Статьи журнала - Нанотехнологии в строительстве: научный интернет-журнал

Все статьи: 961

2-я Международная специализированная выставка «Нанотехнологии XXI - 2009»

2-я Международная специализированная выставка «Нанотехнологии XXI - 2009»

Иванов Л.А.

Статья научная

С 21 по 24 апреля 2009 г. в Москве в ЦВК «ЭКСПОЦЕНТР» в рамках Х Юбилейного международного форума «Высокие технологии XXI века» прошла 2-я Международная специализированная выставка «НАНОТЕХНОЛОГИИ XXI - 2009». В условиях кризиса спрос экономики на высокотехнологичные конкурентоспособные российские технологии и, прежде всего, нанотехнологии, значительно возрос. Форум носил яркую антикризисную направленность, поскольку успешная технологическая модернизация возможна лишь с внедрением инноваций.


Application of ultra cellulose fiber for the enhancement of the durability and shrinkage of cement pastes exposed to normal and aggressive curing conditions

Application of ultra cellulose fiber for the enhancement of the durability and shrinkage of cement pastes exposed to normal and aggressive curing conditions

Zaki Saaid

Статья научная

Ultra Cellulose Fibers are hydrophilic fibers which can hold most of their weight water when it is mixed into concrete, after concrete is hardened, these fi- bers will slowly release this water to unhydrated cement during the critical early phases of curing which assist in more complete hydration, this internal self cur- ing action results in more completely hydrated cement which contributes to more strength development and more control of internal microcracking, particularly when normal curing is not adequate. Also, these fibers can be used easily in ready mixed concrete batch plants and in hot weather environments. The results indicated clear improvements in both the shrinkage and com- pressive strength of all cement paste mixes contained these fibers in comparison with control ones in both normal and aggressive curing conditions.


Assessment of the durability of nanosilica / fly ash  cement pastes exposed to normal and aggressive   curing conditions

Assessment of the durability of nanosilica / fly ash cement pastes exposed to normal and aggressive curing conditions

Saaid Zaki

Статья научная

The aim of this work is to study the effect of fly ash (FA) and nanosilica (NS) on the durability of cement pastes under normal and aggressive curing condition. Different mixes were made with various amounts of NS and constant value of FA (10% by weight of cementitious materials). First group of samples were subjected to normal curing and tested after 3, 7, 28 days and after one year, while the second group of samples were subjected to sulphuric acid of concentration 0.2 N and tested after the same ages. The hydration process and durability of cement pastes were monitored using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results of this study indicated that FA of percentage 10% and nanosilica of percentage 1% of cementitious materials improve the durability and microstructure of cement pastes against both normal and aggressive curing conditions.


BATIMAT, INTERCLIMA+ELEC и IDEO BAIN: слияние во имя успеха!

BATIMAT, INTERCLIMA+ELEC и IDEO BAIN: слияние во имя успеха!


Объединенная экспозиция BATIMAT 2013 получила полное признание профессионалов и обеспечила выставке место лидирующего международного события в области архитектуры и строительства.


Carbon-containing modifier for fluoranhydrite binder

Carbon-containing modifier for fluoranhydrite binder

Gordina Anastasia F., Gumenyuk Alexander N., Polyanskikh Irina S., Zaripova Regina I.

Статья научная

Introduction. In order to widen the functionality of construction and building materials and widespread electrically conductive building constructions, it is highly recommended to reduce cost of the solutions. This can be achieved by replacing binders with the industrial by-products. At the same time, there are a few articles about adjustment of electrically conductive properties of materials based on by-product binders and this field is of a great importance. Also, highly dispersed particles in modifiers and their role might be considered as important to find out, especially when such additives are used to improve structure and properties of composites. Methods and materials. To study the possibility of controlling the electrical properties of the matrix, compositions based on fluoroanhydrite, sodium sulfate as a hardening activator, and UPC-MIX-1 suspension as an electrically conductive additive, were made. The effect of UPC-MIX-1 suspension on the electrical performance and structure formation of a mineral matrix containing dispersed carbon black particles was studied. The polydisperse nature of the modifying additive and the ratio of the nanodispersed and microdispersed parts of the solid phase were determined. Indicators for calculating the specific volumetric electrical resistance were determined by the probe method. The influence of the dispersed additive on the characteristics of the fluoroanhydrite composite was evaluated by standard laboratory methods. Features of structure formation were evaluated using the methods of physicochemical analysis. Results and discussion. It was confirmed that a fluoranhydrite-based mineral binder with sodium sulfate has moderate physical mechanical properties and might be used as a substitute for gypsum binder. The usage of an electrically conductive additive as a modifier enhances such mechanical properties as flexural compressive strength and compressive strength which increase by 51% and 65% correspondingly. Also, hydro physical properties have been improved, for instance the coefficient of softening for the FD-4 sample has increased by 39%, and the water absorption by mass for the same sample has decreased by 36%. Specific volume electrical resistance has decreased by 49-52% and equals13,6 kOm • cm, 8% of electrically conductive additive being added. The physical and technical properties of the presented composite are due to significant changes of the physical and chemical properties including the features of structure formation. Conclusions. The obtained compositions require extra optimization in order to be used as a heating component. At the same time, the achieved electrical conductivity is sufficient to level the electrostatic effect of self-leveling floors. Regularities in the formation of the structure of the fluoroanhydrite composite have been established, which manifest themselves in the formation of a larger number of contacts for the intergrowth of crystalline hydrate new formations ensured by the presence of a nanodispersed part in the modifying additive.


Cиликатные материалы с наномодификатором

Cиликатные материалы с наномодификатором

Урханова Лариса Алексеевна

Статья научная

Отвечая на вопрос, заданный на II Международной научно-практической onlinе-конференции «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» об использо- вании наномодификаторов в бетонных композициях, керамике и силикатных ма- териалах, в настоящей статье приводятся результаты исследований по получению силикатных материалов и изделий с применением наноструктурированных моди- фикаторов и созданию защитного слоя на поверхности изделий путем их обработ- ки низкотемпературной плазмой.


Cинтез мелкогранулированного пеностеклянного материала из природного аморфного оксида кремния с наноразмерной пористостью

Cинтез мелкогранулированного пеностеклянного материала из природного аморфного оксида кремния с наноразмерной пористостью

Бубенков Олег Александрович, Кетов Александр Анатольевич, Кетов Петр Александрович, Кетов Юрий Александрович, Лобастов Сергей Викторович

Статья научная

Показано, что аморфный оксид кремния может взаимодействовать со щелочами с образованием гидратированных полисиликатов, которые являются, по сути, сырьем для синтеза силикатных стекол. Необходимым условием образования однородного гидратированного полисиликата является наличие наноразмерной пористости у аморфного оксида кремния минерального происхождения. В процессе термообработки полученного материала газовыделение из массы, сопровождающее процесс варки стекла, может быть использовано для создания устойчивых пен - ячеистых стекол, в области высокой вязкости стекломассы.


Design and research of Nielsen arch bridge with fully composite structure system

Design and research of Nielsen arch bridge with fully composite structure system

Luojin Cao, Nianqin Liu, Xiangyu Li, Wenming Que, Yong Li

Статья научная

China is the kingdom of arch bridges. Based on the principle of structural elastic potential energy standing value, the innovative application of the design theory of composite arch bridge bending and compression is presented, optimize the design of composite structural arch bridge arch axis, and propose the design and construction method of medium-bearing composite Nielsen arch bridge. The design of the medium-bearing composite Nielsen arch bridge is carried out, its structural strength, stiffness and stability are analyzed by finite element analysis. By simulating the parameters of arch axis, sagittal span ratio and arch section, the convergent composite arch axis with solid web foot section is adopted to improve the economic spanning capacity of the composite Nielsen arch bridge and expand the adaptation range of large span arch bridge in plain area or soft base area.


Destruction of stable emulsions using nanodispersed fullerenes

Destruction of stable emulsions using nanodispersed fullerenes

Vakhitova R.I., Saracheva D.A., Kiyamov I.K., Sabitov L.S., Oleinik V.Iv.

Статья научная

Introduction. This article describes the results of the destruction processes studies of stable emulsion suspension sludge systems, conducted by the authors. Destruction processes are achieved by adding nanoparticles to demulsifying compositions. Currently, there is no universal composition demulsifier that effectively destroys emulsions formed in oil sludges. Research methods. To deal with this issues, the authors have conducted research on the creation of an effective demulsifier containing nanosized particles of fullerenes. The studies were carried out with dispersed oil-slurry emulsion-suspension systems, selected from open storage ponds of enterprises of JSC «Tatoilgaz» and JSC «TAIF-NK». For the destruction of the oil-containing system of the emulsion-suspension type, a composite mixture of complex action has been developed, which includes anionic wetting agents, nonionic surfactants, flotation reagents, detergents and alkaline buffer solutions that provide the required value of a constant indicator of the acid-base balance of the aqueous medium. Results and its discussion. A composite demulsifying mixture of complex action, which increases the effectiveness of the wetting washing action of surfactants, namely, the diphilic structure of the dispersed medium changes to hydrophilic, that is, the contacts of particles having a monophilic surface with the hydrocarbon phase of the emulsion medium are broken. When particles pass into the water volume from the phase separation boundary, the layer on the surface of the emulsified water is destroyed. The dehydration time of petroleum products is reduced by almost 2 times. Conclusion. During the research, the intensification and increase of the efficiency have been successfully reached.


Environmentally active GRC: towards better appearance of concrete and a reduction of air-pollution in urban environment

Environmentally active GRC: towards better appearance of concrete and a reduction of air-pollution in urban environment

Bartos Peter J.M.

Статья научная

Following a brief review of the GRC as probably the most complex of construction materials, the focus is on a new, environmentally active glassfibre reinforced concrete: e-GRC. Introduction of the e-GRC represents a very significant and novel contribution to concrete practice, at a stage when the scientific and practical proof of the concept has been obtained but the technology has not yet reached the construction marketplace. Development of the e-GRC represents the third successful application of nanotechnology in GRC, unmatched in any other common construction material. It is based on a finding that a reduction in size of particles of a material down to nano-size often imparts new or enhances their existing properties. This is typical of nano-particles of titanium dioxide, which maintains its strong photocatalytic activity even when mixed with cement. External cement-based surfaces therefore become strongly photocatalytic, leading to a much better appearance through a 'de-soiling' effect together with a significant reduction in concentration of pollutants in the surrounding air. Traditional GRC is already mostly produced as thin-walled elements with large exposed surface and presents itself as an excellent material for practical exploitation of the photocatalysis. As only surfaces are active, the e-GRC also provides the most efficient use of the nano-sized titanium dioxide. The e-GRC therefore offers an economical and sustainable way to achieve long-lasting, cleaner and brighter concrete surfaces and a new way of achieving a significant reduction in pollution levels of surrounding urban environment. It provides architects with an additional tool to design and build genuinely 'greener' and better-looking concrete buildings. The e-GRC has a potential to improve the often poor general image of concrete, which tends to be associated with dirty buildings in polluted urban 'concrete jungles'. Benefits offered by the e-GRC indicate a more sustainable concrete construction with a direct and positive environmental impact is possible.


Evaluation of asphalt enhanced with locally made nanomaterials

Evaluation of asphalt enhanced with locally made nanomaterials

Helal Ezzat , Sherif El-Badawy , Alaa Gabr , Saaid I. Zaki

Статья научная

This research work focused on the investigation of the properties of asphalt binder modified with different percentages of nanoclay (NC) and nanosilica. The nanosilica was manufactured from two different sources: silica fume (NSF) and rice husk (NSH). Results showed that NSF tends to decrease the penetration and increase the softening point temperature (SFT) and rotational viscosity (RV). However, NC content more than 3% was found to increase the penetration and decrease both RV and SFT. Using smaller percentages of NC increased both SFT and RV and decreased the penetration. Up to 3% of NSH exhibited improvement in penetration, SFT, and RV, however slight or no improvement was observed at higher contents. The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) results showed obvious improvement in the Superpave performance grade. Both NSF and NC were found to improve Marshall stability of the asphalt mixtures.


Fabrication of W nanodot and nitrogen codecorated carbon skeleton for hydrogen evolution reaction

Fabrication of W nanodot and nitrogen codecorated carbon skeleton for hydrogen evolution reaction

Yange Wang, Yechen Wang, Jing Bai, Sibin Duan, Rongming Wang, Woon-Ming Lau

Статья научная

Metal dots-nitrogen-carbon catalysts have become a hot topic in recent years because of special coordination environment. Herein, for the study the W nanodots and nitrogen co-decorated carbon skeleton (W@NC) was prepared for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In particular, NaCl templates not only restrict the growth of nanodots, but also improve the purity of phase. By optimizing the feeding ratio of ammonium metatungstate, W nanodots (the size is about 1.2 ± 0.6 nm) dispersed well on N-doped C skeleton, and this special structure could effectively promote electron transfer and ion diffusion during HER process. As a result, the optimized W@NC hybrids exhibited excellent HER performance in alkaline media with a rather low over-potential (228 mV at 10 mA cm-2) and outstanding durability over 10 h.


I Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (8-9 декабря 2009 года)

I Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (8-9 декабря 2009 года)

Гусев Б.В., Теличенко В.И.


Научный Интернет-журнал «Нанотехнологии в строительстве» (www.nanobuild. ru) совместно с Интернет-порталом NanoNewsNet (www.nanonewsnet.ru) провели I Международную научно-практическую online-конференцию «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве». В мероприятии приняли участие ведущие ученые и специалисты Российской инженерной академии, Российской академии архитектуры и строительных наук, Российской корпорации нанотехнологий, Московского государственного строительного университета, Пермского государственного технического университета, Самарского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета, Ростовского государственного строительного университета, Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета, Научно- технического центра «Прикладных нанотехнологий» (г. Санкт-Петербург), Международной инженерной академии, Международного союза экспертов и лабораторий по испытанию строительных материалов, систем и конструкций (РИЛЕМ), компании «Optim Consult» (г. Гуанчжоу, Китайская народная республика), Исследовательского центра «Нанонаука и нанотехнология» Национального Независимого Университета Мексики, Белорусского государственного аграрного технического университета и др.


II Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (29-30 сентября 2010 г.)

II Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (29-30 сентября 2010 г.)


Научный Интернет-журнал «Нанотехнологии в строительстве» (www.nanobuild.ru) совместно с Интернет-порталом NanoNewsNet (www.nanonewsnet.ru) провели II Международную научно-практическую online- конференцию «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве». В мероприятии приняли участие ведущие российские и зарубежные ученые, специалисты вузов, научно-исследовательских институтов и нанотехнологических центров, учрежде- ний и предприятий, фирм-производителей продукции наноиндустрии.


II Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (29.30 сентября 2010 г.) №3 (2010)

II Международная научно-практическая online-конференция «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве» (29.30 сентября 2010 г.) №3 (2010)


Интернет-портал Nano- NewsNet (www.nano newsnet.ru) и электронное из да ние «Нанотехнологии в стро ительстве: научный Интернет- журнал» (www.nanobuild.ru) 29-30 сентября 2010 г. совместно проведут II Международную научно- практическую online-конференцию «Применение нанотехнологий в строительстве».

