Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки
Bolalarda laktoza fermenti yetishmovchiligining klinik belgilari va davolash usullari
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Mazkur maqolada bolalarda laktoza fermenti yetishmovchiligining klinik belgilari aniqlash va kuzatish xususiyatlari yoritib berilgan. Qolaversa, laktoza fermenti yetishmovchiligini davolash usullari keltirilgan hamda tadqiqot natijasida davolashning intensiv usullari bo’yicha ilmiy asoslangan taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqilgan.
Buddhist temple in the city of Kuva in the eyes of architects
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The article provides information, conclusions and recommendations on the study of crafts, architecture, defense structures and many other monuments of the ancient and medieval city of Kuva.
C.Жнісовты "Жапандаы жалыз й" романындаы фразеологимздер
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Бұл мақалада көркем әдебиеттегі фразеологиялық бірліктер қарастырылады.
CLIL технологиясы ш тілді білім беру негізі ретінде
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Бұл мақалада информатиканы және математиканы оқытудағы үш тілдік білім беру, CLIL әдістемесінің элементтерін енгізу мәселелері қарастырылған. CLIL түрлеріне тән барлық CLIL әдістемелерінің үлгілері мен негізгі элементтеріне сипаттама берілген. Осы әдістеме элементтерін тәжірибелік қолдану нәтижелері мен ерекшеліктері ұсынылған.
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The article presents calculation of the alignment an-2 agricultural aircraft with a proposed modernizing turboprop engine installation on different conditions like maximum take-off weight with full commercial load and fuel, in case of full refueling, with full commercial load, with an empty airplane without load and fuel.
Cardiac arrhythmias: mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment
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Cardiac arrhythmia is any disturbance of the heart rhythm characterized by a change in the frequency, regularity, and sequence of cardiac contractions as a result of the violation of the cardiac functions of the heart: automatism, excitability and conduction.
Carrying out practical and laboratory exercises using the syndicate method
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: the authors of the article have changed the modern interactive "method of syndicates", which can be used in practical and laboratory classes in the hall. The obligatory rules for preparing and conducting classes using syndicates are given: what should be the topic of classes, as part of the whole group into small parts, as an explanation of the sequence of the task, how to accept the presentation of the work performed. A survey has been made that examines the size of the coverage of the entire audience, activates passive students in independent work, the solidarity of the group, makes it possible to show oneself as a sensitive descendant of the team.
Characteristic features contemporary transformations of the world economy for Russia
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He article is devoted to the values of the features of modern transformations of the world economy for Russia. In a rapidly changing conjuncture of world markets, increasing political and economic sanctions should focus on ensuring the effective implementation of national interests and priorities of socio-economic development of Russia.
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The checklist of SOP is necessary to control if prescribed procedure completed properly. But too long checklists lead to decrease quality of control. In this article, we will discuss about how checklists can be shortened maintaining level of safety.
Childhood and children's health
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The main institution providing treatment and prophylactic help to children is children's polyclinics. The children's polyclinic provides children under their age 15 for free and provides free of charge medical care. The pediatrician and nurse of the neighborhood are the main help at the children's polyclinic. At the same time, there are other doctors in children's polyclinics.
Chulpans problems of emancipation of people creative work
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In this article, the problem of human freedom in the work of Chulpan is puzzled.
Civil and patriotic education of youth in the state youth policy of the Russian Federation
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The article describes the concept of "Patriotic education". Also revealed are the methods of Patriotic education of modern youth used in the sphere of state youth policy. The analysis of the effectiveness of these methods in practice.
Classification and evaluation of enterprise inventories
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The article considers the economic essence of the company's stocks. Their classification and evaluation are studied.
Classification of the most common construction plastics used in mechanical engineering
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High specific strength, corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conduction as well as a combination of other advantages of metallic materials cannot completely meet requirements of experts in development of brand new technical equipment and technologies. Moreover, developers and technologists have to take into consideration depletion of raw stocks of traditional machine-building materials and increased power inputs and efforts related to their exploration, output, and transportation and processing. Therefore the key problems of up-to-date material science cover development of structural materials using new types of raw materials, more integral application of traditional and secondary resources and optimization of material structures so as to impart them a complex of unusual and, often, contradictory properties. A topical orientation in solution of these problems is development of machine-building materials based on synthetic natural and artificial binding materials. Plastics, rubbers, wood plastics and ceramic materials are among the most common and promising materials.
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In this article, as a result of the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of the February (1917) revolution, the Provisional Government of Turkestan by the Provisional Committee and at the same time its composition, local structural structure, administrative apparatus, including new procedures, "revolutionary tasks" of public security arising from from the creation of executive committees of public organizations, i.e. committees of public security (PSC), elections to the newly created committees of public security were conducted unfairly and unilaterally, the number of seats allocated to representatives of the rural population was only 3 out of 19. It is said that this caused dissatisfaction among representatives rural population. At the same time, the article mentions that the public security committee established in the region did not rely on any laws and regulations in its activities, and the Russian-speaking members of this committee used violence against the local Muslim population in the course of their efforts. Archival materials show that they disregarded the laws and national interests and carried out their illegal actions based on their own wishes.
Common thoughts of Yusuf Khass Hadjib and Sakrates on wisdom and virtue
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It was written about thoughts of Yusuf Khass Hadjib on wisdom and virtue Also, it was explained influence of Turkish mythology, Turkish history and culture, ancient Turkish religion and Indian, Iranian and Chinese civilizations in creating a famous book «Kutadgu Bilig» by Yusuf Khas Khadjib.
Communicative competence of communicant
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The article deals with the problems of communicative and professional competence of the translator. While speaking about features of competence of the translator, it is necessary to characterize briefly the aspects of any communication as language competence of participants of communication and communicative competence of the communicant.
Comparison of Uzbek and German compound nouns
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The article is about the comparison of Uzbek and German compound nouns. Since Uzbek is a mostly analytic language, unlike most other Germanic languages, it creates compounds by concatenating words without case markers. As in other Germanic languages, the compounds may be arbitrarily long.
Competition, concentrations and their impact on operational efficiency of commercial banks
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The article is devoted to the empirical testing of the hypothesis about the existence of relationship between the level of competition in the banking sector, degree of concentration and performance of commercial banks (on case of Russia). In the result of the study, we conclude that neither the degree of competitive pressure nor the degree of concentration of the banking sector does significantly affect operating efficiency of commercial banks in Russia.
Complete-инженеринг на основе ДНИФ-модели
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Предложена концепция complete-инженеринга предприятия с применением цельной ДНИФ-модели комплетики проф. Телемтаева М.М. Сформулирован принцип целостности технологий complete-инженеринга, показаны процедуры работы с определенным сочетанием «стадия дорожной карты complete-подхода» - «ДНИФ-модель» - «этап метода complete-проектов». Раскрыто содержание метода complete-проектов, структура и методические основы применения ДНИФ-моделей нравственности предприятия для complete-инженеринга.