Краткие сообщения. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Компьютерные технологии, управление, радиоэлектроника

Публикации в рубрике (234): Краткие сообщения
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Modelling political processes in a multicriterial setting

Modelling political processes in a multicriterial setting

Gelrud Ya.D., Shestakova L.I., Gusev E.V., Kodkin V.L., Shiriaev V.I.

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A political process is a complex management system that includes, for instance, economics, electoral processes, and ecology. To make decisions when managing such a system, it is necessary to use some rules that allow to intentionally choose the best or an acceptable option. Such rules are called performance criteria. This paper discusses problems that affect different aspects of the management systems of political processes, and when choosing a solution, it is necessary to evaluate options using several criteria. These are called multicriteria problems. They emerge in strategic planning of a system, its forecasting and development. The goal of the study is to consider methods and tools of solving multicriteria problems arising while managing political processes. We discuss mathematical methods that help discard solutions, which are, in all respects, worse than others, and choose a compromise option from the remaining ones.


Need of developing information systems of managing a technology lifecycle of industrial enterprises

Need of developing information systems of managing a technology lifecycle of industrial enterprises

Hollay A.V.

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The following article is aimed at justifying the need of developing new information systems of managing a lifecycle of technologies in order to increase the efficiency of industrial enterprise performance. This necessity was caused by the objective processes happening in the world, specifically globalization of the world economy and further specialization of labour which led to segregation of production facilities from R&D centers developing new types of products and doing market research. In this regard, the competitiveness of industrial enterprises is now primarily to be defined by the efficiency of the technologies used in the production process. However, nowadays the vast majority of information systems are aimed not at managing technologies, but at managing products. The author shows the common ground and differences between the management systems of a product lifecycle and management systems of a technology lifecycle as well as what competitive advantages industrial enterprises will get implementing management systems of a technology lifecycle. At the same time, the transition into such system should not have a revolutionary nature. It can be implemented due to the improvement of the available information systems, with shifting the focus on improving the existing technologies and creating new ones. Upon such transition, industrial enterprises will keep the available competences in developing new types of products and will receive an additional impulse of development due to the increase in efficiency of the technologies used.


Neural network forecasting of time series

Neural network forecasting of time series

Golovenko A.O., Kopyrkin A.A.

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In the work, we built a predictive neural network to successfully predict several main classes of radar data, as well as economic indicators. It is a two-layer neural network feedforward network based on the backpropagation error algorithm. The results of forecasting real radio signals. Based on the results of the forecast, it turned out that the neural network ensures the accuracy of the short-term forecast. In this article, we describe the procedures for selecting characteristics for learning a neural network, justifying the choice of the structure of the neural network, training and the results obtained. Time series forecasting is currently an important topic, as it has a wide range of applications (radar, medicine, socio-economic sphere, energy, risk management, engineering applications, etc.). Analysis of works in the field of long-term forecasting of non-deterministic signals showed that at the moment the least studied is the neural network long-term forecasting. The use of neural networks for long-term forecasting is based on their ability to approximate nonlinear functions, the accumulation of history and its application in forecasting and learning ability. The work was based on the method of neural network forecasting using a two-layer network with direct distribution. The implemented neural network can be used to predict real signals of different frequency bands. This study can be very useful in medicine, geodesy, Economics and other areas.


Non-linear filtering of chaotic signal in the presence of noise

Non-linear filtering of chaotic signal in the presence of noise

Kazimirov A.N., Telezhkin V.F.

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The creation of radio engineering systems based on the effects of stochastic and chaotic dynamic is a promising direction. The task of developing such systems must be oriented toward using the results of theoretical studies of processes in nonlinear radiophysical systems. The subject of this study is the nonlinear filtering of a mixture of chaotic oscillations and noise based on the stochastic resonance effect occurring in a bistable system with the aim of isolating the information chaotic signal. Usually, noise is considered to be “white”, and the signal is narrow-banded. As a bistable system, a Schmitt trigger can be used. For narrowband signals, the stochastic resonance effect has been studied in sufficient detail theoretically, for broadband information signals, applied research is insufficient. The stochastic resonance effect is a phenomenon in which the response of a nonlinear system to a weak external signal amplifies with increasing noise intensity to some optimal value. In the study of radio engineering systems, chaotic oscillations can be used as information systems. Theoretical basis for research of information processing systems in radio engineering systems using chaotic signals is research in the field of nonlinear radiophysics. Of particular importance in this case is the selection of solutions at the model level, in particular, based on the results of circuit simulation of practically realized devices on the existing element base.


Optimization of A-star search algorithm

Optimization of A-star search algorithm

Piskorskii D.S., Abdullin F.K., Nikolaeva A.R.

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Introduction. Autonomous mobile robots must be able to plan global and local motion paths. The A-star path planning algorithm allows us to calculate the shortest path between the starting and end points on a map with known static obstacles. In real conditions, when additional information about the area is entered (difficult or dangerous sections, areas with speed limits) and the cost of overcoming them is taken into account, A-star can lead to a non-optimal, for these conditions, solution of the problem. Aim. Consider options for optimizing the A-star path planning algorithm for use in various conditions with restrictions on the number of turns, linking to critical points on a map of the area, difficult and dangerous areas and аssess the quality of the optimization. Materials and methods. Research is carried out by computer simulation of the A-star algorithm and options for its optimization in the MATLAB environment. The criteria for evaluating the quality of optimization are focused primarily on computational time and the path optimality with respect to the selected parameters. Results. The results of path calculation performed using the A-star algorithm before and after optimization are presented. In both cases, the following are estimated and compared: calculation time, number of analyzed polygons, number of turns and path length. Conclusion. In most cases, the optimization of the algorithm increases the path length and calculation time, but not significantly. Moreover, the new path corresponds to the given conditions, is the shortest in these conditions and, therefore, is optimal. The considered optimization options allow you to calculate the path taking into account additional information, estimate the path length and computational time. On the basis of these evaluations, it is possible to choose path planning method suitable for individual scenario.


Optimization of classifiers ensemble construction: case study of educational data mining

Optimization of classifiers ensemble construction: case study of educational data mining

Salal Y.K., Abdullaev S.M.

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The choosing the best prediction method of education results is major challenge of Educational Data Mining (EDM). This EDM paper compares the results of student's performance forecast produced by the individual binary classifiers (Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine algorithms) and their ensembles, which are trained (tested) on dataset containing up to 38 input attributes (weekly attendance in mathematics, the intensity of study, interim assessment) of 84 (36) secondary school students from Nasiriyah, Iraq. The two-class school performance was predicted - passing or not passing on final exam. Three following stages of comparison were completed. At the first stage of the experiment, the dependence of classifiers from the input attributes was investigated. It was shown that the forecast accuracy rises from 61.1-77.7% when all 38 attributes were used, to 75.0-80.5%, if base classifier trained with five attributes pre-selected by Ranker Search method. Then, in second stage, to each of the base classifier the AdaBoost M1 procedure has been applied and five homogenous ensembles were created. And only two of these ensembles demonstrated small rise of 3% in accuracy comparing to corresponding stand-alone classifier, but the overall maximal prediction accuracy of 80.5% stayed the same. Finally, comparing the accuracies of 77.7% and 83.3% achieved by the heterogeneous ensemble consisted of five simple voting base classifiers and by the heterogeneous meta-ensemble of five simple voting AdaBoost homogenous ensembles correspondingly, we conclude that improvement of the quality of the individual classifier or homogeneous ensembles allows to construct more powerful EDM prediction methods.


Optimization of the lining wear coefficient on the basis of control of three-phase current electric arcs characteristics

Optimization of the lining wear coefficient on the basis of control of three-phase current electric arcs characteristics

Loginovskiy O.V., Kostyleva E.M., Yachikov I.M.

Краткое сообщение

Introduction. Currently, the most important task of the steel industry is to constantly update the product range, increase its operational characteristics, and increase the efficiency of equipment use. Achieving goals is possible with a methodological base based on the principles of system analysis. In metallurgy, multi-electrode arc furnaces using three-phase alternating current are widely used. The lining layer present in such units during operation is subjected to thermal and electromagnetic effects created by the arc. A quantitative measure of this effect is the lining wear coefficient (LWC). In most studies, the influence of the described factors on the LWC is not taken into account. At the same time, heat fluxes affecting all elements of the furnace structure, including the lining, depend on the shape of the arc. Aim. Selecting the parameters of the electric arc furnace, which optimizes the lining wear coefficient. Materials and methods. When performing the work, methods of computational mathematics and evolutionary methods of numerical optimization of functions of many variables were used. Software which uses freely distributed scientific libraries was based on them. Results. The influence of the system of three burning arcs on the wear coefficient of the lining is considered taking into account the shape of the axis of the arc column. Conclusion. An algorithm and program have been elaborated that allow us to evaluate the thermal perception of the lining depending on the shape of the arcs. Based on the developed algorithm, special software can be created that is integrated into the system of automated regulation and prediction of the thermal operation of multi-electrode arc units to increase the reliability of assessing the wear of the furnace lining under different technological modes of arc burning.


Optimum ECG signal filtering based on wavelet transformation

Optimum ECG signal filtering based on wavelet transformation

Saidov B.B., Telezhkin V.F.

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The development of digital signal processing and microprocessor technology creates conditions for improving methods for diagnosing the functional state of organs. Wavelet analysis is a modern and promising method of information processing. In order to determine the effective optimal filtering of the electrocardiography signal based on the wavelet transform, wavelet filtering was performed using wavelets of different families, the efficiency of using different levels of decomposition, methods for calculating the threshold and types of the threshold function was investigated. Aim. Determination of effective optimal filtering of electrocardiography signal based on wavelet transform. Materials and methods. Cardiograms were taken for analysis. Then they were digitized and entered into a computer for processing. A program was written in the Matlab environment that implements continuous and discrete wavelet transform. Results. As a result of the research, 56 combinations of noise reduction parameters were tested for three noise levels. It was found that the maximum degree of signal purification from noise was obtained using the Coiflets 5 wavelet using a rigid thresholding method, with a heuristic method for calculating the threshold value. Wavelet Simlet 8 has lower correlation coefficient values than Coiflets 5, at 35 dB the best result is 97%, the noise level is 40 dB the best result is 98.7%, the noise level is 45 dB the best result is 99.3%, which is generally negligible differs from the correlation coefficients of the wavelet Coiflets 5. Conclusion. As a result of the study, the first and the present work, the following conclusions were made: the optimal level of the wavelet decomposition of the ECG signal N = 2; the maximum degree of signal cleaning from noise was obtained using the Coiflets 5 wavelet using a rigid thresholding method, with a heuristic method for calculating the threshold value; Simlet 8 wavelet using a soft thresholding method with a minimax thresholding method also shows noteworthy results, slightly inferior to Coiflets 5 wavelet results.


Planning of personal trajectors of development: systems of automated design

Planning of personal trajectors of development: systems of automated design

Bogatenkov S.A., Yusubov N.D.

Краткое сообщение

The problem of planning personal development trajectories in the implementation of computer-aided design systems in conditions of uncertainty and risk is considered. The aim of the research is the network planning of personal development trajectories when implementing computer-aided design systems on the basis of a competency model that requires reasoning. To minimize risks, a level model of competencies has been developed, taking into account education, work experience, certificates and functional responsibilities. The process of building a competency model for the implementation of automated process design systems is described. The developed algorithm and the program allows to solve the problem of network planning of personal development trajectories by the criteria of minimization of time and cost costs. The results of the research are used in the educational process of the South Ural State University and the Azerbaijan Technical University when training personnel for work with the systems of computer-aided design of technological processes.


Requirements for distributed information systems to support scientific and educational activities

Requirements for distributed information systems to support scientific and educational activities

Serikbayeva S.K., Tussupov J.A., Sambetbayeva M.A., Serikbayeva J.K.

Краткое сообщение

To increase the effectiveness of research, it is necessary to have access to systematic information resources of scientific work. Therefore, in any field of science, it begins with research, the search for scientific information, but with the growing number of scientific articles, books, monographs, patents, the search for information becomes more and more difficult. Creating a unified information system that allows scientists to quickly get acquainted with the results of other scientific research and prevent their duplication. The main tasks of creating a model of a distributed information system that supports scientific and educational activities, the functional capabilities of the model, the concept of metadata, and the requirements for the metadata profile are described. The task, subject area, subjects, objects, the main functionality of the information system are defined, a list of the main types of information resources is provided. The paper analyzes the functional requirements for such systems. Purpose. In the process of creating distributed information systems that support scientific and educational activities, it is necessary to study the requirements imposed on the information system. Methods. The article discusses in detail technological methods for constructing models of information systems for supporting scientific and educational activities. Results. Using the requirements, models, metadata of a distributed information system supporting scientific and educational activities, the architecture of the information system was developed and a scheme for exchanging information in the information system through information protocols was presented. Conclusion. The article discusses technological methods of a distributed information system that supports scientific and educational activities. The main tasks for building a model of a distributed information system supporting scientific and educational activities, ensuring the functional functioning of the model, the concept of metadata for this system, and the requirements for the metadata profile are described. Based on the proposed requirements, the architecture of a distributed information system supporting scientific and educational activities has been developed and the structure has been clearly described.


SVG-моделирование управляемых систем тел

SVG-моделирование управляемых систем тел

Тимофеев Дмитрий Николаевич, Телегин Вадим Александрович, Телегин Александр Иванович, Пудовкина Светлана Геннадьевна

Краткое сообщение

Описаны новые функциональные возможности программной системы (ПС) «СистемаТел», основанной на XML-технологиях, в которой для 3D-моделирования управляемых систем тел (СТ) используется расширяемый язык разметки трехмерной векторной графики (X3D). А для 2D-моделирования СТ используется скалярная векторная графика (SVG). Выполнен краткий обзор ПС моделирования роботов, использующих XML-ориентированные языки (URDF, SRDF, PLM) разметки параметров роботов. Указано на основное отличие ПС «СистемаТел» от ее аналогов. Оно связано с тем, что в ПС «СистемаТел» коллизии описываются как условия перехода от одной структуры СТ к другой, а не перехватываются в процессе графического моделирования, например, как события столкновения двух тел. Предложен язык XsysTel разметки СТ, состоящий из корневого узла и узлов , . Структура вложенности узла декларирует структуру СТ. Поля узла расширяют его использование до описания кинематических, статических и динамических свойств СТ. В узле описываются неудерживающие и динамические связи, зависящие от состояния и структуры СТ. Предложена структурная классификация СТ. В ПС «СистемаТел» различают СТ с одной Открытой Ветвью (СТОВ), СТ с одной замкнутой Ветвью (СТВ), Древовидную СТ с Открытыми Ветвями (ДСТОВ), Древовидную СТ с открытыми и замкнутыми Ветвями (с циклами) (ДСТВ). К ДСТ относится СТ, в которой структура меняется в процессе движения тел. Приведен пример СТ с изменяющейся структурой. Условия перехода между структурами могут быть геометрическими, кинематическими и динамическими, например, в виде неравенств, содержащих динамические реакции в сочленениях тел. Приведены примеры XsysTel-описания СТ на плоскости (ПСТ). Рассмотрена плоская СТОВ (ПСТОВ) и плоская ДСТ (ПДСТ) в виде моделей двуногого шагающего аппарата в одноопорной и двухопорной фазах ходьбы, а также в фазе полета. Разработан алгоритм XSLT-преобразования XsysTel-описания ПСТ в SVG-модель ПСТ.


Simple stability tests for second order delay differential equations

Simple stability tests for second order delay differential equations

Leonid Berezansky

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For linear and nonlinear delay differential equations of the second order with damping terms exponential stability and global asymptotic stability conditions are obtained. The results are based on the new sufficient stability conditions for systems of linear equations. The results are illustrated with numerical examples, and a list of relevant problems for future research is presented. We proposed a substitution which exploits the parameters of the original model. By using that approach, a broad class of the second order non-autonomous linear equations with delays was examined and explicit easily-verifiable sufficient stability conditions were obtained. There is a natural extension of this approach to stability analysis of high-order models. For the nonlinear second order non-autonomous equations with delays we applied the linearization technique and the results obtained for linear models. Our stability tests are applicable to some milling models and to a non-autonomous Kaldor-Kalecki business cycle model. Several numerical examples illustrate the application of the stability tests. We suggest that a similar technique can be developed for higher order linear delay equations, with or without non-delay terms.


Simulation of non-stationary object control system with constant settings in the software environment Simulink

Simulation of non-stationary object control system with constant settings in the software environment Simulink

Erypalova M.N.

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The sponge titanium production technology process is considered. Its control problems are considered. The positional control system of sponge titanium vacuum separation is investigated by simulation in the software environment Simulink (MATLAB). The process control capabilities with two standard types of controllers (position and PI) are considered. The optimal parameters of the position controller are selected using tabular method in MS Excel. The optimal parameters of the PI-con¬troller are selected in the software environment Simulink (MATLAB). The transients are obtained with position and PI-controller. The impossibility of standard control methods using to this task has proved. The necessity to use more sophisticated methods of control to improve the quality of control has proved.


Strategic development management of industrial enterprises from the perspective of a degree perfection increase of technical systems

Strategic development management of industrial enterprises from the perspective of a degree perfection increase of technical systems

Gollay A.V.

Краткое сообщение

In the condition of increased competition, the main task is strategic enterprise management. In this article based on the degree perfection increase of technical systems, the technique of identifying strategic directions related to the development of the enterprise is proposed. A universal approach to determining development goals of industrial enterprises: continuous increase of the perfection degree is formulated. Various strategies for the development of industrial enterprises are considered, and recommendations for its applying for different types of enterprises are provided.


Study of the mechanism of action of modulated UHF signal on a spherical non-ideal dielectric model

Study of the mechanism of action of modulated UHF signal on a spherical non-ideal dielectric model

Golovenko A.O., Kopyrkin A.A., Tambovtsev V.I.

Статья научная

The work belongs to the field of electrodynamics and electromagnetic compatibility. The conversion of microwave radiation passing through a non-ideal dielectric and its concentration in the dielectric region is analyzed. The results of the study of the mechanism of modulated microwave radiation when exposed to a spherical non-ideal dielectric are presented. The mathematical apparatus on the basis of which modeling was carried out is given. The study was carried out by means of computer simulation in CAD CST Studio Suite that combines a rich set of tools for low and high frequency modelling and solution of problems of electrodynamics. The effect of microwave radiation focusing when exposed to a spherical non-ideal dielectric of the modulation type and depth is studied. The results of the influence of frequency-amplitude-pulse-modulated microwave signals on a spherical non-ideal dielectric were obtained. It is shown that the radiation is linearly frequency-modulated signal, there is a concentration of radiation to a small area of the dielectric, put forward the theory on the ability to control the location of concentration of the radiation by changing its parameters. The paper presents the parameters of the spherical non-ideal dielectric, such as dielectric permittivity, conductivity, loss tangent, etc. are the parameters of the modulated microwave signals. The practical significance of the obtained results is explained.


Survey of primary methods of fingerprint feature extraction

Survey of primary methods of fingerprint feature extraction

Wahhab H.I., Alanssari A.N.

Краткое сообщение

Proving the identity of the individual today is an urgent need in many areas, including social security, financial, criminal and other fields. Biometrics is interested in identifying individuals through personality traits, eye color, fingerprints, height, facial appearance, and signature. Image processing technology supports most of the techniques used in biometrics, by improving images and matching images, to identify the individual identity. Fingerprint recognition is some of the most well-known biometrics, and it the best the used biometric result for confirmation on computer systems. Technic fingerprinting has a great popularity for simplicity of acquisition, the use and approval when compared to other systems. Fingerprint Recognition System consists of four steps: firstly, Image acquisition (image fingerprint) through sensors.Secondly, processing the image so that it obscures the noise that exists, clarifying the hills. Thirdly, Extracting features of injury fingerprints. Fourth, compare the acquired features with features of fingerprint fingerprints in databases. The aim of this paper is to present the latest research in the applications of fingerprint recognition systems.


Tasks solved in the analysis of the enterprise's labor resources

Tasks solved in the analysis of the enterprise's labor resources

Zakharov V.V.

Краткое сообщение

The enterprise, as an economic system, is the main primary link, where there is a direct solution to the main economic problem of efficient allocation and management of resources. In the light of constantly growing requirements to optimization of economic activity of the enterprise and for implementation of its principles and strategy it is necessary to estimate and consider financial and economic condition of the enterprise, including in the field of manpower, as the most important component of administrative activity. The production potential of the enterprise is formed from the availability, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of both means of labor, objects of labor, and the actual labor resources, in accordance with this, and the analysis is conducted. The vector for evaluation and decision-making in the field of human resources is the analysis of human resources of the enterprise and the efficiency of their use. It should be noted that with the transition to a market economy, the analysis of labour relations becomes increasingly important, since the labour force is valued and competitive in the labour market. This extends the boundaries of analytical research, the criteria for optimizing labor relations have not only economic but also social parameters. Economic and social security of labor, on the one hand, and special working conditions, on the other, form the sphere of in-depth analytical studies of the enterprise's potential. It is also important to give a correct assessment of the use of resources of the organization with the help of the main indicators of the enterprise. This article discusses the analysis of labor resources as one of the components of the formation and use of the production potential of the enterprise.


Technologies of strategic management of industrial enterprises

Technologies of strategic management of industrial enterprises

Loginovskiy O.V., Hollay A.V., Rets S.B.

Краткое сообщение

The origin, formation and development of the ideas of strategic management of industrial enterprises is often based on the works of Western management scientists, who do not take into account the technological and technical aspects of the companies. This situation leads to low management efficiency of domestic enterprises in modern conditions, characterized by a high degree of instability. The actual task is to form our own management practices, taking into account the conditions in which Russian companies have to compete. In this article, the attempt of devising a strategy of management of an industrial enterprise is made taking into account its major aspects of technical and technological development based on a developed information and computer system. The criteria to choose the options of strategic de-velopment of industrial enterprises are also presented. The positions which are necessary to consider when developing a strategy of production companies and corporations are analyzed. The analysis made it possible to present the main provisions of the formation of a model of management of an industrial enterprise. Including the consideration of the enterprise as a materialized stream, that converts raw materials and materials into finished products of a certain range. Considering the management of the enterprise in the form of two contours: operational and strategic management, which are based on methods and technologies of system, situational, quantitative analysis. Implying the automation of management functions of the enterprise, which should be comprehensive, providing high-quality, timely and complete information with all the main stages of decision-making. Based on an integrated information system of the enterprise, the operational and main data warehouses should be interconnected. The complex of scientific statements presented in this article forms the scientific and practical basis for the formation of management strategies for a wide variety of industrial enterprises and organizations.


The comparative analysis of automatic control systems for the heat supply of residential buildings in monotonous transient processes and in processes recommended by regulator manufacturers

The comparative analysis of automatic control systems for the heat supply of residential buildings in monotonous transient processes and in processes recommended by regulator manufacturers

Kodkin V.L., Anikin A.S., Baldenkov A.A.

Краткое сообщение

Results of studies of the automatic regulation system of a residential complex along the street of Academician Sakharov in the city of Chelyabinsk are given in article. The analysis of actual indicators of volumes of consumed gas within several months 2015-2017 is carried out depending on average daily temperature of external air. It is shown that the adjustment of the controller by the factory method does not ensure the effective functioning of the heat supply system, especially at ambient temperatures close to 0 °C. The comparison was carried out in two ways: by the method of equivalent trends and by the average temperature and consumption of gas per month. The conducted analysis convincingly proves that the control system with monotonic processes is not only more effective from the point of view of the operation of the equipment, but also from the point of view of energy efficiency.


The cooperative game-theoretic model of stable benefits distribution from IT solution implementation

The cooperative game-theoretic model of stable benefits distribution from IT solution implementation

Grigoreva A.A., Latipova A.T.

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Nowadays there are a large number of methods to estimate the efficiency of IT solutions and the effectiveness of IT project activities. Despite the existing variety of methods to assess the benefits from IT, they are not sufficient to prevent troubles caused by the situation where the launch of the project is hindered by a part of stakeholders who are uncertain about further benefits distribution or even they are afraid of the possibility about negative impact of the new IT solution on the performance indicators of departments in their subordination. This article presents the results of the modelling the business and IT coalitions interaction while enterprise architecture development projects at the stage of choosing and approving the new IT solution. The function to measure the IT solution benefits taking into account the financial and qualitative components of benefits, the efforts of the each coalition project participation and project costs is determined. A game-theoretic model of decision-making while choosing and approving the new IT solution with objectives to incorporate the agents into one big coalition with a stable resources distribution is stated. Practical application of the developed model will allow increasing IT project efficiency in corporate structures.

