Современные науки и образование. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум
Estimation of ecological-economic condition of territories (on the example of Ferghana regions)
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The article discusses the main issues of the ecological-economic balance of the territory. A comprehensive assessment of the ecological-economic balance of the Ferghana region was carried out by the ratio of the main land use categories characterized by varying degrees of anthropogenic pressure. The coefficient of natural security of the territory is determined and the typification of the municipal regions and urban districts of the region is carried out according to the degree of tension of the ecological-economic condition of the territory.
Ethnogenetic processes in ancient Fergana
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This article is devoted to the analysis of ancient and early medieval ethnogenetic processes in the Fergana Valley, where the ancient agricultural culture of Uzbekistan was formed and ethnically diverse. It examines the migration and ethnointegration processes that have taken place in the valley area over the centuries based on an analysis of sources and literature.
Family entrepreneurship as an important factor of family strength
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The article addresses the issues of family business and its importance as an important factor in family stability.
Features of the audit of the financial results of the modern organization
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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the audit of the financial results of the organization.
Fine arts types and genres their practical importance
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The article describes the types and genres of fine arts and their practical significance to readers in a number of ways.
Fizik jarayonlarda oddiy differensial tenglamlarni o’rni
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Ushbu maqolada keyingi yillarda juda ahamiyat qaratayotgan fanlararo integratsiya muammosi yani fizik masalalar va differensial tenglamlar orasida integratsiya qaratilgan. Fizik jarayonlarni differensial tenglamar yordamida yechishga doir bir nechta misollar keltirilgan
Friction expansions and anti-friction materials in friction
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This article describes the types and significance of friction and antifriction materials used in our cars from friction and wear.
IT-подготовка будущих экономистов
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В настоящее время специалист должен обладать высоким уровнем IT-подготовки. Большое значение в ее становлении оказывает изучение дисциплины «Экономическая информатика». В данной статье рассматривается содержание дисциплины, а также описываются работы и задания, предлагаемые студентам при ее изучении.
Illyustratsiyalarning bolalar uchun nashr qilinadigan kitoblardagi vazifalari
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Maqolada illyustratsiyalarning kitob mazmuni va matnini yetkazishdagi turli vazifalari, illyustratsiya tufayli bolalar uchun kitob maxsus badiiy tuzilma sifatida qarala boshlangani, bolalar nashrlarida illyustratsiya va tasvirlarning nechog’liq ahamiyatli ekanligi, bolalar uchun kitob nashrlarida bolalarning yosh xususiyatlarini hisobga olinishi kerakligi, bolalar uchun nashrlarda kitobdagi bezaklar va illyustrtsiyalar rangining ahamiyati, har bir yosh guruhida rasm chizish va tasvirlashni idrok etish o'ziga xos xususiyatlarga egali yoritilgan.
Importance of vocabulary learning in language teaching process
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This article is devoted to the importance of vocabulary learning and teaching in language teaching process; its significance in professionaloriented studying.
Improving the health care system based on information's technologies
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The article discusses the methods and skills of using information systems to improve the quality of health care.
Improving the quality of basic language knowledge of young students in English language lessons
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Children are learning English at younger ages. In many countries, English is a compulsory subject in the early primary grades. In this article the authors researched and reviewed works by international academics on the research problem; established factors ensuring good learning and mastering of foreign language skills by young learners; and reasoned the importance of beginning teaching with speaking and listening, accompanied by writing and reading skills, in accordance with their age peculiarities.
Influences of film-induced tourism
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Student and youth tourism is an increasingly important area. The role of film-based tourism in this path is one of the main reasons why young people are now attracted to travel. In addition, there are almost no studies in Uzbekistan linking student travel behavior to film-related tourism. This research article is written focusing on students ’general awareness of film-based tourism and their experiences. In addition, this article covers a variety of concepts related to film tourism for students, such as whether the footage in the film can attract the viewer mentally and physically while watching the film, and the emotional impact. The study included several questions through an online survey in the form of a questionnaire; Responses were collected and evaluated from students. The result showed that 45% of students watch 1-2 movies per week and their main genre is drama movies. While the reason for their travel is pleasure (66.7%), we can say that film tourism can also serve as a major pull factor for youth travelers.
Information technologies in education new trends
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Creating an information society is one of the most important priorities of our country's development. At present, the legal basis for informatization processes has been formed, and the national information and communication infrastructure is being developed to provide new telecommunications and information services.
Ingliz va o‘zbek tillaridagi frazeologik birliklarning antropopragmatik tadqiqi
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Ushbu maqolada ingliz hamda o`zbek tillaridagi frazeologik birliklarning ayrim jihatlari, jumladan atropopragmatik tomonlama tadqiq etiladi.
Innovative method of developing creative thinking of students
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It is obvious that the role of the education system in socio-economic, technical and cultural development is indeed very great. Only the power of knowledge determines the characteristics of the state and its place in the world community, as well as the status of each person in society and people around the world, and higher education is the basis of intellectual, scientific and professional forces. Currently, much attention is paid to the development of higher education, increasing the importance and role of universities and the beneficial use of human development opportunities.
Innovative methods of learning in English lessons
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The relevance of the study is dictated by the demand of the state for training competitive specialists who are ready to maintain an intercultural dialogue in their professional field. The main goal of modern language education is the development of innovative integrated courses that enable students to enrich their subject knowledge and to master the ability to use this knowledge at the international level. This article considers Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to be promising ways of implementing the integrative approach into the education system. Many methodologists and linguists have proven the effectiveness of interconnected teaching foreign languages and cultures, resulting in the selection of a culture-based course designed in English as an object of the research. The study reveals that digital archives, online art collections, ‘Virtual Visit’, audio and video resources are valuable sources of authentic materials that can be used in the process of professionally oriented English teaching
Interference, its meaning, content and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages
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This article deals with the types of interference in the two contacting languages- English and Uzbek. The elimination of the interferences.
Interference, its meaning, ontent and their elimination in two contacting English-Uzbek languages
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This article deals with the types of interference in the two contacting languages- English and Uzbek. The elimination of the interferences
Issues of upbringing of youth based on the traditions of our great ancestors
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This article is about the ability of young people to show examples of devotion to the interests of the motherland in patriotic education, to inspire respect, love and trust in the people, as well as the sacred land of the motherland. It also informs of the courage of Shirak in the legend of him.