, teachers and policy makers should realize that it is necessary to deal with the difficulties and problems of the youth and tryto provide them with opportunities for spending free time well to avoid social problems which can occur when the youth is not paid attention to.


Homo medicus как возможный результат медикализации

Homo medicus как возможный результат медикализации

Медведева Лариса Михайловна

Статья научная

Статья рассматривает феномен медикализации в историко-культурном контексте, ее позитивные и негативные последствия. Особое внимание уделено влиянию медицины в современном обществе, взаимоотношениям врача и пациента в этой ситуации.


III Государственная дума в оценках сибирских эсеров (по материалам нелегальной печати)

III Государственная дума в оценках сибирских эсеров (по материалам нелегальной печати)

Курусканова Наталия Петровна

Статья научная

В статье на базе опубликованных и архивных документов, научно-исследовательской литературы рассмотрены оценки, данные нелегальной печатью сибирских организаций ПСР различным аспектам деятельности III Государственной Думы в 1907-1912 гг. На основе изучения нелегальных изданий эсеров автор выяснила их позицию по отношению к выборам в Думу третьего созыва. В статье процитированы нелегальные издания сибирских эсеров, характеризующие социальный и партийный состав депутатского корпуса, видных представителей разных фракций, их поведение в стенах парламента. Подробно изложено содержание изданий сибирских эсеров, посвященных оценкам различных сторон законотворческой деятельности III Думы: утверждение государственного бюджета, аграрное и рабочее законодательство и др. Приведены оценки эсеров аграрным преобразованиям П.А. Столыпина. Раскрыты причины нараставшего равнодушного отношения населения к деятельности III Думы. В статье сделан вывод о том, что сибирские эсеры в своей нелегальной печати достаточно адекватно оценили социальный и партийный состав III Думы, господствовавшие в ней консервативные идеи, проправительственную ориентацию большинства депутатов, сползание вправо позиций кадетов. По мнению членов ПСР, российский парламент практически не представлял широких масс населения. Эсеровские авторы считали нерезультативной законодательную деятельность Думы, справедливо отмечая, что III Дума не сумела выполнить свою главную задачу - выразить политическую волю населения в форме законодательства. Поэтому во всех своих изданиях социалисты-революционеры призывали граждан бороться за Учредительное собрание, которое, по их мнению, могло разрешить все народные нужды.


Methodological review: специфика проблемного поля теории коммуникативного действия (часть II)

Methodological review: специфика проблемного поля теории коммуникативного действия (часть II)

Фидченко Елена Владимировна

Статья научная

В данной статье, в продолжение осуществленной работы, рассматриваются и анализируются когнитивные практики применения коммуникативного действия в гуманитарном познании. Исследование частного научного характера осуществлено на примере филологической области знания. В качестве перспектив метаанализа, намечаются конвенциональный и онто-диалогический подходы.


Migration as a factor of regional ethnic (nationalities) policy in the Siberian federal region of Russia: challenges and opportunities

Migration as a factor of regional ethnic (nationalities) policy in the Siberian federal region of Russia: challenges and opportunities

Savinov Leonid V., Kovaleva Marina I.

Статья научная

In the paper ‘migration processes management’ within the frame of a regional ethnic policy in the Siberian Federal Region (SFR) analyzed. In-depth interviews with migrants and informal interviews with employers and experts have shown us that migration is moving into social and political spheres from an economic one under its own driving forces and as a consequence of political and cultural requirements. More and more migrants from countries outside the former Soviet Union are applying for citizenship of Russia and this tendency is getting stronger and stronger. Challenges revealed in the migration and regional ethnic policy in Siberia such as the disintegration of the National Cultural Autonomies, the problems of their organizations’ leaders and illegal migration etc. were highlighted in the research. The paper concludes that some steps to solving the migration problems in the frame of the regional ethnic policy in SFR are being taken and there is a vital necessity for scientist’s cooperation with migration policy institutions such as the state, the public organizations, the mass media etc. Recommendations as the result of the research are given here.


Moral determinants of social communication

Moral determinants of social communication

Подгурецки Юзеф



Motivation and stimulation of pupils’ activity

Motivation and stimulation of pupils’ activity

Majidova Aygun

Статья научная

The article reflects the ideas and proposals aimed at encouraging and increasing the interest and motivation of pupils in the learning process, as one of the important problems that face the primary school. The article analyses the levels of learning motivation, reasons of reduced motivation levels of school pupils, various methods and means enhancing the responsibility of pupils having learning difficulties.


Philosophical review: специфика проблемного поля теории коммуникативного действия (часть I)

Philosophical review: специфика проблемного поля теории коммуникативного действия (часть I)

Фидченко Елена Владимировна

Статья научная

Статья описывает некоторые позиции применения «Теории коммуникативного действия» Ю. Хабермаса в философской практике. Коммуникативное действие как функциональное и полезное взаимодействие является рациональным методологическим феноменом. Представленный исследовательский анализ относится к области методов философии науки и теории коммуникации.


Self-determination impact on motivation in the conditions of professional education

Self-determination impact on motivation in the conditions of professional education

Mikhailova Alla G.

Статья научная

Introduction: Self-determination theory plays a crucial role in self-awareness forming. It suggests that people are motivated to grow and change as well as to be able to become self-determined by three universal psychological needs: for fulfillment of competence, connection, and autonomy. The article examines the main criteria and indicators of self-determination. Socio-pedagogical conditions are proposed which provide the effectiveness of the process of forming social self-determination among students. Materials and methods: the methodological basis is the ideas of personal and professional development as the basis the foundation of achieving a professional “acme” in the works of such scientists as A.S. Anisimov, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin, A.K. Markova, N.V. Kuzmina and others. Scientists focused on interdisciplinary connections and integration approaches in the study of the problems of personality self-determination. Results: recommendations are given for the design of activating methods of self-determination. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the formation of self-determination in the educational process of the university will be effective if proposed conditions are realized: providing the interconnection of formation processes and person’s self-development; inclusion of students in a variety of activities in order to acquire social experience and a system of social roles for further self-development; trainings for motivational growth and classes aimed at developing skills of self-organization and self-regulation in stressful situations. Discussion and Conclusions: according to these conclusions, a set of recommendations were developed: external and internal factors of social self-determination should be considered in the system, with its inherent connection with the environment, since changes in the social environment entail changes in the system of factors; in order to study personal properties, develop mutual understanding and determine ways of development and correction, one should use high-quality psychodiagnostic techniques, trainings for motivational growth, aimed at developing skills of self-organization and self-regulation in stressful situations; it is necessary to ensure the activity of students in a variety of activities.


Socio-psychological aspects "happy old age" and opportunities of social services in its provision

Socio-psychological aspects "happy old age" and opportunities of social services in its provision

Spulber Diana, Grebennikova Veronika M., Nikitina Natalya I.

Статья научная

In this article the authors examine the anthropological, physiological, socio-psychological, medical background happy old age; analyze the data of a number of domestic and foreign experimental work to identify factors, conditions that ensure comfortable livelihoods of the elderly person. Special attention is paid to the role of the socio-gerontological competence of managers of the sanatorium and resort sphere in the creation of socio-cultural gerontology centre environment to ensure a happy old age customers, as well as the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks in relation to older people. A separate section of the article is devoted to the development of the Institute of foster families for older people in the Krasnodar region. Significant place in the article devoted to the analysis of various areas of professional activity of specialists of social service agencies within the community to enhance the revitalization of the manifestation of older people in different types of cultural and educational activities. The article reveals the essence and content of the concept of "socio-gerontological competence of the specialist institution of social service of the population". The authors examine the nature and structural components of the socio-cultural environment gerontology centre (pension) sanatorium profile, which is a special kind of communicative space of the Board, determining its existence and prospects of development as a specialized Agency for the elderly.

