Статьи журнала - International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security
Все статьи: 1130

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Underwater communication is one of the important research areas which involves design and development of communication systems that can demonstrate high data rate and low Bit Error Rate (BER). In this work three different modulation schemes are compared for their performances in terms of BER and Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). The realistic channel model called WATERMARK is used as a benchmark to evaluate channel performances. The mathematical model is developed in MATLAB and channel environments such as Norway Oslo fjord (NOF1), Norway Continental Shelf (NCS1), Brest Commercial Harbour (BCH1), Kauai (KAU1, KAU2) are considered for modelling different underwater channels. The data symbols are modulated using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) model to generate multi subcarriers and are demodulated at the receiver considering underwater channel environments. The BER results are evaluated for channel depth less than 10m and 10-50m. An improvement of 2x10-2 in terms of BER is observed when compared with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) based OFDM model.

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The current communication requirements are moving quickly to mobile ad-hoc networks, mainly because of the decreasing cost of wireless networking technology and the increasing capacity to integrate into embedded devices technologies such as WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and WAVE. It is important to understand the limitation or the strength of each protocol and standard in order to make a better selection decision at the moment of implementing a specific scenario. This paper evaluates how routing protocols perform in mobile scenarios when the speed of nodes is relatively high. Our research shows that reactive routing protocols have a better packet delivery ratio (PDR) than proactive routing protocols. However, proactive routing protocols have a smaller end-to-end delay and hops count.

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Millions of citizens around the world have already acquired their new electronic passport. The e-passport is equipped with contactless chip which stores personal data of the passport holder, information about the passport and the issuing institution, as well as with a multiple biometrics enabling cryptographic functionality. Countries are required to build a Public Key Infrastructure, biometric and Radio Frequency Identification to support various cryptographic, as this is considered the basic tools to prove the authenticity and integrity of the Machine Readable Travel Documents. The large-scale worldwide PKI is construction, by means of bilateral trust relationships between Countries. Investigate the good practices, which are essential for the establishment of a global identification scheme based on e-passports. The paper explores the privacy and security implications of this impending worldwide experiment in biometrics authentication technology.

Experimental Analysis of OLSR and DSDV Protocols on NS-2.35 in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
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Mobile ad-hoc networks are autonomous networks of intelligent mobile nodes. Designing an efficient routing protocol with goal efficient route establishment is still a burning research issue. Routing protocols are broadly classified into proactive and reactive protocols on the basis of their nature of working. In this paper, we present comparative simulation analysis of two proactive protocols namely, Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV). Simulations have been carried out multiple times using Network Simulator-2.35 (NS-2.35), on random scenario patterns and compared in two environments (OLSR and DSDV) by varying the network size and mobility of nodes. We have patched and installed OLSR protocol on NS-2.35 as it's not available as a part of NS-2.35 installation. The simulation results indicate that, OLSR perform better than DSDV protocol for application oriented metrices such as packet delivery fraction, packet loss and end-to-end delay. But, Routing Overheads is significantly consistently higher for OLSR protocol in all the cases considered, which is proven experimentally. Furthermore, based upon the simulation results, work can be done in the direction of improving the performance of the OLSR protocol to make it a choice of proactive protocol for large and denser network.

Exploiting SIMD Instructions in Modern Microprocessors to Optimize the Performance of Stream Ciphers
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Modern microprocessors are loaded with a lot of performance optimization features. Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction set feature specially designed for improving the performance of multimedia applications is one among them. But most of the encryption algorithms do not use these features to its fullest. This paper discusses various optimization principles to be followed by encryption algorithm designers to exploit the features of underlying processor to the maximum. It also analyses the performance of four eSTREAM finalist stream ciphers – HC-128, Rabbit, Salsa 20/12 and Sosemanuk – under various methods of implementation. Scope of implementing these stream ciphers using SIMD instructions is examined and improvement in performance achieved by this implementation has been measured. Modifications in the algorithm which provide further improvement in performance of these ciphers are also studied.

Exponential Brute-Force Complexity of A Permutation Based Stream Cipher
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This paper introduces a permutation generation mechanism based on a shared secret key. The generated permutation vectors are used as encryption keys in a stream ciphering cryptosystem. We investigated various types of attacks on the known stream cipher RC4 and patched most of its loopholes, especially biased-byte and state-related attacks. Unique to our approach, we prove mathematically that the complexity of brute-forcing such a system is (2n), where n is the key size in bytes. This paper also presents a complete security model using permutation-based encryption, in order to handle privacy. In addition, our approach achieved higher performance than that of existing peer techniques, while maintaining solid security. Experimental results show that our system is much faster than the existing security mechanisms, such as AES and DES.

Extended DragonDeBrujin Topology Synthesis Method
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Scaling high performance computer systems needs increasing the fault tolerance at the design stage of a topology. There are several approaches of designing simple fast routing with fault tolerance. One of effective approach is to ensure fault tolerance at the topology level. This article discusses two methods for optimizing topologies synthesized using Dragonfly and Excess De Brujin. Methods of topology saturation are discusses, which allow to increase the dimension of the system without deterioration of topological characteristics due to the optimization of the synthesis method. Three scaling constraint methods are also proposed to reduce the topology dimension to the desired performance.

Extended K-Anonymity Model for Privacy Preserving on Micro Data
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Today, information collectors, particularly statistical organizations, are faced with two conflicting issues. On one hand, according to their natural responsibilities and the increasing demand for the collected data, they are committed to propagate the information more extensively and with higher quality and on the other hand, due to the public concern about the privacy of personal information and the legal responsibility of these organizations in protecting the private information of their users, they should guarantee that while providing all the information to the population, the privacy is reasonably preserved. This issue becomes more crucial when the datasets published by data mining methods are at risk of attribute and identity disclosure attacks. In order to overcome this problem, several approaches, called p-sensitive k-anonymity, p+-sensitive k-anonymity, and (p, α)-sensitive k-anonymity, were proposed. The drawbacks of these methods include the inability to protect micro datasets against attribute disclosure and the high value of the distortion ratio. In order to eliminate these drawbacks, this paper proposes an algorithm that fully protects the propagated micro data against identity and attribute disclosure and significantly reduces the distortion ratio during the anonymity process.

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Wireless links are characterized by high error rates and intermittent connectivity. TCP congestion control has been developed on the assumption that network congestion is the only cause for packet loss. Upon detecting a packet loss, TCP drops its transmit window resulting in an unnecessary reduction of end-to-end throughput which results in suboptimal performance.The sender has to be made aware by some feedback mechanism that some of the losses reported are not due to congestion. The Active Queue Management algorithms (AQM) are used to reduce congestion, and in this paper, we have analysed four AQM algorithms, Random Early Deduction (RED), Wireless Explicit Congestion Notification (WECN), Queue Management Backward Congestion Control Algorithm (QMBCCA) and its enhanced version Extended Queue Management Backward Congestion Control Algorithm (EQMBCCA). WECN, QMBCCA & EQMBCCA algorithms make use of feedback mechanisms. WECN gives feedback using the CE bit. QMBCCA and EQMBCCA make use of ISQ notifications and also the CE bit whenever the average queue size crosses minimum threshold value. EQMBCCA reduces the reverse ISQ traffic by introducing a configurable intermediate threshold value IntThres. The comparison is made in terms of Delay, HTTP packet loss percentage and fairness for FTP flows in a wireless environment. It is found that the performance of EQMBCCA is almost equal to that of QMBCCA and better than RED and WECN.

Extending the WSN lifetime by Dividing the Network Area into a Specific Zones
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LEACH protocol is considered the best in the WSN protocols in extending the network lifetime and reduces energy loss, but LEACH suffers from the problem of the correct distribution of the nodes correlation with CHs. In this paper, we propose an improved protocol called LEACH-Z(LEACH zones), this protocol improves the distribution of clusters by making the clusters near the base station(BS) large(greater number of nodes) and the clusters are far from BS small(lesser number of nodes), where divides the network area to parts(zones), be part of a larger when close to the BS in addition to preventing the election of CHs in the region far from the BS and thus conserve energy this means that the nodes will remain alive as long as possible, this makes nodes gather more information. The results proved that the LEACH-Z is better than the original LEACH and more optimizations to reduce energy consumption.

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This paper presents, a low power 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm based on a novel asynchronous self-timed architecture for encryption of audio signals. An asynchronous system is defined as one where the transfers of information between combinatorial blocks without a global clock signal. The self-timed architectures are asynchronous circuits which perform their function based on local synchronization signals called hand shake, independently from the other modules. This new architecture reduced spikes on current consumption and only parts with valid data are working, and also this design does not need any clock pulse. A combinational logic based Rijndael S-Box implementation for the Substitution Byte transformation in AES is proposed, its low area occupancy and high throughput therefore proposed digital design leads to reduction in power consumption. Mix-columns transformation is implemented only based on multiply-by-2 and multiply-by-3 modules with combinational logic. The proposed novel asynchronous self-timed AES algorithm is modeled and verified using FPGA and simulation results from encryption of sound signals is presented, until original characteristics are preserved anymore and have been successfully synthesized and implemented using Xilinx ISE V7.1 and Virtex IV FPGA to target device Xc4vf100. The achieved power consumption is 283 mW in clock frequency of 100 MHz.

FPGA Implementation of Secure Force (64-Bit) Low Complexity Encryption Algorithm
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Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have turned out to be a well-liked target for implementing cryptographic block ciphers, a well-designed FPGA solution can combine some of the algorithmic flexibility and cost efficiency of an equivalent software implementation with throughputs that are comparable to custom ASIC designs. The recently proposed Secure Force (SF) shows good results in terms of resource utilization compared to older ciphers. SF appears as a promising choice for power and resource constrained secure systems and is well suited to an FPGA implementation. In this paper we explore the design decisions that lead to area/delay tradeoffs in a full loop-unroll implementation of SF-64 on FPGA. This work provides hardware characteristics of SF along with implementation results that are optimal in terms of throughput, latency, power utilization and area efficiency.

Fast Vertical Handover Algorithm for Vehicular Communication: A Holistic Approach
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Next generation vehicular communication environment will consist of heterogeneous radio access networks (RAN). For seamless connectivity, vertical handover is a mandatory requirement. A novel context aware vertical handover algorithm is presented here. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), which is a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) tool, is used for the development of algorithm and MATLAB/SIMULINK is used as simulation platform. The optimum network is selected, based on multiple factors such as network traffic load, velocity of mobile station, data rate, usage cost and initial delay of network, among the available networks such as WiMax, WLAN and UMTS. This algorithm has been tested by simulating a virtual road traffic scenario. Variations in optimum RAN selection with vehicle speed keeping network traffic load constant and RAN selection with network traffic load keeping vehicle speed constant are shown graphically. The proposed algorithm is very simple yet powerful compared to the existing VHO algorithms and hence requires less execution time.

Fast and Efficient Design of a PCA-Based Hash Function
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We propose a simple and efficient hash function based on programmable elementary cellular automata. Cryptographic hash functions are important building blocks for many cryptographic protocols such as authentication and integrity verification. They have recently brought an exceptional research interest, especially after the increasing number of attacks against the widely used functions as MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD, causing a crucial need to consider new hash functions design and conception strategies. The proposed hash function is built using elementary cellular automata that are very suitable for cryptographic applications, due to their chaotic and complex behavior derived from simple rules interaction. The function is evaluated using several statistical tests, while obtained results demonstrate very admissible cryptographic proprieties such as confusion, diffusion capability and high sensitivity to input changes. Furthermore, the hashing scheme can be easily implemented through software or hardware, and provides very competitive running performances.

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This article considers the method of analyze potentially vulnerable places during development of topology for fault-tolerant systems based on using betweenness coefficient. Parameters of different topological organizations using De Bruijn code transformation are observed. This method, assessing the risk for possible faults, is proposed for other topological organizations that are analyzed for their fault tolerance and to predict the consequences of simultaneous faults on more significant fragments of this topology.

Feature Based Audio Steganalysis (FAS)
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Taxonomy of audio signals containing secret information or not is a security issue addressed in the context of steganalysis. A cover audio object can be converted into a stego-audio object via different steganographic methods. In this work the authors present a statistical method based audio steganalysis technique to detect the presence of hidden messages in audio signals. The conceptual idea lies in the difference of the distribution of various statistical distance measures between the cover audio signals and their denoised versions i.e. stego-audio signals. The design of audio steganalyzer relies on the choice of these audio quality measures and the construction of two-class classifier based on KNN (k nearest neighbor), SVM (support vector machine) and two layer Back Propagation Feed Forward Neural Network (BPN). Experimental results show that the proposed technique can be used to detect the small presence of hidden messages in digital audio data. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed technique.

Feature Selection for Modeling Intrusion Detection
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Feature selection is always beneficial to the field like Intrusion Detection, where vast amount of features extracted from network traffic needs to be analysed. All features extracted are not informative and some of them are redundant also. We investigated the performance of three feature selection algorithms Chi-square, Information Gain based and Correlation based with Naive Bayes (NB) and Decision Table Majority Classifier. Empirical results show that significant feature selection can help to design an IDS that is lightweight, efficient and effective for real world detection systems.

FileSyncer: Design, Implementation, and Performance Evaluation
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With the pervasiveness of information technology, one of the growing trends today is a phenomenon which can be termed one-user-to-many-computing-devices. In many cases, the need to manage information across multiple electronic devices and storage media arises. The challenge therefore is finding a file synchronization system that can effectively replicate files across these different devices. This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of FileSyncer, a rapid and efficient file synchronization tool that, in addition to the traditional synchronization capabilities, supports manual update selection and mechanism to revert a synchronization process back to the last previous state. The system employs last modified time, file size and CRC checksum for update detection and to ensure integrity of synchronized files. The synchronization times of the system for files of different sizes were compared with those of four existing file synchronization systems. Results showed increased efficiency in terms of time taken by FileSyncer to complete a synchronization operation with increase in file size compared to the other systems. In the future, we plan to release FileSyncer to the open source community for further development.

Finding K Shortest Paths in a Network Using Genetic Algorithm
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With the advent of new applications, different service needs come up. These needs could be in the form of reliability in delivering data, capacity amount in a particular range and certain amount of permissible delay. In order to provide high Quality of service to Networks, it is essential to provide a path between a given source and multiple destinations which satisfy certain constraints. For a domain catering to high QoS, there is a request of resources with certain constraints by all the applications. Speed and Scalability which are not flexible in terms of Network size and Topology are the basic issues to be considered here. Multimedia applications in general make use of k shortest paths whenever communication is to be carried out between a single source and one or more than one destination. In this paper, a genetic algorithm is used, which helps in determination of k shortest paths from a source node to more than one destination node, with bandwidth constraint. The algorithm makes use of the connection matrix as well as link bandwidth for determination of k shortest paths. The significance of using K shortest paths in a network is to increase Throughput and Packet delivery ratio.

Finding and Mitigating a Vulnerability of the Color Wheel PIN Protocol
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There is an increasing usage in the banking sector of Smartphones enabled with Near Field Communication (NFC), to improve the services offered for the customers. This usage requires a security enhancement of the systems that employ this technology like the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). One example is the Color Wheel Personal Identification Number (CWPIN) security protocol designed to authenticate users on ATMs using NFC enabled smartphones without typing the PIN code directly. CWPIN has been compared in the literature to several other protocols and was considered easier to use, more cost-effective and more resistant to various attacks on ATMs such as card reader skimming, keylogger injection, shoulder surfing, etc. Nevertheless, we demonstrate in this paper that CWPIN is vulnerable to the multiple video recordings intersection attack. We do so through concrete examples and a thorough analysis that reveals a high theoretical probability of attack success. A malicious party can use one or two hidden cameras to record the ATM and smartphone screens during several authentication sessions, then disclose the user's PIN code by intersecting the information extracted from the video recordings. In a more complex scenario, these video recordings could be obtained by malware injected into the ATM and the user's smartphone to record their screens during CWPIN authentication sessions. Our intersection attack requires a few recordings, usually three or four, to reveal the PIN code and can lead to unauthorized transactions if the user's smartphone is stolen. We also propose a mitigation of the identified attack through several modifications to the CWPIN protocol and discuss its strengths and limitations.