Статьи журнала - International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security
Все статьи: 1130

Genetic Algorithm Based Node Fault Detection and Recovery in Distributed Sensor Networks
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Sensor nodes are prone to failure due to energy depletion and some other reasons in Distributed Sensor Networks (DSNs). In this regard fault tolerance of network is essential in distributed sensor environment. Energy efficiency, network or topology control and fault-tolerance are the most important issues in the development of next-generation DSNs. This paper proposes a node fault detection and recovery by using Genetic Algorithm (GA), when some of the sensor nodes faulty in DSN. The main objective of this work is to provide fault tolerance mechanism, which is energy efficient and responsive to network by using GA which is used to detect the faulty of nodes in the network based on the energy depletion of node and link failure between nodes. The proposed fault detection model is used to detect faults at node level and network level faults (link failure and packet error). We have evaluated the performance parameters for the proposed scheme.

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Intrusion detection system is the most important part of the network security system because the volume of unauthorized access to the network resources and services increase day by day. In this paper a genetic algorithm based intrusion detection system is proposed to solve the problem of the small disjunct in the decision tree. In this paper genetic algorithm is used to improve the coverage of those rules which are cope with the problem of the small disjunct. The proposed system consists of two modules rule generation phase, and the second module is rule optimization module. We tested the effectiveness of the system with the help of the KDD CUP dataset and the result is compared with the REP Tree, Random Tree, Random Forest, Na?ve Bayes, and the DTLW IDS (decision tree based light weight intrusion detection system). The result shows that the proposed system provide the best result in comparison to the above mentioned classifiers.

Genetic Centralized Dynamic Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks
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In order to minimize the energy consumption involved by communications in wireless sensor networks, the use of clustering has proven to be effective. The problem remains to determine the number of cluster-heads, and their distribution in the network to ensure minimal energy consumption and better coverage networks. Unlike Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy algorithm which fixes in advance the number of cluster-heads, and do not guarantee the coverage of the entire network, in this paper, we proposed a genetic centralized dynamic algorithm (GA)-based clustering approach to optimize the clustering configuration (the number of cluster-heads, their distribution and the cluster-members) to limit node energy consumption and the best coverage. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed technique overcomes the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy algorithm.

Genetic spectrum assignment model with constraints in cognitive radio networks
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The interference constraints of genetic spectrum assignment model in cognitive radio networks are analyzed in this paper. An improved genetic spectrum assignment model is proposed. The population of genetic algorithm is divided into two sets, the feasible spectrum assignment strategies and the randomly updated spectrum assignment strategies. The penalty function is added to the utility function to achieve the spectrum assignment strategy that satisfies the interference constraints and has better fitness. The proposed method is applicable in both the genetic spectrum assignment model and the quantum genetic spectrum assignment mode. It can ensure the randomness of partial chromosomes in the population to some extent, and reduce the computational complexity caused by the constraints-free procedure after the update of population. Simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve better performance than the conventional genetic spectrum assignment model and quantum genetic spectrum assignment model

Geographic Load Balanced Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Recently the application domains of wireless sensor networks have grown exponentially. Traditional routing algorithm generates traffic related to route discovery to destination. Geographic routing algorithms exploit location information well but the problem of congestion and collision throttle its full employment for resource constrained wireless sensor networks. In this paper we present a Geographic Load Balanced Routing (GLBR), explores a technique Load balancing for WSNs which can be a viable solution to the challenges of geographic routing. Load balancing can be realized through two approaches. GLBR defines parameters based on communication overhead at sensor nodes and wireless link status through which load can be balanced across whole network. GLBR approach exploits the existing Geographic Routing approach i.e. Greedy forwarding by considering not only the distance between next hop and destination as single parameter for packet forwarding but also consider overhead at node. When load at a node is high GLBR looks for an alternate option for packet forwarding. Thus GLBR divert traffic to obviate congestion and hence avoid disconnections in the network.

Getting Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory of Mobile Beacon for Localization
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Localization is one of the most important technologies in wireless sensor network, and mobile beacon assisted localization is a promising localization method. The mobile beacon trajectory planning is a basic and important problem in these methods. There are many obstacles in the real world, which obstruct the moving of mobile beacon. This paper focuses on the obstacle avoidance trajectory planning scheme. After partitioning the deployment area with fixed cell decomposition, the beacon trajectory are divided into global and local trajectory. The approximate shortest global trajectory is obtained by depth-first search, greedy strategy method and ant colony algorithm, while local trajectory is any existing trajectories. Simulation results show that this method can avoid obstacles in the network deployment area, and the smaller cell size leads to longer beacon trajectory and more localizable sensor nodes.

Global Trust: A Trust Model for Cloud Service Selection
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Cloud Computing refers to network-based service provided by a large number of computers, sharing computing and storage resources. Combined with on-demand provisioning mechanisms and relied on a pay-per-use business model. The Cloud Computing offers the possibilities to scale rapidly, to store data remotely and to share services in a dynamic environment. However, these benefits can be seen as weaknesses for assuring trust, and providing confidence to the users of service. In this case, some traditional mechanisms to guarantee reliable services are no longer suitable or dynamic enough, and new models need to be developed to fit this paradigm. This study describes the assessment of the trust in the context of Cloud Computing, proposes a new trust model adapted to Cloud environments, and shows some experiments in regards of the proposed solution.

Graph Structured Data Security using Trusted Third Party Query Process in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing enables the users to outsource and access data economically from the distributed cloud server. Once the data leaves from data owner premises, there is no privacy guarantee from the untrusted parties in cloud storage system. Providing data privacy for the outsourced sensitive data is a challenging task in cloud computing. In this paper we have proposed a Trusted Third party Query Process(TTQP) method to provide data privacy for graph structured outsourced data. This method utilize the encrypted graph frequent features search index list to search the matched query graph features in graph data base. The proposed system has analyzed in terms of different size of data graphs, index storage, query feature size and query execution time. The performance analysis of our proposed system shows, this method is more secure than the existing privacy preserving encrypted Query Graph (PPQG).

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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which provide sensing capabilities to Internet of Things (IoT) equipment with limited energy resources, are made up of specialized transducers. Since substitution or re-energizing of batteries in sensor hubs is extremely difficult, power utilization becomes one of the pivotalmattersin WSN. Clustering calculation assumes a significant part in power management for the energy-compelled network. Optimal cluster head selection suitably adjusts the load in the sensor network, thereby reduces the energy consumption and elongates the lifetime of assisted sensors. This article centers around to an appropriate load balancing and routing technique by the utilization recently developed of Elephant Herding Optimization (EHO) algorithm that alternates the cluster location amongst nodes with the highest energy. The Scheme considered various parameter residual energy, initial energy and an optimum number of cluster head for the next cluster heads selection. The proposed model increases the lifetime of the network by keeping more nodes active even after the 2700th round. The experiment results of the trials show that the proposed EHO-based CH selection strategy outperforms the cutting-edge CH selection models.

HTTP Packet Inspection Policy for Improvising Internal Network Security
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Past few years the use of Internet and its applications has increased to a great extent. There is also an enormous growth in the establishment of computer networks by large, medium and small organizations, for data transfer and information exchange. Due to this huge growth, incidents of cyber-attacks and security breaches have also increased. Data on a network is transferred using protocols such as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, which is very vulnerable. Many types of malicious contents are hidden in packets that are transferred over a network or system, which may can to get it slow, crash or buffer overflow etc. Thus it is very important to secure networks from such types of attacks. There are lots of mechanisms available but still they are not good enough because of dynamic environment. Such kind of attacks can be countered by applying appropriate policies on network edge devices like Adaptive Security Appliance, firewalls, web servers, router etc. Also the packets which are transferred between networks, they should deeply inspect for malicious or any insecure contents. In this paper firstly we would study Network security issues and available mechanism to counter them our focus would be on inspecting the HTTP packets deeply by applying policies on ASA. Finally we would use Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3) to test such a policy.

Handover Analysis for Yaw-Shifted High-Altitude Platforms
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High-Altitude Platforms (HAP) is an emerging technology for mobile broadband communications and is capable of providing many advantages compared to conventional terrestrial and satellite systems. On the other hand, positional instabilities of HAP affect the system performance greatly. In this paper, a main problem concerning the rotation motion or yaw-shiftof HAP is described, analyzed, and its impact on the handover of cellular systems is also investigated. The total handover due to both user mobility and platform rotational positional instability is discussed and determined. An expression for the number of calls subjected to handover is deduced where it will be a function of users' density and their distribution in the cell, platform angular shift due to rotation, cell geometry, and number of active calling users. The analysis of this number shows the serious effects of the yaw-shift instability on the system performance.

Handover Comparisons of WiMAX and WiMAX Release 2
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Internet has become major need of every person. It provides information in a single click, cost effective way of communication with the outside world, gigantic library, social networking, feeds and blogs, satellite TV and business. World has become a global village because of internet. WiMAX is one of the most promising and innovating technology which supports high speed data and multimedia applications like VoIP, Satellite TV and video conferencing. The demand for enlarged coverage and high speed internet made WiMAX services still inadequate to the users. WiMAX Release 2 or WiMAX 2 is 4G technology built on IEEE 802.16m specification that will provide high bandwidth for VoIP and peak download rate up to 300Mbps which is more than double the current WiMAX . This work enlightens features and comparison of WiMAX and WiMAX 2 with respect to different handover schemes, network architecture, bandwidth, spectral efficiency and sector size throughput. Result shows that the WiMAX 2 is similar to WiMAX but with increased bandwidth, 4.5% better spectral efficiency and 28/54 Mbps Sector/site throughput.

Hardware Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over Binary Field
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This paper presents high-performance Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) architecture over binary field, based on the Montgomery scalar multiplication algorithm. The word-serial finite field arithmetic unit (AU) is proposed with the optimized operation scheduling and bit-parallel modular reduction. With a dedicated squarer, the 163-bit point scalar multiplication with coordinate conversion can be done in 20.9μs by the design of one AU, and can be further improved to 11.1μs by the one of three AUs, both using 0.13μm CMOS technology. The comparison with other ECC designs justifies the effectiveness of the proposed architecture in terms of performance and area-time efficiency.

Hardware Implementation of Fidelity based On Demand Routing Protocol in MANETs
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With the advent of real applications in fields like defense and domestic fields, MANET is becoming more popular. MANET does not require any infrastructure, moreover it can behave as mobile networks. These features have boosted up the popularity of MANET in the community. As more and more fields get dependent on MANET, the system needs to be more robust and less expensive. For example, in defense field security is the major issue, while in the domestic field maintaining the QoS is the major issue. To commercialize MANET the routing protocols need to be lightweight, secure and the hardware on which it is to be implemented should be low cost at the same time. We propose a lightweight, secure and efficient routing model for MANETs; which uses fidelity to allocate trust to a neighbor, thereby taking the decision whether to send data via that secure neighbor or not. It also uses new packets like report and recommendation that help the protocol to detect and eliminate the malicious nodes from the network. To observe the results we implement this protocol in hardware, on the Arduino platform in ZigBee network. We observe that our protocol exhibits high packet delivery fraction, low normalize routing load and low end to end delay, compared to existing secure routing protocols. Thereby, maintaining a constant tradeoff between the QoS and the security of the network.

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We present a new hardware realization of fast elliptic curve Multi-Scalar Point Multiplication (MSPM) using the sum of products expansion of the scalars. In Elliptic curve point Multiplication latency depends on the number of one’s (Hamming Weight) in the binary representation of the scalar multiplier. By reducing the effective number of one’s in the multiplier, the multiplication speed is automatically increased. Therefore we describe a new method of effectively reducing the Hamming weight of the scalar multipliers thereby reduces the number of Point Adders when multi scalar multiplication is needed. The increase in speed achieved outweighs the hardware cost and complexity.

Hashing Key Based Analysis of Polynomial Encryption Standard
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In present scenario, where data is transmitted from transmitter end to receiver end, security and authenticity of the data are the major issues. Hence, the need of an efficient technique which can assure secure transmission of data comes into the picture. There are several techniques which have been developed for this purpose over the time. Cryptography is one such technique. In this paper a new model is presented that is based on the implementation of Hash techniques with the Polynomial Message Authenticating scheme to increase the security level of transmission. The comparative analysis of Secure Hash Algorithms i.e. SHA-1 and SHA-256, implemented using Polynomial Message Authenticating scheme, is presented on the basis of different parameters like processing gain, delivery ratio, energy consumed, duty cycle, Hashing length and degree of polynomial.

Helper Feedback based Medium Access Control Protocol: A Reliable Co-operative MAC Scheme for MANET
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A novel multirate media access control based co-operative scheme has been proposed. It has been observed that any co-operative scheme gives a better performance only if the helper nodes selected to, relay the transmission from source to destination are reliable enough. Murad Khalid et.al has already proposed a protocol [24] where more than one helper nodes are selected to improve the reliability, so that if one fails the other can be used as a backup. But in this paper focus is on selection of reliable helpers. If a helper node has a high data rate, has successfully relayed traffic in the past and also has some minimum amount of energy left , not only for relaying traffic for others but also to conduct its own transmissions, then it acts as a suitable candidate to be chosen as a helper node. Such a co-operatives scheme enhances the throughput, reliability and overall performance of the network.Simulation has been conducted to show that the proposed scheme performs better than the.

Heuristic Algorithms for Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing: A Survey
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Cloud computing became so important due to virtualization and IT systems in this decade. It has introduced as a distributed and heterogeneous computing pattern to sharing resources. Task Scheduling is necessary to make high performance heterogeneous computing. The optimization of related parameters, and using heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms can lead to a reduction of the search space complexity and execution time. So, several studies have tried using a variety of algorithms to solve this issue and improve relative efficiency in their environments. This paper considered examines existing heuristic task scheduling algorithms. First, the concepts of scheduling, the layer of cloud computing, especially scheduling concept in the SaaS and PaaS layer, the main limits for improving the quality of service, evaluation methods of algorithms and applied tools for evaluating these ideas and practical experimental used methods were discussed and compared. Finally, future works in this area were also concluded and a summary of this article is presented in the form of a mind map.

High-Altitude Platforms Cellular System for Sparsely Populated Areas
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In this paper, the cellular communications using high altitude platform (HAP) will be discussed including the coverage analysis and design. The cells are analyzed showing the main parameters affecting its shape, layout and area which are important in the cellular design stage. This HAP cellular system is very important to cross the gap of difficult extension of ground infrastructure especially for sparsely populated areas needing communications services. The system design is explained where the footprint of the HAP cell is demonstrated and the overall cellular layout is established. As a case study, the coverage of the HAP cellular system is proved to cover some areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) using several scenarios such as populated as well as long highways passing through desert areas. The HAP cells are generated using spot-beam antennas which are practically candidate. The simulation results show that a single HAP can provide hundreds of microcells for urban areas while covering very long highways that can extend to several hundreds of kilometers which is very useful in covering the long highways linking sparsely separated cities in KSA.

High-Speed and Secure PRNG for Cryptographic Applications
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Due to the fundamentally different approach underlying quantum cryptography (QC), it has not only become competitive, but also has significant advantages over traditional cryptography methods. Such significant advantage as theoretical and informational stability is achieved through the use of unique quantum particles and the inviolability of quantum physics postulates, in addition it does not depend on the intruder computational capabilities. However, even with such impressive reliability results, QC methods have some disadvantages. For instance, such promising trend as quantum secure direct communication – eliminates the problem of key distribution, since it allows to transmit information by open channel without encrypting it. However, in these protocols, each bit is confidential and should not be compromised, therefore, the requirements for protocol stability are increasing and additional security methods are needed. For a whole class of methods to ensure qutrit QC protocols stability, reliable trit generation method is required. In this paper authors have developed and studied trit generation method and software tool TriGen v.2.0 PRNG. Developed PRNG is important for various practical cryptographic applications (for example, trit QC systems, IoT and Blockchain technologies). Future research can be related with developing fully functional version of testing technique and software tool.