Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

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On the question of defining the concept of "slang"

On the question of defining the concept of "slang"

Madaminova G.M.

Статья научная

Slang is language (words, phrases, and usages) of an informal register that members of particular in-groups favor (over the common vocabulary of a standard language) in order to establish group identity, exclude outsiders, or both.


Ontological basis of the virtual world

Ontological basis of the virtual world

Yuldashev D.I.

Статья научная

The article provides a philosophical analysis of virtual reality using the postmodern methodology, and identifies a number of problems associated with the increasing spread of virtual reality in all spheres of public life.


Organization of commercial bank activities in a digital environment

Organization of commercial bank activities in a digital environment

Aitzhanov D.

Статья научная

In modern economic conditions, there is a total digitalization of the economic activity of subjects. Digitalization affects all segments of society, especially the economy and business. Digital transformation opens up new unforeseen opportunities and new activities for a company that lead to new forms of strong relationships with its customers and employees, the transformation of its business processes and the creation of a new business model. Digital technologies as the main driver of change are at the epicenter of digital transformation. As digitalization is an important topic for many businesses today, this master's thesis explores the impact of digitalization on the business model of companies and how digital technologies are shaping the process of digital transformation of companies in the banking industry. The purpose of the work is to determine the impact of digitalization on the activities of second-tier banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study will be based on the financial statements of second-tier banks, company surveys and various reports from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Moreover, the impact of one of the most significant phenomena for second-tier banks (bank digitalization) on the activities of banks is analyzed using data on the financial performance of each bank.


Organization of continuous language teaching in a medical university

Organization of continuous language teaching in a medical university

Sayfutdinova A.S., Tastemir A.A., Baktybaeva T.P., Alipbaeva G.O.

Статья научная

The article discusses a number of examples of effective application of new approaches, including abroad, in the teaching of a foreign language to future physicians. The discussion also suggests a new aspect of the problem of teaching foreign languages in medical schools, namely: the training of specialists with higher education in the context of additional vocational education, advanced training, cycles of thematic improvement.


Orif Revgari - the second pyr of Bukhara Sharif

Orif Revgari - the second pyr of Bukhara Sharif

Sharifova Sh.sh.

Статья научная

This article discusses about the second pyr of Bukhara Sharif- Orif Revgari


Origin and development of computer graphics

Origin and development of computer graphics

Umirzokov R.R., Mambetov R.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the emergence, development, stages of development, problems of computer graphics.


O’qitish metodlari - boshlang’ich ta’lim samaradorligining garovi sifatida

O’qitish metodlari - boshlang’ich ta’lim samaradorligining garovi sifatida

Tuхtаsinоvа G.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada boshlang’ich ta’limda o’qitish metodlarining muhim jihatlari tadqiq etilgan.


O’zbekiston Respublikasida ayollar huquqlarini himoya qilishning huquqiy asoslari

O’zbekiston Respublikasida ayollar huquqlarini himoya qilishning huquqiy asoslari

Marifjonova K.A.

Статья научная

Inson huquqlаri demokrаtik huquqiy dаvlаtning eng muhim belgisi, hаr bir dаvlаtning demokrаtik tаrаqqiyot dаrаjаsini ko’rsаtuvchi muhim mezondir.


Patients - a single health treatment

Patients - a single health treatment

Sobirjonova M.V.

Статья научная

Care of the patients is an integral part of the treatment process and includes a set of measures that will facilitate the patient's condition and ensure successful treatment outcomes.


Paxta-to’qimachilik klasterlarining iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish yo’llari

Paxta-to’qimachilik klasterlarining iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish yo’llari

Jamolova F.E.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada paxta-to’qimachilik klasterlarini shakllantirishdan asosiy maqsad klasterlar fa oliyatini rivojlantirishga doir masalalar ko‘rib chiqilgan.Xususan, mamlakatimizda bu sohada amalga oshirilgan ishlar va natijalar keltirilgan.


Pecularities of teaching international courtesy at the english language lessons

Pecularities of teaching international courtesy at the english language lessons

Gulshat Yusupova

Статья научная

In this paper, modern aspects of teaching international politeness in English lessons are considered. Recommendations and directions for increasing the efficiency of introducing research developments into the system of teaching a foreign language are given.


Peculiarities of clinical current in patients with microvarskular stenocardia

Peculiarities of clinical current in patients with microvarskular stenocardia

Yakubzhanov M.Zh., Uzbekova N.R., Usmanov D.N., Abdullaev A.G., Yuldasheva S.L.

Статья научная

This article discusses the features of the clinical course in patients with microvascular angina


Peculiarities of social and pedagogical activity

Peculiarities of social and pedagogical activity

Abidova D.M.

Статья научная

This article examines the methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activity


Pedagogical and methodological principles of teaching English to young learners

Pedagogical and methodological principles of teaching English to young learners

Hamroyeva Sh.sh., Muhidova G.

Статья научная

The following article discusses about pedagogical and methodological principles of teaching English for young learners. Furthermore, it gives a sight into the psychological points of teaching English for young learners too.


Pedagogical approach to education

Pedagogical approach to education

Sobirov O.F., Turaxanov A.A.

Статья научная

This article discusses social relations arising in connection with the implementation of the upbringing process, its subject is a description of the foundations of the structural process of upbringing


Pedagogy as a science and its interaction with other sciences about man

Pedagogy as a science and its interaction with other sciences about man

Xodjibayeva I.V., Normirzayev I.I.

Статья научная

This article considers pedagogy as a science and its interaction with other human sciences.


Pedagogy as science and its sole with other sciences about man

Pedagogy as science and its sole with other sciences about man

Maxmudova N., Ruzibyeva N.

Статья научная

In this article is devoted the features of the subject of pedagogy and its main problems


Peer teaching in practice: advantageous adventure

Peer teaching in practice: advantageous adventure

Gurbanov M., Amirkulova A.A.

Статья научная

Peer teaching or peer learning is the process of students or participants learning with and from each other. This is usually facilitated through teaching and learning activities such as student-led workshops, study groups, peer-to-peer learning partnerships, and group work. This technique has been an effective method of teaching as well as learning. Now, peer teaching is quite popular among students of all ages.


Perfect generation - personality of private education and humanity facilities

Perfect generation - personality of private education and humanity facilities

Xaqqulov N.Q.

Статья научная

In this article perfect generation - personality of private education and humanity facilities.


Perspectives of economic growth in tourism industry

Perspectives of economic growth in tourism industry

Vaskova Yu.D.

Статья научная

The arcticle shows main sapects of economic growth. Its elements are presented in economic analysis. It is said about development of economic growth.

