Статьи журнала - Компьютерная оптика
Все статьи: 2346
Diffractive optical power of a square diaphragm
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The concept of diffractive optical power is extended over the case of a square diaphragm and of the negative Fresnel numbers for the incident wave. The accurate interpolation formula for the image location is represented. It contains the additional factor describing the dependence of the optical power on the incident wave front curvature. The high precision of the approximation is the conclusive evidence for the correctness of the physical model for the focusing action of the diaphragms.
Document image analysis and recognition: a survey
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This paper analyzes the problems of document image recognition and the existing solutions. Document recognition algorithms have been studied for quite a long time, but despite this, currently, the topic is relevant and research continues, as evidenced by a large number of associated publications and reviews. However, most of these works and reviews are devoted to individual recognition tasks. In this review, the entire set of methods, approaches, and algorithms necessary for document recognition is considered. A preliminary systematization allowed us to distinguish groups of methods for extracting information from documents of different types: single-page and multi-page, with text and handwritten contents, with a fixed template and flexible structure, and digitalized via different ways: scanning, photographing, video recording. Here, we consider methods of document recognition and analysis applied to a wide range of tasks: identification and verification of identity, due diligence, machine learning algorithms, questionnaires, and audits. The groups of methods necessary for the recognition of a single page image are examined: the classical computer vision algorithms, i.e., keypoints, local feature descriptors, Fast Hough Transforms, image binarization, and modern neural network models for document boundary detection, document classification, document structure analysis, i.e., text blocks and tables localization, extraction and recognition of the details, post-processing of recognition results. The review provides a description of publicly available experimental data packages for training and testing recognition algorithms. Methods for optimizing the performance of document image analysis and recognition methods are described.
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In this paper, attempts have been made to study the joint effects of apodization and aperture masking on the diffraction images of coherently illuminated straight edge. The Edge-Ringing, Edge-Shift and Edge-Eradient of the edge images have been evaluated for different values of apodization using edge masking of circular apertures. We have considered rotationally symmetric, aberrated coherent optical system. These investigations have lead to the use of certain pupil functions in conjunction with optimal apodizers to assess the quality of edge images. Any obstruction placed in the light path of an optical system prevents waves from a portion of the wavefront in reaching the focal zone. This results in the change in the light flux at every point of the diffraction pattern. This is in turn, depends on the shape and size of the obstruction.
Efficiency of object identification for binary images
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In this paper, a comparative analysis of the correlation-extreme method, the method of contour analysis and the method of stochastic gradient identification in the objects identification for a binary image is carried out. The results are obtained for a situation where possible deformations of an identified object with respect to a pattern can be reduced to a similarity model, that is, the pattern and the object may differ in scale, orientation angle, shift along the base axes, and additive noise. The identification of an object is understood as the recognition of its image with an estimate of the strain parameters relative to the template.
Erratum: dynamic analysis of optical cell trapping in the ray optics regime
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In this additional part of the original paper [1], revised calculations and corrected equations are presented. Also some conclusions from the original paper are revised and discussed briefly.
В настоящем дополнении к оригинальной статье [1] исправляется ошибка, допущенная при расчетах спектров отражения и пропускания изогнутого волноводного резонатора Фабри–Перо. Ошибка возникла вследствие пренебрежения оболочечными модами в прямых волноводных участках перед и после исследуемого резонатора (рис. 2а в оригинальной статье). Хотя данные моды не вносят непосредственного вклада в вычисляемую прошедшую и отраженную мощность, их учет необходим для корректного расчета спектров отражения и пропускания резонатора, что было обнаружено после опубликования статьи. В данном дополнении приводятся исправленные результаты, а также некоторые корректировки выводов оригинальной статьи.
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Change detection from synthetic aperture radar images becomes a key technique to detect change area related to some phenomenon as flood and deformation of the earth surface. This paper proposes a transfer learning and Residual Network with 18 layers (ResNet-18) architecture-based method for change detection from two synthetic aperture radar images. Before the application of the proposed technique, batch denoising using convolutional neural network is applied to the two input synthetic aperture radar image for speckle noise reduction. To validate the performance of the proposed method, three known synthetic aperture radar datasets (Ottawa; Mexican and for Taiwan Shimen datasets) are exploited in this paper. The use of these datasets is important because the ground truth is known, and this can be considered as the use of numerical simulation. The detected change image obtained by the proposed method is compared using two image metrics. The first metric is image quality index that measures the similarity ratio between the obtained image and the image of the ground truth, the second metrics is edge preservation index, it measures the performance of the method to preserve edges. Finally, the method is applied to determine the changed area using two Sentinel 1 B synthetic aperture radar images of Eddahbi dam situated in Morocco.
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This paper considers an experimental study of the layout of an active-pulse television measuring system in the problem of assessing the accuracy of measuring the distance to objects using the depth maps. The main technical characteristics and structure of the active-pulse television measuring system layout are described, the description of the multi-zone ranging method used in the experiment is given. The field tests were carried out using a system for terrain orthophotomaps construction by an unmanned aerial vehicle and a geodetic measuring instrument, which is a reference for building a terrain plan and fixing distances between objects on the ground. The technique of carrying out aerial work is described to obtain the necessary data array, on which a digital model and an orthophotomap of the area were subsequently built. Conclusions are drawn about the accuracy of digital terrain models built based on the results of aerial photography from an unmanned aerial vehicle with a geodetic receiver on board and the applicability of these data as reference data for testing a prototype of an active-pulse television measuring system.
Experimental investigation of multimode dispersionless beams
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Laser light modes are beams in whose cross-section the complex amplitude is described by eigenfunctions of the operator of light propagation in the waveguide medium. The fundamental properties of modes are their orthogonality and their ability to retain their structure during propagation for example in a lenslike medium or in free space. Developed diffractive optical elements (DOEs) of MODAN-type open up new promising potentialities of solving the tasks of generation, transformation, superposition of different laser modes and their combinations. Now we present new results obtained by synthesis and investigation of beams consisting of more than one two-dimensional Gaussian laser modes with the same value of propagation constant - multimode dispersionless beams.
Face anti-spoofing with joint spoofing medium detection and eye blinking analysis
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Modern biometric systems based on face recognition demonstrate high recognition quality, but they are vulnerable to face presentation attacks, such as photo or replay attack. Existing face anti-spoofing methods are mostly based on texture analysis and due to lack of training data either use hand-crafted features or fine-tuned pretrained deep models. In this paper we present a novel CNN-based approach for face anti-spoofing, based on joint analysis of the presence of a spoofing medium and eye blinking. For training our classifiers we propose the procedure of synthetic data generation which allows us to train powerful deep models from scratch. Experimental analysis on the challenging datasets (CASIA-FASD, NUUA Imposter) shows that our method can obtain state-of-the-art results.
Face photo retrieval based on sketches
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The paper deals with the problem of the automatic retrieval of face photos using sketch drawings based on the witness description. We propose new methods for the generation of a sketch population from the initial one to improve the performance of sketch-based photo image retrieval systems. The method based on the computation of an average sketch from the generated population has been applied to increase the index of similarity in sketch-photo pairs. It is shown that such sketches are more similar to the original photographic images and their use leads to good results. Results of the experiments on CUHK Face Sketch and CUHK Face Sketch FERET databases and open access databases of photo-sketches pairs are discussed.
Face recognition based on the proximity measure clustering
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In this paper problems of featureless face recognition are considered. The recognition is based on clustering the proximity measures between the distributions of brightness clusters cardinality for segmented images. As a proximity measure three types of distances are used in this work: the Euclidean, cosine and Kullback-Leibler distances. Image segmentation and proximity measure clustering are carried out by means of a software model of the recurrent neural network. Results of the experimental studies of the proposed approach are presented.
Facedetectnet: face detection via fully-convolutional network
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Ace detection is one of the most popular computer vision tasks. There are a lot of face detection approaches proposed including different CNN-based techniques, but the problem of optimal balancing between detection quality and computational speed is still relevant. In this paper we propose new CNN-based solution for face detection called FaceDetectNet. Our CNN architecture is based on ideas of YOLO/DetectNet and GoogleNet architecture supported with some new tools and implementation details created especially for our face detection application. We propose: original iterative proposal clustering (IPC) algorithm for aggregation of output face proposals formed by CNN and the 2-level “weak pyramid” providing better detection quality on the testing sets containing both small and huge images. Our face detection approach is close to previously proposed SSD-based face detection, but the principal difference is that we use the deep features of top hidden CNN layer for forming the face proposals of any size...
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We have studied the nanostructuring and colorizing of the copper surface by scanning with a femtosecond laser beam with a near-Gaussian beam profile. The experimental studies were conducted using a femtosecond laser comprising a Ti:Sapphire oscillator and a multi-pass amplifier with the maximum pulse energy of 0.7 mJ, pulse frequency of 1 kHz, and pulse duration <30 fs. It is shown that the use of a short-pulsed femtosecond laser leads to the formation of wavelength scale periodic surface structures and eventually increases the brightness of the color of the copper surface. It is revealed that via reciprocally scanning the copper surface by multiple ultrashort laser pulses with a weakly asymmetric spatial energy density distribution and an energy density below the material ablation threshold, it is possible to create a combined nanostructure composed of low-spatial-frequency laser-induced periodic surface structures coated with nanoscale roughness. It is shown that relatively minor changes in the nanostructures obtained by scanning the copper surface by multiple ultrashort laser pulses can lead to a significant change in the color during surface colorizing.
Fine-tuning the hyperparameters of pre-trained models for solving multiclass classification problems
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This study is devoted to the application of fine-tuning methods for Transfer Learning models to solve the multiclass image classification problem using the medical X-ray images. To achieve this goal, the structural features of such pre-trained models as VGG-19, ResNet-50, InceptionV3 were studied. For these models, the following fine-tuning methods were used: unfreezing the last convolutional layer and updating its weights, selecting the learning rate and optimizer. As a dataset chest X-Ray images of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM), as the leading healthcare organization in its field, in partnership with the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region (FISABIO), the Valencian Region Medical ImageBank (BIMCV) ) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) were used. Thus, the results of the experiments carried out illustrated that the pre-trained models with their subsequent tuning are excellent for solving the problem of multiclass classification in the field of medical image processing. It should be noted that ResNet-50 based model showed the best result with 82.74 % accuracy. Results obtained for all models are reflected in the corresponding tables.
Focal-plane field when lighting double-ring phase elements
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The focal-plane field amplitude is calculated when lighting double-ring phase elements by flat and Gaussian beams. Emerging conditions in the minimum or maximum centers, including flat-top maxima, are given. For the field amplitude, we obtain equations that define the radius of the first zero-intensity ring based on the deduced expressions. The root values are listed for several parameters of optical elements and incident beams due to the lack of analytical solutions. Numerical simulation results are given for flat incident beams; they are fully consistent with the theoretical calculations.
Focusing of light beams with the phase apodization of the optical system
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We investigated reduction of the size of the illuminated beam in the focal region produced by the optical systems of NA=0.99 has been. The intensity distributions of polarized light field in the focal volume for the phase apodization pupil have been discussed. The circular pupil in different phase apodization situations can be employed to control the field components in the resultant in-tensity distribution. We show that both axial and transverse resolution improvement in the focal distribution is possible by applying proper phase engineering in the annulus of the pupil function.
Food vulnerability analysis in the central dry zone of Myanmar
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The central dry zone of Myanmar is the most water stressed and also one of the most food insecure regions in the country. In the Dry Zone, the total population is 10.1 million people in 54 townships, in which approximately 43 % of people live below the poverty line and 40 - 50 % of the rural population is landless. Agriculture is the most important economic sector in Myanmar as it is essential for the national food security and a major source of livelihood of the people. In this region the adverse effects of climate change such as a late or early onset of the monsoon season, longer dry spells, erratic rainfall, increasing temperatures, heavy rains, stronger typhoons, extreme spatial-temporal variability of rainfall, high intensities, limited rainfall events in the growing season, heat stress, drought, flooding, sea water intrusion, land degradation, desertification, deforestation, and other natural disasters are believed to be major constraints to food security. Theses extreme climatic events are likely to increase in frequency and magnitude, leading to serious drought periods and extreme floods. Food insecurity is an important thing that must be reviewed because it affects the lives of many people. For food vulnerability, we use the following indicators: slope, precipitation, vegetation, soil, erosion, land degradation and harvest failure in ArcGIS software. The erosion is influenced by rainfall and slope, while land degradation is directly related to vegetation, drainage and soil. In the meantime, the harvest failure can be generated by rainfall and flood potential zones. The results show that around 45 % of the area studied comes under a very high erosion danger level, 70 % are in the average harvest failure zone, 59 % are in the intermediate land degradation area, and overall around 45 % of the studied area comes under the insecure food vulnerability zone. Our analysis shows that an increase in the alluvial farming by 1745.33 km2 since 1988 has helped reduce the insecure food vulnerability. The food vulnerability map is also relevant to increased population and low income areas. This paper is helpful for identifying the areas of food needs in central dry zone of Myanmar.
Fusion of information from multiple kinect sensors for 3D object reconstruction
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In this paper, we estimate the accuracy of 3D object reconstruction using multiple Kinect sen-sors. First, we discuss the calibration of multiple Kinect sensors, and provide an analysis of the ac-curacy and resolution of the depth data. Next, the precision of coordinate mapping between sen-sors data for registration of depth and color images is evaluated. We test a proposed system for 3D object reconstruction with four Kinect V2 sensors and present reconstruction accuracy results. Ex-periments and computer simulation are carried out using Matlab and Kinect V2.