Статьи журнала - International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science

Все статьи: 1080

The Effectiveness and Impact of Teaching Coding through Scratch on Moroccan Pupils’ Competencies

The Effectiveness and Impact of Teaching Coding through Scratch on Moroccan Pupils’ Competencies

Abdessamad Binaoui, Mohammed Moubtassime, Latifa Belfakir

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Coding for pupils has become a new trend in information communication technology (ICT) education as it is a gateway to the new digital era for future generations where computers are one of the backbones of modern society. In this respect, the present study aimed at investigating the usefulness and impact of teaching coding through “Scratch” (i.e., a coding software for pupils) on Moroccan pupils, measuring their capacity to learn coding and finally exploring Moroccan teachers’ perceptions about it. Therefore, a pre-test post-test experimental course study took place targeting 38 pupils of the 6th grade in a rural area school. The control group (19 participants) was not taught the basics of Scratch coding while the experimental group (19 participants) was taught through practical Scratch coding initiation lessons based on the theory-based model for computer programming teaching. Furthermore, a quantitative survey questionnaire was used to gather 5th and 6th grade teachers (202 participants) perceptions about Scratch. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to analyze the data. The results of the quantitative questionnaire showed that Moroccan teachers endorse Scratch teaching for its potential benefits while the experimental study results proved that computer coding can be easily be integrated in Moroccan schools. The software is suitable for the students since they demonstrated significant interest in coding and have experienced positive impacts on various competencies.


The Effects of Scratch-Based Game Activities on Students' Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement

The Effects of Scratch-Based Game Activities on Students' Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement


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The purpose of the present research is to designate the effects of Scratch-based game activities on students' attitudes towards learning computer programming, self-efficacy beliefs and levels of academic achievement. The research was conducted through a pre-test – post-test control group quasi-experimental study. The study group consists of 49 students studying at the Faculty of Engineering. The test group was administered a teaching method with Scratch-based game activities. On the other hand, the control group was directly taught C++ topics via an editor. Research data were collected via an implementing academic achievement test (Kr-20= 0, 71), attitude towards a learning programming scale (Cronbach's Alpha =0.84) and a computer programming self-efficacy scale (Cronbach's Alpha= 0.966). Our findings are as follows: A significant number of the students consider themselves as mid-level efficient in C++ programming. Scratch-based game activities render no effects on students' attitudes and self-efficacy perceptions. On the other hand, Scratch-based game activities render significant contributions on students' academic achievements in C++ programming language.


The Estimation and Experiment of Axial Force in Deep Well Pump Basing on Numerical Simulation

The Estimation and Experiment of Axial Force in Deep Well Pump Basing on Numerical Simulation

SHI Wei-dong, WANG Hong-liang, ZHOU Ling, ZOU Ping-ping, WANG Chuan

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An axial force estimation is a crucial problem in the design of a deep well pump. According to the cost of time and financial resources by experimental measurement and low precision and applicability of using experiential formulas, the effects of solid modeling, mesh generation, residual convergence precision, turbulence model and numerical solutions on the accuracy of numerical simulation were investigated. And the best scheme was applied in the numerical simulation to predict the axial thrust of the deep well pump. The simulation values of axial force are in agreement with the testing values, and the maximum error is less than 10%.


The Evaluation of the Academic Progress Information System SIsKA-NG Mobile Based on Heuristic and User Experience

The Evaluation of the Academic Progress Information System SIsKA-NG Mobile Based on Heuristic and User Experience

I. Made Subrata Sandhiyasa, I. Gede Aris Gunadi, Gede Indrawan

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The limitations on the Academic Progress Information System (SIsKA) application, in terms of its interface and functionality, have a direct consequence on the quality of service and monitoring student progress in the Computer Science Department of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome these limitations through research that focuses on the development and evaluation of the next generation of SIsKA (SIsKA-NG) mobile application with real-time notification advantage compared to its counterpart existing web application. The heuristic evaluation of the first stage of this mobile application development identified twenty problems where eight problems with the highest severity (Catastrophic), six problems with high priority (Major), three problems with low priority (Minor) that need to be solved, and three problems that do not need to be fixed unless there is extra time. User satisfaction was measured by using the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire and gave the final score of 82.25. That score was higher than the minimal SUS standard score of 68.00 and was graded as very good, which means that users are very satisfied with using the application. To maximize more of the SIsKA-NG mobile performance, usability testing was conducted to obtain qualitative data from the same SUS respondents by using the Concurrent Think Aloud (CTA) method. CTA gave a summary result of twenty-one criticisms or suggestions that were referred to by the second stage of the SIsKA-NG mobile development.


The Impact and Effectiveness of the Syllable-based Reading Approach on Moroccan Pupils’ Reading Competency

The Impact and Effectiveness of the Syllable-based Reading Approach on Moroccan Pupils’ Reading Competency

Abdessamad Binaoui, Mohammed Moubtassime, Latifa Belfakir


Morocco has recently introduced the syllable-based reading approach (SbA) in Arabic and French Curricula. Thus, this study aimed at measuring the impact and effectiveness of said approach on Moroccan pupils’ Arabic reading competency as well as how teachers approach it based on the hermeneutic phenomenology theoretical framework. A quantitative survey questionnaire was distributed to 227 1st and 2nd grade teachers from all twelve regions of Morocco. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data through descriptive statistics and statistical hypothesis testing. The results showed that most Moroccan teachers advocate the use of the SbA as it positively impacts Arabic reading competency. They have, also, pointed out that time and demanding lesson planning are some of the SbA’s drawbacks. Also, it was found that there are no differences in SbA’s teaching practices and perceptions between female and male teachers except for the practice of assigning reading homework as female teachers tend to assign more reading homework. The results of the study are of significant importance to the MENA region as it evaluates field work regarding SbA.


The Impact of E-assessments System on the Success of the Implementation Process

The Impact of E-assessments System on the Success of the Implementation Process

Mohammad Ali H. Eljinini, Salwa Alsamarai, Suha Hameed, Amaal Amawi

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This study aims to identify the attitudes of the sample individuals from students that have used the electronic assessments (e-assessments) system at Isra University in Jordan. These attitudes describe the relationship between the availability of the requirements for e-assessments applications and the success of its implementation. Analytical descriptive method and sample research have been used. The samples included 246 students from 5 colleges covered by the research sample. The instrument of the study was a questionnaire which consisted of many variables that measured influential relationship among them. The research concluded that there is a relationship effect between the availability of the requirements and the success of the implementation process of the e-assessments system. There is a difference in the members attitudes of the research samples over the impact of which variables are most influenced. The results showed that there is a variation in the attitudes on all variables.


The Impact of Feature Selection on Meta-Heuristic Algorithms to Data Mining Methods

The Impact of Feature Selection on Meta-Heuristic Algorithms to Data Mining Methods

Maysam Toghraee, Hamid Parvin, Farhad Rad

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Feature selection is one of the issues that have been raised in the discussion of machine learning and statistical identification model. We have provided definitions for feature selection and definitions needed to understand this issue, we check. Then, different methods for this problem were based on the type of product, as well as how to evaluate candidate subsets of features, we classify the following categories. As in previous studies may not have understood that different methods of assessment data into consideration, We propose a new approach for assessing similarity of data to understand the relationship between diversity and stability of the data is selected. After review and meta-heuristic algorithms to implement the algorithm found that the cluster has better performance compared with other algorithms for feature selection sustained.


The Impact of Lecture Attendance on Exams for Novice Programming Students

The Impact of Lecture Attendance on Exams for Novice Programming Students

Ashok Kumar Veerasamy, Daryl D'Souza, Rolf Lindén, Erkki Kaila, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Tapio Salakoski

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In this paper, the correlation between lecture attendance and assessment tasks on final exam performance of introductory programming students has been analyzed to identify if lecture attendance, and completion of in-class and take home formative assessment tasks affects student performance in the final examination. In this study, only lecture attendance, homework exercises and class demonstration scores, and final exam marks have been considered. This study used Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient and multiple regression techniques via SPSS software to analyze the student data of the academic years 2012, 2013 and 2014 of an introductory programming course to test the hypotheses. It is found that, there is a significant correlation between homework exercises and final exam scores. However, formal lecture attendance and final exam performance were negatively correlated. Moreover, multiple regression results of assessment tasks such as homework exercises, class activities and lecture attendance on final exam scores, did not provide any significant value to support the statement "Marks achieved in homework, class demonstrations, and lecture attendance, have a significant positive impact on final examination results".


The Impact of Mobile Devices for Learning in Higher Education Institutions: Nigerian Universities Case Study

The Impact of Mobile Devices for Learning in Higher Education Institutions: Nigerian Universities Case Study

Shaibu A. Shonola, Mike S. Joy, Solomon S. Oyelere, Jarkko Suhonen

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Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are becoming increasing popular among students, setting out a new way to communicate, collaborate and learn. The use of portable devices has the capability to inspire new approaches to learning. It is therefore important to examine the students' viewpoints about the educational use of mobile technology in supporting the learning process. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of mobile devices for learning purposes by exploring the kinds of interactions that students in Nigerian universities have with their portable gadgets. A sample of 240 higher education students participated in the study by completing the researchers' questionnaire. The results of the study indicate the students use their portable devices to exchange education-related messages and academic files with classmates, search the internet and library databases for academic materials, practice online quizzes or tests and hold discussions with classmates among others. The statistical analyses result show that there is no significant difference in the students' use of mobile devices based on gender.


The Model of the Evolution of the Knowledge Content and Contemporary Science Education Crisis

The Model of the Evolution of the Knowledge Content and Contemporary Science Education Crisis

Tadeusz Wibig, Punsiri Dam-o

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We try to diagnose the situation in science education in the beginning of the 21st century. The coincidence of the occurrence of the global science education crisis and rapid acceleration of development of the science itself allows us to derive a differential equation describing basic patterns of development of human knowledge, using a few quite obvious parameters defined by social and biological determinants of the given moment in history.We then examine the proposed solutions of the general educational problem. Predictions about the evolution of knowledge/science give us the ability to reject some of them,and the analysis of social needs, seems to lead to the one,which we called a "three-way system".


The Obstacles in Big Data Process

The Obstacles in Big Data Process

Rasim M. Alguliyev, Rena T. Gasimova, Rahim N. Abbaslı

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The increasing amount of data and a need to analyze the given data in a timely manner for multiple purposes has created a serious barrier in the big data analysis process. This article describes the challenges that big data creates at each step of the big data analysis process. These problems include typical analytical problems as well as the most uncommon challenges that are futuristic for the big data only. The article breaks down problems for each step of the big data analysis process and discusses these problems separately at each stage. It also offers some simplistic ways to solve these problems.


The Optimal Principle of Stable Solutions in Lexicographic Cooperative Games

The Optimal Principle of Stable Solutions in Lexicographic Cooperative Games

Mindia E. Salukvadze, Guram N. Beltadze

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Neumann-Morgenstern’s solutions NM (v) as stable solution’s optimal principle is stated in a lexicographic v = (v1, v2 ,..., vm)T cooperative game. The conditions of NM (v) existence are proved for the cases, when: 1. v1 scalar cooperative game’s C-core C (v1) and NM (v1)solutions are equal; 2. Scalar cooperative v1 game’s C-core and NM (v1) solutions are different. In the first case the sufficient conditions are proved in order to say that a C-core C (v) of a lexicographic cooperative v game must not be empty and it should be coincided to NM (v) . In the second case the necessary condition of NM (v) existence is proved. In the case of the existence of NM (v) solutions their forms can be established. Some properties NM (v) of solutions are stated.


The Platform Built Based on the Mode operations of AES and the Image Applications

The Platform Built Based on the Mode operations of AES and the Image Applications

Chi-Wu Huang, Ying-Hao TU, Shih-Hao Liu, Hsing-Chang Yeh

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This paper presents an image encryption instead of text to observe the block cipher modes of operation of the complex AES processing. A platform is built based on the mode operations for the experiments. The cipher image of ECB may appear patterns due to the identical color inputs. CTR and MCTR make those identical inputs different by adding counters to remove the patterns while CBC, CBF, and OBF do it by adding serious Cipher function outputs which are almost random numbers. The mode features resulted from adding number series and the ways of addition, are discussed and compared, which help to design the Switching Control to configure all the modes into a platform for the AES mode operations and image test.


The Proposed GSD Model to Solve Coordination and Communication Problems

The Proposed GSD Model to Solve Coordination and Communication Problems

Somaya Asiri, M. Rizwan Jameel Qureshi

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Global Software Development (GSD) is the most recent and major trend in software engineering domain. It provides many benefits but also faces various challenges in control, communication and coordination due to socio-cultural, geographical and temporal distance. Scrum is increasingly being applied in GSD as it supports teamwork between developers and customers. Scrum method offers a distinctive feature to mitigate the effects of socio-cultural and geographical but not temporal distance on coordination in GSD projects. This paper explains how Scrum helps to mitigate the effects of temporal distance that includes increased coordination costs in GSD projects.


The Proposed Methods to Improve Teaching of Software Engineering

The Proposed Methods to Improve Teaching of Software Engineering

Afra A. Alabbadi, Rizwan J. Qureshi

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The use of software is an essential part of our modern lives. Hence, this increases the importance of studying Software Engineering (SE) course. In general, the software engineering graduates usually lack the necessary skills, expertise, abilities, and sufficient knowledge when beginning their careers in the software industry. Due to that, a majority of students find it difficult to find relevant jobs. This paper proposes novel methods to teach SE course to improve the teaching and enhance knowledge and skills of students. It is proposed to include: identifying the course learning objectives (CLOs) and the required skills of the SE course, combining cooperative learning and mastery learning strategies to teaching software engineering, using social media to teach SE course, and establish the OSES in an educational institution. The goal of this paper is to improve the quality of SE teaching and facilitate students learning to prepare them for their future careers. Qualitative technique is used as a research design to evaluate the proposed solution. The results indicate that this proposal is supported by the majority of professionals working in the academia and industry.


The Reasons behind the Weakness of some Students in Programming Courses in the College of Applied Science, Ibri

The Reasons behind the Weakness of some Students in Programming Courses in the College of Applied Science, Ibri

Saad Mamoun AbdelRahman, Buthaina AL-Syabi, Etab Al Sharji, Salima Said Al Kaabi

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This research aims to find the reasons which affects students in college of applied sciences in Ibri. The programming courses are very important for the Information technology students in general. The sample consisted of 50 students from Ibri College. A questionnaire was developed for the purpose of this study. Content validity and reliability were ensured to be sufficient for the study. The finding of study showed that the students faced some problems during their study in the programming courses like the short time for practical, some of them as their English language is not good so it also affects their skills and knowledge in programming. Finally this study presents recommendations and advice to improve student's skills and help them to avoid getting low marks in programming courses.


The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Attitude Towards Computers: A Study on Polytechnic Engineering Students

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Students’ Attitude Towards Computers: A Study on Polytechnic Engineering Students

Jeya Amantha Kumar, Balakrishnan Muniandy, Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya

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Computers are perceived as an important tool in the world of education. Computer technology today when used in teaching and learning could open the world to students. However when learning is concern, emotions relevant to learning should not be forgotten. Thus emotional intelligence should be considered when computers and learning is concern. There is very little research on the effect of emotional intelligence on learning and on technology. As learning with technology relates to computers, thus this study focuses on the relationship between emotional intelligence and attitudes towards computer. Based on this study it was found that emotional intelligence of the polytechnic engineering students was average and their attitudes towards computers were positive. The relationship between emotional intelligence and attitude towards computer is positive but very weak. Significant difference were found when gender was compared however CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) and ownership of computers did not affect this relationship.


The Relationship between Slack Resources and Performance: An Empirical Study from China

The Relationship between Slack Resources and Performance: An Empirical Study from China

Heping Zhong

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Although organizational research posits various relationships between a firm’s slack resources and performance, findings to date have been ambiguous. The purpose of this study is to attempt to reconcile previous views of the relationship between slack resources and performance through employing empirical analysis based on survey data from 47 pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Henan Province of China. The results indicate that the relationship between slack resources and the performance is inverse N-shaped. Results provide evidence of a curvilinear relationship between slack resources and performance and broadly demonstrate that relationships differ based on industry circumstances and slack resources. Additionally, this study is the first to empirically identify an inverse N-shaped relationship between slack resources and performance, indicating that, in certain industry circumstances, little and much slack resources are bad for performance. Overall, results highlight the importance of additional research into intervening factors impacting the slack–performance relationship.


The Research of Comprehensive Quality Evaluation for Distant Education

The Research of Comprehensive Quality Evaluation for Distant Education

Mu Dan, Liu Ming-Li

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The study on the quality evaluation and the related technology on distant education can provide evidence for the quality teaching and learning, and ensure the high quality and efficiency for distant education. It is highly significant to construct the teaching resources and learning supporting system by establishing an appropriate system that fits the level of education and guarantees the teaching quality. On the basis of the research results of programs, standards and technology for the quality evaluation of the distant education, this essay puts forward a method of comprehensive quality evaluation by applying the theory of comprehensive evaluation into this area, which is a quantitative research about how to set and calculate the weight indices for the evaluation. This method can process the quality indices by quantity efficiently, give a direct view of the quality by the comparative analysis, and provide the evidence for improving the quality.


The Role of Learner Characteristics in the Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems: The Case of the MATHEMA

The Role of Learner Characteristics in the Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems: The Case of the MATHEMA

Alexandros Papadimitriou, Georgios Gyftodimos

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The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics of the learners used by the developed adaptive educational hypermedia systems to date to draw conclusions about their relation to the adaptation techniques they use and to be explained the rationale for selecting of the learners' characteristics used by the adaptive educational hypermedia system MATHEMA for its adaptation techniques. At first, the characteristics of learners using some systems for their adaptive techniques are presented. Here is the presentation of learner’s characteristics used by adaptation techniques of the adaptive educational hypermedia system MATHEMA. Finally, an evaluation of the main functions of the MATHEMA is performed. In conclusion, we discuss the choice of specific learners' characteristics for adaptation techniques of the MATHEMA and the resulting educational benefits.

