Статьи журнала - Science for Education Today

Все статьи: 997

"Надежда" как модусная категория

"Надежда" как модусная категория

Перфильева Наталия Петровна

Статья научная

Цель статьи - аргументировать существование модусной категории «надежда» на фоне такой общепризнанной модусной категории, как достоверность. Статья содержит обзор российских и зарубежных работ по модусу и по категории достоверности в частности. Исследование посвящено семантико-прагматическим характеристикам этой категории. В исследовании осуществляется полевый подход при описании языковых средств выражения модусной категории «надежда», выделяются вводные единицы я надеюсь / надеюсь как ядерные, а вводную единицу мы надеемся / надеемся и изъяснительные конструкции с контактным словом надеяться мы рассматриваем как периферийные. Кроме того, обосновывается, что синонимы слова надеяться не могут быть ядерными средствами по разным причинам. Автор статьи приходит к следующим выводам: 1) несмотря на область пересечения достоверности и субъективного смысла «надежда» (‘уверенность’, ‘сознание’, ‘возможность осуществления’), рассматриваемая модусная категория является более сложной и включает ещё и такие компоненты, как ‘ожидание ’, ‘будущее’, ‘радостное / хорошее / приятное’, ’душа’, ‘эмоция’, при этом сема ‘будущее’ не является обязательной; 2) модусная категория «надежда» выражает «желание, ожидание чего-нибудь радостного / приятного / хорошего, соединенное с уверенностью, что это может осуществиться в будущем или уже произошло». Исследуемый субъективный смысл высказывания, в отличие от достоверности, является необязательной семантической категорией, потому что говорящий выражает его не во всех случаях, но лишь в тех, в которых, с точки зрения говорящего, следует подчеркнуть значение желательности ожидаемого события. Если рассматривать модусный смысл «надежда» в системе модусных категорий, то очевидной оказывается ее связь с категориями эмоциональности и достоверности.


A comparative study of the effects of self-assessment and peer feedback on literature students’ oral production

A comparative study of the effects of self-assessment and peer feedback on literature students’ oral production

Azizi Mahmoud, Kralik Roman, Petrikovicova Lucia, Tkova Hedviga

Статья научная

Introduction. The purpose of the current study is to investigate self-assessment and peer feedback as two helpful strategies for facilitating teaching and learning in language classrooms and to investigate the effects of these techniques on EFL learners' oral performance. Materials and Methods. To achieve the purpose of the study and answer the research questions, a quasi-experimental study was conducted. The participants of the study were two groups of five EFL learners who were called self-assessment group and peer feedback group. The self-assessment and peer feedback techniques were incorporated to the self-assessment and peer feedback group respectively. There were a pretest and posttest sessions and four sessions of treatment were between the pretest and posttest. The instruments used in this study were storyboards and checklists. The data was collected via recording device and then it was transcribed for further analysis. Some parts of the data were also analyzed qualitatively. Results. The findings of the present study showed that both techniques are helpful in different aspects of oral performance. Self-assessment had significant effects on the use of correct error- free clauses, subject verb agreement, word choice and tense consistency and also the features of fluency and organization. Conclusions. Peer feedback also improved the use of error-free clauses and fluency but not the other items. But there is no significant difference between the two techniques.


Active methodologies in health. Scientific production on gamification in health sciences

Active methodologies in health. Scientific production on gamification in health sciences

Segura-Robles Adrin, Parra-Gonzlez Mara Elena

Статья научная

Introduction. Gamification is based on the use of game elements, designs and structures in non-leisure contexts. Although there are many studies that prove the effectiveness of this methodology, no study has been found that has researched, analysed or organised scientific production on gamification in the sphere of health, which is what this paper offers. The purpose of the study is to analyse research articles on gamification and health, using sciencemetric and content analysis methodologies. Materials and Methods. An analysis was carried out on articles from the Web of Science database containing the words ‘gamification’ and ‘health’ using sciencometric methods and advance text analysis via content evaluation. In addition, an analysis of the literature was carried out among the most cited articles on the subject in order to extract the most current topics with the greatest scientific impact. Results. The remaining analysis comes from the 309 articles obtained. It shows the accumulation of different prestigious scientific journals and specific authors as well as the hegemonic predominance of the English language. The analyzed articles mostly presented case studies which focus on use of apps, change of habits and influence of gamification on the health training processes. Conclusions. The results showed a reduced group of topics currently studied, about all the studies of mobile applications, and the growth for the coming years, to which these types of investigations can be considered as a field of study relevant for the scientific community in the short and medium term.


An interpretative phenomenological analysis of EFL learning motivation of first-year undergraduates

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of EFL learning motivation of first-year undergraduates

Pakhotina Svetlana Vladimirovna, Sabaeva Nadezhda Ivanovna, Kungurova Irina Mikhailovna, Somikova Tatyana Yurievna, Ermakova Elena Vladimirovna, Tsalikova Ida Konstantinovn

Статья научная

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic (hereinafter referred to as the ‘pandemic’) caused many countries’ educational systems to temporarily switch to online instruction, with no time to prepare teachers, students and learning materials. This study is aimed at tracing the changes in motivational behavior to study English as a foreign language (EFL) of ten first-year Russian undergraduates majoring in Physical Education and Sports (they experienced face-to-face learning which was abruptly changed into the online mode). Materials and Methods. For this purpose, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of semi-structured interviews with the targeted (non-randomized) homogeneous sample of students was conducted. Using a bottom-up analysis, the codes were cataloged to identify some patterns. Results. It was found that students were generally positive about online learning and their motivation to learn EFL remained positive. The following themes were revealed: 1. Positive feeling towards English course at university; 2. Having the image of their L2 selves with English as a means of obtaining important professional information; 3. Being motivated by group-mates and other students’ progress in English language acquisition; 4. Feeling positive about the move to online instruction as more diverse authentic materials are available in the classroom; 5. Becoming more independent in learning. Conclusions. The researchers conclude that while students were generally positive about distance learning, their EFL motivation was affected as the direct drivers had changed. After entering the university, students were motivated by direct factors of influence - their former classmates and their new groupmates’ progress in learning English. After switching to online learning, these factors were substituted by understanding their own value as independent learners, since students had to be more active in finding and processing learning materials. The attitude to the English language as a means of getting professional information remained unchanged and stable. Linguistic competence is understood as an advantage in their future career, and not as a means of direct communication. A positive attitude towards online learning is based on its practical benefits (time saved on the way to university, more comfortable learning from home, etc.). Fears and insecurities associated with problems in teaching Physical Education online during the pandemic do not affect their attitude and motivation to study other academic subjects.


Art education as a way of preserving the traditional ethnocultural identity of indigenous minority peoples from the North, Siberia and the Far East

Art education as a way of preserving the traditional ethnocultural identity of indigenous minority peoples from the North, Siberia and the Far East

Kolesnik Maria Alexandrovna, Libakova Natalia Mikhailovna, Sertakova Ekaterina Anatolevna

Статья научная

Introduction. This paper presents analysis of the opportunities offered by a modern art education as an effective tool for the preservation of the cultural identity of indigenous peoples residing in the North, based on material from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The objective of the paper is to conduct a comprehensive study of the existing educational practices in the field of art education in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, clarify their role in formation of students' ethnocultural identity-representatives of the minority indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Materials and Methods. This article is based on analysis of field research completed within the period from 2010 onwards in the Northern areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Evenk Municipal District, and Taymyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District). Semi-structured expert interviews were employed as the main method. The respondents were specialists engaged in implementing educational programs in the field of art education, as well as artists who emerged during the development of these programs. Results. A comprehensive study on art education in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been carried out. The authors have conducted the analysis of contemporary practices in the academic process of working with representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North attending educational institutions of various levels, and a number of expert interviews have been conducted. Based on the analysis of the data collected during fieldwork, it has been concluded that modern educational practices in the area of art education among representatives of the minority indigenous peoples of the North serve as a tool which contributes to shaping a positive ethnocultural identity. Issues both in the area of art education and in its future development have been revealed. Conclusions. The comprehensive study of art education in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has led to the identification of the most successful practices for enabling new generations of the minority indigenous peoples of the North to be familiarized with their ancestors' traditions. Drawbacks have also been found. In the interviews, experts cite the absence of consistent cohesion between different levels of art education as a problem. However, the educational program, as the experts in the area of art education and the students themselves note, serves as a powerful factor in the formation of an ethnocultural identity: at both the supplementary and professional levels of education.


Basic factors of developing learner autonomy in foreign language education (with the main focus on Kazakhstan)

Basic factors of developing learner autonomy in foreign language education (with the main focus on Kazakhstan)

Zhankina Bakytzhan Zhakanovna, Kostina Ekaterina Alekseevna, Zhetpisbayeva Bakhytgul Asylbekovna, Kargin Sergali Tuleubekovich

Статья научная

Introduction. The modernization of the education system in Kazakhstan, the continuity of education and the personality-oriented approach, determining the development of modern higher education system, have actualized the problem of training specialists capable of learner autonomy and having the skills required for independent work. The purpose of the research is to reveal the basic factors of developing learner autonomy in the modern foreign language education. Materials and Methods. This study employed a quantitative research method. In order to identify the initial state of learner autonomy a special questionnaire was developed. It included questions of open and closed types. The voluntary and anonymous survey was conducted among part-time undergraduate students. The main goal of the survey was to identify the following: whether students possess qualities and skills required for independent work; factors hindering autonomous learning; characteristics of student-teacher interaction in terms of autonomy and digitalization of the educational process; and effectiveness of using modern Web 2.0 technologies in graduate studies. Results. The authors have identified skills and abilities characteristic for academic autonomy. The findings show the low level of learner autonomy among part-time undergraduate students. The study have identified the following factors hindering the development of learner autonomy: teacher-centered approach, insufficiently effective use of information and communication technologies, and weak student-teacher interaction. The authors have summarized organizational and teaching measures fostering the development of learner autonomy. They include compulsory online courses; high-quality methodological support and guidance of the course; and encouraging students to use information and communication technologies as a ‘producer’. Conclusions. The following factors of learner autonomy are summarized in modern foreign language education: student-centered learning; innovative methods of teaching and assessment; opportunities for interaction, creative activities, personal development and taking responsibility.


Career choices made by middle and high schoolchildren with the main focus on representatives of indigenous peoples of the north in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Career choices made by middle and high schoolchildren with the main focus on representatives of indigenous peoples of the north in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Kirko Vladimir Igorevich, Evseenko Ekaterina Andreevna, Malakhova Ekaterina Valerevna, Koptseva Natalia Petrovna

Статья научная

Introduction. The article presents a study of factors that determine the career choice of indigenous children - Evenks, high school students in secondary general schools located in extreme climatic and landscape zones on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The purpose of the article is to identify the main factors affecting the choice of careers for children - representatives of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of field work on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The field research conducted on the territory of Arctic Region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) resulted in an analysis of the factors defining the career choices made by the Evenk indigenous peoples' children, in particular, senior schoolchildren completing secondary general education in their respective territories located in extreme climatic and landscape zones. Results. These children's parents lead a traditional life with a traditional economy (hunting, migratory reindeer breeding, and fishing). The teachers' school staff also resides in the Arctic Region territories under extreme conditions, thus, have a huge impact on the formation of images of success with senior school students. The 2016 field research resulted in approbation of methodology aimed at revealing the correlation between the senior students' career choice, their parents' opinions, and teachers' opinions. The methodology application will allow to identify whether there are parents' or teachers' impact on the career choices made by senior school students. Conclusions. The completed complex research proved there to be an increase in the territorial and economic educational differentiation of schoolchildren observed in post-Soviet Russia. The conditions for obtaining secondary education and the routine experience of schoolchildren from the Arctic indigenous peoples are insufficient for guarantying their free career choice and its compliance to the students' own ideas about what a successful life contains. Political management established within the Arctic Region territories is subject to education inequality and should terminate the existing negative practices.


Career growth of teacher of pre-primary education through self-reflection in qualification thesis

Career growth of teacher of pre-primary education through self-reflection in qualification thesis

Pupikova Eva, Kollarova Dana, Birova Jana

Статья научная

Introduction. A nursery school teacher who aspires to achieve a higher career education degree in professional career development, a pedagogical employee with the first qualification exam, is forced by the legislation to elaborate a reflection on his/her educational activity by means of a written thesis. The professional thinking, often responsible for the quality of the processed reflection, is mainly influenced by pre-gradual preparation. According to the Slovak Republic legislation, the secondary or university education is accepted for the profession of a teacher of the nursery school for the first qualification exam. Materials and Methods. In the research about similarities and differences in pre-elementary school teachers’ self-awareness the analysis of their written self-reflection on performed activities was conducted. The participants (teachers) were asked to propose, implement and evaluate their educational activities to solve the methodological-technical problem in their individual pedagogical practice. The reflections of teachers with a high-school diploma and teachers with a university degree were analyzed. The goal was to determine and interpret the qualitative differences among participants’ self-reflections depending on their highest level of education achieved. The qualitative research strategy was utilized, while research data consisted of documents - self-reflections on activities from 12 participants with a high school diploma education and 12 participants with a university degree education. The main research method was the analysis of the documents consisting of 126 pages. In the evaluation, we also utilized quantitative indicator measures. During a content analysis of the documents, we performed qualitative open coding method. This helped us to condense the text to work with three categories - technical matters (pedagogical terminology), cause analysis (context area - interaction) and critical thinking (didactic reflection - educational impact). Subsequently, axial coding helped us to compare, clarify and explain some coherence in handling the reflective competency of teachers with different education levels. Results. The paper describes, evaluates, and interprets the self-reflection of teachers for pre-primary education, comparing the level of reflection processing with the achieved education using qualitative research methodology. Conclusions. The results of the research showed that in both groups of participants, there is a decreased ability to self-reflect one’s work with an emphasis on phases of an educational process. The issue in both groups appears to be the ability to explore the cause and possible strategies to improve the process’ quality, not only regarding a pupil but regarding one’s self as well. Among the participants with high school diploma education, their ability to diagnose a pupil is problematic. In the self-reflection, this group of teachers sees the problem in the educational time interval, or mental hygiene of a child, rather than their own didactic methods. On the contrary, the group of participants with the university degree education express possible strategies to change the didactic methods, while also expressing themselves in more technical terminology. However, in both groups, we observe negative aspect in their low ability to analyze their individual works with an emphasis on a child’s personality development. Rather, they describe the pedagogical process from outside. This is to say, in pre-gradual preparation of teachers, greater attention should be paid to pedagogical practice and analysis of educational reality with an accent on preparation on a future successful pupil.


Characteristic features of developing multiculturalism as a students’ personality trait and the basis of positive intercultural relations in the context of modern education

Characteristic features of developing multiculturalism as a students’ personality trait and the basis of positive intercultural relations in the context of modern education

Makazhanova Zhuldyz Maksutovna, Batayeva Froza Asanovna, Bratayeva Assiya Amangeldinovna, Mavrina Irina Andreevna

Статья научная

Introduction. The authors study the problem of developing the concept of students’ multicultural identity in modern education. The purpose of the research is to identify the characteristics of multiculturalism as a personality trait of students, serving as the basis for positive intercultural relationships in the student environment. Materials and Methods. The research methodology is determined by the research question: which factors determine the multicultural environment of an educational institution. The research methods include analysis of scientific literature on multiculturalism, interviews and questionnaires, Results. The study confirms that one of the factors of a multicultural environment is tolerance, recognizing the equal rights of different ethnic groups of college students. However, intolerant behaviors are evident in both national groups (Kazakh and Russian), while college students have a sufficient level of ethnic identity. The study has revealed multiculturalism as a personality trait mainly among students in the groups with both Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction, who speak both languages, whereas for mono-lingual students who have insufficient experience of communication in multicultural environments, the development of multicultural competence requires special multicultural educational environment. Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors summarize the characteristic features of developing multiculturalism as a personality trait, which serves as the basis of positive intercultural relationships between college students.


Characteristics of economic socialization of high school students in the northern territories of Krasnoyarsk krai and the Sakha (Yakutiya) Republic

Characteristics of economic socialization of high school students in the northern territories of Krasnoyarsk krai and the Sakha (Yakutiya) Republic

Kirko Vladimir Igorevich, Koptseva Natalia Petrovna, Malakhova Ekaterina Valerevna, Razumovskaya Veronika Adofolfovna, Yanova Marina Gennadievna

Статья научная

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of economic socialization and building economic culture among high-school students living in the North territories of Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Sakha (Yakutiya) Republic. The processes of economic socialization for children whose parents follow the traditional way of life and belong to the indigenous minorities of the North have been considered. Materials and Methods. In the course of field researches in the North (Arctic) settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya) the authors have implemented original assessment methods to identify the level of economic culture among the high-school students. Such methods as comparative analysis have been used depending on the territory (Krasnoyarsk, Tyukhtetskiy and Turukhanskiy Districts of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Neryungi, Heryungskiy District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya)), on students' ethnocultural self-identification (including their belonging to the indigenous minorities of the North and Siberia) and on their age. Results. The survey has been resulted in 314 questionnaire forms filled by the senior students of secondary schools, including 186 children whose parents belong to the indigenous peoples of the North and hold traditional lifestyle (they are involved in hunting, fishing and reindeer-breeding). The findings have been visualized through the diagrams and histograms and summarized in the Table as well. Conclusions. Thus, certain problems peculiar to the process of economic socialization among the high-school student living in Krasnoyarsk Krai's North have been detected; several differentiations on communicational, social, psychological and instrumental parameters have also been examined. Finally, the authors suggest a set of recommendation to improve the economic socialization in the course of education in schools and families.


Comparative evaluation of actual nutrition practices and macro and micronutrients consumption of athletes in a range of sport types

Comparative evaluation of actual nutrition practices and macro and micronutrients consumption of athletes in a range of sport types

Yerzhanova Yeldana Yerzhankyzy, Sabyrbek Zhanna Bekbolatkyzy, Milaius Kazys

Статья научная

Introduction. The growing popularity of sports for endurance, various styles of wrestling and game types allows athletes to show their physical qualities. The success of athletes doing these sports depends on the level of development of aerobic, anaerobic and alaktate energy systems which provide muscle energy. Athletes’ diets affect their health, performance, and adaptation to various environmental factors. Modern system of sports training recognizes nutrition as one of the leading factors contributing to enhanced sporting performance and increased regenerative processes during intense muscular activities. The literature review shows that study of actual nutrition practices of athletes in a range of sport types is significant during pre-competition training. Only after assessing athletes’ nutrition practices, it is possible to develop a planned dietary strategy to satisfy the requirements of training process and to enhance sports performance at competitions. In Kazakhstan, the results of studies on athletes’ nutrition practices showed that their actual diet did not always meet the requirements of rational nutrition for athletes. The relevance of this issue has determined the purpose of this study. The objective of the research is to study actual nutrition practices of elite-level athletes and to evaluate the provision of necessary nutrients. Materials and Methods. The research was carried out in 2017 and involved 15 triathletes of Kazakhstan national team, 15 judo wrestlers of Kazakhstan national team and 15 players of Almaty volleyball team called Burevestnik. The participants were aged between 19 and 30 years. The data were collected via a survey on athletes’ actual nutrition for 3 days (24 hours a day). The data on the consumed food and dishes were recorded. Results. Chemical composition and energy value of consumed food products were estimated according to Dietary Reference Values for chemical composition of Kazakhstan's food products. A systematic analysis of the composition of nutrients and their energy values was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS, version 16), the typical syntax and tabulation algorithms modified for the purpose of the study. Conclusions. The research has shown that actual nutrition practices of the elite-level athletes under study satisfy their physiological needs in food and biologically active substances. We observed that basic nutrients are not sufficiently balanced in athletes’ middle food rations. Part of the energy coming from fats is increased and makes up 33.44 per cent on average for triathletes, 49.00 per cent for judo wrestlers, and 35.20 per cent for volleyball players, while part of the energy produced from carbohydrates is understated, and is only 31.70 per cent for judo wrestlers, which does not correspond to the recommended daily rate. There is no shortage in vitamins and minerals detected. At the same time, the content of such elements as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, significantly exceeds the recommended standards. The content of vitamins A, B3, B6, B12, H and C also significantly exceed the recommended daily allowance. Literature sources believe that athletes performing high physical activity require an increased amount of vitamins and minerals, but there is no scientific evidence justifying it.


Conditions of English language teaching to prospective biology teachers in Kazakhstan

Conditions of English language teaching to prospective biology teachers in Kazakhstan

Tazhigulova Gulmira Olzhabaevna, Assanova Dariya Nurtasovna, Uteubayeva Elmira Aytkazievna, Mekezhanova Assel Bissembaevna, Tleuzhanova Gulnaz Koshkimbaevna

Статья научная

Introduction. The ongoing changes in the education system of Kazakhstan, in particular, the updating of the content of school education, have actualized the problem of language training of future subject teachers who conduct school disciplines in English. The purpose of the study is to identify the organizational and pedagogical conditions required to implement language training of future biology teachers in the context of the updated content of school education. Materials and Methods.The study was conducted by means of analyzing and summarizing scientific and theoretical sources on the research problem, review of normative documents on the organization of language training of biology students, analysis and systematization of empirical data on the basis of interviewing teachers of profile subjects, giving lessons in English, as well as Biology students. Results. The authors identified a range of organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for effective implementation of language training of future biology teachers in conditions of updating the content of school education. During the analysis of the interview results, the authors revealed the main problems of organizing language training for future school subject teachers, among which the lack of language readiness and inadequate educational and methodological base are dominant. Conclusions. The authors summarize the organizational and pedagogical conditions for language training of future biology teachers in the context of the updated content of school education, which implementation can contribute to effectiveness of language training of future biology teachers.


Creating a supportive learning environment: the impact of dominant love styles on students’ motivation

Creating a supportive learning environment: the impact of dominant love styles on students’ motivation

Trifonova I.S., Tokarev A.A., Levenkova A.Yu.

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Introduction. The article reveals the influence of emotions on the intrinsic student motivation to studies. The aim of the article is to identify the dominant love styles, to validate their impact on the intrinsic student motivation to studies and the types of their motives in order to design a supportive learning environment. Despite the fact that different investigations into the role of emotional factors on learning have been frequently undertaken since the emergence of psychoanalysis, currently, the emotional reaction to the experience of love is insufficiently articulated in educational and methodological literature and is still peripheral.


Cross-cultural study of the impact of short-term language courses abroad on language acquisition

Cross-cultural study of the impact of short-term language courses abroad on language acquisition

Khoroshilova Svetlana Petrovna, Kostina Ekaterina Alekseevna

Статья научная

The paper presents the results of a survey, conducted during the realization of an exchange program in which three higher education institutions from Russia, France, and Germany participated. The aim of the cross-cultural survey was to discover the students' attitudes towards short-term academic stays abroad and to compare their evaluations of the impact of short-term language courses on the acquisition of the target language as well as the target culture. The total number of the survey participants from three participating countries was 64. The methods employed in the current research combined observation and a questionnaire study. The evaluation of the significance of differences in the survey results of the three groups was done using chi-square analysis. Our study has shown that most respondents irrespective of their nationality are interested in having more experience with short-term language courses abroad in the future and give positive ranking to the impact of such programs on most components of language competence, as well as language- and culture-related issues. The difference in the affirmative answers among the subjects' groups was statistically significant only regarding the importance of pronunciation, the importance of grammar, grammar control and orthography, which can be explained by students' individual as well as professional preferences.


Developing project skills in future primary school teachers within the university-based initial teacher education

Developing project skills in future primary school teachers within the university-based initial teacher education

Ayapbergenova Gulsum Sagyndykovna, Nurgaliyeva Saniya Aydarkhanovna, Bissembayeva Nagima Assankhanovna, Kabakova Maira Pobedovna, Koyshibayev Makhabetzhan Nakhipbekovich

Статья научная

Introduction. The authors investigate the problem of developing programme-specific competencies in future primary school teachers using project methodology in the process of initial teacher education. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of project skills in future primary school teachers and analyze the obtained empirical data. Materials and Methods. The research was conducted using the method of psychological and educational experiment. The empirical data included students’ essays and questionnaires. The sample consisted of students of Karaganda university named after academician E. A. Buketov and Pavlodar pedagogical university. The obtained data were interpreted and subjected to statistical analysis using the Student's t-test. Results. The authors have developed criteria and indicators for evaluating future teachers’ project skills in order to experimentally interpret their project activities. The identification of students' priorities for the choice of certain types of project activities determined the validity of the questionnaire. Frequency and percentage analyses revealed the insufficient level of project skills in future primary school teachers related to the following components: (1) the motivational component of programme-specific competencies; (2) the cognitive component; (2) the reflexive component. Conclusions. The results of the research showed that students demonstrated a low level of project skills, which can significantly complicate the process of improving the quality of initial teacher training for a new type of primary schools.


Development of linguo-cultural personality of future teachers within the educational environment of higher educational institutions

Development of linguo-cultural personality of future teachers within the educational environment of higher educational institutions

Mardakhaev Lev Vladimirovich, Egorychev Aleksandr Mikhailovich, Varlamova Elena Yuryevna, Kostina Ekaterina Alekseevna

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of development of personal features and qualities, which characterize a future teacher’s linguo-cultural personality. The research is aimed at revealing personal qualities and abilities to communicate and implement the professional activity, taking into account cultural specificities of the environment and the interlocutors (students). Materials and Methods. The research has employed methods of analysis of scientific works on the educational environment, its influence on personal development. The contrastive and comparative analysis of scientific resources and normative documents, observation of the educational process were used as the methods which contributed to working out the educational technology and identifying its key features. Results. Need for the linguo-cultural personality in the polycultural society determines considering it as the object and the subject of the educational process in higher educational institution. At the same time keeping personal ethnic and national identity of the person’s own people is considered significant. The research has revealed the essence of a future teacher’s linguo-cultural personality; the content of such personality has been described on the basis of considering it as the object and the subject of the educational process; the article identifies those qualities and abilities of linguo-cultural personality which are shown in intercultural foreign-language communication and professional activity. The research has formed the basis for working out the educational technology, aimed at developing a future teacher’s linguo-cultural personality. The educational technology, designed for linguo-cultural personality, has been performed with its key features. Conclusions. The authors come to the conclusion that requirements to the future teacher’s linguo-cultural personality should be considered in teachers’ training. If aiming the educational process at development of these very qualities and abilities of a trainee, it will strengthen the educational impact on personal preparedness to implement foreign-language intercultural and professional communication, on the basis of relevant cultural specificities and keeping the socio-cultural position of a representative of the person’s own people (nation).


Development of management education in Kazakhstan at the present stage

Development of management education in Kazakhstan at the present stage

Karstina Svetlana Gennadevna, Kubeyev Yerkin Kinoyatovich, Shkutina Larissa Arnoldovna

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Introduction. The article presents the results of research carried out in the framework of the international project TEMPUS IV Modernization and development of degree programs in education and education management in Central Asia (EDUCA). The article analyzes the current state of the education management in the republic, describes the achievements and problems in this area. The aim of the article is to identify and solve the problem of education management in Kazakhstan. Materials and Methods. Methodology of the study includes analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, questioning, interviewing, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The main results indicate that currently there is no unified methodological platform for degree programs in education management, despite the fact that there is a great need for professionals with management or leadership expertise within special education. The authors presented proposals aimed at improving degree programs by means of introducing modules which allow to form professional competencies, which have been identified on the basis of questioning the heads of education settings. The article characterizes Master’s degree program 6M010300 - Education and Psychology (Education Management), which was designed in cooperation with foreign experts. It is emphasized that degree programs designed on the basis of international experience, focusing on real regional needs, ensure their sustainability and the demand from entrants, and as a consequence - the provision of the education system by qualified managerial staff. Conclusions. The authors conclude that the results of the research can contribute to changing the structure of education managers training, and introduce a new approach to teacher training based on multi-level system with various career opportunities in education.


Digital learning resources: enhancing efficiency within blended higher education

Digital learning resources: enhancing efficiency within blended higher education

Lomonosova Natalia Vladimirovna, Zolkina Anna Valentinovna

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Introduction. The article explores the problem of digitization of higher education aimed at enhancing students’ autonomous learning. The purpose of this research is to reveal the appropriate conditions of applying digital learning resources within blended higher education. Materials and Methods. The research is based on general theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The authors consider the main theoretical and pedagogical approaches to modern understanding of blended learning and report the results of an experiment focused on identifying an optimal proportion of digital and traditional methods of “teacher-learner” interaction. The analysis of the results are provided. Key structural constituents of blended learning are identified and justified by means of system analysis. Results. The findings indicate that the system of blended learning comprises the interrelation of the following elements: (1) methodological, administrative (legal and financial), educational and technical support; (2) computerisation of all university-based processes; (3) control of protecting students’ rights; (4) solving significant social problem and (5) comprehensive assessment of digital educational resources. According to the systemic approach, each element of blended learning system is a system itself. At the same time, digital educational resources should be considered as basic elements of blended learning and an integral part of the whole education process, but not as an auxiliary tool for conventional education. Improvements in using digital educational resources in the system of blended learning can raise both students’ performance and quality of educational process as a whole. The study highlights the significance of an appropriate proportion (70 / 30) of using digital educational technologies and conventional teacher-student interactions. Conclusions. The authors summarize the appropriate conditions of applying digital learning resources within blended higher education.


Education for sustainable development: global and regional aspects

Education for sustainable development: global and regional aspects

Vlasyuk Natalia Nikolaevna, Mayer Boris Olegovich

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The purpose of the article is to justify the idea that education for sustainable development is a holistic and transformational system which adapts society to sustainable development through enabling people to become ‘global citizens’, able to accept and implement the ideas of sustainable development. One of the most significant current discussions is the problem of choosing a strategy for sustainable development of human civilization. It involves application of new approaches to identifying the place and role of education within sustainability paradigm. Education for sustainable development empowers people to be ‘global citizens’. ‘A global citizen’ is a member of an emerging world community, who is capable of acting at both local and global levels. The authors conclude that developing people as global citizens is a complex process of system interactions of national and global aspects based on the principle ‘think globally, act locally’. Sustainable development of society is a progressive straightforward process enhancing the opportunity to maintain positive growth. Education influences moral values of people as well as shared intellectual reality and socio-cultural environment, both at national and global levels. Therefore, education for sustainable development is a system aimed at nurturing the integrated person (‘global citizen’) capable to perceive and implement ideas of sustainable development.


Educational potential of epics and fairy tales of indigenous minority peoples of Siberia

Educational potential of epics and fairy tales of indigenous minority peoples of Siberia

Seredkina Natalia Nikolaevna, Smolina Maia Gavrilovna

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Introduction. The formation of a positive ethnocultural identity as a possible educational effect of such teaching material as ancient epics and fairy tales of the indigenous minority peoples of Siberia. The objective of the article is to reveal the educational potential of epics and fairy tales of Siberia's minority indigenous peoples. Materials and Methods. The authors employed the following methods: Identification and analysis of a cultural representation, comparative and typological analysis, and extrapolation. Results. The authors have identified and clarified the educational potential of epics and fairy tales of Siberia's minority indigenous peoples, including the potential to shape a positive ethnocultural identity among readers. Conclusions. The educational potential of epics and fairy tales of Siberia's minority indigenous peoples comprise learning the fundamentals of a culture with a traditional economy, shaping a positive ethnocultural identity among listeners and readers, as well as their ecological awareness, and developing the ability to make philosophical generalizations.

