Статьи журнала - International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security

Все статьи: 1130

Blocking Fraud, Advertising, or Campaign-Related Calls with a Blockchain-based Mobile App

Blocking Fraud, Advertising, or Campaign-Related Calls with a Blockchain-based Mobile App

Remzi Gürfidan, Şerafettin Atmaca

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The use of a person's cell phone to commit fraud is known as cell phone fraud. Such scams are usually carried out through fake phone calls or text messages. The victim receives a call from a cell phone scammer, usually claiming to have an emergency or a legal problem. The purpose of the scam is usually to convince the victim to provide personal or financial information. This may include private information such as social security numbers, bank account details or credit card information. In addition, users are often subjected to unsolicited calls for marketing and information gathering initiatives such as campaigns, advertisements and surveys. In this study, a smartphone application built on the blockchain is created to stop these nuisance actions. Transaction times and performance tests have been rigorously performed according to the difficulty levels of the blockchain structure.


Blocking of SQL Injection Attacks by Comparing Static and Dynamic Queries

Blocking of SQL Injection Attacks by Comparing Static and Dynamic Queries

Jaskanwal Minhas, Raman Kumar

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Due to internet expansion web applications have now become a part of everyday life. As a result a number of incidents which exploit web application vulnerabilities are increasing. A large number of these incidents are SQL Injection attacks which are a serious security threat to databases which contain sensitive information, the leakage of which cause a large amount of loss. SQL Injection Attacks occur when an intruder changes the query structure by inserting any malicious input. There are a number of methods available to detect and prevent SQL Injection Attacks. But these are too complex to use. This paper proposes a very simple, effective and time saving technique to detect SQLIAs which uses combined static and dynamic analysis and also defines an attack other than existing classification of SQLIAs.


Buffering Strategies in Optical Packet Switching

Buffering Strategies in Optical Packet Switching

Chitra Sharma, Akhilesh Kumar Yadav

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Optical packet switching is one of promising technology for the next generation high speed data transfer. In OPS contention among the packets is a major problem, to counteract the problem deflection and buffering of contending packets is proposed. In this paper, a six node network is considered and usability of both deflection routing and buffering of packets is discussed. The results are obtained through simulations, in terms of packet loss probability and average delay. This has been found that in general buffering of contending packets is better option in comparison to deflection. However, in case of load balancing, deflection routing is desirable as some packets take alternative routes to reach its destination. Load balancing scheme reduces the packet loss rate at contending node but it increases the total delay.


C2DF: High Rate DDOS filtering method in Cloud Computing

C2DF: High Rate DDOS filtering method in Cloud Computing

Pourya Shamsolmoali, M.Afshar Alam, Ranjit Biswas

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks have become one of the main threats in cloud environment. A DDOS attack can make large scale of damages to resources and access of the resources to genuine cloud users. Old-established defending system cannot be easily applied in cloud computing due to their relatively low competence and wide storage. In this paper we offered a data mining and neural network technique, trained to detect and filter DDOS attacks. For the simulation experiments we used KDD Cup dataset and our lab datasets. Our proposed model requires small storage and ability of fast detection. The obtained results indicate that our model has the ability to detect and filter most type of TCP attacks. Detection accuracy was the metric used to evaluate the performance of our proposed model. From the simulation results, it is visible that our algorithms achieve high detection accuracy (97%) with fewer false alarms.


CBC and Interleaved CBC Implementations of PACTS Cryptographic Algorithm

CBC and Interleaved CBC Implementations of PACTS Cryptographic Algorithm

J. John Raybin Jose, E. George Dharma Prakash Raj

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PACTS (Parallelized Adaptive Cipher with Transposition and Substitution) is a new class of Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithm designed using traditional techniques to efficiently utilize the parallel computing capabilities of the modern computing systems. It overcomes the performance inconsistencies prevalent in conventional cryptographic algorithms when they are implemented in different computing systems with different processing capabilities. The size of the key and the plain text blocks of PACTS are each 1024-bits. The adaptive nature of this algorithm is achieved by incorporating flexibility in the size of the key and plain text sub-blocks and the number of rounds. Level of Intra-packet parallelization, variety in grain size and the required security strength are achieved by suitably deciding the sub-block size. Flow of the algorithm is made dynamic by determining the execution steps at runtime using the value of the key. In spite of these advantages PACTS always produces the same cipher text block for a particular plain text block when the same key is used. CBC mode along with 2-way and 4 way Interleaved CBC modes are employed to overcome this problem. The performance of the PACTS in ECB, CBC and Interleaved CBC modes are analyzed with implementations in shared memory parallel computing environment using OpenMP, Java Threads and MPI.


CEAACK – A Reduced Acknowledgment for Better Data Transmission for MANETs

CEAACK – A Reduced Acknowledgment for Better Data Transmission for MANETs

J.Sathiamoorthy, B.Ramakrishnan

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fvA MANET is a set of mobile nodes which works in a dynamic changing network and it is capable of communicating with each other efficiently where all the nodes perform a dual role as that of a transmitter and a receiver. Hence MANETs do not use any centralized administration for communication due to this reason they are more vulnerable to attacks. So MANET uses special technique called EAACK, which uses special acknowledgment messages to avoid intruder communication. So due to this type of authentication, more acknowledgment messages are transferred in between two nodes, which increases delay in communication. Hence this drawback reduces system performance. In this paper we propose a new clustering technique in EAACK called CEAACK. Our proposed technique shows better performance when compare to the normal EAACK technique, which drastically reduces the number of acknowledgment packets during authentication process which achieves a good energy efficiency network and better data transmission. Further, this technique consumes low energy and in the process provides better efficiency in data transmission in MANETs.


CSRF Vulnerabilities and Defensive Techniques

CSRF Vulnerabilities and Defensive Techniques

Rupali D. Kombade, B.B. Meshram

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Web applications are now part of day to day life due to their user friendly environment as well as advancement of technology to provide internet facilities, but these web applications brought lot of threats with them and these threats are continuously growing, one of the these threat is Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF). CSRF attack is immerged as serious threat to web applications which based on the vulnerabilities present in the normal request response pattern of HTTP protocol. It is difficult to detect and hence it is present in most of the existing web applications. CSRF attack occurs when a malicious web site causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site. It is listed in OWASP’s top ten Web Application attacks list. In this survey paper we will study CSRF attack, CSRF vulnerabilities and its defensive measures. We have compared various defense mechanisms to analyse the best defense mechanism. This study will help us to build strong and robust CSRF protection mechanism.


CUDA based Rabin-Karp Pattern Matching for Deep Packet Inspection on a Multicore GPU

CUDA based Rabin-Karp Pattern Matching for Deep Packet Inspection on a Multicore GPU

Jyotsna Sharma, Maninder Singh

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This paper presents a study of the improvement in efficiency of the Rabin-Karp pattern-matching algorithm based Deep Packet Inspection. NVIDIA GPU is programmed with the NVIDIA's general purpose parallel computing architecture, CUDA, that leverages the parallel compute engine in NVIDIA GPUs to solve many complex computational problems in a more efficient way than on a CPU. The proposed CUDA based implementation on a multicore GPU outperforms the Intel quadcore processor and runs upto 14 times faster by executing the algorithm in parallel to search for the pattern from the text. The speedup may not sound exorbitant but nonetheless is significant, keeping in view that the experiments have been conducted on real data and not synthetic data and, optimal performance even with the huge increase in traffic was the main expectation, not just an improvement in speed with few test cases.


CVSHR: Enchantment Cloud-based Video Streaming using the Heterogeneous Resource Allocation

CVSHR: Enchantment Cloud-based Video Streaming using the Heterogeneous Resource Allocation

Mohamed A. Elsharkawey, Hosam E. Refaat

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The Video requests can be streamed in two forms. They are the live streaming and the on-demand streaming. Both of them should be adapted (I.e., transcoded) to fit the characteristics (e.g., spatial resolution, bit rate… and the supported formats) of client devices. Therefore, many streaming service providers are presented the cloud services to be utilized in the video transcoding. But, the introducing of the cloud services for video transcoding is encountered by the contradiction between the deploying cloud resources in a cost-ef?cient without any major influence on the quality of video streams. In order to address this problem, this paper presents an Enchantment Cloud-based Video Streaming using the Heterogeneous Resource Allocation (CVSHR) to transcode the video streams on cloud resources in an efficient manner with the QoS of the requested video stream. The system architecture is elastic and based on multiple heterogeneous clusters that provide a great flexible resource allocation and De-allocation strategy. This strategy aims to assign a suitable VM with adequate resources based on the GOPs characteristic. Also, it can reassign the unused resources. In addition, the number of VMs can be extended as the system necessity. Finally, The CVSHR is simulated and evaluated on truthful cloud resources and various workload circumstances.


Can universally composable cryptographic protocols be practical?

Can universally composable cryptographic protocols be practical?

István Vajda

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The Universal Composability (UC) framework provides provable security guaranties for harsh application environment, where we want to construct protocols which keep security guarantees even when they are concurrently composed with arbitrary number of arbitrary (even hostile) protocols. This is a very strong guarantee. The UC-framework inherently supports the modular design, which allows secure composition of arbitrary number of UC-secure components with an arbitrary protocol. In contrast, traditional analysis and design is a stand alone analysis where security of a single instance is considered, i.e. an instance which is not in potential interaction with any concurrent instances. Furthermore, a typical traditional analysis is informal, i.e. without a formal proof. In spite of these facts, beyond the task of key-exchange this technology have not really took the attention of the community of applied cryptography. From practitioner's point of view the UC-world may seem more or less an academic interest of theoretical cryptographers. Accordingly we take a pragmatic approach, where we concentrate on meaningful compromises between the assumed adversarial strength, ideality wishes and realization complexity while keeping provable security guarantees within the UC-framework. We believe that even modest but provable goals (especially, if tunable to application scenarios) are interesting if a wider penetration of the UC-technology is desired into the daily-practice of protocol applications.


Cascade Forward Neural Networks-based Adaptive Model for Real-time Adaptive Learning of Stochastic Signal Power Datasets

Cascade Forward Neural Networks-based Adaptive Model for Real-time Adaptive Learning of Stochastic Signal Power Datasets

Odesanya Ituabhor, Joseph Isabona, Jangfa T. Zhimwang, Ikechi Risi

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In this work, adaptive learning of a monitored real-time stochastic phenomenon over an operational LTE broadband radio network interface is proposed using cascade forward neural network (CFNN) model. The optimal architecture of the model has been implemented computationally in the input and hidden units by means of incremental search process. Particularly, we have applied the proposed adaptive-based cascaded forward neural network model for realistic learning of practical signal data taken from an operational LTE cellular network. The performance of the adaptive learning model is compared with a benchmark feedforward neural network model (FFNN) using a number of measured stochastic SINR datasets obtained over a period of three months at two indoors and outdoors locations of the LTE network. The results showed that proposed CFNN model provided the best adaptive learning performance (0.9310 RMSE; 0.8669 MSE; 0.5210 MAE; 0.9311 R), compared to the benchmark FFNN model (1.0566 RMSE; 1.1164 MSE; 0.5568 MAE; 0.9131 R) in the first studied outdoor location. Similar robust performances were attained for the proposed CFNN model in other locations, thus indicating that it is superior to FFNN model for adaptive learning of real-time stochastic phenomenon.


Cascaded Machine Learning Approach with Data Augmentation for Intrusion Detection System

Cascaded Machine Learning Approach with Data Augmentation for Intrusion Detection System

Argha Chandra Dhar, Arna Roy, M.A.H. Akhand, Md. Abdus Samad Kamal, Kou Yamada

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Cybersecurity has received significant attention globally, with the ever-continuing expansion of internet usage, due to growing trends and adverse impacts of cybercrimes, which include disrupting businesses, corrupting or altering sensitive data, stealing or exposing information, and illegally accessing a computer network. As a popular way, different kinds of firewalls, antivirus systems, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been introduced to protect a network from such attacks. Recently, Machine Learning (ML), including Deep Learning (DL) based autonomous systems, have been state-of-the-art in cyber security, along with their drastic growth and superior performance. This study aims to develop a novel IDS system that gives more attention to classifying attack cases correctly and categorizes attacks into subclass levels by proposing a two-step process with a cascaded framework. The proposed framework recognizes the attacks using one ML model and classifies them into subclass levels using the other ML model in successive operations. The most challenging part is to train both models with unbalanced cases of attacks and non-attacks in the datasets, which is overcome by proposing a data augmentation technique. Precisely, limited attack samples of the dataset are augmented in the training set to learn the attack cases properly. Finally, the proposed framework is implemented with NN, the most popular ML model, and evaluated with the NSL-KDD dataset by conducting a rigorous analysis of each subclass emphasizing the major attack class. The proficiency of the proposed cascaded approach with data augmentation is compared with the other three models: the cascaded model without data augmentation and the standard single NN model with and without the data augmentation technique. Experimental results on the NSL-KDD dataset have revealed the proposed method as an effective IDS system and outperformed existing state-of-the-art ML models.


Cascading of C4.5 Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine for Rule Based Intrusion Detection System

Cascading of C4.5 Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine for Rule Based Intrusion Detection System

Jashan Koshal, Monark Bag

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Main reason for the attack being introduced to the system is because of popularity of the internet. Information security has now become a vital subject. Hence, there is an immediate need to recognize and detect the attacks. Intrusion Detection is defined as a method of diagnosing the attack and the sign of malicious activity in a computer network by evaluating the system continuously. The software that performs such task can be defined as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). System developed with the individual algorithms like classification, neural networks, clustering etc. gives good detection rate and less false alarm rate. Recent studies show that the cascading of multiple algorithm yields much better performance than the system developed with the single algorithm. Intrusion detection systems that uses single algorithm, the accuracy and detection rate were not up to mark. Rise in the false alarm rate was also encountered. Cascading of algorithm is performed to solve this problem. This paper represents two hybrid algorithms for developing the intrusion detection system. C4.5 decision tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are combined to maximize the accuracy, which is the advantage of C4.5 and diminish the wrong alarm rate which is the advantage of SVM. Results show the increase in the accuracy and detection rate and less false alarm rate.


Cellular Automata based Encrypted ECG-hash Code Generation: An Application in Inter human Biometric Authentication System

Cellular Automata based Encrypted ECG-hash Code Generation: An Application in Inter human Biometric Authentication System

Subrata Nandi, Satyabrata Roy, Jayanti Dansana, Wahiba Ben Abdessalem Karaa, Ruben Ray, Shatadru Roy Chowdhury, Sayan Chakraborty, Nilanjan Dey

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In this modern era, biometrics incorporate various mechanisms to recognize inimitable features of human beings by utilizing their biological and evident features. This paper proposes a novel technique for constructing a resilient and secure biometric recognition system. In this paper, an ECG-hash code of two distinct individuals has been formed by taking dot product of electrocardiogram (ECG) feature matrices of two persons located at two different sites at respective databases. The validity of the system increases as samples from both persons, between whom the transmission takes place, are essential. Besides, electrocardiogram is such a unique feature of an individual that could not be compromised at any circumstance as contradictory to other features like fingerprints, face recognition etc. Moreover, the ECG-hash code is encrypted using rule vector of cellular automata that gives better security in terms of randomness of generated cipher text.


Centralized Relay Selection and Optical Filtering Based System Design for Reliable Free Space Optical Communication over Atmospheric Turbulence

Centralized Relay Selection and Optical Filtering Based System Design for Reliable Free Space Optical Communication over Atmospheric Turbulence

M. Mubasher Hassan, G. M. Rather

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The need for much better data rate in support for the applications having the high speed has gathered the attention to the development of Free space Optical communication technology (FSO). But the widespread usage of this technology is restrained by the several ill effects caused by the atmosphere on the propagation of optical signals. In order to mitigate such problems in the FSO communication, relay assistance has been employed and this serves the alternative to the spatial diversity. Free space optical (FSO) communication is a cost-effective and high bandwidth access technique, which has been receiving attention to recent commercialization successes. FSO get affected by the weather turbulence and it leads to severe problems in the transmission channels. In this paper, we proposed the Centralized Relay selection and Optical Filtering (CROF) for processing the signals in the FSO system which overcomes the environmental challenges. Initially, an effective relay is selected with the centralized switch and stay algorithm. This algorithm selects suitable relay for serial path transmission. Here, the serial path is considered for signal transmission in a free path and the distributed Greedy algorithm with serial transmission is utilized to obtain more information. Then atmospheric turbulence induced scintillation noise presented at the signal is eliminated through modified Kalman filtering. Finally, the performance of the proposed FSO system is evaluated in MATLAB simulation platform and these evaluations are analyzed for different atmospheric conditions like fog, haze, rain and clear weather. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the non-cooperative scheme and an existing relay selection protocol and reliable communication with improved SNR and BER is achieved.


Challenges of Mobile Devices' Resources and in Communication Channels and their Solutions

Challenges of Mobile Devices' Resources and in Communication Channels and their Solutions

Rashid G. Alakbarov

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The article is dedicated to the development of cloudlet based mobile cloud computing (MCC) to address the restrictions that occur in the resources of mobile devices (energy consumption, computing and memory resources, etc.) and the delays occurring in communication channels. The architecture offered in the article more efficiently ensures the demand of mobile devices for computing and storage and removes the latency that occur in the network. At the same time, the tasks related to energy saving and eliminating delays in communication channels by solving the problems that require complex computing and memory resources in the cloudlets located nearby the user were outlined in the article.


Chaotic Genetic-fuzzy encryption technique

Chaotic Genetic-fuzzy encryption technique

Hamdy M. Mousa

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As the result of increasing use of internet in daily communication and the importance of information security during data storage and transmission process, we propose iterative Chaotic Genetic-fuzzy Encryption Technique(C-GET) in order to enhance secured encryption technique and less predictable. In this technique,binarize any digital data type. The main encryption stages of C-GET are chaotic map functions, fuzzy logic and genetic operations. Mathematic operations and rotation are also included that increase encryption quality. Images are used for testing propose. For testing C-GET,digitalimagesareusedbecause they become an important resource of communication. The original and reconstructed data are identical. Experimental results show that C-GET technique has multilayer protection stages against various attacks and a powerful security based on the multi-stages, multiple parameters, fuzzy logic and genetic operations. Decrypted data is nearly randomness and has negligible correlation with secret data.


Chaotic Map based Random Binary Key Sequence Generation

Chaotic Map based Random Binary Key Sequence Generation

Vishwas C.G.M., R. Sanjeev Kunte

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Image encryption is an efficient mechanism by which digital images can be secured during transmission over communication in which key sequence generation plays a vital role. The proposed system consists of stages such as the generation of four chaotic maps, conversion of generated maps to binary vectors, rotation of Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), and selection of generated binary chaotic key sequences from the generated key pool. The novelty of this implementation is to generate binary sequences by selecting from all four chaotic maps viz., Tent, Logistic, Henon, and Arnold Cat map (ACM). LFSR selects chaotic maps to produce random key sequences. Five primitive polynomials of degrees 5, 6, 7, and 8 are considered for the generation of key sequences. Each primitive polynomial generates 61 binary key sequences stored in a binary key pool. All 61 binary key sequences generated are submitted for the NIST and FIPS tests. Performance analysis is carried out of the generated binary key sequences. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the binary key sequences are random and unpredictable and have a large key space based on the individual and combination of key sequences. Also, the generated binary key sequences can be efficiently utilized for the encryption of digital images.


Classification of HHO-based Machine Learning Techniques for Clone Attack Detection in WSN

Classification of HHO-based Machine Learning Techniques for Clone Attack Detection in WSN

Ramesh Vatambeti, Vijay Kumar Damera, Karthikeyan H., Manohar M., Sharon Roji Priya C., M.S. Mekala

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Thanks to recent technological advancements, low-cost sensors with dispensation and communication capabilities are now feasible. As an example, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network in which the nodes are mobile computers that exchange data with one another over wireless connections rather than relying on a central server. These inexpensive sensor nodes are particularly vulnerable to a clone node or replication assault because of their limited processing power, memory, battery life, and absence of tamper-resistant hardware. Once an attacker compromises a sensor node, they can create many copies of it elsewhere in the network that share the same ID. This would give the attacker complete internal control of the network, allowing them to mimic the genuine nodes' behavior. This is why scientists are so intent on developing better clone assault detection procedures. This research proposes a machine learning based clone node detection (ML-CND) technique to identify clone nodes in wireless networks. The goal is to identify clones effectively enough to prevent cloning attacks from happening in the first place. Use a low-cost identity verification process to identify clones in specific locations as well as around the globe. Using the Optimized Extreme Learning Machine (OELM), with kernels of ELM ideally determined through the Horse Herd Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm (HHO), this technique safeguards the network from node identity replicas. Using the node identity replicas, the most reliable transmission path may be selected. The procedure is meant to be used to retrieve data from a network node. The simulation result demonstrates the performance analysis of several factors, including sensitivity, specificity, recall, and detection.


Classification via Clustering for Anonymization Data

Classification via Clustering for Anonymization Data

Sridhar Mandapati, Raveendra Babu Bhogapathi, M.V.P.C.Sekhara Rao

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Due to the exponential growth of hardware technology particularly in the field of electronic data storage media and processing such data, has raised serious issues related in order to protect the individual privacy like ethical, philosophical and legal. Data mining techniques are employed to ensure the privacy. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) techniques aim at protecting the sensitive data and mining results. In this study, the different Clustering techniques via classification with and without anonymization data using mining tool WEKA is presented. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of different clustering methods for the diabetic data set and to compare the efficiency of privacy preserving mining. The accuracy of classification via clustering is evaluated using K-means, Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Density based clustering methods.

