Статьи журнала - Компьютерная оптика
Все статьи: 2346

Conditions of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric TiO2/SiO2
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In this paper, we propose conditions for the design of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric materials such as titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) for the 0.633-µm visible light. We also design Y-splitter structures, which show high-degree optical confinement and low bend losses at various radii of curvatures. Small radii of curvatures are extremely desirable in integrated photonics as they permit decreasing the dimensions but can also potentially reduce power consumption in the active devices.

Conforming identification of the fundamental matrix in the image matching problem
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The article considers the conforming identification of the fundamental matrix in the image matching problem. The method consists in the division of the initial overdetermined system into lesser dimensional subsystems. On these subsystems, a set of solutions is obtained, from which a subset of the most conforming solutions is defined. Then, on this subset the resulting solution is deduced. Since these subsystems are formed by all possible combinations of rows in the initial system, this method demonstrates high accuracy and stability, although it is computationally complex. A comparison with the methods of least squares, least absolute deviations, and the RANSAC method is drawn.

Constraints for Jaccard index-based rotational symmetry focus position in binary images
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This study proposes analytical estimate for the size of a binary raster figure region which is guaranteed to contain the rotational symmetry focus. Focus here is the point a maximum Jaccard index between initial figure and rotated one. The size of the region is determined by the lower estimate of the intersection area during the rotation of the approximating primitives, considering the sizes of the inner and outer parts of the figure relative to the primitive. The smallest circumscribed circle or ellipse and sets of concentric circles and ellipses produced by the principal component analysis were used as the approximating figure. To verify the hypothesis that the size of the region is insignificant compared to the area of the figure, we numerically simulated the proposed method with test image datasets.

Copy move forgery detection using key point localized super pixel based on texture features
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The most important barrier in the image forensic is to ensue a forgery detection method such can detect the copied region which sustains rotation, scaling reflection, compressing or all. Traditional SIFT method is not good enough to yield good result. Matching accuracy is not good. In order to improve the accuracy in copy move forgery detection, this paper suggests a forgery detection method especially for copy move attack using Key Point Localized Super Pixel (KLSP). The proposed approach harmonizes both Super Pixel Segmentation using Lazy Random Walk (LRW) and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) based key point extraction. The experimental result indicates the proposed KLSP approach achieves better performance than the previous well known approaches.

Crop growth monitoring through Sentinel and Landsat data based NDVI time-series
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Crop growth monitoring is an important phenomenon for agriculture classification, yield estimation, agriculture field management, improve productivity, irrigation, fertilizer management, sustainable agricultural development, food security and to understand how environment and climate change effect on crops especially in Russia as it has a large and diverse agricultural production. In this study, we assimilated monthly crop phenology from January to December 2018 by using the NDVI time series derived from moderate to high Spatio-temporal resolution Sentinel and Landsat data in cropland field at Samara airport area, Russia. The results support the potential of Sentinel and Landsat data derived NDVI time series for accurate crop phenological monitoring with all crop growth stages such as active tillering, jointing, maturity and harvesting according to crop calendar with reasonable thematic accuracy. This satellite data generated NDVI based work has great potential to provide valuable support for assessing crop growth status and the above-mentioned objectives with sustainable agriculture development.

Cross-layer optimization technology for wireless network multimedia video
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With the development of communication technology, wireless Internet has become more and more popular. The traditional network layered protocols cannot meet the increasingly rich network services, especially video. This paper briefly introduced the cross-layer transmission of video in wireless network and the cross-layer optimization algorithm used for improving video transmission quality and improved the traditional cross-layer algorithm. Then, the two cross-layer algorithms were simulated and analyzed on MATLAB software. The results showed that the packet delivery rate, peak signal to noise ratio and downlink throughput of the improved cross-layer algorithm were significantly higher than those of the traditional cross-layer algorithm under the same signal to interference plus noise ratio of receiving users in wireless network; meanwhile, with the increase of signal to interference plus noise ratio of the receiving user, the packet delivery rate and peak signal to noise ratio of the two algorithms increased, and tended to be stable after some signal to interference plus noise ratio, while the throughput of the two algorithms increased linearly. In the established real wireless network, the package delivery rate, peak signal to noise ratio and throughput of video after application of cross-layer algorithm were significantly improved, and the wireless network applying the improved cross-layer algorithm improved more. In summary, compared with the traditional cross-layer algorithm, the improved cross-layer algorithm can better improve the transmission quality of video in wireless network.

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The work is devoted to an overview of the current state of optoacoustic fiber-optic ultrasonic transducers based on thermoelastic effect and fiber-optic interference receivers, its scope, technologies and materials used, the advantages and disadvantages of different methods and the prospects for the development of the industry.

Cравнение разных подходов к формированию «идеального» оптического вихря
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Получены точные аналитические выражения, описывающие комплексную амплитуду идеального оптического вихря, сформированного тремя разными оптическими элементами: амплитудно-фазовым с пропусканием, пропорциональным функции Бесселя, оптимальным фазовым с пропусканием, равным знаковой функции от функции Бесселя, и вихревым аксиконом. Показано, что интенсивность света на кольце больше для оптимального фазового элемента. Ширина светового кольца, сформированного вихревым аксиконом, примерно в два раза больше, чем ширина двух других колец. Таким образом, оптимальный элемент является наилучшим кандидатом для формирования идеального оптического вихря. Результаты моделирования подтверждают теоретические выводы, а результаты эксперимента согласуются с теорией и результатами моделирования.

Data mining of corporate financial fraud based on neural network model
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Under the active market economy, more and more listed companies emerge. Because of the various interest relationships faced by listed companies, some enterprises which are not well managed or want to enhance company’s value will choose to forge financial reports by improper means. In order to find out the false financial reports as accurately as possible, this paper briefly introduced the relevant indicators for judging the fraudulence of financial reports of listed companies and the recognition model of financial reports based on back propagation (BP) neural network. Then the selection of the input relevant indexes was improved. The improved BP neural network was simulated and analyzed in MATLAB software and compared with the traditional BP neural network and support vector machine (SVM). The results showed that the importance of total assets net profit, earnings per share, cash reinvestment rate, operating gross profit and pre-tax ratio of profit to debt was the top 5 among 20 judgment indexes. In the identification of testing samples of financial report, the accuracy, precision, recall rate and F value all showed that the performance of the improved BP neural network was better than that of the traditional BP network and SVM.

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The purpose of research to create automated personalization of diabetic macular edema laser treatment. The results are based on analysis of large semi-structured data, methods and algorithms for fundus image processing. The technology improves the quality of retina laser coagulation in the treatment of diabetic macular edema, which is one of the main reasons for pronounced vision decrease. The proposed technology includes original solutions to establish an optimal localization of multitude burns by determining zones exposed to laser. It also includes the recognition of large amount of unstructured data on the anatomical and pathological locations' structures in the area of edema and data optical coherent tomography. As a result, a uniform laser application on the pigment epithelium of the affected retina is ensured. It will increase the treatment safety and its effectiveness, thus avoiding the use of more expensive treatment methods. Assessment of retinal lesions volume and quality will allow predicting the laser photocoagulation results and will contribute to the improvement of laser surgeon's skills. The architecture of a software complex comprises a number of modules, including image processing methods, algorithms for photocoagulation pattern mapping, and intelligent analysis methods.

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We propose and numerically verify a design of the photonic integrated circuit for in-plane generation of a 1st azimuthal order vortex mode in dielectric rectangular waveguides. Radiation is introduced into the proposed structure in a standard way through two grating couplers. Applying a mode coupling and specific phase shift, a field with the required amplitude-phase distribution is formed directly in the output waveguide. The geometric dimensions of the device are simulated and optimized to fit the technological parameters of the silicon-on-insulator platform.

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The paper proposes a new architecture for the photonic laboratory-on-a-chip sensing systems, where multiple sensors based on microring resonators (MRR) are fed by a MRR with low quality factor, working as a spectrum shaper. This architecture enables simultaneous intensity scanning of at least four MRR-based sensors on the silicon-on-insulator platform. We evaluated numerically the system’s sensitivity for various schemes of connecting the sensors and the spectrum shaper. The sensor’s sensitivity was 110 nm/RIU. The sensing system configuration largely determines its sensitivity, which reaches 1980 dB/RIU. The considered architecture may be useful for implementing fully integrated optical lab-on-a-chip structures, as well as distributed multichannel sensing systems.

Design of lenses for the focusing into a line
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A method for designing a curvilinear lens for focusing into a line is proposed. The obtained solutions represent a complex refracting surface in an analytical form expressed through the eikonal distribution along the line. The calculation of a 3-D lens focusing into a line-segment is reduced to a simple design of cylindrical profile with required function of ray-correspondence.

Design, simulation, and fabrication of silicon-on-insulator MEMS vibratory decoupled gyroscope
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This paper reports the design and fabrication of a 2-degree-of-freedom (DOF) decoupled vibratory gyroscope based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS process. The 2-DOF capacitive comb structure is deliberately designed to have a decoupled drive and sense mode oscillation to prevent the unstable operation due to mechanical coupling, resulting in a low zero rate out-put drift. It is well known that the closer are the drive and sense resonances, the higher is the angular rate resolution of the gyroscope. Generally, this is achieved by using symmetric suspensions, but it results in a reduced bandwidth. The proposed design has been configured to achieve a bandwidth of about 150 Hz, while ensuring the decoupled operation of the drive and sense modes. An analytical method has been employed to study the steady state response of the 2-DOF structure. FEM analysis has been carried out in CoventorWare® MEMS Design software and the simulation results show that the drive resonance occurs at 21.48 kHz and sense resonance at 21.63 kHz, which are in close agreement with the theoretical results. The structure is designed with a 15 µm thick device layer. Fabrication of the design is proposed using a two mask process based on Deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) and sacrificial wet release etching on a SOI wafer. DRIE etching with an aspect ratio of 1:5 has been successfully carried out as desired and the results have been presented.

Designing multilayer dielectric filter based on TiO2/SiO2 for fluorescence microscopy applications
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This study presents a new construction design of a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) filter and a Fabry-Pérot (FP) filter by using needle technique as a synthesis method. The optimized DBR and FP filters having a proper number of layers with controlling thickness TiO2/SiO2 are utilized to transmit only a certain narrow band of wavelengths while blocking the others. As a proof of concept, the filters are designed to selectively transmit only a very narrow band of wavelength at 780 nm which is the near infrared (NIR) fluorescent emission from Alexa Fluor 750 dye. The obtained results show that the optimized filters represent advanced spectral performance which can be used to improve the sensitivity and the imaging contrast in fluorescence microscopy.

Determination of microrelief of the sample by singular beams superposition
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In present paper we propose easy way to implement method of interfering vortices with opposite topological charge for the real time determination of the thickness and information about the surface of studied samples with the resolution up to 7 nanometers. The determination of the characteristics of the medial cross-section of submicron-objects becomes possible due to phase sensitivity of interfering singular beams to the slightest changes in the optical path difference between them. The dependence of rotational angle of resulting interference pattern in case of different sample thickness for two singular beams superposition is considered in detail.

Determination of the beam waist position for the spin-orbit interaction effect observation
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The spin angular momentum and the extrinsic orbital angular momentum of light are associated with the polarization of light and the light propagation trajectory, respectively. Those momenta are interdependent not only in an inhomogeneous or anisotropic medium but even in free space. This interaction is called the spin-orbit interaction of light. The effects of the spin-orbit interaction of light manifest themselves in a small transverse shift of the beam field longitudinal component from the beam propagation axis in the waist region under the circular polarization sign change. They can be observed both for Gaussian beams and for structured beams. The effects of the spin-orbit interaction of light should be taken into account when nanophotonics devices are created, but the detailed investigation of the effect had not been performed yet due to the low intensity noise image of the beam waist. Precise measurements of the focal waist centerline are needed to determine the transverse shift of the beam field longitudinal component of the asymmetric converging beam’s waist under the circular polarization sign change. We propose methods for determining the transverse and longitudinal positions of the beam waist. Computer image processing methods made it possible to obtain the value of the beam waist's transverse position with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. These methods will allow further testing of the shifts' theoretical predictions, the values of which are the order of 1 mm. The results obtained can also be used for laser processing of materials by polarized light and precise positioning of the beam's focal spot at a surface.

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In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the automatic construction (design) of a computational procedure for non-linear local processing of digital signals/images. The aim of this research is to work out an image processing algorithm with a predetermined computational complexity and achieve the best quality of processing on the existing data set, while avoiding a problem of retraining or doing with less training. To achieve this aim we use a local discrete wavelet transform for a preliminary image analysis and the hierarchical regression to construct a local image processing procedure on the basis of a training dataset. Moreover, we work out a method to decide whether the training process should be completed or continued. This method is based on the functional of full cross-validation control, which allows us to construct the processing procedure with a predetermined computational complexity and veracity, and with the best quality.

Diamond focusators for far IR lasers
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Recently a new technique has been proposed for laser-assisted generation of phase microrelief to manufacture diamond diffractive lenses for the far IR range. In the present paper the realization of diamond diffractive optical elements (DOEs) is considered, able to focus an incoming CO2 laser beam into certain pre-given focal domains. Exemplarily, two completely different DOEs for different tasks of laser beam focusing have been designed by different methods, manufactured and finally investigated by means of optical experiment and computer simulation. Measured intensity distributions in the DOEs' focal planes as well as measured diffraction efficiencies have been compared with related results of computer simulation, and have been found to be in good mutual concordance. Obtained first results indicate that technique of laser-assisted ablation can be effectively used for manufacturing of high quality diamond DOEs for laser beam focusing.

Diffractive elements for imaging optics of mobile communication devices
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An estimate of the permissible width of the working spectral range of optical systems with diffractive elements is given. It takes into account the interval of the angles of incidence of the radiation on the microstructure of the element and it proceeds from the requirement that there is no halo in the image that is visualized by the LCD monitor. It is shown that the design parameters of diffractive elements intended for mobile device cameras are quite achievable for today's technologies of mass production of plastic optics.