2 т.8, 2012 - Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
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IDS: 14323417 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14323417
Содержание выпуска 2 т.8, 2012 Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии
Kataria N., Kataria A.K., Joshi A., Pandey N., Khan S.
Serum antioxidant status to assess oxidative stress in brucella infected buffaloes
Khanna Ranjana S., Negi Reena, Pande Deepti, Khanna Shruti, Khanna Hari D.
Markers of oxidative stress in generalized anxiety psychiatric disorder: therapeutic implications
Zhu Wan-Long, Yang Shengchang, Cai Jin-Hong, Meng Lihua, Wang Zheng-Kun
Effects of photoperiod on body mass, thermogenesis and body composition in Eothenomys miletus during cold exposure
Rahdari Parvaneh, Hoseini Seyed Meysam
Effect of different levels of drought stress (peg 6000 concentrations) on seed germination and inorganic elements content in purslane (Portulaca oleraceae L.) leaves
Johnson M
Differential expression of isoesterases in leaves and roots of Vigna unguiculata L. in response to saline stress
Aldesuquy Heshmat S., Abbas Mohamed A., Abo- Hamed samy A., Elhakem Abeer H., Alsokari saeeD. S.
Glycine betaine and salicylic acid induced modification in productivity of two different cultivars of wheat grown under water stress
Zhu Wan-Long, Meng Lihua, Wang Zheng-Kun
Body mass, thermogenesis and energy metabolism in Tupaia belangeri during cold acclimation
Аленькина С.А., Трутнева К.А., Никитина В.Е.
Влияние лектинов азоспирилл на содержание салициловой кислоты, активности фенилаланин-аммиак-лиазы и каталазы в корнях проростков пшеницы
Garg Vandana, Dhar V.J., Sharma Anupam, Dutt Rohit
Antianxiety activity of methanol extract of Gelsemium sempervirens (Linn.)Ait
Перфильева А.И., Рымарева Е.В., Шевцов Д.А., Рихванов Е.Г.
Влияние гипертермии и монойодацетата на развитие симптомов кольцевой гнили и вегетацию картофеля, выращенного в естественных условиях
Tandon R., Mishra J.K., Shankar Manish, Khanna Hari D.
Lipid peroxidation products and nitric oxide in the evaluation of benign and malignant pleural effusion
Tripathi Manish Kumar, Ramesh Singh
Photoperiodic stress on nitrite production by splenic macrophages in fresh-water snake Natrix piscator
Olfati Jamal-Ali, Moqbeli Eshaq, Fathollahi Samaneh, Estaji Asqar
Salinity stress effects changed during Aloe vera L. vegetative growth
Salarizdah Mohammadreza, Baghizadeh Amin, Abasi Forogh, Mozaferi Hossin, Salarizdah Sorayya
Response of Brassica napus L grains to the interactive effect of salinity and salicylic acid
Zhang Lin, Cai Jin-Hong, Wang Zheng-Kun
Metabolism and thermoregulation in the tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri
AL.asbahi Adnan ali, AL.maqtari Maher ali, Naji Khalid Mohammed
ABA biosynthesis defective mutants reduce some free amino acids accumulation under drought stress in tomato leaves in comparison with arabidopsis plants tissues
Kataria N., Kataria A.K.
Heat stress induced changes in metabolic regulators of donkeys from arid tracts in India
Озолина Н.В., Колесникова Е.В., Нурминский В.Н., Нестркина И.С., Дударева Л.В., Лаптева Т.И., Саляев Р.К.
Влияние осмотического стресса на содержание ионов кальция в вакуолях столовой свёклы и на транспортную активность протонных помп тонопласта
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