Статьи журнала - International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies
Все статьи: 544

Smart Home Security Using Facial Authentication and Mobile Application
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In this fast-paced technological world, individuals want to access all their electronic equipment remotely, which requires devices to connect over a network via the Internet. However, it raises quite a lot of critical security concerns. This paper presented a home automation security system that employs the Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access to one's home through an Android application, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure the home's security. Face recognition is utilized to control door entry in a highly efficient security system. In the event of a technical failure, an additional security PIN is set up that is only accessible by the owner. Although a home automation system may be used for various tasks, the cost is prohibitive for many customers. Hence, the objective of this paper is to provide a budget and user-friendly system, ensuring access to the application and home attributes by using multi-modal security. Using Haar Cascade and LBPH the system achieved 92.86% accuracy while recognizing face.

Smart locker: IOT based intelligent locker with password protection and face detection approach
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In today’s world, security becomes a very important issue. We are always concerned about the security of our valuables. In this paper, we propose an IOT based intelligent smart locker with OTP and face detection approach, which provides security, authenticity and user-friendly mechanism. This smart locker will be organized at banks, offices, homes and other places to ensure security. In order to use this locker firstly the user have to login. User has to send an unlock request code (OTP) and after getting a feedback Email with OTP, he/she will be able to unlock the locker to access his/her valuables. We also introduce face detection approach to our proposed smart locker to ensure security and authenticity.

Smarter Way to Access Multiple Mobile Cloud Applications without Interoperability Issues
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As we are in the world of emerging technologies people have more awareness about it especially Smartphone’s. Usage of Smartphone’s has been increased tremendously. Different operating systems (OS) are used in smart phones such as MAC OS, Android, and Windows OS etc. Most of the applications are run on their appropriate platform. Cloud is the simplest way to run certain application over cross platforms. Many cloud vendors are there who provides several kinds of applications and software which can be accessed by the users. In that Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) helps us to create a cloud application over the market. However there will be chances to occur Interoperability issues while users were working on a cross platforms. In order to overcome this issue a framework has been proposed named Mobile Cloud Middleware (MCM). MCM will recover the interoperability issues over multiple cloud services on mobile devices. Here in this paper we proposed effective result to solve the Interoperability issue by integrating Mobile Enterprise with MCM.

Software Defect Detection-oriented Static Analysis Techniques
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This paper mainly studies the method of static analysis techniques; discuss static analysis techniques status and progress, as well as the characteristics of static analysis.

Software Defined Network: The Next Generation Internet Technology
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Software Defined Networks is an emerging network paradigm which introduces programmability to networks and has the capability to dynamically configure the network. In a traditional IP based network the control part and the data forwarding elements are imposed in a single box that has very limited ability to configure the network, some vendor specific codes run on the forwarding elements to perform this task. SDN takes another approach by decoupling the controller part from the data plane part. It is the next generation Internet technology that solves the ossification of the Internet, along with creating massive innovations so that network management can be easily handled. In this paper, we are trying to explore the different layers, various protocols supported by SDN, along with discuss the numerous benefits of it.

Sorting of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene and Polystyrene Plastics by Microwave Cavity Resonance
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This paper presents a new sorting method for acrylonitrile-butadiene-stryrene (ABS) and poly styrene (PS) by means of microwave cavity resonator perturbation. In this method, a small piece of sample material is inserted into a cavity resonator at a point when the electric and magnetic fields mark the maximum and the minimum values, respectively. Experiments were carried out with use of 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-GHz resonators and ABS and PS samples of various sizes. Loss angles of polarizability (tan χ) exhibited differences large enough to achieve accurate sorting between ABS and PS.

Spectrum Sharing Technologies for Cognitive IoT Networks: Challenges and Future Directions
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In recent years, the number of devices connected to the Internet has been increased exponentially, which creates a new ecosystem known as the Internet of Things (IoT). According to Cisco’s prediction, it is expected that over 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. In fact, IoT is expected to be a key enabling technology to accommodate the massive connectivity of heterogeneous smart devices in the upcoming fifth-generation networks. However, in a limited resource environment, the existing spectrum will not be sufficient to satisfy all these spectrum demand. Sharing the idle spectrum in licensed and unlicensed bands is a feasible solution for effective IoT deployment. Therefore, in this paper, we provide a survey of advanced spectrum sharing techniques and emerging IoT technologies to exploit the spectrum both in existing licensed cellular infrastructures and unlicensed spectrum bands. To the best of our knowledge, different from the existing literature, we identify the potential research challenges and suggest future directions for efficient IoT deployment in next-generation wireless networks.

Structure and Control of Flywheel Energy Converter
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On the basis of the flywheel energy converter’s structure in wind power turbine, we have used permanent-magnet synchronism motor as energy converter and built mathematical model. We have studied and realized control method of wind power turbine’s constant output power. By analyzing the mathematical model, we have concluded that the needed time of stored energy is three times longer than constant torque control time, and the needed motor power is one second of constant torque control. When flywheel starts from zero speed to basic speed ([(ω_max)/5]), the constant torque control method will be acquired. When flywheel speeds up between [(ω_max)/5] and ω_max , the amplitude power control will be acquired. What we have studied is very important to realize constant output power.

Study of 2457 MHz WIFI Network Signal Strength at Indoor and Outdoor Enviroment
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This paper presents a study of free space path loss of WIFI network using Cell Info Lite App and WIFI analyzer tool. This paper focuses on experimental tests by using WIFI router, mobile phones to measure and analyze the loss of signal strength over distance from 0 meter to 9 meter. The result of Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) for frequency 2457 MHz shows that the longer the distance, the worse the signal get. In addition, the experiment test indoor and outdoor was done analyse. The results of the comparison conclude that the signal strength becomes weak can affect by distance and obstacles such as door, wall. Signal strength also can say from colors which is when the measurement result shows green color is strong signal while orange color is weak signal and red color is bad signal. When the signal strength become weak Wi-Fi analyzer was displayed green zone to red zone. The paper purpose showed that where the area have a stronger/weaker connection in a house environment.

Study on Quality Evaluation System for University Students
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From the qualitative and quantitative perspectives, by use of modern educational philosophy and statistics evaluation theory, this thesis makes study on the theory for university students’ comprehensive quality evaluation. It makes careful analysis on the students’ daily life according to their characters, and makes scientific classification after picking up the main aspects, and then, combining the design principle of indictor system and hierarchic method, it establishes scientific and reasonable comprehensive quality evaluation indicator system for university students, which is easy to operate and meets the demand of the age. So the system can measure and evaluate the comprehensive quality of university students in a more scientific and objective way. Meanwhile, this thesis puts forward effective methods for university students’ comprehensive quality evaluation under new situations.

Study on Replica Strategy in the Grid Environment
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An effective replica management method can save bandwidth, reduce latency, balance load, and improve system reliability. A comprehensive scheme is introduced to manage replica for the grid environment. The schemes of replica creation and placement based on the frequency of visits and storage space, replica replacement based on the replica value, and replica selection based on comprehensive performance are proposed. Our scheme can achieve optimization of data distribution and replication, improve the efficiency of data visits in the grid environment.

Study on System Architecture Design of University Students Quality Evaluation
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In order to improve the comprehensive qualities of students in all respects, fully reflect and evaluate the achievements of students, inspire students to improve themselves unceasingly, encourage them to strive to be the best, develop their personalities and strive for truth and innovation, as well as achieve the institutionalization, standardization and scientificalness of students management work gradually, meanwhile, along with the development of university construction and students management, maintenance and management of students' data information has been exceptionally heavy, so it cries out for a set of reasonable and convenient students quality evaluation system. Students' quality evaluation system is designed to make better use of computer technology in managing and inquiring about total performance of students' qualities. Through analysis of the objective of system construction, combining design principle of the system, this thesis analyses and designs the quality evaluation system architecture from the perspectives of architecture, function module and security model.

Study on Thickness Calculation Method for Undigraph
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How to solve the thickness of general graph is an unsolved problem and one of many difficult problems in graph theory. This paper studies the method for calculating the thickness of undigraph and proposes formula and concrete method for calculating the thickness of undigraph G. Meanwhile, method is proposed for testing whether division of side-derived subgraphs is correct. Some instances presented in this paper aims at illustrating the actual application and correctness of calculation of this method for reference.

Study on the Distribution of Networked Devices’ Clock Skew
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Clock skews of devices on the Internet are viewed as one way delay noise, but their distribution is unknown. We explore the distribution of clock skews to see the conflict probability. In this paper, we introduce an accurate clock skew estimation algorithm to filter inaccurate clock skew estimation by comparing the results between linear programming method and least square fitting. Delay jitter and other noises affect the estimation result. When the difference of two methods is large, the estimation result is unstable and inaccurate, so the estimation result should be dropped. Based on this algorithm, we use traces of real Internet measurements to collect 1825 accurate clock skews of different devices to establish a fingerprint database. Furthermore, we show the distribution of clock skews and comparing conflict probability with different number of devices. The distribution shows that clock skews are diverse, and most of clock skews are in the region of [-100, 100] PPM. The results indicate that when the number of devices is small (<5), clock skews won’t be conflict with each other, so clock skews are good tools to detect faked devices or NAT; When the number of devices increases, the conflict probability increases linearly, so clock skews of different devices can not distinguish each devices effectively.

Supporting Audio Privacy-aware Services in Emerging IoT Environment
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The increasing exploration of smart space voice assistants and audio monitoring IoT devices leads to significant trust and privacy concerns. Among them, some of the data are sensitive and a user may not aware of when and where audio recordings are sent for processing. This provides burning questions- how do users gain knowledge of, and control the amount of data captured in the physical world. Moreover, the sending and processing of these sensitive data to the far cloud do not provide an efficient solution for sensitive data which causes serious privacy and security concerns. In this paper, a new architecture for providing audio transparency and privacy in the IoT-rich environment is proposed. The proposed privacy enforcement module is used to operate within a nearby fog node, which situated close to the data sources and enforces privacy according to the data owner's desire. To show the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, a well-known privacy threat framework is investigated.

Surface Fitting Based Modelling of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna Operating at 3 GHz Frequency
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Designing a microstrip patch antenna at 3GHz frequency is very interesting task to the researchers due to wide applicability for IoT, body wearable antenna, WLAN, ISM communication etc. In this paper, a circular microstrip patch antenna with resonance at a frequency of 3GHz has been designed using FR4 substrate and inset feeding using CST studio. Initially, the antenna is manually tuned at the 3GHz operating frequency and obtain S11 is -38dB which is best compare to the existing works at this frequency. Next, the parametric influences have been observed by varying several antenna design parameters (i.e. patch radius and substrate height) and observing the respective variation in output like S11, bandwidth. In the next phase of this work, surface fitting technique has been used to model the 3GHz circular patch antenna that helps to predict the output S11, resonance frequency and bandwidth with satisfactory prediction accuracy. Surface-fitting model will help to reduce the effort and time required for redesigning and simulation of this type of circular patch antenna in future.

Survey on 5G and Future 6G Access Networks for IoT Applications
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This paper comprehensively reviews the recent 5G and future 6G Internet of Things (IoT) protocols/standards, applications, and access networks used. First, most of the IoT protocols/standards and application scenarios are summarized in the form of tables, pictures, and diagrams to facilitate readers to understand and compare current and future Internet of Things technologies more easily and quickly. Second, the terrestrial and aerial radio access networks are analyzed and discussed in detail. The evolution of 5G terrestrial access networks is briefly described and its performance limitations are quantitatively analyzed and discussed. When the operating frequency reaches the sub-millimeter wave band, the terrestrial radio access network will deal with high path loss caused by weather factors, such as oxygen and water vapor absorption in the atmosphere, rainfall, and cloud/fog attenuation. The development of aerial radio access networks is preparing for 6G IoT to solve the coverage and path loss issues. In this survey, the aerial radio access architectures and infrastructure are also surveyed. This survey aims to guide readers to better understand the technical status of 5G IoT and the milestones as well as key performance indicators that need to be reached for 6G IoT in the future.

TCP/IP Jumbo Frames Network Performance Evaluation on A Test-bed Infrastructure
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Enhancing network performance has been studied by a number of researchers. The need to provide greater throughput on network infrastructure has been the key driver for these studies. The use of jumbo frames is considered one of the methodologies that can be employed to increase data throughput on networks. In this research undertaking, the authors implement jumbo frames on a test-bed implemented with Windows Server 2003/2008 networks and performance related metrics are measured for both IPv4 and IPv6 implementations. The results obtained in this empirical study shows that performance metrics values are different in various scenarios.

The Application of Federated Kalman Filtering in SINS/GPS/CNS Intergrated Navigation System
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Federated filter was an important method to estimate high-precision navigation parameters based on “SINS/GPS/CNS”. A no-feedback federated filter with UD_UKF algorithm was designed in the paper, a three-time amendment scheme to correct navigation parameters was designed at the same time and the mathematical model of SINS/GPS/CNS was established in launch inertial coordinate system too. The paper discussed the simulation conditions and a lot of simulations were carried out to compare 2 aspects: (1)the performance between four navigation mode, which respectively is SINS, SINS/GPS, SINS/CNS, SINS/GPS/CNS;(2)the estimate precision of federated filter and that of centralized Kalman filter. The results of simulation showed that the designed federated filter and amendment scheme based on SINS/GPS/CNS had high estimate precision and led to gain high hitting precision of ballistic missile, that is to say position errors were less than 20 meter and velocity errors were less than 0.1m/s in simulation.

The Channels and Demands Analysis for Chinese Farmers’ Agricultural Information Acquisition
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This paper studies the characteristics of information sources and farmers’ demand for agricultural information in the process of agricultural informationization in China. We point out that it is not common for farmers to adopt modern information technology communication tools in rural areas nowadays, and the reason for this phenomenon is that farmers still rely mainly on traditional channels for information dissemination. To change the status quo, our government should respect farmers as dominant statuses in the process of agricultural informationization and encourage households with large-scale agricultural operation to use modern IT products in order to spread agricultural information in rural areas.