Современные науки и образование. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум

Публикации в рубрике (1450): Современные науки и образование
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Changes in the field of information technologies and the global problems

Changes in the field of information technologies and the global problems

Rejabov M.Yu., Javliyeva N.Q.

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This article is a scientific and pedagogical development of many radical changes in the field of IT and their effectiveness in the process of teaching the subject of "Computer Science". So our lives are closely linked to that word. No matter what we do, we use IT services, even when we are on vacation. Our regular cell phone is also an IT device because we store some data on it.


Characteristics of real estate taxation in foreign countries

Characteristics of real estate taxation in foreign countries

Абдибаева Т., Назаров А.К.

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Мақолада хорижий мамлакатларда кўчмас мулкни солиққа тортишнинг ҳозирги ҳолати ва ўзига хос хусусиятлари, солиқ солиқ тизимлари, солиқларнинг турлари ва тузилиши ставкалари йиғиш усуллари, ҳамда кўчмас мулкни солиққа тортишнинг хорижий тажрибаси ёритиб берилган. Мамлакатимиздаги кўчмас мулк юридик шахсларнинг мол-мулкига солинадиган солиқ солиқ солиш обьектлари тўғрисида кўрсаткичлар тахлил қилинган ва хориж тажрибасини таъқиқ қилиш асносида таклиф ва тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилди. Кўчмас мулк обьектларини солиққа тортишда хориж тажрибаси асосида кўчмас мулкнинг кадастр қийматини аниқлаш, уларнинг бозор баҳосига асосланган ҳолда аниқлаш бўйича таклиф ва тавсиялар берилган.


Chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishning avtomatlashtirilgan usullari

Chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishning avtomatlashtirilgan usullari

Xaydarova S.

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Ushbu maqolada chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishdaSimplexwin va Optimal 2 dasturlaridan foydalanish masalalari ko’rib chiqilgan.


Chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlarini o’qitish orqali o’quvchilarni grafik savodxonligni oshrish

Chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlarini o’qitish orqali o’quvchilarni grafik savodxonligni oshrish

Bekqulov Q.Sh.

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Bizning maqolada chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlari orqali o’quvchilarni fanga bo’lgan qiziqishlarini oshirish uchun turli masalalar keltirilgan. Shunindek lotin alifbosidagi harflar orqali masalalarni mustaqil ishlashlari uchun namunalar ko’rsatib o‘tilgan.


Cluster method for the development of creative thinking of students of higher educational institutions

Cluster method for the development of creative thinking of students of higher educational institutions

Akhmedov B.A., Xalmetova M.X., Rahmonova G.S., Khasanova S.Kh.

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The purpose of this research is to analyze basic prerequisites formation and development factors of educational clusters for studying the possibility of cluster policy introduction and creating educational clusters in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Concluded that educational cluster could be regarded as a relatively new phenomenon, therefore it was little studied. Nonetheless, it has already been widely used, and, due to its diversity, is characterized by high potential.


Communicative and creative approaches in the formation of the competitive brand

Communicative and creative approaches in the formation of the competitive brand

Tadtaeva AV, Khadikova MF, Tsabieva Z.V.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the communicative and creative strategy which is used for the formation of the competitive brand. It is an integral part in advertising activity of the competing companies. The concepts of a verbal image, a firm style, a trade mark for the revealing preferences of the potential consumer are mentioned in the article. The main tasks of a brand concept development are considered. The main features and advantages on a competitive brand formation in view of its communicative and creative approaches are determined. The group discussingprocedures in the form of the profound interviews are given, as well as practical knowledge of communicative skills for the analysis of the research results are mastered.


Creating immunity in pupils against information threats

Creating immunity in pupils against information threats

Muhammadjanov Kh.Z.

Статья научная

Today's student is also the future creator of the future, history and culture of Uzbekistan. That is why it is important to instill in young people spirituality, morality, ethics, family values, national culture and traditions from childhood.


Current issues of registration of intellectual property

Current issues of registration of intellectual property

Shadiyeva G.M., Eshniyozov B.

Статья научная

This article highlights the essence of the digital economy, the importance of innovation. Special attention was paid to the problems and solutions of intellectual property, patent registration in the transformation of innovative development into digital.


Development and modernization of the science of fine arts

Development and modernization of the science of fine arts

Maxmudov M.J.

Статья научная

The article provides information about the history of the development of fine arts and the factors that contributed to its development.


Development of natural geographic research in Uzbekistan (geological and geomorphological research)

Development of natural geographic research in Uzbekistan (geological and geomorphological research)

Hamidov A.A., Xalilov X.B.

Статья научная

The article examines the geological and geomorphological study of the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the development of concepts arising in the course of research.


Development of natural geographical researches in Uzbekistan (development of the plants world)

Development of natural geographical researches in Uzbekistan (development of the plants world)

Hamidov A.A., Xalilov X.B.

Статья научная

The article examines the natural geographical study of flora in the territory of Uzbekistan, as well as the concepts that emerged during the study.


Development of the banking and financial sector will provide financial independence of the regions

Development of the banking and financial sector will provide financial independence of the regions

Низов З.Д., Абдибаева Т., Назаров А.К.

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Мақолада мамлакатимизда банк-молия соҳасини ислоҳ қилиш ва эркинлаштириш, барқарор ривожланишини ҳамда иқтисодиётнинг таркибий ўзгаришларида кенг иштирок этишини таъминлаш, тижорат банкларининг самарадорлигини ошириш ва капиталлашиш даражасини кўтариш, қимматли қоғозлар бозорини ривожлантириш, замонавий банк хизматларини жорий этиш бўйича таклифлар ва тавсиялар берилган.


Development of the use of low-power wind energy generators in the creation of renewable energy in Uzbekistan

Development of the use of low-power wind energy generators in the creation of renewable energy in Uzbekistan

Orinov Q.I., Orinov A.I., Urinov A.I.

Статья научная

This article covers problems in the field of energy. Wind energy and the problems of its use, the research conducted on them, the opinions of scientists are highlighted. Proposals and recommendations for the development of wind energy sources in Uzbekistan are given.


Diktantlar yordamida boshlang’ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirish

Diktantlar yordamida boshlang’ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirish

Gulyamova Х.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada diktantlar yordamida boshlang`ich sinf o`quvchilarining imloviy malakalarini shakllantirishning ilimiy-metodik xususiyatlari haqida so`z yuritiladi.


Early pregnancy losses - a new understanding of hormonal disorders

Early pregnancy losses - a new understanding of hormonal disorders

Akhmadzhonova G.M., Ismailova Z.U.

Статья научная

In the etiological structure of habitual miscarriage, the role of endocrine factors remains relevant. However, more and more researchers are now coming to the conclusion that there is a close relationship and mutual regulation between the endocrine and immune systems, which is realized in the endometrium at the early stages of implantation [1,3,8,10]. Progesterone promotes a full-fledged secretory transformation of the endometrium, which is necessary for the introduction of blastocysts. In addition, during pregnancy, gestagens ensure the growth and development of the myometrium, its vascularization and relaxation by leveling the effect of oxytocin and reducing prostaglandin synthesis [7,8,9].


Educational technologies: membership of philosophical law and categories in scientific and technical creation

Educational technologies: membership of philosophical law and categories in scientific and technical creation

Nazarov M.

Статья научная

The article provides a philosophical analysis of the theoretical and practical significance of philosophical laws and categories in scientific and technical creativity. It has been studied that there is a growing need for the achievements of modern science, scientific discoveries and creative thinking around the world.


Effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in the system of education

Effectiveness of using multimedia technologies in the system of education

Мirbabaeva S.S.

Статья научная

The article deals with effective ways of using multimedia technologies in the system of education.


Electronic learning in higher education

Electronic learning in higher education

Krivosheeva G.N.

Статья научная

The article provides information about the electronic teaching environment, its algorithms. Methodological requirements for the creation of an electronic teaching environment are also illustrated. Moreover, information is provided on types of the e-teaching environment based on its purpose.


Elektrotexnika fanini o‘qitishda talabalarni eksperimental ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish vositalari

Elektrotexnika fanini o‘qitishda talabalarni eksperimental ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish vositalari

Eshniyozov U.A., Abdullayev H.Sh., Ruzibayeva M.X.

Статья научная

Multisim dasturidan asosida, elektrotexnika fanini o‘qitish muammolari, uslublari, sharoitlari va imkoniyatlari bayon etilgan.


Eshitishda nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarning o'quv faoliyatiga motivatsiyasini oshirishda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari imkoniyatlaridan foydalanish

Eshitishda nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarning o'quv faoliyatiga motivatsiyasini oshirishda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari imkoniyatlaridan foydalanish

Pulatova D.A.

Статья научная

Maqolada o'qitishda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning afzalliklari bayon etilgan bo‘lib, zaif eshituvchi va kar bolalar bilan ishlashda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalaridan quyidagi maqsadlarda- o'rganish motivatsiyasini oshirish, o'quv jarayonining samaradorligini oshirish, bolalarning kognitiv sohasini faollashtirishga ko'maklashishda foydalanilanilish imkoniyatlari aytilgan. Shu bilan birga IT sohasida faoliyat olib borayotgan o‘zbek mutaxassislari tomonidan eshitishda nuqsoni bo‘lgan bolalarning nutqini, ijtimoiy-hissiy va bilish sohalarini rivojlantirish uchun mukammal elektron dasturlar, mobil ilovalar yaratilishi surdopedagoglarning ishini osonlashtirishi, bunday dastur va ilovalar orqali ota-onalar farzandlari bilan shug‘ullanishlari, pedagog bergan topshiriqlarini qiyinchiliksiz bajarishlari uchun motivatsiya yaratib berishi mumkin.

