Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Subject and tasks of biological chemistry
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This article discusses the goals and objectives of biological chemistry, the relationship of this science with other disciplines and the main directions of biological chemistry.
Subordination of land and water relations to the colonial interests of the Fergana region
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The article is based on archival documents on the subordination of land relations to the colonial interests in the Ferghana region after the Russian Empire invaded Turkestan.
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In the upbringing system, feasible work is an integral part of the unified system of the educational process and an important educational tool. The main task of labor education is the implementation of the comprehensive development and education of children, the formation of a correct attitude towards work in them. Forming industriousness in children, it is necessary to teach them to set a goal, find ways to achieve it, and get a result that matches the goal. Labor education forms in children such personality traits as self-discipline, discipline, efficiency, responsibility for the task assigned, pride in the result achieved.
Suggestions for the use of testing in the educational process
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The need to improve the quality of training in the context of radical education reform determines the search for new forms and methods of organizing the educational process, the use of advanced learning technologies in a market economy. Accordingly, the educational process must take into account trends in social development and psychology of youth, and forms and methods of educational process - the principles of democracy, competition, comprehensive control and self-control, discipline and responsibility, pedagogy of cooperation in the student-teacher system.
Suisid va unga ta'sir etuvchi geografik omillar
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Suisid - o`z joniga qasd qilish hodisasi bo`lib, o`lim holatida hisobga olinadigan statistik ko`rsatkich hisoblanadi. Aholi o`limining kichik qismini o`z ichiga olsa-da, unga tabiiy, ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy omillar o`z ta`sirini o`tkazadi. Bu esa geografik xususiyatlarni hamda tafovutlarni hosil qiladi. Maqolada suisid, ya’ni o’z-o’zini o’ldirish hodisasining geografik jihatlari atroflicha tahlil etilib, unga ta’sir etuvchi omillar keng yoritilgan. Shuningdek, suisidning mavsumiy xususiyatlari sotsial-demografik tahlil qilingan. Ushbu jarayonning o`rganilish tarixi, mutaxassislar fikrlari bayon etilgan. Shu bilan birga suisidning nazariy masalalari va uning hududiy xususiyatlari ochib berilgan. Suisidning jahondagi holati geografik tahlil qilingan. Jahon mamlakatlarida o`z joniga qasd qilish holati statistik ma`lumotlar asosida yoritilgan. Shu bilan birga respublikamizda o`z joniga qasd qilish sababli o`lim holati unga ta`sir etuvchi geografik omillar natijasida o`rganilgan.
Supply chain business processes in the example of business incubators
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Business incubators work in the development of small companies, manifesting themselves through the well-known poles or industrial parks, management and innovation centers, technological parks, etc. As a result of the research, the absence and ignorance, in the vast majority, of the application of these processes was observed.
Support of innovative activity in Uzbekistan
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This article develops innovative activities in Uzbekistan.
Support of the development of the export of deep conversion of grain in the region
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In this paper developed trend model to forecast exports by commodity group «Cereals». Proposed measures conducive to the promotion of export development in the field of production and processing in the Stavropol region.
Supporting small business subjects by tax reforms
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The article argues that a well-balanced tax policy to support small business and private entrepreneurship in our country is the most important tool, accelerating their development in our country and around the world through tax burden analysis and minimal application of tax rates.
Surondaryo viloyati yer resurslaridan qishloq xo’jaligi sohasida foydalanish masalalari
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Mazkur maqolada O’zbekiston respublikasi yer resurslari, hususan Surxondaryo viloyatining yer resurslari haqida so’z boradi. Yer resurslarida foydalanishning bugungi kundagi hholati, yerlarga agrotexnik ishlov berishda e’tibor qaratilishi lozim bo’lgan jihatlar yoritilgan. Shuningdek qishloq xo’jaligi maqsadlarida foydalaniluvchi yerlar tumanlar kesimida sarhisob qilingan.
Surunkali bruselloz kasalligida fizioterapiya muolajalarini qo`llash xususiyatlari
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Brutsellyoz kasalligi odamlarda tayanch harakat a`zolarining zararlanishi bilan kechaganligi sababli fizioterapevtik muolajalar qo`llanilib kelinmoqda. Shuning uchun hozirgi vaqtda brutsellyoz kasalligida fizioterapiya (FT) muolajalari quyidagilar bilan bog'liq: Brutsellyoz kasalligi Samarqand viloyati hududidagi tumanlarda keng tarqalgan, Samarqand viloyat Payariq tuman yuqumli kasalliklar bo`limi negizida uzoq vaqtdan beri brutsellyoz kasalligining oldini olish va davolash ishlari olib borilmoqda. Epizootiyaning intensivligi va o'choqdagi ishlarning davomiyligiga qarab, chorvachilik bilan kasbiy bog'liq bo'lgan shaxslarning 15-60% kasallanadi, kasallanishning 90% ga yaqini yosh va o'rta yoshdagi odamlarda uchraydi. Kasallik surunkali kechishga moyilligi, bu esa uzoq vaqt, ko'pincha umrbod davolash va reabilitatsiyani talab qiladi. Reabilitatsiya davomida fizioterapiya muolajalari keng qo'llaniladi, busiz ko'pincha asab va yurak-qon tomir tizimlarining shikastlanishi tufayli tayanch-harakat tizimining zararlanishida doimiy yaxshi natijalarga erishib bo'lmaydi, bemorlarda ko'pincha vegetativ labillik, meteosensitivlik, qon bosimining yuqori va beqarorligi kuzatiladi, yurak ishemik kasalligi qayd etiladi, bu tanlovni murakkablashtiradi va fizioterapiya tolerantligini buzadi. Bizning kuzatishlarimizga ko'ra, brutsellyoz kasalligida boshqa kasalliklarga qaraganda fizioterapiya jarayonida tez-tez patologik reaktsiyalar kuzatiladi.
Surxon davlat qo’riqxonasi rekreatsion turistik obyekt sifatida
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Ushbu maqola Surxon togʻ- oʻrmon davlat qoʻriqxonasidan rekreatsion resurs maqsadida foydalanish istiqbollariga bagʻishlangan. Surxon davlat qoʻriqxonasidan rekreatsiya va turizm maqsadida samarali foydalanish va kelgusida yirik turizm zonasiga aylanishi uchun yetarli shart-sharoitlar yaratib berish masalalari yoritib berilgan.
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Мақолада шоир Теша Сайдали ва унинг ижод бисоти хусусида фикр юритилиб, айрим шеърлари таҳлил назаридан ўтказилади. Шоир шеъриятидаги ўз даврига хос туйғулар ва мос бадиий ғоялар анча эътиборга молик жиҳатлар ҳақида тааллуқли хулосалар ясалади.
Sustainability of meliorative state of Malikchol irrigated land
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This article is devoted to optimization of the ecological situation of irrigated lands in the Malikchol. The work also highlights the issues of the environmental problem, the resulting impact of sewage on the pollution of the Malikchol, as well as their impact on agricultural crops.
Suv sarflarini aniqlash usullari
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Ushbu maqolada suv sarflarini aniqlash usullari mavzusi yoritilgan bo`lib, unda suv sarfi va suv sarflarini aniqlashning gidrometrik, gidravlik, gidrometrik-gidravlik, gidrolik va hajmiy usullari va bir qator olimlarning formulalari keltirilgan.
Suv yo’llarining hozirgi kundagi ahvoli va qo’llanilish sohalari
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Ushbu maqolada suv yo’llaring vazifasi va shu bilan bir qatorda mamlakat iqtisodiy rivojlanishida suv yo’llaring ahamiyati yuzasidan malumotlar keltirib o’tilgan.Shu jumladan O’zbekiston Respublikasida suv yo’llaring hozirgi holati va suv yo’llariga qo’yiladigan asosiy talablar belgilanib, “Termiz ” suv porti to’g’risida bir qancha malumotlar berilgan.
Syntactical functions of attributive syntagms in linguistics
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The article deals with the theoretical, comparative analyses of sytagms word combinations, phrases and other combinations in the grammatical contrastive structure of the English and Uzbek languages.
Synthesis and replication of genomes of viral proteins
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This article provides information on the synthesis and replication of genomes of viral proteins
System for determination of normative value of land in agriculture
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Taking into account the use of agricultural maps by land users in determining the normative value of agricultural land, the advantages of using modern technologies, remote sensing materials in their creation are highlighted
Systemic-active approach to learning English language in groups of higher professional education
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The problem of knowledge standardization has been discussed in pedagogical science for several years. Our use includes such concepts as “educational minimum”, “framework conditions”, etc. The goal is clear - to create a unified educational space, to determine the social order of society.