Статьи журнала - Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета

Все статьи: 2929





































Creating legal base for private railway companies’ activities in Russia between 1855 and 1865

Creating legal base for private railway companies’ activities in Russia between 1855 and 1865

Nazarova E.I.

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In the middle of the 1850s, the Russian government realized a need to create a developed railway network in the country. The government had to choose the models for the railway construction - to build them at private joint-stock companies’ expense, to build them only with resources from the state treasury, or to allow the existence of both categories at the same time. To solve this problem a special committee headed by Lieutenant General E. I. Herstfeld was established in 1855. The Committee analyzed the experience in the sphere of the construction and legal regulation of private railways in foreign countries and drafted a detailed Russian railway legislation project, including the conditions for establishing the first private companies in Russia. The author analyzes the main provisions for this project and compares them with the operating conditions of private railway companies implemented in practice in the 1860s. The conclusion is made about the degree of influence of the project developed by the Committee on the Russian railway legislation in the 1860s and the 1870s. This article is based on archival sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.


Elastic deformation modeling based on surface grid

Elastic deformation modeling based on surface grid

Bezdelnikov V.A.

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A method of modeling three-dimensional object deformation is described. This problem originated from the eye microsurgery operation framework development and thus has some advantages that can help in physical simulation. We suggest an approach that can reduce real-time deformation calculation complexity. The standard way of elastic objects’ modeling with a three-dimensional tetrahedron grid does not allow achievement of the goal. Instead of using a three-dimensional grid we simulated the surface reaction by taking into account the internal volume forces’ measure.


Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz на болотах Карелии

Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz на болотах Карелии

Дьячкова Тамара Юрьевна



Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz на золоотвале Нижнетуринской ГРЭС и в естественном местообитании

Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz на золоотвале Нижнетуринской ГРЭС и в естественном местообитании

Филимонова Елена Ивановна, Глазырина Маргарита Александровна, Лукина Наталия Валентиновна, Борисова Галина Григорьевна, Чукина Надежда Владимировна, Малева Мария Георгиевна, Грошева Светлана Николаевна

Статья научная

Целью данной работы являлось изучение пространственной и возрастной структур ценопопуляций, а также морфофизиологических параметров и микоризы корней Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz, семейство Orchidaceae Juss. (дремлик болотный, сем. Орхидные), произрастающих на золоотвале Нижнетуринской государственной районной электростанции (г. Нижняя Тура, Свердловская область) и в естественном фитоценозе (прибрежная зона озера Багаряк, Сысертский район, Свердловская область). Установлено, что плотность ценопопуляций E. palustris колеблется в значительных пределах: на золоотвале - от 1 до 54 особей на м2, в контроле - от 5 до 73 особей на м2. Средняя плотность в 1,4 раза выше в ценопопуляции естественного растительного сообщества. Обе ценопопуляции являются нормальными полночленными. По критерию «дельта-омега» они относятся к молодым. Индекс восстановления был выше в естественной ценопопуляции. Морфологический анализ показал достоверные различия генеративных особей E. palustris из изученных популяций по высоте, числу цветков и числу прицветников. Высота генеративных растений, произрастающих на золоотвале, в среднем в 1,2 раза меньше, но цветков они образуют в среднем в 1,9 раза больше, чем в естественном сообществе. По толщине листа и содержанию фотосинтетических пигментов достоверных различий между популяциями не выявлено.


Evaluating of diffusion constant as kinetic parameter of dusty plasma structures

Evaluating of diffusion constant as kinetic parameter of dusty plasma structures

Shtykov A.S., Luizova L.A.

Статья научная

This paper is concerned with diffusion processes in dusty plasmas. The video registration method and the correlation spectroscopy method are described and their applicability is tested. These methods are applied for diffusion constant value calculation. A good agreement between values of diffusion constants calculated by the video registration method and the correlation spectroscopy method are shown.


Exact relations between effective thermoporoelastic characteristics of porous composites

Exact relations between effective thermoporoelastic characteristics of porous composites

Levin Valeriy Mikhaylovich

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Exact relations between the effective thermoporoelastic constants of two-phase heterogeneous materials (cross-property relations) are developed by some simple way. For the composite materials with the isotropic components these relations are obtained in explicit form.


Excitation processes in Ar-Ar collisions

Excitation processes in Ar-Ar collisions

Kogochev A. Yu., Kurskov S. Yu., Sysun V.I.

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The present work is devoted to study of Ar(3p 5 4p) states excitation in binary low-energy Ar-Ar collisions. The results of the experimental investigation of excitation cross sections of Ar I 4p[3/2] 2, 4p'[3/2] 1, 4p'[1/2] 1 and 4p'[3/2] 2 levels in the collision energy range from threshold up to 500 eV (centre of mass system) and degree of polarization for 4s[3/2] 20 - 4p[3/2] 2 and 4s[3/2] 20 - 4p'[1/2] 1 transitions in this energy range are represented.


Experimental results on academic mobility development in university students in process of foreign language acquisition

Experimental results on academic mobility development in university students in process of foreign language acquisition

Dmitrieva N.K.

Статья научная

The goal of the article is to present and analyze experimental results of the three stage experimental study aimed to substantiate effectiveness of the introduced modified project technology targeting development of academic mobility in university students in the process of professionally oriented foreign language acquisition. Academic mobility of university students is understood as a dynamic, integral personal quality consisting of a number of interrelated and interdependent components. The studied quality is essential in adaptation to a dynamic variety of the changing environment inclusive of educational and professional areas. Academic mobility is developed in the process of mastering professionally oriented foreign language. A modified project technology is employed to realize the three-tiered goal of the learning process: to develop foreign language competency, to enhance independent study skills, and to establish and strengthen academic mobility as a personal quality. Results of the experiment, presented in the article, validate our hypothesis concerning effectiveness of the project technology and the set of pedagogical conditions necessary and sufficient for academic mobility development in university students.


Finnish factor in the establishment of autonomous Karelia

Finnish factor in the establishment of autonomous Karelia

Takala Irina R.



Fish industry in Karelian Republic (Russia)

Fish industry in Karelian Republic (Russia)

Ryzhkov L.P.

Статья научная

Information about the state and main possible ways of fishery development in the Republic of Karelia (Russia) is presented. It includes information about fisheries, aquaculture status, and reproduction of fish stock.

