Статьи журнала - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Социально-гуманитарные науки

Все статьи: 1364

About some sources for studying of Russian musical art reforming process in 17th

About some sources for studying of Russian musical art reforming process in 17th

Parfentiev N.P.

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As a result of the activities of the masters-theorists, collected in Moscow under the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1652 and 1669, the main musical and hymnographic material of chant handwritten books was revised and musical neumatic (znamenny) notation was improved. In the course of musical reform, in order to more accurately indicate the pitch, masters introduced unified cinnabar red ink signs in the form of letters of the alphabet and marks, written in black ink. The last ones were written in the form of strokes as constitutive parts of znamenny chant neuma. Both of these systems had the function of indicating musical pitch correlations between the neuma of znamenny notation. This is evidence that the musical theoreticians gradually passed from the neuma-formula thinking to the understanding that the melody consists of separate musical “degrees” (steps or sounds). All this brought together the Old Russian and European musical theories and allowed in the future to make a fairly rapid transition to the stylistically new Europeanized art in Russia. The author examines some of the written sources that give the opportunity for a more thorough study of the practical activities of the masters in preparing and conducting reform, the study of the theoretical principles of their editorial work.


Activity of the Russian main choirs 'singers as the court service class people in 16th-17th centuries

Activity of the Russian main choirs 'singers as the court service class people in 16th-17th centuries

Parfentiev N.P.

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In Moscow of the 16th-17th centuries there were two closely related centers of professional musical art. They were the choir at the Tsar's court and the choir at the court of the metropolitan (since 1589 - patriarch) of Moscow and all Russia, which united the best creative powers of the country. According to the author, the study of historical data on the life and activities of the Tsar's and patriarchal singers indicates that they belonged to the category of court service class people. Directions of their activities have often expanded. This was determined not only by the fact that the singers were literate, and sometimes had a high level of education, but also by the lack of a clear differentiation of services in the developing state apparatus, which made it possible to use the singers in various services - from file clerk to military. The findings are based on an analysis of a wide range of diverse archival documents and other sources. The obtained results allow us to clarify the social status of masters, who are often referred to the clergy class by researchers.


Arts in the Chinese revolution: the intermedial relations between cinema and ballet in the "Red detachment of women"

Arts in the Chinese revolution: the intermedial relations between cinema and ballet in the "Red detachment of women"

Craveiro T.

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The article aims to analyze the intermediary relationship between cinema and dance in the feature film The Red Detachment of Women (1961, Xie Jin) and in the filmed ballet of the same title (1971, Pan Wenzhan and Fu Jie). The films belong, respectively, to the so-called Period of 17 Years (1949-1966) and to the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), years that comprise the government of Mao Zedong. The analysis takes into account the peculiar development of Chinese cinema since its beginnings, and its aesthetic originality based on the different types of arts in the country. During the Maoist period, initially under Soviet influence, China’s film industry turned to socialist themes with the intention of internationalizing national arts that sought to make the revolution worldwide. Through the slogan gu wei jin yong yang wei zhong yong (古为今用 洋为中用), which means using the ancient for the present, and foreign things for China, the cultural guidelines of the Communist Party relied on the popular appeal of diverse Chinese and foreign arts to build the heroic narratives of a people forged under socialism. They were easily absorbed not only by the local population, but also by people from other countries. The films in question are examples of the aforementioned motto and combine western aesthetic resources, such as classical ballet, with eastern elements such as Chinese operatic theater, resulting in an original aesthetic for cinema.


Basic principles of author's creativity in the works Feodor Кrestjanin (d. of. 1607)

Basic principles of author's creativity in the works Feodor Кrestjanin (d. of. 1607)

Parfentiev N.P., Parfentieva V.

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The study of peculiarities of creativity in terms of the medieval canon of art is one of the most complex scientific problems. The general principles of creativity were formed over the centuries. The authors of article have examined their effect on the example of the outstanding Moscow raspevschik (chant master) Feodor Krestjanin' works. These universal artistic principles are the melody variability inside the formula, the formula-transformation and formularenovation variabilities, creativity on the base of the archetype, creation chants “similar to” the reference of pattern and others. The scientists have shown originality of refraction of some of these principles in the author's works of master. The researchers used a proprietary developed by them method of structurally formulae analysis of ancient chants. This method requires that you must take into account the author's melodic content of neumatic signs and formulas of the author chants.


Brexit спустя год: жизнь после "развода"

Brexit спустя год: жизнь после "развода"

Напалкова Ирина Евгеньевна

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Статья посвящена анализу социально-экономических и политических последствий сложного процесса выхода из Европейского Союза Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Этот процесс затянулся более чем на пять лет и вызвал крайне неоднозначные последствия. Исследование охватывает период с 2016 года по январь 2022 года. Кроме того, в статье рассмотрены предпосылки данного процесса, корни которого уходят в 70-е годы XX века. В исследовании затрагиваются вопросы, связанные с подготовкой и проведением в 2016 году референдума среди британских подданных, а также с последующими годами поиска оптимальных условий заключения соглашения по Брекзиту. На пути практической реализации пунктов соглашения между Соединенным Королевством и Евросоюзом практически сразу возникли сложности. Это и ожидаемые проблемы по регулированию таможенного режима и связанные с ними миграционный и правовой вопросы. Кроме того, Брекзит поставил под угрозу и сам факт существования Соединенного Королевства, так как националисты в Северной Ирландии и Шотландии стали требовать пересмотра их статуса как частей государства. В заключительной части делаются предварительные выводы по первому периоду реализации соглашения по Брекзиту.


Chanting art's masters at the court of Ivan the Terrible

Chanting art's masters at the court of Ivan the Terrible

Parfentiev N.P.

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The extant written data provide great evidence to the fact that the activities of the most outstanding Russian chant masters were closely connected with the main centres of Russian medieval music - with the Tsar's and the patriarch's choirs. The sources also lead to the conclusion that the development of the Moscow school as a unique creative trend of the old Russian music took place a bit later than the Novgorod one. A decisive role here was played by the chant masters who were taught in Novgorod the Great [Veliky Novgorod]. Among them one should mention the didascalos and chanter Feodor Krestjanin (the Christian), whose chants became the embodiment of “Moscow singing” for the musical theorists of the late 16 th - early 17 th centuries. Bright author creativity at that time involved in its sphere as ordinary Moscow masters and high reigning persons, the first of whom was the Tsar Ivan the Terrible.


Church singing art masters of the “reigning city of Moscow” in the 16th - 17th centuries

Church singing art masters of the “reigning city of Moscow” in the 16th - 17th centuries

Parfentjev N.P.

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Except the well-known raspevschik (chanting master) Feodor Krestjanin (his name in the sources always stands out) other masters associated with church-singing art of the Moscow School in the 16 th - 17 th centuries earned the recognition during their lifetime. The author of article focuses on the work of these “second position” chanting masters in the period of the highest development of the author’s creativity.


NFT-арт: диалоги с наследием авангарда и модернизма

NFT-арт: диалоги с наследием авангарда и модернизма

Гаврилин К.Н.

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Статья анализирует идейные и художественные диалоги современных цифровых художников с мастерами искусства прошлых эпох, прежде всего - модернизма и авангарда. Несмотря на популярное мнение, согласно которому современная цифровая культура радикально ломает и отвергает любую связь с художественной традицией, мы наблюдаем постоянный интерес к художественной культуре прошедших периодов, ее переосмысление и интерпретацию. На наш взгляд, видимый при первичном рассмотрении спор «отцов и детей» не является конфликтом, но представляется нам продуктивным диалогом, показывающим самоценность и самодостаточность новейшего цифрового искусства.


On creative activity of the master of church-singing art Ivan (Isaiah) Lukoshkov (Died Circa 1621)

On creative activity of the master of church-singing art Ivan (Isaiah) Lukoshkov (Died Circa 1621)

Parfentiev N.P., Parfentieva N.V.

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The authors of the scientific study summarize and investigate data about one of the most prominent representatives of old Russian music - Ivan (in monasticism - Isaiah) Lukoshkov, son of Trofim. Contemporaries knew him as master of Usol’e (Stroganovs) church singing art school of the 16th-17th centuries. The authors provide an overview of the artworks - Lukoshkov’s chants, and on the example of the most representative of them the creative principles and techniques of this raspevshik (Old Russin composer) are shown. The researchers base their observations and conclusions on the study of a wide range of documentary and narrative sources, church singing manuscripts of the 12th-17th centuries. In the course of the study of the Old Russian music artworks they use the author’s textological formula-structural method.


PR-деятельность в сфере промышленности: опыт осмысления истории создания службы по связям с общественностью на Челябинском металлургическом комбинате

PR-деятельность в сфере промышленности: опыт осмысления истории создания службы по связям с общественностью на Челябинском металлургическом комбинате

Пелленен Лариса Валерьяновна

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Изучение PR -деятельности в сфере промышленности особенно актуально для Челябинской области, где промышленность играет ведущую роль в экономической жизни региона. В данной работе сформулированы предпосылки возникновения и основные направления PR -деятельности в промышленной сфере, а также проанализирован опыт создания PR -службы крупнейшего металлургического предприятия Челябинска - Челябинского металлургического комбината (ОАО «Мечел») -с тем, чтобы на этом примере проследить соответствие местного опыта общим закономерностям и тенденциям


Preparing and conducting of musical reform in Russia of 1650-1670-ies

Preparing and conducting of musical reform in Russia of 1650-1670-ies

Parfentiev N.P.

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In this paper the author examines the practical activities of the authorities in organizing of special commissions, in order to eliminate negative phenomena in church chanting and carry out its reform. The commissions consisted of leading masters of church singing art. The researcher, on the basis of documentary and narrative sources, was able to clarify the dates of work and the names of the members of the commissions, to reveal the general results of their activities.






Terra utopia: хребты и плато

Terra utopia: хребты и плато

Дыдров Артур Александрович

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Объектом данной статьи являются дискурсы утопии дистопии, а предметом - территория, земля созданных литературных миров. Философами изучались социальное целое утопии и дистопии, тело и внутренний мир человека утопии и антиутопии, но территория фактически не попадала в поле зрения исследователей. Между тем, именно территориальное положение нуждается в изучении, а означающие, связанные с локусами утопии и дистопии, не являются «случайными». Роль означающих места, границы, ландшафта, гористой, равнинной местности, нельзя свести к роли фона, на который можно не обращать внимания. Ландшафт, складки, хребты и плато - это условия жизни. Описание локуса утопии и дистопии образует консонанс с описанием человека - обитателя земель. Образ человека - коррелят образа земли.


The central choirs singers’ social status, everyday life and moral customs in the Russian state of 16th-17th centuries

The central choirs singers’ social status, everyday life and moral customs in the Russian state of 16th-17th centuries

Parfentiev N.P.

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The article continues the study of the social status and related features of the life and activity of the professional Tsar’s and patriarchal choirs’ singers. According to the author, the totality of the installed data (activities, principles of recruitment, types of salary and salary system, legal status) indicated that the Tsar’s and patriarch’s choristers were included in the category of service class people (“sluzhilye lyudi”). Retiring from the choir, they often entered or transferred to such positions or ranks in the state apparatus, such as duma or department diaki, boyar’s children. The obtained data on the peculiarities of every day life and morals, behavior in home life and society allow to specify the social status of these masters.


The development of the tsar's and patriarchal choirs’ repertoire in Russia of the 16th - 17th centuries

The development of the tsar's and patriarchal choirs’ repertoire in Russia of the 16th - 17th centuries

Parfentiev N.P.

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In Moscow of the 16th - 17th centuries the choir at the Tsar’s court and the choir at the court of the Metropolitan (from 1589 - the Patriarch) of All Russia united the best musical creative forces of the country. According to the author, the study of historical data on the life and activities of the Tsar’s and patriarchal singers indicates that they belonged to the category of court service class people. The church-singing repertoire of the main choirs was formed in accordance with the requirements of the liturgical Statute and the rules of Old Russian musical art development, political trends of the time and events of national importance. This repertoire consisted of different styles chants and chants of authorship, which the singers rewrote and performed. The findings of the study are based on an analysis of a wide range of singing manuscripts, documentaries and other sources.


The professional musical art in the Russian medieval city (16th - 17th centuries)

The professional musical art in the Russian medieval city (16th - 17th centuries)

Parfentjev N.P.

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The development of Russian church music in 16 th - 17 th centuries as a high professional musical art had an important place in the spiritual culture of Russian cities. The author describes the activities of large choirs, existence of the chanting (znamenniy) art in wide urban environment. Also the researcher presents the local chant raspevschiki's (composers) works of authorship. They reflected the regional musical traditions. These masters were representatives of different social strata. All this is done on the basis of the documents.


The singers of the central choirs of the Russian state of 16th-17thcenturies as the “sluzhilye lyudi” of the tsar's and the patriarch's courts

The singers of the central choirs of the Russian state of 16th-17thcenturies as the “sluzhilye lyudi” of the tsar's and the patriarch's courts

Parfentiev N.P.

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There were two powerful, closely interconnected centres of professional musical art in Moscow of the 16th-17th century. They combined the best creative powers of the country: at the tsar's court and at the court of the metropolitan (since 1589 - the patriarch) of Moscow and all Russia. Those centres were accumulating the traditions of professional “Moscow chanting” while their choirs were actively creating them. According to the author, the totality of the installed data (activities, principles of recruitment, types of salary and salary system, legal status) indicated that the tsar's and patriarch's choristers were included in the category of “sluzhilye lyudi” (service class people). Retiring from the choir, they often entered or transferred to such positions or ranks in the state apparatus, such as duma or department diaki, boyar's children, etc.


The street art's ability to raise socially significant problems

The street art's ability to raise socially significant problems

Shvindt U.S.

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The author of the article considers the main current street art’s characteristic which lies in the fact that it might and should address the issues of social, political, philosophical, environmental etc. nature. In particular this main feature is aimed at the engagement of audience, that is city residents, in dialogue. In accordance with this, the author of the article gives some examples of particular street art works, which reflect the described characteristic of this kind of art. In order for illustrative purposes the article presents and analyses famous world and Russian street art pieces. In the consideration of Russian street art works’ content the author concentrates on the pieces of street artists from Yekaterinburg, which is noted for its big amount of original street art works and is recognized as a capital of Russian street art.


Trying before buying: a study on the adoption of VR-glasses for touristic purposes and travel journalism

Trying before buying: a study on the adoption of VR-glasses for touristic purposes and travel journalism

Heirman W., Krasavina A.V.

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VR is a new technology that contains many possibilities in different domains, such as promoting touristic destinations. Due to the increasing competition in the tourism sector, there is a need for innovative technologies to keep attracting customers. The purpose of this article is to examine which factors influence the intention to use VR glasses for touristic purposes, including travel journalism. Within this research The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) has been used. Spatial presence was added as additional factor to the model to measure the presence within the virtual environment. An online questionnaire was set up to question and measure the intentions of respondents between 18 and 24 years old. Analyses revealed positive impact of different variables on the intentions to use VR glasses for touristic purposes. Hedonic motivation had a positive influence on the intention to wear VR-glasses. In addition, price value and spatial presence appear to have a positive influence on the intention to purchase VR-glasses for touristic purposes. Finally, there were three factors that had a positive influence on the intention to keep using VR-glasses for touristic purposes: social influence, facilitating conditions and spatial presence. Theoretical and managerial implications are presented.


Watching music and listening to painting

Watching music and listening to painting

Wang Yundong

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With the progress of the times and the development of society, the main social contradiction has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing need for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development. What we can see is that people’s material living conditions are now beginning to be satisfied, and this is when the spiritual world begins to take a new direction of the pursuit. The aim of this article is to provide a new form for people to experiencing and appreciating art - «second feeling» («watching» music and «listening» to painting) based on the «first feeling» of listening to music and watching paintings. By using research methods such as historical analysis, art oeuvres analysis and art criticism the author analyze, compare and criticize artists’ thoughts and art oeuvres in the perspective of the stated aim. The first feeling occurs when you look at a picture and listen to music. But when people begin to penetrate deeper into the meaning of works of art, they have associations, they feel art on a spiritual level. Then one can «watching» the music in the picture and «listening» to painting in music. The author came to the conclusion that people strive for a higher appreciation and enjoyment of the spiritual world after the material conditions of their existence have appeared. People develop a more subtle and deeper appreciation and enjoyment of the spiritual world at the associative level.

