Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

Публикации в рубрике (3775): Основной раздел
все рубрики
Protection of the health of children and adolescents

Protection of the health of children and adolescents

Usmonova R., Sarimsokova K.

Статья научная

In the protection and strengthening of the health of children and adolescents, the supervision of a doctor is one of the important measures. Treatment for children is the main institution children's polyclinics, which provide profilactic care. The children's Polyclinic receives constant supervision and provides free medical services to children living in its territory from birth to the age of 15 years.


Protection of the health of children and adolescents

Protection of the health of children and adolescents

Parpiyeva O.R., Jamoliddinova U. A. qizi

Статья научная

In the protection and strengthening of the health of children and adolescents, the supervision of a doctor is one of the important measures. Treatment for children is the main institution children's polyclinics, which provide profilactic care. The children's Polyclinic receives constant supervision and provides free medical services to children living in its territory from birth to the age of 15 years.


Proverb as a kind of paremiological fund and as an object of linguistic and methodological research

Proverb as a kind of paremiological fund and as an object of linguistic and methodological research

Mirzayeva D.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of proverb as a kind of paremiological cliche and as an object of linguistic and methodological research.


Psychological changes in the study English language on the basis of innovation technologies

Psychological changes in the study English language on the basis of innovation technologies

Ibragimova Rano Zokirjon Qizi

Статья научная

This article purpose is psychological changes in the study of the English language on the basis of innovation technologies.


Psychological components modern terrorism

Psychological components modern terrorism

Rajabova Muxtaram Hazratqulovna

Статья научная

This article describes the psychological traits of modern terrorism and the reasons for engaging in terrorist activities.


Psychological person typologies

Psychological person typologies

Nazarov D.B.

Статья научная

Psychological typology is a system of individual attitudes and behavioral stereotypes formed to explain the difference between people. The problem of a successful, i.e. defining a wider range of derived characteristics, basis for the classification of psychological types has always been a cornerstone for differential psychology.


Rahbar faoliyati samaradorligida psixologik salomatlikning o‘rni

Rahbar faoliyati samaradorligida psixologik salomatlikning o‘rni

Alijonov N.

Статья научная

Rahbarning shaxsiy rivojlanish va psixologik salomatlik hozirgi kunda ruhiy va psixologik sog‘liq muammolari mahalliy fanlarda faol o‘rganilmoqda. Psixologiya ushbu muammolarni hal qilishda, birinchi navbatda, psixologik ta'lim xizmatining rivojlanishi bilan bog‘liq muhim munosabatlar keltirib o’tilgan.


Raising the spirituality of youth in the era of globalization - the important task of today's

Raising the spirituality of youth in the era of globalization - the important task of today's

Olimova M.R., Jamalova N.U.

Статья научная

The article reveals the importance of education and training in protecting young people from various alien and harmful ideas and moral threats during the globalisation period.


Reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons

Reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons

Toshtemirov I.

Статья научная

It is well known that reading occupies a significant place in a person's life. It not only develops a person's ability to think and allows a deeper understanding of the world around them, but also enriches them spiritually.


Reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons

Reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons

Ramazonova B.R.

Статья научная

In this article described reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons.


Recognition on Ziyorah tourism of Bukhara region by world countries

Recognition on Ziyorah tourism of Bukhara region by world countries

Najmiddinov S.N.

Статья научная

This article outlines the importance of Ziyarah tourism for tourism development in Bukhara region. In particular, related Ziyorah tourism in Bukhara taken one of the measures, the I-International Ziyarah Tourism Forum, and the signing of the Bukhara Declaration this year. As well as it provides information about the tourist potential of the region and the foreigners' confession and in the next years.


Reflection of gender in the maxims of the English language

Reflection of gender in the maxims of the English language

Qozoqova M.M. qizi, Ergasheva Y.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of reflection of gender in the maxims of the English language.


Relation to national culture in the condition spiritual renew of society in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Relation to national culture in the condition spiritual renew of society in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Farxodjonova N.F.

Статья научная

In this article highlights religion to national culture in the condition spiritual revenue of society in the republic of Uzbekistan.


Relevance of foreign language proficiency in the modern world

Relevance of foreign language proficiency in the modern world

Makhmudova N.R.

Статья научная

The article deals with the relevance of foreign language proficiency as one of the conditions for successful adaptation in the social space, and considers English as the most popular today. The authors talk about the reasons for learning foreign languages and the advantages that it gives in everyday and professional spheres.


Relevance of foreign language proficiency in the modern world

Relevance of foreign language proficiency in the modern world

Soliyev Abdujalilovich Azizbek

Статья научная

The article discusses the relevance of foreign language proficiency as one of the conditions for successful adaptation in the social space, and considers English as the most popular language today. The authors talk about the reasons for learning foreign languages and the advantages that this gives in everyday and professional spheres.


Research of the cause of contamination of lubricants used in vehicles

Research of the cause of contamination of lubricants used in vehicles

Alimova Z.Kh., Makhamajanov M.-I.A., Magdiev K.E.

Статья научная

Studies of the contamination of lubricating oils during operation in hot climates and high air dust content show that lubricants are intensively contaminated with mechanical impurities, water, fuel and organic products, which leads to premature aging of the oil. During operation, engine components and parts are contaminated with various deposits. The process of formation of deposits is associated with thermo-oxidative transformations of products of incomplete combustion of fuel and oil components. These transformations take place both in the volume of the oil and in its thin layer on a heated metal surface. The resistance of the oil against oxidation by atmospheric oxygen is one of the most important factors that determine the behavior of the oil in the friction units during operation. We analyzed M-10V2 motor oils and calcium alkyl salicinate additives. After the introduction of such a concentration of the additive into the oil, we observed its dissolution. Studies show that the addition of a 9% additive reduces the process of piston ring wear by 3-4%, as well as an increase in efficiency by 1%, which leads to an increase in engine power by about 4%.


Revision transcanicular laser dacryocystorhinostomy

Revision transcanicular laser dacryocystorhinostomy

Petkov D.

Статья научная

Background: Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a surgical operation performed to treat recurrent dacryostenosis and epiphora in which an anastomosis is created between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. Aims & Objectives: The present study aimed to present the results of revision transcanalicular laser DCR. Methods: The key to successful endoscopic revision surgery is creating an appropriate-sized and accurately positioned nasal ostium and a healthy lacrimal sac mucosa. An appropriate-sized and optimally located nasal ostium ensures complete exposure of the lacrimal sac and intraoperative visual assessment of the common canalicular patency Results: In our study, we analyzed the causes and results of reoperation of 7 patients according to the area of obstruction before the surgery. Six(85,7%) of our patients had complete resolution of epiphora after stent removal, and 1 patient required reoperation after 2 months of follow-up.


Riddles and its challenges

Riddles and its challenges

Abdukhalilova F. U.

Статья научная

The purpose of this article is to investigate riddle types and their difficulties to solve. More specifically, this article focused on the appreciation of riddles (reaction), the ability to retell the significant aspect of the riddles (recall).


Rise and development of Uzbek national games

Rise and development of Uzbek national games

Isaqova N.

Статья научная

This article discusses the importance of game history today.


Risk factors and uncertainties in the economy

Risk factors and uncertainties in the economy

Xolmirzayev A.X.

Статья научная

This article discusses risk factors and uncertainties in economics.

