Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Spiritual and moral criteria as a symbol of perfection
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In this article, upbringing a young generation on the basis of a comprehensive, harmonious, healthy lifestyle is one of the pressing challenges of today, and the use of rich, national, cultural, historical traditions, customs, and universal values and moral and ethical standards in the upbringing of young people. The importance of the
Spiritual and moral upbringing of music
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In this article spiritual and moral upbringing by music is considered. The role of music in human life is discussed.
Spiritual factors of the development of a democratic society
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This article discusses the spiritual factors of the development of a democratic society. The main elements of a democratic society are analyzed.
Spirituality - integrity of spirit manifestations in peace and people
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In this article spirituality is considered - the totality of manifestations of the spirit in the world and man
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В статье обосновывается необходимость учета иррациональных и природных начал в поведении экономических индивидов. Внимание акцентируется также на важности учета достижений поведенческой экономики при разработке теоретических положений, проведении анализа и применения практических рекомендаций в российских экономических реалиях.
Sport menejmenti va uning istiqbollari
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Ushbu maqolada sport menejmenti va unoing bugungi kundagi istiqbollari haqida so`z boradi.
Sport trenirovkasini tashkil qilish asoslari
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Ushbu maqolada sport trenirovkasi natijasida insonning harakat faoliyati shakllanib borishi, yangi harakat shakllari vujudga kelishi, hayotiy zarur harakat malakalari ko`nikmalari takomillashishi, psixik sifatlar sayqal topishi, muayyan sport turiga xos harakat malakalari mukammallashishi tog’risida so’z boradi .
Sportchilarda mashg’ulot va musobaqaoldi jarayonlarida biofeedback metodidan foydalanish
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Biofeedback bu odamlarga yurak urish tezligi, tana harorati, mushaklarning kuchlanishi kabi jismoniy belgilari va alomatlarini, vizual yoki eshitish vositalari orqali biologik qayta aloqani bog’lovchi psixologik va fiziologik texnikasi. Biofeedback vositasi yordamida sportchilar vegetativ asab tizimini oldindan tushunish va standartlashtirilgan sport mashg'ulotlarini o'tkazishi mumkin. Fikr va mulohazalar haqida ma'lumot, bu nafaqat tananing asab tizimini boshqarish qobiliyatini sezilarli darajada yaxshilaydi, balki sportchilarning sog'lig'ini ham ta'minlaydi, sport mashg'ulotlarining yaxshi ta'siriga poydevor qo'yadi
Sportchilarning jarayonga moslashuvi psixologiyasi
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Yosh sportchilarni vatanparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash asosan, yoshlarning jamiyatga ijobiy moslashuvidan boshlanadi. Ushbu maqolada sport psixologiyasida sport faoliyatiga moslashuv muammosi haqida bayon qilingan.
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This article is a global survey of photojournalism and practical research on the latest developments in the use of photography in sports, a critical analysis of current professional practices of sports photojournalists, additional challenges for accrediting sports photographers in a specific field of sports photojournalism, video technology and digital details of the self-publicity of the photographs.
Stability of natural complexes and their consideration in economic activities
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Currently, the most urgent task of geographical research is the development of approaches to assessing the sustainability of landscapes during anthropogenic development of the territory. The article discusses the stability of natural complexes and their consideration in economic activities. In theoretical and applied geographical studies, the assessment of the sustainability of landscapes is given special attention.
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The article discusses the conceptual foundations of modern practice of staff motivation.
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In this article, the stages of working on pencil drawing of the human hemisphere. (PICTURE OF THE LIVING HEAD) is studied in the example of drawing.
Stages of the development of the economy and its global role today
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This paper investigates a system of dynamic incentives developed within the framework of the classic Diamond and Mirrlees (1978) disability model, but considering disability as a temporary state and rephrasing the analysis in terms of current and promised future utilities. The model therefore assumes that if disabled individuals receive benefits to the extent that able individuals are indifferent between working and not working, then the marginal utility of consumption is lower for working individuals. A comparison, based on a numerical simulation, between the dynamic incentives (DI) model and a private savings (PS) model characterised by a stationary tax-transfer policy allows the assertion that, even if the first system converges to the second system, the total utility guaranteed by the government in the DI model is greater than the total value achieved by the PS model, and in the DI model, the gap in consumption between able and disabled individuals increases not only along working histories, as in the PS model, but also across working histories.
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The article provides a pedagogical analysis of trends in the development of nuclear energy in the world on the basis of processed statistical data. In conclusion, it is concluded that today the world pays great attention to the development of promising safe nuclear technologies that allow not only to expand the resource base of nuclear energy, but also to solve the problem of non-proliferation of nuclear waste and nuclear weapons, while ensuring its competitiveness in comparison with other energy sources
Stages of working with video materials in the process of teaching
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The article describes working stages with video materials and the effectiveness of using them in the process of teaching foreign language, it is also discusses the goals of this method giving different examples and giving clarification to every situation.
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This article discusses the process of designing stamps and the ability to manage the system in interactive mode, as well as the skills to work with the system of three-dimensional parametric modeling and drawing T-FLEX CAD.
Standardization of audit in the Russian Federation and its prospects
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This article contains questions on the standardization of auditor ' s activities in the Russian Federations. The provisions of legislation, which regulate auditing activities in the Russian Federations and establish the procedure of auditing standards, have been analyzed. The problems connected with the transition from the three-level system of the audit standards in the Russian Federations to the two-level have been considered. Tendencies and perspectives of standardization of audit in the Russian Federations in connection with the transition to international standards have been identified.
State actions in the direction of anti-crisis policy
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The article describes the actions taken by the state, which seeks to smooth out the consequences of crisis situations with the help of anti-crisis policy.
State and civil society in the public policy system
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This article describes the basics of civil society and the state influence in the public policy system. In the article deals with an understanding of the concept of civil society and its attributive signs. The author notes cause-and-effect relations between civil society formation and policy system.