Краткие сообщения. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Компьютерные технологии, управление, радиоэлектроника

Energy saving with the help of information and measuring systems: security system modeling
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Introduction. In conditions of uncertainty and risk, the task of saving energy production or consumption costs in the aspect of safety is relevant. An effective tool for solving the problem is the use of information and measurement systems. Aim. Building safety models for energy saving using information and measurement systems based on a systematic approach. Materials and methods. Traditional approaches to solving problems using information and measurement systems do not take into account the systematic approach to risk accounting. New models and method based on a systematic approach to risk accounting are proposed. The model of the security system includes a set of necessary energy-saving measures. The model for assessing the effectiveness of a security system for energy-saving measures takes into account the interests of all information and measurement systems participating in the implementation process. The method for creating a security system takes into account the interconnections of energy-saving measures. Results. The developed models and the plan for creating a security system make it possible to minimize economic, informational, psychological, environmental and didactic risks when implementing energy-saving measures using information and measurement systems. Conclusion. The implementation of the developed models and the plan for creating a security system at the Chelyabinsk thermal power station-2 ensured a reduction in risks when performing energy-saving measures using an automated system of integrated energy metering.

Estimation of mutual coupling in finite array of dipoles
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Mathematical modeling of the mutual coupling in finite phased array of dipoles with complex shape reflector is developed. The complete set of equations of the mathematical model is formulated as Pocklington integral equation for dipoles current distributions and integral equation of II kind for the scattering field of reflector. Offered compact form of the mathematical model as the set of the functional matrix equations includes special iterative procedure for obtaining the required accuracy and stability of the numerical solution.

Evaluation of business and IT strategic alignment maturity in Russian companies
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Recently information technologies have become strategically important for businesses. It can be considered as company’s competitive advantage on global market or considerable provider of internal business processes’ efficiency. Although, “unhealthy” cooperation between corporate IT-department and its top-management may lead to some serious problems for a company. In the 1990s a term strategic alignment which stands for beneficial cooperation between Business and IT within one company was introduced. Before any changes such as implementation of new information system or business intelligence solution, business processes’ or organizational structure reengineering, it is vitally important to understand the current condition of company’s strategic alignment or literally the maturity level of this very process.

Evaluation of business and it strategic alignment maturity in Russian companies
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Recently information technologies (IT) have become strategically important for businesses. It can be considered as company’s competitive advantage on global market or considerable provider of internal business processes’ efficiency. Although, “unhealthy” cooperation between corporate IT-department and its top-management may lead to some serious problems for a company. In the 1990s a term strategic alignment which stands for beneficial cooperation between Business and IT within one company was introduced. Before any changes such as implementation of new information system or business intelligence solution, business processes’ or organizational structure reengineering, it is vitally important to understand the current condition of company’s strategic alignment or literally the maturity level of this very process.

Existential issues of committee constructions. Part I
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The term “existence” is important in philosophy, mathematics and logic. Various approaches to logic research of existential expressions are possible. The question of relation of terms to the objects designated by them is important. These problems were considered by Aristotle in the names theory developed by him. Scholastic … of suppositions regard this problem as well. From the middle of the 19th century these problems were studied by J. Mill, W. Jevons, F. Brentano, A. Meinong, E. Husserl. Mill made a significant statement: names only have a task of naming something but to express that this something exists the predicate “to exist” is needed. Nevertheless F. Frege, B. Russell and R. Carnap believed that the expression of the language should be considered as a name only when it designates a real existing object, then the predicate of existence is unnecessary. We believe that everything that we can think about or see or feel exists, whatever it is, though it exists in different meanings and in different degrees. The kinds of existence need to be differentiated. There is a round square even as an idea. But there exists a bridge of ideas forming a concept of a round square, for example, as a dynamic structure transforming with the time in topology or as a set of figures, some of them being similar to a square while others - to a circle. There exists x: x > 0, x function show_abstract() { $('#abstract1').hide(); $('#abstract2').show(); $('#abstract_expand').hide(); }

Existential issues of committee constructions. Part II
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The question of the existence of a committee of a system of linear inequalities under additional conditions is considered. The most part of the article is devoted to the results of the research conducted by Vl.D. Mazurov and M.Y. Khachai on the committees of systems of linear inequalities. The given article represents the continuation of the results. The question of the proofs of the results in infinite-dimensional case is answered. This is the most difficult part of the problem. The committee of a system of algebraic inequalities is an ordered set of decision rules on the basis of which the final procedure of decision making is formed. The problem of committee construction and their application in economics and technics is topical since their initial formulation often contains controversies and non-formalized parts. Therein the system of homogeneous linear inequalities with an infinite set of indices is considered. Solution set can be empty as well. The conditions are proved under which there exist a committee of the system. As it follows from the theorem when the number of limit points in the left parts of inequalities is finite then the problem is reduced to that of construction of mutually independent committees. The example is given. At present factor analysis with the similar features is becoming increasingly important, the given mathematical apparatus can be applied to them as well. Further on, these methods are applied in psychology including a depth one the research of which was initiated by Carl Jung.

Experience of multi-layer neural network application for empirical regularities identification
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In this article, the recognition method is applied to the comparison of industrial enterprises. At the same time, we had to consider the methods of taking into account non-formalized factors. The method can be used for objective ranking of enterprises. While researching the topic, a neural expert system was developed, and it was used by specialists of the regional government to predict the dynamics of industry. In view of the complexity of relations, conflicting non-equality systems were arising. We were resolving them by means of committee method. The effect of managing the situation by varying the values of factors by tracking them on a computer model, made it possible to adjust the model as a means of parallelizing the committee constructions. They act directly in multi-layer neural networks.

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Results of trial operation of system of heat supply of the residential building with the optimized processes of regulation of temperature of the heat carrier are given in article. The actual indicators of volumes of the consumed gas for several months 2015 and values of temperature of external air are analyzed. It is shown that “factory” settings of controllers don't ensure effective functioning, especially at temperatures of external air close to 0 °С. The data, which showed that the optimization of processes in heating systems developed techniques for increasing their efficiency by 10-15 %. On the basis of pilot studies in a suburban boiler room with considerable losses in a heating main, the method of increase in their energy efficiency by increase in giving of the heat carrier is offered. The method is realized by means of the converter of frequency installed for control of the network pump. The experiments have confirmed efficiency of the offer.

Formation of modern algorithm of territorial development management
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Management of modern territorial development is carried out using a wide range of different procedures for the preparation and adoption of management decisions in various fields of activity. Only correct decisions and actions that stimulate the socio-economic development of territories can ensure sustainable and balanced development of the economy of the Russian Federation. Consequently, a significant part of the procedures for the preparation and adoption of management decisions in territorial administration requires the mandatory accounting of information about the object of management in order to achieve the most effective management potential. Unfortunately, today in the Russian Federation, the legislation does not define specific methods and models to ensure sustainable planning and management of populated areas and to conduct a set of measures aimed at the socio-economic development of territories. This work is the continuation of work on the creation of a modern methodology for managing the development of territories and is devoted to a brief description of the generated algorithm for managing the development of territories. The study of the developed algorithm was carried out with the help of the analysis of the emerging situations of territorial management. The set of normative documents and scientific research on the territorial and socio-economic development of territories is considered. A modern algorithm of territorial development management and the block diagram of its implementation in managing the development of territories within the framework of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are demonstrated. A brief description of the flowcharts for each block is given. The conclusions are presented on the results of the analysis of the considered algorithm for managing territorial development. The result of this study will be a set of measures to ensure the sustainable implementation of the goals of socio-economic development of the territory.

Global exponential stability for nonlinear delay differential systems
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We give a review on recent results for global stability for nonlinear functional differential equations. Such equations include delay differential equations, integro-differential equations and equations with distributed delay and are applied as mathematical models in Population Dynamics and other sciences. We also consider methods used to study global stability: constructing of Lyapunov functional, applications of special matrices such as M-matrix or special matrix functions such as matrix measure, method of matrix inequalities, which is very popular in papers on Control Theory, fixed point approach and using a notion of nonlinear Volterra operator.

IDEF0-diagram into database conversion approach development
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An approach was developed to the conversion IDEF0-diagram, created in the business processes design tool CA ERwin Process Modeler, to database by analysis of *.XML file for task solution of organization business processes modeling within the scope of information system. Due to recognizing names and links between functional blocks, their decompositions and interface connections the analysis of the basic tags of *.XML file was done. Based on the analysis *.XML file database structure is developed, in which all the tables are related by “one-to-many” with a foreign key. Research results display actual tasks for companies. Solving tasks companies can move to a new technological and organizational level and compete more effective in modern economic conditions. Job was done by 05.13.01 specialty - systems analysis, control and information processing (branches).

Identification of nonlinear systems by using elliptic and loxodromic methods
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This article describes the results of using elliptic and loxodromic methods for identification of nonlinear systems with applying of the distributed computing and Acsocad software. Presents the existing methods for identification of objects and systems in the time domain, and also describes standard methods and identification algorithms by using Acsocad. The research of nonlinear objects with two and three unknown parameters are done. For their identification the methods of global minimum search by ellipse and spiral for two-dimensional case and with using ellipsoid and loxodromic curves for three-dimensional case are developed. This article describes the results of researches, which contain the parameters estimation error, standard deviation, the number of performed operations, and also the map of the global minimum search.

Improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises through the mechanisms of motivation
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Any company manages the financial, material and human resources, but human resources mana¬gement is able to ensure that all plans and achieve its objectives. A modern company should develop and update personnel policies, adhering to a system approach. It is important to understand that the need to invest in human resources. Only then the company will take its rightful position in the market, will continue to develop. This thought leads to the realization that human resource management cannot be limited only to administrative activities related with personnel. The article discusses the possibility of increasing the productivity of the personnel by improving the intrinsic motivation and stimulation of employees.

Incentive systems in project management
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Analysis of the current state of project management shows a significant increase in the number of projects implemented in the spheres of construction, public administration, energy, consulting, and digital technologies. Professional project management allows to effectively allocate responsibilities and responsibilities between project participants, save money and time, reduce risks. Understanding the importance of future development, the heads of organizations are increasingly using project management methods to create competitive advantages, and in the applied theory of management of organizational systems, more attention is paid to the teamwork of the organization's personnel. An important task in the management of the project team is the formation of a system of incentives for its participants, whose task is to ensure the implementation of the project on time without additional budget expenditures. In order to maintain the motivation of project team members, individual and unified incentive schemes. The disadvantage of individual incentive systems is, firstly, unequal conditions for encouraging different groups of performers, and secondly, the danger of manipulation, that is, deliberate distortion of information on the amount of work and costs transferred from the members of the project team. In order to exclude distortion of information and reduce tension in the project team, unified incentive schemes apply when the incentive mechanism is the same for all performers. Intermediate position is occupied by the group incentive schemes, when a number of project operations are divided into groups, for executors of each of which a unified incentive system is applied. The article considers jumping unified stimulation systems, and the problem of choosing the optimal group incentive system is solved.

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Each cell phone emits electromagnetic waves. This paper describes the interaction between the electromagnetic radiation, EMR (electrical field, magnetic field and far-field radiation pattern in linear and in decibels, dB) and the human head in existence of the mobile phone which consists of three components (plastic casing, metal base antenna and metal washer). The study of the human head model under the influence of cell phone radiation is carried out using the program EM.CUBE. The results of these study showed the possibility of using this program to evaluate the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with biological objects.

Linearized stability principle for differential equations with delays
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In this article а linearized global stability principle is announced for nonlinear delay differential equations which is illustrated by several models of Population Dynamics. Is given а review of some mathematical models with possible applications of the linearized principle is presented.

Management automation of construction organization based on building information modeling (BIM)
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Two information barriers were identified that influenced the phenomenon “organization management” as a process. As a result of the first barrier was a need to differentiate management functions by individuals. The second barrier was the impulse for the introduction of automation in the management of the organization. Initially, automation concerned only with the solution of local problems. Over time, automated control systems made it possible to integrate the activities of the entire organization. Building information modeling technology (BIM) currently allows you to take into account the increased flow of data on construction projects at all stages of the life cycle. There are significant differences in the construction process, which should be reflected in information management systems: product immobility, territorial disunity of the final product, the long duration of the production cycle, the diversity and interchangeability of the resources consumed, the multivariant nature of technological solutions, the difficulty of standard technology work, the difficulty of combining work, the influence of natural factors. The basis of management in construction is the “model of the object of management”. One of the elements of this basic model is the project technological dependencies model (PTDM). This model allows increase the reliability of management decisions. The model is based on quantitative assessments of technological relationships between work.

Managerial decision-making model taking into account technological development of the enterprise
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In the conditions of accelerating scientific and technological progress, it is required to make effective managerial decisions to raise the level of competitiveness of Russian enterprises. In the article, the model that allows increasing the effectiveness of managerial decisions taking into account the level of technological development of enterprise is described. Through the implementing indicators linking technological process and the financial results of the enterprise, it is shown the ability of making strategic management decisions related to the necessity for improving current processes or the possible transition to new technology.

Material resources efficiency evaluation method for manufacturing systems with generalized structure
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This paper describes a new approach to material resources efficiency evaluation for industrial enterprises. This approach is based on material flow cost accounting and is aimed at reconciliation of economic and environmental aspects of the production process. A new mathematical model of material flows’ cost introduced in generalized form, its differences from standard model are shown. In particular, given model takes into account production process’ time parameters and can be used for analysis of systems with an arbitrary structure; it does, however, require significantly more input data, as calculations make use of momentary material flows’ values and not accumulated values for a time period. With the help of new model cases are illustrated, in which application of standard method can provide incorrect information. Based on the model, three types of material resources efficiency indicators are formulated and a way of their application in optimal planning procedures is shown. Finally, advantages and drawbacks of the method in general are discussed, as well as prospects of its further development.

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Carrying out projects on improving technological processes is one of the crucial tasks of manufacturing enterprise management. Nowadays increasing the number of successful projects of this sort and as a result solving a problem of choosing an object to carry out similar researches on from the total number of technological processes of an enterprise is a pressing issue. A method of selecting technologies to implement projects on their improvement based on mathematical tools of fuzzy sets, which uses the data on the performance of a technology in the past as well as the data on the potential for development of such technology in the future is described in this article. The above ensures the increase in efficiency of selection compared with the ways based only on historical information. In the method offered, classical selection criteria exposed to fuzzification are used. Then all the operations are performed on fuzzy sets. The output is a ranked list of technologies of the enterprise with a high degree of probability of implementation of the project on its improvement. An apparent advantage of the proposed method is using mathematical tools of the theory of fuzzy sets allowing implementing a process of selecting technologies in intuitively clear terms that simplifies the implementation of the method into managerial practices of a manufacturing enterprise.