Articles. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa
Priznanje i izvršenje stranih sudskih odluka u Bosni i Hercegovini
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Značaj priznanja i izvršenja stranih sudskih odluka, kao i posledice koje mogu iz toga proizići poznat je uglavnom jednom užem krugu ljudi koji se kroz pravnu nauku i sudsku praksu bave ovim pitanjem. Kroz ovaj rad dato je objašnjenje pojma strane sudske odluke, kao i uslova koje je neophodno ispuniti da bi se jedna takva odluka mogla priznati i izvršiti pred nekim od nadležnih sudova u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pored mogućnosti da strana sudska odluka bude priznata, postoji i mogućnost da joj se pred domaćim sudom uskrati priznanje kada se za to steknu zakonom propisani uslovi. Osim teorijskog osvrta na ovo pitanje, u radu su data i objašnjenja koja se tiču sudske prakse na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine. Na ovaj način želelo se postići da se sa ovim pitanjem upozna ne samo stručna već i šira javnost.
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With the development of technology, especially the emergence and expansion of the internet over the past two decades, many traditional crimes have acquired new methods and means of execution, such as the use of computers, mobile phones, or other devices. In response to these new ways of committing crimes, the international community, within the framework of the Council of Europe, adopted the Budapest Convention in 2001, specifically addressing cybercrime. After ratifying the convention, the domestic legislator passed the Law on the Organization and Competencies of State Bodies for the Fight against High-Tech Crime, incorporating legal provisions from the convention. This law has not been significantly changed or amended since its adoption. However, the provisions in this law, especially in terms of jurisdiction, have proven to be inadequate and overly broad. The wide range of criminal offenses covered by this law has made it relatively ineffective and has overburdened the prosecutor’s office responsible for prosecuting high-tech criminals. Moreover, the approach taken by the legislator in 2005, which concentrated jurisdiction in the High Public Prosecutor’s Office and the High Court in Belgrade, is no longer justifiable in today’s age of widespread technology, internet access, and social networks. This paper aims to provide a brief overview of the Budapest Convention, which served as the foundation for the adoption of national regulations, and to highlight the shortcomings and unsustainability of the legal solutions proposed by the domestic legislator when national regulations in this field were established in 2005.
Socio-demographic characteristics of traffic offenders
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The human factor is regarded as the most significant element in traffic safety. Its complexity and impact on delinquent traffic behavior bring this issue into focus, especially in developing countries. In criminological studies of the causes of traffic delinquency, it is crucial to identify the personality traits of traffic participants that lead to behaviors deviating from socially desirable norms. In other words, it is necessary to point out those characteristics of traffic participants (personality traits, demographic characteristics, attitudes, habits) that contribute to socially deviant behavior and the commission of traffic offenses. The importance of studying these characteristics lies in their application to find adequate measures to influence the behavior of traffic participants and prevent traffic delinquency. This paper analyses the socio-demographic characteristics of traffic offenders in the Republic of Serbia (age, education level and marital status), based on statistical data on traffic offenses for the period 2010- 2019. These characteristics are essential for understanding the social and demographic structure and specific social peculiarities of traffic offenders. Numerous studies have shown that socio-demographic characteristics are significantly positively correlated with safe road user behavior. The results of this research on the socio-demographic characteristics of traffic offenders in Serbia for the period 2010–2019 confirm this conclusion, which is presented in this paper.
Some remarks on the cultural identity of Bunjevci in Vojvodina
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This paper presents some remarks on the cultural identity of the Bunje people or Bunjevci, a national group that has historically undergone a long and difficult journey in preserving their identity. Their struggle – challenging their very existence and fighting for a “rebirth”, including their re-recognition and the restoration of the rights they have held since their arrival in these regions in the 17th century – warrants a place in academic discourse. Although the Bunjevci have been recognized both as a nation and as significant contributors to numerous social and political events since their settlement in these areas, their existence was completely erased by a political decision in Serbia in the mid-20th century. This paper briefly outlines the key elements of the cultural identity of Bunjevci, which sustained them during a period of figurative exile. These include their origin, language, education, and customs, with particular emphasis on their role in some crucial historical events for Serbia. Each of these aspects deserves greater attention, and through this work, we express the need for deeper exploration of these elements, in order to support the Bunjevci in maintaining their permanent status as a national minority.
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In addition to the expansion of general-type ombudsmen, it has been recognized that, for the protection of citizens’ rights, it is necessary to have the so-called specialized ombudsmen, who focus their activities on administrative oversight and the protection of citizens’ rights in specific areas of social life. Thus, there are public law ombudsmen of an external type, internal ombudsmen, and private law ombudsmen. This paper pays particular attention to the position of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data in the Republic of Serbia, who is, in fact, a special public law ombudsman of an external type. The paper discusses this special ombudsman’s complex jurisdiction, which is defined by the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance and the Law on Personal Data Protection. The authors analyze the competences of this special type of ombudsmеn.
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The seller’s liability for material defects in goods is an important institute in contract law. We witness the daily execution of legal transactions. Although the sale contract of sale is a named contract, it remains in the process of development, especially with the increasing prevalence of online sales. Due to frequent disputes between sellers and buyers, the questions of defining the seller’s liability – in what scope, in what manner, and within what deadlines – are of exceptional importance for legal practice, as well as for every individual. Therefore, the main subject of this paper is a detailed legal analysis of the seller’s liability for material defects in goods based on Article 479 of the Law on Obligations, 1978. The liabilities of the seller arising from the contractual relationship regarding defects in goods are examined critically, with a comparative analysis of this institute and solutions in other legal systems, particularly in countries of the region, i.e. neighboring countries.
Zloupotreba platnih kartica kao pojavni oblik kompjuterskog kriminala
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Platne kartice predstavljaju savremeni način plaćanja. Poslednjih godina, pojavljuju se i konstantno razvijaju različiti načini zloupotreba platnih kartica. Sa ciljem detaljnije analize ove problematike, u radu su dati odgovori na pitanja koja se tiču načina zaštite platnih kartica, pojave i načina zloupotreba platnih kartica, krivičnopravnog tretmana u Republici Srbiji, nekih osnovnih karakteristika krivičnog dela iz člana 243 KZ, i dr. Zloupotreba platnih kartica predstavlja samo deo kompjuterskog kriminaliteta ali kroz nju možemo zaključiti koliki je uticaj danas ovog vida kriminaliteta na život ljudi. Iako je ovakav oblik kriminaliteta kod nas novijeg datuma, krivična dela iz ovog domena su sve više prisutna. U budućnosti se svakako mora nastaviti borba protiv ovakvog oblika kriminaliteta.