Статьи журнала - Современные инновации, системы и технологии

Все статьи: 170

Analysis of full-factorial experiments on improving the cotton gin

Analysis of full-factorial experiments on improving the cotton gin

A. Djuraev, S. Sayitqulov, R. Nurboev, J. Xolmirzaev, U. Berdimurodov


The article presents the results of full-factorial experiments of an improved cotton-cleaning unit based on the use of grates of different diameters and multifaceted grates located in the optimal sequence. Graphs of dependences of parameters are constructed, optimal values are determined.


Analysis of the diameter of the pins of the drum of a cotton-cleaning unit on the efficiency of cleaning raw cotton

Analysis of the diameter of the pins of the drum of a cotton-cleaning unit on the efficiency of cleaning raw cotton

A. Djuraev, S. Sayitqulov, A. Mavlyanov, J. Kholmirzaev, М. Jo'raeva


The article presents the results of increasing the efficiency of cleaning raw cotton based on the use of improving the design of the cotton cleaning unit. In the zone of cleaning raw cotton from small weeds, a peg drum with different diameters of the pegs was used. Experimental studies have determined the optimal value of the diameters of the peg drum pegs.


Blockchain Based Intelligent Transport System

Blockchain Based Intelligent Transport System

Muhammad Waseem, Khawaja Arslan Ahmed, Muhammad Talha Azeem


Blockchain technology is widely studied in these days and has vital role in the ITS and Vehicular network. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) have resolved several issues of transportation like congestion, electronic toll collection, traffic light cameras, traffic updates, and environment forecasting. The vehicular network is the ever-increasing network it is not only facilitates us but also brings new challenges with it. The mobile nature of vehicular networks it is very important to collect and broadcast information of traffic events in real-time. A little delay to broadcast important information or deciding on this information can cause a serious situation in the mobile vehicular network. Moreover, malicious vehicles in the network broadcasting false information about these traffic events cause a disturbance in the network. In large-scale scenarios, the transmission of malicious messages offers a lot of danger to the system. They can wrongly claim the roads and provide false information about the incident. These traffic events can be life-threatening and cause unwanted situations like accidents, wastage of time and other resources. Therefore, it is very much important to provide real-time information on recent traffic events and real-time authentication of vehicles that broadcast information in the network. Traditional studies are unable to solve these security issues and contain a single point of failure issue. These studies are centralized and dependent on a single higher authority. Moreover, they have serious security concerns that are harmful for vehicular network. Moreover, any vehicles are unwilling to share their private information while broadcasting information about traffic events because they are strangers to each other. And if a vehicle does not want to share its private information like name, id, etc. It is not possible to authenticate this vehicle and manage trust in the network. It means that it is very crucial to prevent vehicles to broadcast wrong information in the network while preserving their privacy at the same time. Therefore, there is a need to authenticate vehicles and manage trust in the network while preserving their privacy simultaneously. Blockchain can offer better solution to solve these issues due to its secure distributed environment and features that ensure immutability about actions. The purpose of this report is to provide real-time security and privacy in the network. It is also ensured that vehicles get real-time authenticated information about traffic incidents from legitimate vehicles while simultaneously preserving their privacy. It means that only authenticated and legitimate entities (vehicles) can participate in vehicular network and privacy of both sender and receiver is secured in the network. Details of conducted experiments are given, and shreds of evidence are provided to evaluate the performance of architectures for authentication and trust management. The shreds of evidence show that these blockchain-based systems can solve security and trust issues more effectively.


Changes in the quality indicators of shirt fabrics with different fiber compositions

Changes in the quality indicators of shirt fabrics with different fiber compositions

S. E. Mardonov, L. I. Toshpulotov, D. J. Erjanova, N. H. Karimova


The quality of textile fabrics is evaluated by physical, mechanical, consumer and hygienic properties. The durability of a fabric is also characterized by its resistance to abrasion. In turn, this durability and breathability of the fabric depends on many important factors, such as the strength of the yarn, the type of fiber, the composition of the yarn and its linear density, the density and thickness of the fabric, the thickness of the fabric, and so on. The abrasion resistance and breathability of a fabric largely depend on its structural characteristics, i.e., the degree of bending and the density of the warp and purl threads. This degree of bending is determined by the area of ​​one or another part of the product and the purl thread. This area is the reference surface of the tissue. In this article, a comparison of the quality indicators of shirt fabrics with twill weave from 100% polyester fiber and 100% cotton shirt fabrics with twill weave, as well as changes in their properties of breathability, wrinkle resistance, abrasion resistance, was studied.


DETR-crowd is all you need

DETR-crowd is all you need

Liu Weijia, Zishen Zheng, Ke Fan, Kun He, Taiqiu Huang, Weijia Liu, Xianlun Ke, Yuming Xu


"Crowded pedestrian detection" is a hot topic in the field of pedestrian detection. To address the issue of missed targets and small pedestrians in crowded scenes, an improved DETR object detection algorithm called DETR-crowd is proposed. The attention model DETR is used as the baseline model to complete object detection in the absence of partial features in crowded pedestrian scenes. The deformable attention encoder is introduced to effectively utilize multi-scale feature maps containing a large amount of small target information to improve the detection accuracy of small pedestrians. To enhance the efficiency of important feature extraction and refinement, the improved EfficientNet backbone network fused with a channel spatial attention module is used for feature extraction. To address the issue of low training efficiency of models that use attention detection modules, Smooth-L1 and GIOU are combined as the loss function during training, allowing the model to converge to higher precision. Experimental results on the Wider-Person crowded pedestrian detection dataset show that the proposed algorithm leads YOLO-X by 0.039 in AP50 accuracy and YOLO-V5 by 0.015 in AP50 accuracy. The proposed algorithm can be effectively applied to crowded pedestrian detection tasks.


Effect of fiber composition on the physical and mechanical properties of shirt fabrics

Effect of fiber composition on the physical and mechanical properties of shirt fabrics

S. E. Mardonov, L. I. Toshpulotov, Z. O. Subkhonova, D. J. Erjanova


This article shows ways to increase wear resistance and improve the quality of fabric by studying its structural parameters. To achieve this goal, research was carried out on the structure and physical and mechanical properties of fabrics, expanding the range and improving the quality of shirt fabrics. It is shown that the change in the quality of the fabric, i.e., strength and elongation at break, depends primarily on the number and density of fibers in the fabric, as well as on its thickness. Thus, the denser the fabric, the higher its strength, abrasion resistance and lower breathability. In addition, the fiber content of fabrics is of great importance, since the strength of some chemical fibers is higher than that of natural fibers, especially cotton fibers.


Further exploration of deep aggregation for shadow detection

Further exploration of deep aggregation for shadow detection

Islam Md Jahidul, Omar Faruq


Shadow detection is a fundamental challenge in the field of computer vision. It requires the network to understand the global semantics and local details of the image. All existing methods depend on the aggregation of the features of a multi-stage pre-trained convolution neural network, but in comparison to high-level capabilities, low-level capabilities provide less detection performance. Using low-level features not only increases the complexity of the network but also reduces its time efficiency. In this article, we propose a new shadow detector that only uses high-level features and explores the complementary information between adjacent feature layers. Experiments show that the technique in this paper can accurately detect shadows and perform well compared with the most advanced methods. The detailed experiments performed on three public shadow detection datasets, SUB, UCF, and ISTD, we demonstrate that the suggested method is efficient for detecting any sort of shadow image, which provides the maximum percentage of accuracy and stability


Improved plant parenchyma extraction technology using artificial intelligence algorithms

Improved plant parenchyma extraction technology using artificial intelligence algorithms

Chen Jike, Zhao Qian


The previous studies have described the extraction of plant parenchyma by computer image processing technology, and the purpose of this paper is to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm., this paper implements the algorithm by using Matlab language, and designs several groups of experiments. The experimental results show that: when denoising, using 9*9 as a template to perform median filtering on the image has a better effect, and block binarization facilitates the extraction of axial parenchyma; when processing mathematical morphology, using 3*3 Axial parenchyma and vessel morphology can be successfully extracted from cross-sectional images of broad-leaved wood after dilation of the image by cross-shaped structuring elements and erosion of images by disc-shaped structuring elements with radii ranging from 1 to 10 When calculating the area threshold of the closed area, the area threshold is determined by using 8 domains to mark the area of the closed area and using the area histogram, so that the axial parenchyma can be better separated from the catheter. At present, the method has been experimented in 10 different tree species, all of which have achieved good results. This also fully proves the effectiveness of the artificial intelligence algorithm. The implementation of the algorithm also lays the foundation for future research on intelligent wood recognition based on axial thin-walled tissue morphology; it provides a shortcut to measure the content of axial thin-walled tissue in different tree species; and it is a prelude to the development of an image-based wood recognition system for axial thin-walled tissue.


Intellectualization of information processing systems for monitoring complex objects and systems

Intellectualization of information processing systems for monitoring complex objects and systems

Ayman Aljarbouh, Md Shamim Ahmed, Marco Vaquera, Bakwa Dunka Dirting


Creating intelligent information processing systems for monitoring complex technical objects and systems is an important task today. This paper presents the principles and models for creating systems of this class. The decision-making process in intelligent information-measuring monitoring systems is described. The article presents a model of intelligent monitoring system and a model of decision-making in intelligent monitoring systems. The presented model of decision-making in intelligent monitoring systems allows estimating the efficiency of their functioning. The article proposes a structural scheme reflecting the sequence of decision-making tasks.


Investigation of working bodies of cotton cleaning machine

Investigation of working bodies of cotton cleaning machine

Anvar Dzuraev, Sardor Sayitkulov, Bekzod Bozorov, Sitora Fatullaeva


The article included information on how to improve the working bodies of the machine for cleaning raw cotton, including large waste mixtures waste disposal sites. Based on the analysis of the design of cotton ginning machines and working bodies, a new effective design scheme of cotton gin from large contaminants was developed. The recommended multi-faceted columns are characterized by good cleaning of cotton waste and maintenance of fiber quality.


Java библиотека для работы с эллиптическими кривыми

Java библиотека для работы с эллиптическими кривыми

В. Д. Хазиева


В настоящее время эллиптическая криптография активно используются в протоколах SSH, в криптовалютах, в протоколах электронного голосования и во многих других сферах. В подобных информационных системах ставится упор на высокий уровень безопасности и повышенную производительность используемых криптографических примитивов, что обуславливает актуальность проведения анализа и реализации различных методов эллиптической криптографии. В данной статье дается описание разработанной под язык Java криптографической библиотеки для работы с эллиптическими кривыми. Библиотека содержит реализацию основных операций для таких форм кривых как: каноническая кривая Вейерштрасса, кривая Эдвардса, квартика Якоби. Были реализован функционал для различных координатных представлений точек, а также реализованы алгоритмы скалярного умножения такие как: NAF, mbNAF и их “оконные” варианты, лестница Монтгомери. Приводится сравнение быстродействия реализации стандарта электронной цифровой подписи ECDSA с существующим решением из пакета java.security.


On the calculation of a model of a three-dimensional turbulent diffusion plume

On the calculation of a model of a three-dimensional turbulent diffusion plume

Safar Khojiev, Shukhrat Yuldoshev, Shamshod Savriev


In this paper a three-dimensional model of diffusion combustion is presented in the case of the outflow of a combustible gas mixture from a rectangular nozzle and propagating in a heated (with a passing) air flow. For the three-dimensional case, the transformation of the multicomponent concentration equation is described in detail using the conservative Schwab-Zeldovich function with respect to excess concentrations, which reduces the number of diffusion equations to one for a four-component mixture. It is assumed that on the surface of the flame front, the flows of the oxidizer and fuel must satisfy the condition of stoichiometric equality of the consumed and formed substances at the flame front are equal to zero. The three-dimensional system of Navier-Stokes equations is used to describe the flow. To calculate the turbulent viscosity, an algebraic model is used that takes into account the three-dimensionality and temperature inhomogeneity of the jet. A number of numerical results are given as the influence of the initial value of the velocity of the combustible mixture on the flame parameters. During diffusion combustion of a propane-butane mixture. It was found that an increase in fuel velocity does not always lead to an increase in the maximum temperature at the flame front, with other parameters unchanged.


Projective Capital Asset Pricing Model

Projective Capital Asset Pricing Model

A. Shabi


This paper is interested in exploring the capabilities and limitations of investment decision making under uncertainty through the lens of Quantum Probabilities/formalism stand and will be focusing on the Capital Asset Pricing Model as use case. Our main purpose is to examine the historical and structural foundations surrounding decision making paradoxes. To ease the comprehension of the issue to the common reader, we first outline key cornerstones of investment decision making under the two competing conceptual frameworks, expected utility and mean-variance. We review then the axiomatic justifications of the mean-variance and set the comparison with the Expected utility generally. That's when the analogy with quantum probabilities arises. This comes from the fact that decision making process seems to be more likely to be presented in terms of amplitudes. Thus, here the quantum probabilities refer to a calculus of quantum states and not of probabilities. In the final section, we present the capital asset pricing model to understand the appeal of the usage of Mean variance over Expected utility in the financial theory, and how we can remediate to this approach once decisions are depicted in terms of quantum probability amplitudes. Several extensions of the rational decision-making theory using classical probability formulations emerged depending on the actual empirical findings, trying to explain such paradoxes and improve the existing framework decision making theory. These simplifying assumptions were seeking to generate the probabilistic measures assumptions without linearity or to make State-independent probabilistic estimates as well as agents’ possessing firm assumptions in the generalized utility theory loosened. While these trials helped to discuss the pitfalls of the classical probabilities in some decision-making situations, it failed to give a harmonized expected utility theoretical model. An established theory to consider is the prospect theory by Kahneman and Tversky which encompasses the human biases and heuristic. Indeed, its attributes make this theory likely to be extended to a general framework of the decision-making theory by using quantum probabilities as the mathematical scope.


Research on computer vision application in industry field: focus on distribution network engineering

Research on computer vision application in industry field: focus on distribution network engineering

Fan Ke, Huang Chen-Yu, Liu Weijia, He Kun, Shi Bin, Wu Yanyou


The operation of distribution networks is currently facing potential safety and quality defects that pose significant hazards. One solution to strengthen management, reduce manual workload, and improve efficiency and quality is by applying deep detection networks for dynamic defect detection in distribution network engineering. To start, defects in distribution network engineering are classified. Then, advanced deep detection networks and their applications in dynamic defect detection are researched and analyzed, along with a review of existing research. Key issues and their solutions for deep detection network application in dynamic defect detection in distribution network engineering are summarized. Finally, future research directions are explored to provide valuable references for future studies.


Structural and mechanical properties of new sizing compositions based on natural and synthetic water-soluble polymers

Structural and mechanical properties of new sizing compositions based on natural and synthetic water-soluble polymers

Salokhiddin Mardonov, Khasan Saidov


In the article results of studying specific structurally-mechanical properties new developed sizing compositions on the basis of сorn starch and water-soluble synthetic polymeric preparations such as K-4 and uniflock made in Company "Navoiazot" are given. It is established that, introduction in starch pastes acrylates leads to increase coefficient of thixotropic restoration, i.e. to increase of speed relaxation processes.


Study of pulsating flow of viscous two-phase media in a flat porous pipe considering particle gravity force

Study of pulsating flow of viscous two-phase media in a flat porous pipe considering particle gravity force

K. Z. Abidov, B. T. Ergashev, О. K. Salieva


This paper examines the issues of unsteady pulsating motion of a viscous two-phase medium in a flat porous pipe taking into account the gravity of a solid particle in a two-dimensional formulation. Changes in the longitudinal velocity profiles of mixtures and the distribution of the volumetric content of the carrier and solid phases in a flat pipe, as well as the rate of liquid infiltration, the distribution of pressure and the volumetric content of the carrier and solid phases in pipes with porous walls have been studied.


Studying electronic blood pressure monitor digital recognition algorithm based on computer vision and design

Studying electronic blood pressure monitor digital recognition algorithm based on computer vision and design

Yan Yuqi, Ye Wanting, Liu Xin, Xu Jie, Lian Lihua


This study proposed an intelligent algorithm based on digital image processing and character recognition to address the current situation in which the National Medical Products Administration promulgated the relevant regulations on the complete prohibition of the use of mercury sphygmomanometers in 2020 and the currently widely used electronic sphygmomanometers need to undergo regular verification and quality testing. The intelligent algorithm made it possible to automatically acquire the electronic sphygmomanometer indication value during quality assurance or verification. The images of the electronic sphygmomanometer were captured using a Raspberry Pi-connected video camera head; in the software development, automatic detection of the electronic sphygmomanometer's indication value was achieved by running the computer vision-based OpenCV library on the Raspberry Pi and utilizing image preprocessing techniques like scale transformation, grayscale conversion, Gaussian smoothing and edge detection, and character segmentation. The development of intelligent devices for the automatic verification of electronic sphygmomanometers has a technical foundation in the research and design of the digital recognition algorithm, and it has a certain reference value for character recognition of electronic instruments or the creation of automatic instrument indication value recording devices.


Автоматизация процесса формирования комплекта руководств по эксплуатации для семейств эксплуатируемых объектов

Автоматизация процесса формирования комплекта руководств по эксплуатации для семейств эксплуатируемых объектов

Ю. В. Полищук, Я. В. Гончарова


В рамках данной работы предложен способ автоматизации процесса формирования комплекта руководств по эксплуатации для семейств эксплуатируемых объектов. В качестве основы для предлагаемого решения была выбрана настольная издательская система LuaLaTeX, которая относится к свободно распространяемому программному обеспечению. Для достижения цели были использованы методы процедурного программирования языков: TeX и Lua. Предложенный способ позволяет минимизировать время внесения изменений в комплект руководств пользователей и обеспечить снижение вероятности появления в ней ошибок. Все перечисленное достигается посредством применения в предлагаемом решении концепции публикации из единого источника. Практическая значимость предлагаемого решения заключается в минимизации трудоемкости процесса поддержания в актуальном состоянии комплекта руководств по эксплуатации для семейств эксплуатируемых объектов.


Автоматизация хранения эксплуатационной информации коллекторно-лучевой системы сбора продукции для ее управления

Автоматизация хранения эксплуатационной информации коллекторно-лучевой системы сбора продукции для ее управления

Юрий Полищук, Яна Гончарова, Оксана Гапеева


В рамках данной работы предложена модель хранения эксплуатационной информации коллекторно-лучевой системы сбора продукции Оренбургского газоконденсатного месторождения для ее управления. Особенностью предлагаемой модели является ее представление как графодинамической системы с возможностью хранения эксплуатационных характеристик скважин, входящих в ее состав, и истории модернизаций основных элементов конструкции. Использование единой модели для описания эксплуатационной информации различных систем сбора позволяет минимизировать вероятность появления ошибок в эксплуатационных данных за счет ограничений, определенных моделью, и повысить скорость их обработки. Все перечисленное реализует возможность синтеза эффективных управленческих решений при эксплуатации систем сбора, следствием последнего является продление сроков эксплуатации месторождения и минимизация эксплуатационных расходов. Также предложенная модель может быть использована при реализации системы поддержки-принятия решений для коллекторно-лучевых систем сбора продукции.


Адаптация модели GOMS для мобильных приложений

Адаптация модели GOMS для мобильных приложений

А. В. Уженцева, Е. Ю. Мерзлякова


В статье освещается тенденция к всеобщей вовлечённости современного человечества в цифровой мир одновременно с высоким уровнем озабоченности собственным физическим и душевным комфортом. Данная проблема в том числе сегодня заставляет участников рынка не просто реализовывать свои продукты и услуги и даже не заводить сайты, а переходить к разработке мобильных приложений, которые будут всегда под рукой потребителя. Причём для обеспечения конкурентоспособности интерфейс этих приложений должен быть удобным и понятным. В связи с этой потребностью становится очевидной проблема недостатка методов тестирования мобильных устройств в целом и количественных методов в частности. Этой проблеме и уделяется основное внимание в статье. Приводятся примеры методов тестирования отдельно мобильных интерфейсов и комбинированных методов, разработанных изначально для десктопных устройств и впоследствии адаптированных под мобильные. Приводится определение одного из десктопных количественных методов – GOMS-анализа – и перечисляются его элементы. Также статья ссылается на ряд других методов-адаптаций GOMS, которые были предложены ранее другими авторами. Сделан вывод о несоответствии данных методов современным реалиям. Предложен вариант метода GOMS для мобильных приложений, включающий в себя все измеримые операторы, которые могут быть использованы при взаимодействии с мобильными приложениями посредством как сенсорных, так и кнопочных устройств. Продемонстрированы результаты эксперимента, демонстрирующие время выполнения операторов, которое можно использовать в качестве ориентира при проведении тестирований и дальнейших исследований на эту тему.

