Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки
Application of TRIZ in robot manufacturing
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TRIZ is an effective instrument for engineering problem solving. Examples of the TRIZ application in manufacturing are considered in this paper. An application of ARIZ-based method of finding technological solutions for production of industrial robot parts is represented.
Application of innovative technologies in the teaching foreign language
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In this article noted importance innovative activity in the teaching foreign language and innovative technology in the education.
Approaches to create a protected operating system
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The article talks about approaches to creating a secure operating system.
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Ushbu maqolada ArcGIS 9.3 dasturidan foydalanib, tarixiy madaniy ob`yektlar davlat kadastrini yuritishda elektron raqamli xaritalarda ma’lumotlar ba’zasini yaratish haqida qisqacha ma’lumotlar yoritib berilgan.
Artistic publicism as the unity of rational and emotional thinking
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This article discusses what a journalist’s worldview should be like. The role of worldview in text art is discussed.
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In this work researched the development of efficiency of the rechargeable system of the telecommunication systems. And provide many practical attempts to detect that disadvantages. Therefore, given observation tables of theoretical and practical approaches on this direction. There are we mean of the solar rechargeable system of the telecommunication engineering.
Aspects of the frictional materials application for the machinery parts
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Powder metallurgy is a rapidly developing industry that produces powders from metals and other inorganic materials and sintered articles thereof. The use of powder metals, alloys and refractory compounds has begun in ancient times. Even then, powders of gold, copper and bronze were used for decorative purposes in the manufacture of ceramics and as components of paints in painting. One of its main advantages is the ability to reduce process losses of materials, since the mechanical treatment of some kinds of casting and even rolled stock into chips takes up to 60-70% of the metal.
Assessment of mathematical literacy in elementary school
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The test SAM tool (school achievements monitoring) is developed by researchers of Russia. It is successfully approved at schools of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Armenia. Approbation results on mathematics, results of questioning among teachers and pupils of elementary schools are given in this article.
Associative experiment as a means of identifying the specificity of the concept of “fear”
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This article is devoted to the description of the associative field of the emotional concept "Fear" in English by representatives of different nationalities and the identification of its common and specific cognitive features. Verbalization of the concept of fear in the English language reflects all the physiological and psychological processes that occur with a person experiencing this emotion. Fear is most often perceived as the cause of the uncomfortable, painful condition that can paralyze a person’s will. This study reflects the whole range of human physical reactions.
Automation and modulation of highways in GIS software
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This article focuses on the creation of highway databases in ArcGIS, GIS (Geoinformation system) family software, working with thematic layers, creating and replicating attribute databases, database entry, and automated road modeling.
Basic concepts and definitions of sports tourism, especially its organization
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This article describes that basic concepts and definitions of sports tourism, especially its organization. Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes, including overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances, laid in the natural environment and on artificial relief.
Benefits of using BIM technology in the design of buildings and structures
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With the development of modern computer technologies, instantaneous changes are taking place in the design and construction industry. In this article highlights of benefits of using BIM technology in the design of buildings and structures.
Benefits of using poetry to language teaching
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In this article described benefits of using poetry to language teaching in the lesson.
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In this article, Beruniy and his contributions to the field of science and his role in the European development. Beruniy’s first discoveries highlighted his development in society.
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Elektron xaritalar bino va inshootlar kadastirini muvaffaqiyatli boshqarish uchun bir nechta qo'shimcha imkoniyatlar yaratish va ularning yordamida bino va inshootlar kuzatuvining muvaffaqiyatli boshqarish, geoaxborot texnologiyalari asosida elektron xaritalar yaratish hamda uni kengaytirish va tahrirlash.
Bino va inshootlar kadastirini geoaxborot texnologiyalari asosida geomodellashtirish
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Geoaxborot texnologiyalari asosida geomodellashtirish, bino va inshootlar tuzilishini o'rganish, tahlil qilish va tushuntirish, bino va inshootlar loyihalarini tuzishini, ularni yangilash va ta'mirlashini optimallashtirishda, bino va inshootlar kadastr sohasidagi taraqqiyoti.
Bino va inshootlar kadastirini interaktiv va veb xaritalarini yaratish
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Bino va inshootlari kadastirini interaktiv va veb xaritalarini yaratishni o'rganish, dunyodagi bir nechta sohalarda yaratilayotgan xaritalarning raqamlashtirish imkoniyatini beradi va yangi xaritalar yaratish mumkun. Xaritalar internet va veb tarmoqlar orqali eng ko'p foydalaniladigan ma'lumotlar to'plami bo'lib, xaritalar o'zining yuqori sifatini saqlash uchun xaritalardagi ma'lumotlar bazasini yaxshilash va yangilash haqida ma’lumotlar bazasini shakillantirishning afzalliklari yoritib berilgan.
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This article discusses the emergence of bioethics and the main problems of bioethics.
Biologically active compounds present in ferula moschata extracts
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The article describes the chemical and biological properties, complex substances of the composition of the ferula and the area of its distribution. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of the musky ferula plant in order to determine the biologically active substances present in it.
Biosorption treatment of polluted water from iron (III) ions using maple tree waste
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The first aim of article is obtaining of kinetic curves of iron ions (III) on to maple tree waste at different temperatures. The second aim is determination of minimum residual concentration of iron ions (III), maximum sorption capacity and the most effective process temperature.