Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки

Публикации в рубрике (8667): Основной раздел
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Ethnopedagogy of the Abkhazian folklore: mermaid Dzizlan

Ethnopedagogy of the Abkhazian folklore: mermaid Dzizlan

Kapba I.E.



Evolution of process of division of labor

Evolution of process of division of labor

Kozel I.V., Alieva J.V., Vorobyova N.V.

Статья научная

This article describes the evolution of a complex process of social division of labor, its stages and consequences.


Evolutionary forming stages of distance education in the world

Evolutionary forming stages of distance education in the world

Bayburieva Sh.M., Rakhmatov D.N.

Статья научная

The article based on the global experience considers the stages of introduction formation and development of the distance education, which is an important factor of socialization of people.


Factors of raising social consciousness in the spiritual development of society

Factors of raising social consciousness in the spiritual development of society

Berdikulova S.A., Gafurova F.A.

Статья научная

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need for a philosophical analysis of the impact of factors (globalization processes and the media as an element of information society) on the formation of public consciousness in the modern era, called post-industrial.


Features of accounting processes of innovation and recommendations for its improvement

Features of accounting processes of innovation and recommendations for its improvement

Urakova M.Kh.

Статья научная

This article discusses the features of accounting processes of innovation and recommendations for its improvement


Features of the food security strategy

Features of the food security strategy

Dekhkanova N., Aktamova I.A., Bobomurodova L.I.

Статья научная

Food security is one of the main goals of the agrarian and economic policy of the state. In its general form, it forms the vector of movement of any national food system towards an ideal state. In this sense, the pursuit of food security is an ongoing process. At the same time, to achieve it, there is often a change in development priorities and mechanisms for the implementation of agricultural policy. This article summarizes the main aspects of a food security strategy.


Features of using modern educational technologies in native language and literature lessons

Features of using modern educational technologies in native language and literature lessons

Razzaqova Z.

Статья научная

This article highlights the features of using modern educational technologies in native language and literature lessons.


Finanzmechanismus der herausbildung des haushalts in der Russischen F"oderation

Finanzmechanismus der herausbildung des haushalts in der Russischen F"oderation

Кучумова А.А.

Статья научная

Das Haushaltssystem jedes Staates, ein integraler Bestandteil des Finanzsystems, erfüllt die wichtige und wesentliche gesamtstaatliche Funktionen, die Wirksamkeit der Durchführung von deren bedingt eine soziale und politische Stabilität in der Gesellschaft, als auch die Möglichkeit eines nachhaltigen Wirtschaftswachstums. Die Wirksamkeit der Bildung des Haushalts eines Landes hängt von dem Finanzmechanismus ab, insofern er ein integraler Bestandteil der Finanzpolitik des Staates ist. Von seiner korrekten Funktion hängt sowohl die Stabilität des Finanzsystems, als auch ein erfolgreiches Funktionieren des Haushaltssystems des Landes ab. The budget system of any country, being an integral part of the financial system has important and significant nationwide functions, the socio-political stability in society depends on the effective implementation of them, and the possibility of sustainable economic growth. The effectiveness of the country budget formation depends on the financial mechanism, since it is being the core in the development and successful functioning of the budget system.


Foreign experience in employment in the service sector

Foreign experience in employment in the service sector

Yulbarsova Kh., Ganiyev D.

Статья научная

This article gives an idea of the service sector. It also highlighted important aspects of employment in the service sector.


Foreign experience of strategic marketing management

Foreign experience of strategic marketing management

Muminova Sh.N., Urunboev Sh.ja.

Статья научная

The article discusses the foreign experience of strategic marketing management at enterprises, the practice of forming the mission of the organization. On the basis of the obtained theoretical results, various approaches to the definition of the organization’s mission are summarized.


Foreign language as a method of professional training of law students

Foreign language as a method of professional training of law students

Eskaraeva S.A., Torebaeva F.K., Taspanova J.K.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to the role of English as a leading language in international business relations for law students specializing in international law. The problems of learning English for professional communication of law students and their solutions are considered.


Formation political culture of youth

Formation political culture of youth

Jalilov A.A.

Статья научная

In this article highlights political culture and methods of formation in youth.


Fransuzcha qiyosiy frazeologik birliklarning o‘zbek tiliga tarjimasi talqini

Fransuzcha qiyosiy frazeologik birliklarning o‘zbek tiliga tarjimasi talqini

Azamova G.A.

Статья научная

Iboralarlarni turli tillar doirasida qiyosiy o’rganish, ularning til va nutq bosqichlaridagi umumiylik va xususiylik dialektikasini yoritish tilshunoslikning dolzarb muammolaridan hisoblanadi. Iboralarni har ikkala til doirasida o’rganish, ularning semantik-grammatik va funksional stilistik xususiyatlarini ochib berish mazkur ishning dolzarbligini belgilaydi. Ushbu maqola fransuzcha qiyosiy frazeologik birliklarning o'zbek tiliga tarjima jarayonini o'rganishga bag'ishlangan.


Fuel consumption assessment model for vehicle operation in city conditions

Fuel consumption assessment model for vehicle operation in city conditions

Kenjayev S.N., Khujakhmedova Kh.S., Rakhimov U.T., Azimov S.Zh., Valieva D.Sh.

Статья научная

Today, Uzbekistan is expanding with various new vehicles - buses, trucks, cars, special and specialized vehicles. The lack of a fuel consumption estimation model for many commercial vehicle models in use in the Republic, in particular, for domestically produced vehicles, leads to a violation of the objectivity of fuel consumption, including operational calculation and fuel consumption statistics, and worsens the mutual calculation system, while vehicles and fuel and energy negatively affects the efficiency of resources.


Further improvement of the activities of the self-governing bodies in the “the strategy of action” and the problems of youth upbringing

Further improvement of the activities of the self-governing bodies in the “the strategy of action” and the problems of youth upbringing

Raxmatova M.M.

Статья научная

This article reveals the problems of further perfection of the self-governing bodies in the strategy of actions and the issues of the youth. Also, the paid attention by the state to this sphere.


GSM в оборонно-промышленном комплексе

GSM в оборонно-промышленном комплексе

Захаров М.В., Внучков А.Ю., Кивелюк И.И., Корабейников Д.Н.

Статья научная

Использование современных технологий сотовой радиосвязи с подвижными объектами цифровых стандартов таких как GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile, позже измененно на Global System for Mobile Communications) обеспечивает лучшие качественные и энергетические характеристики, также поддерживает высокий уровень ее безопасности и конфиденциальности. Данные параметры связи идеально подходят для использования в оборонно-промышленном комплексе стандартов GSM. Сегодня в стране действуют свыше двухсот 250 тысяч станций (базовых) мобильной связи, использующих стандарт GSM, что обеспечивает работу в создании круглосуточного помехоустойчивого поля определения целей в воздухе и передачу данных по ним на зенитно-ракетные комплексы ПРО и ПВО.


Gellan gidrogellari asosidagi aerogellar

Gellan gidrogellari asosidagi aerogellar

Rakhimov U.T., Urazbaev T.T., Valiyeva D.Sh., Xojaaxmedova X.S., Tursunov T.M.

Статья научная

Ushbu ish gellanning suv-tuz aralashmalarida molekulalararo oʻzaro ta’sirining asosiy qonuniyatlarini oʻrnatishga, shuningdek gellan asosida kompozit materiallarni yaratishga, ularning asosiy fizik-kimyoviy xususiyatlarini aniqlashga va istiqbolli tomonlarini aniqlashga asoslangan, olingan materiallarni oziq-ovqat maqsadlarida amaliy qoʻllash.


Gender differences in job satisfaction: case on hairdressing and beauty care sphere in Kazakhstan

Gender differences in job satisfaction: case on hairdressing and beauty care sphere in Kazakhstan

Sibayeva D., Tazhiyeva A., Svambayev K.

Статья научная

This research is on the job satisfaction among employees, who work in a typical and atypical occupations for their gender. The typical and typical occupations by gender are defined by the genders of major participants of certain job. The study used the hair dressers for sampling, 30 men and 30 women. The stated question was whether the significant difference of job satisfaction between genders exists, using the extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The results gave a picture of only one variable, showing the significant difference. It resulted that men, who work in barber shops tend to be more satisfied regarding the given opportunity for usage of skills and abilities.


Geodeziya, kartografiya va kadastr sohasida foydalaniladigan kartalarni panorama dasturida yaratishdagi muammolarni tadqiq qilish

Geodeziya, kartografiya va kadastr sohasida foydalaniladigan kartalarni panorama dasturida yaratishdagi muammolarni tadqiq qilish

Xusanova M.I., Isakov M.K., Omonov I.X., Xudoyberdiyev U.A.

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Ushbu maqolada geodeziya, kartografiya va kadastr sohasida foydalaniladigan kartalarni Panorama dasturida yaratishdagi muammolarni tadqiq qilish qisqacha yoritib berilgan.


Geometrik nivelirlashning yuqori aniqlikka ega bo’lgan muhandislik geodezik usulini qo’llash

Geometrik nivelirlashning yuqori aniqlikka ega bo’lgan muhandislik geodezik usulini qo’llash

Isakov M.K., Omonov I.X., Xusanova M.I., Murodova G.R., Valieyva D.Sh.

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Geodezik usul alohida olingan elementlar bilan birgalikda ko’chishlari, siljishlari, egilishlari to’g’risidagi ma’lumotlarni qamrab olish, shu bilan birgalikda geodezik usul natijalarni matematik statistika usullaridan foydalanib berilgan ehtimollik asosida qayta ishlab chiqish imkoni yoritib berilgan.

