Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

State and law: interaction, features, different attributes

State and law: interaction, features, different attributes

Tojiboyev A.V.

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In this article, we reflect on the model of the relationship between state and law, analyzes the totalitarian, liberal, pragmatic approach of the correlation between state and law


State financial analysis of support for small and medium enterprises in the Russian Federation

State financial analysis of support for small and medium enterprises in the Russian Federation

Agasiev S.G.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of ways of financial support for SMEs from the state. The indicators of the volume of financial support and development efficiency of this market segment are considered. The main directions for improving the methods of state support for small and medium-sized businesses are recommended.


State of the art of music research for piano and orchestra

State of the art of music research for piano and orchestra

Nosirov D.T.

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Having chosen musical compositions for piano and orchestra (in other words, piano and orchestral compositions) as the material of our research, we included concertos for piano and orchestra and compositions similar to them in instrumental composition - fantasies, rhapsodies, poems, etc.


State of the raw ore resource and technological package for potassium fertilizer production in Uzbekistan

State of the raw ore resource and technological package for potassium fertilizer production in Uzbekistan

Durdubaeva R.M., Sadikova A.M.

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The article shows the indicators of the production of potash fertilizers at potash enterprises and industries in Uzbekistan Tyubegatan deposit. The assortment and changes in its structure, as well as changes in product quality in terms of nutrient content (K 2 O) in potash fertilizers, useful component (KCl) in potassium chloride, dust content and particle size distribution are considered. The factors that had the greatest impact on the growth of potash fertilizers production, improving their quality, increasing supplies of potassium chloride to the external market.


State policy in the field of development of small business

State policy in the field of development of small business

Bagisheva F.G., Dzhakaeva A.A.

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Question of how to open the business and what business they should open disturbs many beginning businessmen. All want the business to be successful, and the profit instantaneous. It is necessary to put a lot of effort and work, to accumulate necessary experience to become a good businessman. In article questions of the state support of small business are considered. Also some directions are offered.


State program of development of innovation business in Russia: historical experience of implementation

State program of development of innovation business in Russia: historical experience of implementation

Poletaev Vadim

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The article investigates the contents and the most important directions of realization of a state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of innovative business in 2010-2014. The conclusion is drawn on expansion of interaction of the state and business community at the federal and regional level directed on growth of financial investments into hi-tech production, development of science, education, modern marketing.


State regulation of the housing sector

State regulation of the housing sector

Dunaeva Anastasia Igorevna, Udachin Nikita Olegovich

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Transformations carried out in Russia in the last decade have dramatically changed the face of the country, social development targets, made significant changes in the social structure of society. Radical reform is recognized to increase the standard of living of the population, mainly due to the movement towards a market economy of Western-style, were paired with a number of negative consequences, with the aggravation of social problems, including housing. Accommodation is one of the main bases of human existence, of his life. In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, to fully work, raise children, to acquire and update knowledge a person should have, first of all, housing, access to resources: social, economic, political, spiritual, etc., allowing him to lead a decent life. Excluding these factors, any reform, including housing, are doomed to failure. This, first of all, is due to the relevance of the chosen topic, its scientific and practical importance.


State support of small and medium business in the Russian Federation

State support of small and medium business in the Russian Federation

Babakhanova B.M.

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This article is devoted to topical issues of supporting small and medium-sized businesses. The features of the interpretation of this concept, the structure of the state support system, as well as the positive and negative sides are presented. It was noted that the policy of supporting small enterprises with the potential for growth promotes their transition to medium business, which generally has a positive effect on the inflow of investments.


Statistical population, definition and types

Statistical population, definition and types

Urunov R., Aslonov A., Xomidov O.

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This article discusses a sample population and its requirements.


Statistical study of crops yield

Statistical study of crops yield

Bohdaniuk E.V., Tsapliy V.I.

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The article is considered the gross harvest of grain and legume production in Ukraine, which indicate that yield is the main factor influencing the general change in gross production of cereals. The dynamics of grain yields for 1990 -2017 years was analyzed in terms of categories of farms. The main factors influencing the yield of grain and legumes in Ukraine are indicated.


Status and problems of employment of graduates of agricultural universities

Status and problems of employment of graduates of agricultural universities

Idiyatullina L.D., Islamova Z.R., Shamratova A.R.



Steam teaching technology in preschool educational institutions as a factor of early development

Steam teaching technology in preschool educational institutions as a factor of early development

Abdumajitova S.A.

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This article discusses STEAM teaching technology in preschools. As a result of the great attention paid to the development of children's practical skills in STEAM education, their teamwork, creativity and will are strengthened. Such knowledge and skills are the main task of teaching, and the whole teaching system strives for it.


Stimulation of attraction of direct foreign investments in the regions of Uzbekistan with the help of “doing business” indicators

Stimulation of attraction of direct foreign investments in the regions of Uzbekistan with the help of “doing business” indicators

Mamasoliev G.M.

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Attracting foreign direct investment is traditionally believed to lead to stimulation of domestic investment, increased competition, technological growth, improved sectoral structure of the economy and an increase in the standard of living of the population.


Stimulation of legal literacy of women the basis of society development

Stimulation of legal literacy of women the basis of society development

Rakhmanova G.

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The article talks about how in recent years Uzbekistan has made great strides in protecting rights and the legitimate interests of women. Significant achievements in the field of security their active participation in socio-political and socio-economic life of the republic. Accepted and ratified by more than 100 national and international legal acts aimed at protecting the interests of women.


Stirling dvigatelini quyosh energiyasi bilan ta’minlash istiqbollari

Stirling dvigatelini quyosh energiyasi bilan ta’minlash istiqbollari

Murodov R.N., Yuldashev R.R., Mirzamahmudov S.

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Qayta tiklanadigan manbalardan energiya ishlab chiqarish hamda atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilishga qiziqish yaqin kelajakdagi katta energiya ehtiyojini qondirish uchun hali ham o'sib bormoqda. Barcha quyosh energetika tizimlari orasida quyosh energiyasi bilan ishlaydigan stirling dvigateli eng samarali tizim hisoblanadi. Muqobil energya manbalaridan foydalanishning yangi usullarini ishlab chiqish uchun ko'plab alternativ sifatida Stirling dvigateli tashqi yonuv dvigatelining xususiyatlari bilan ajralib turadi


Storage and processing of apricots in Uzbekistan

Storage and processing of apricots in Uzbekistan

Sharipov S.Ya., Rasulov A.A., Islomov F.Sh.

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Apricot - Armeniaka vulgaris Zam. - A tree belonging to the Rosaceae family of 5-8 cm high and sometimes 17-20 m. Apricot is found in the wild in the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan at an altitude of 500-1200m above sea level. In Uzbekistan, the selectors created The Plum Axror, Isfarak, Mirsanjami, “Kursadik” “Khurmoyi”, “Navoi”, “Subkhoni”, “Arzami”, and other varieties. According to statistics, in Uzbekistan 45% of fruits are apricots. 87% of the total fruits in the Fergana and Zarafshan valleys consist of apricots. The trunk of the apricot tree is covered with a grayish-brown bark. The leaf is oval, rounded or heart-shaped, with an arched shape, with a stem at the base of the stem. The flowers are white or pink and are located separately in the branches. Fruits are oval-shaped, oval and rectangular, yellow, red, orange, and many other colors.


Story nights in the presence of Amir Temur

Story nights in the presence of Amir Temur

Qorayev Sh.

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This article provides information on the nights of storytelling in the Middle Ages during the reign of Timur. It also mentions famous historians of the time and their works.


Strategic decisions in solvency ii for the insurance industry of European Union

Strategic decisions in solvency ii for the insurance industry of European Union

Peleckis Kstutis, Peleckien Valentina

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This paper aims to present how undergoing significant legislative changes in the insurance market of European Union, called Solvency II regime, can benefit to development of insurance industry, risk management, protection of policyholders and the stability of the financial system as a whole.The main purpose of this paper is to present the key advantages of Solvency II changes under the existing regulatory system, to analyse the structure of Solvency II three-pillar system. An effective implementation of Solvency II Directive will enhance insurers to develop more progressive risk management and will give for policyholders greater confidence in the products of insurers.


Strategies and approaches for teaching and learning of medical terminology

Strategies and approaches for teaching and learning of medical terminology

Pazilova B.

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This article analysis specific purpose of courses that is not an easy task for the teachers of English either as a second or foreign language. Further, the teaching learning of medical terminology is an acute problem for both teachers and learners of medical discipline. The teachers cannot convey easily the ideas hidden in ambiguous lexemes, which are derived from foreign languages other than English.


Strategies of Japanese pension reform

Strategies of Japanese pension reform

Medvedev G.O.

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Modern Japan is the first country that faced rapid population aging, and nowadays it has the biggest elderly share globally. In that conditions, Japanese government faced an issue of providing adequate life conditions. In order to do that, the state has reformed social institutes aimed to support elders. In this paper, main focus will be concentrated on Japanese pension system, its main features and strategies undertaken by government in order to improve it. Several possible reforming strategies will be overlooked as well.

