2 (20) т.5, 2012 - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

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Содержание выпуска 2 (20) т.5, 2012 Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

From the chief editor

Ilyin Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bifurcation of a new political cycle 5

Theoretical issues

Development strategy

Glazyev Sergey Yuryevich Why is Putin? 26
Selin Vladimir Stepanovich, Zaytseva Ekaterina Ivanovna, Istomin Anatoliy Vasilyevich The priorities of the public policy in the northern regions 32

Russian and Belarusian academic scientific cooperation

Uskova Tamara Vitalyevna, Selimenkov Roman Yuryevich, Asanovich Valeriy Yakovlevich Methodological modeling aspects of foreign-economic activity in the regions of the North-West federal district 51
Shabunova Alexandra Anatolyevna, Leonidova Galina Valentinovna, Shuhatovich Violetta Ruslanovna, Artyukhin Mikhail Ivanovich Socio-demographic aspects of labour potential development 61
Shabunova Alexandra Anatolyevna, Shakhotko Lyudmila Petrovna, Bobrova Anastasiya Grigoryevna, Malanicheva Nadezhda Antonovna Able-bodied population mortality in Russia and Belarus as a threat to the demographic development of the territories 72

Branch-wise and regional economy

Sovetov Pavel Mikhailovich, Fedorkov Alexander Ivanovich, Kabichkin Sergey Evgenyevich Methodological aspects for the assessment of the state and use of human capital 91
Ostretsov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Zhiltsov Vladimir Vasilyevich The effectiveness of livestock farming mechanization 101

Social development

Kurilo Anna Evgenyevna, Nemkovich Evgeniy Grigoryevich The spiritual component of the investment process in the Republic of Karelia 135

Environmental economics

Dorogovtseva Anna Anatolyevna, Erygina Anna Vladimirivna, Dorogovtsev Anatoliy Pavlovich The implementation of the economic control mechanism of environmental protection (in the case of water bodies in St. Petersburg) 143
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