Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Socio-economic development of Northern and Arctic regions of the Far East: potential, problems and solutions

Socio-economic development of Northern and Arctic regions of the Far East: potential, problems and solutions

Galtseva Natalia V.

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The article is focused on the rich resource potential of the northern territories of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Magadan and Chukotka Autonomous District, the development of which has been hampered by the lack of infrastructure and investments. The most acute social problem in the Northern and in the Arctic regions of the Far Eastern Federal District is a decline in living standards. The analysis has shown that a relatively high income does not really provide a high standard of living, as the purchasing power of income (relative to the subsistence level) is actually even lower than the national average. The Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous District are formally occupying a leading position on a common housing area in Russia. However, if we exclude the old housing, we will see that the supply of housing is actually below the national average, as well as the life expectancy at birth. The author offers a number of measures able to improve the living standards of the Northerners.


Sociocultural and socio-psychological factors of entrepreneurial potential in the Russian Arctic

Sociocultural and socio-psychological factors of entrepreneurial potential in the Russian Arctic

Anton M. Maksimov, Anna V. Ukhanova, Tatiana S. Smak

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The article discusses the theoretical problems of the entrepreneurial potential of the population on value orientations dependence, understood as the behavioral imperatives of a particular culture. The text of the article considers entrepreneurship primarily as a socio-psychological and sociocultural phenom-enon. Entrepreneurship as a socio-psychological phenomenon is considered in the context of theories of behavioral economics, but as a sociocultural - based on the research tradition established by M. Weber. The authors postulate a thesis on the determining nature of the influence of the value system that domi-nates in a particular society on the level of entrepreneurial potential. The authors briefly set out the main approaches to the measurement of values in the social sciences, in particular, the approaches of M. Rokeach, R. Inglehart, G. Hofstede and S. Schwartz. The situation with the development of entrepreneur-ship in the regions of the Russian Arctic is presented in general terms, the specific problems that businesses face in the Arctic zone of the Russia are shown. The uniqueness of the Russian Arctic as a cultural macro-region is emphasized, on the basis of that a hypothesis is put forward about the special sociocultural condi-tions for the development of Arctic entrepreneurship compared to other territories of the country, mani-fested primarily in a specific system of values. Authors propose a synthesis of the methodologies M. Rokeach, R. Inglehart and S. Schwartz for a comprehensive study of the Russian Arctic' inhabitants value system.


Solovetsky forum: on a way to civil society (1989—2012)

Solovetsky forum: on a way to civil society (1989—2012)

Lavrentieva A.Y.

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The paper outlines the key milestones of the informal social movement 'Solovetsky forum' and his contribution to the development of civil society in Russia.


Solovki as an object of cultural heritage of the Arctic

Solovki as an object of cultural heritage of the Arctic

Yury F. Lukin

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Solovki as a multi-subject object of cultural and natural heritage of the Arctic is one of the unique monuments of our time, bringing together at one place several historical periods of life in Russia. The review article presents one of the first attempts in the scientific literature to make a comprehensive approach to the study of all the cultural and historical heritage of the Solovetsky Islands from ancient times to the present day, based on a multidisciplinary approach.


Some aspects of the social life in the estimates and beliefs of the residents of the Russian Arctic (Based on polls of the Murmansk region)

Some aspects of the social life in the estimates and beliefs of the residents of the Russian Arctic (Based on polls of the Murmansk region)

Gushina I.A., Polojenzova O.A.

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The article presents some results of sociological surveys of the population of a region of the Russian Arctic − Murmansk region in recent years. Emphasis is placed on the estimates of financial position, purchasing power, identity , social mood and expectations.


Some parallels between cultures of ancient Ymyyakhtakhets and Yukaghirs of the XVII-­XIXth centuries

Some parallels between cultures of ancient Ymyyakhtakhets and Yukaghirs of the XVII-­XIXth centuries

Everstov S.I.

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In this article obvious parallels in material and spiritual cultures of ancient inhabitants of a polar zone of Yakutia — Ymyyakhtakhets and one of the disappearing native people of the North — Yukaghirs are considered.


Spatial Organisation of Gas Resources Development in the Yamal Oil and Gas Bearing Region

Spatial Organisation of Gas Resources Development in the Yamal Oil and Gas Bearing Region

Shchegolkova A.A.

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The Yamal oil and gas province (OGP) is strategically important for the Russian gas industry. In the coming decade, gas production in Yamal is expected to grow to 180–200 billion cubic meters per year. The main goal of the article is to solve a scientific problem consisting in the study of the spatial organization of the development of gas resources, determination of the rational structure of reproduction of natural gas reserves in the Yamal oil-gas-bearing region in the context of the modernization of the Arctic gas industry complex. The article assessed the gas resources of Yamal, revealed trends in the economic development of natural gas fields, presented the characteristics of investment projects based on the fields being developed. An analysis was carried out that made it possible to differentiate the deposits by the degree of their prospects, and a strategy for expanding the hydrocarbon potential of Yamal was determined. It was revealed that the main areas of production in the Yamal oil-gas-bearing region are associated with the development of deposits with a high level of Cenomanian deposits. Such deposits are characterized by a higher increase in the capitalization and profitability of investment projects in real time compared to fields located in the northern and far eastern seas, including on the shelf of the Kara Sea. It was concluded that the strategy for the reproduction of hydrocarbon potential will be aimed at conducting prospecting and exploration in order to transfer forecast resources to industrial reserves of natural gas. The study applies a general scientific methodology providing for systemic and comprehensive approaches to justify the spatial organisation of gas resources development in the Yamal oil and gas bearing region. A significant body of factual material on the state of free gas and condensate reserves in Yamal has been analyzed. The results of the research were obtained with the use of comparative-analytical, statistical methods of economic analysis.


Specific character of relief and loose sediments forming in the coastal zone of tidal icy seas (in the context of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk) ecosystem

Specific character of relief and loose sediments forming in the coastal zone of tidal icy seas (in the context of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk) ecosystem

Boris P. Vazhenin

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The results of field studies and remote sensing data are used to describe some peculiar features of forming land surface and loose rocks processes as due to a combined action of sea tides and ice cover in the sea coastal zone ecosystem.


Specifics of design and construction of low-rise buildings in the Arctic

Specifics of design and construction of low-rise buildings in the Arctic

Yury A. Varfolomeev

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As a result of low storey buildings reconnaissance in the European part of the Arctic zone of Russia for a period of about 30 years, a number of peculiarities of their designing, construction and exploitation in conditions of frigid climate have been found out. The imperfection of currently in effect federal building law is marked. An average cost of square meter of living space in federation territorial entities by the end of 2014 has been analyzed. Suggestions for federal and regional legislation improvement have been developed.


Specifics of life and pedagogical activity in the Far North (in terms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District)

Specifics of life and pedagogical activity in the Far North (in terms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District)

Gennady F. Shafranov-Kutsev, Galina Z. Efimova

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Living in the territory of Far North (and in the equated territories) has its specificity which is reflected in all aspects of life of the population. The authors consider natural and climatic features of the Polar region and the specifics of labor’s process of locals (by the example of teachers). The review of statistics and educational policy of authorities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District is carried out, the results of sociological research of teachers of the region are presented (questionnaire). The analysis of periods of living of the population at the Far North is presented, the degree of social rootedness of teachers is defined, the assessment of the main factors determining the interest of migrants to work at northern school and the main motives of moving to Far North is presented. The materials of a sociological research show in general the satisfactory estimates by teaching, conditions and quality of life that allow to predict their further fixing in the territory of the District, the dynamic and sustainable development of the autonomous District. The received results are applicable in the activity of governing bodies of the general education.


Specifics of the migratory processes in the north of Europe (case of the Kingdom of Denmark)

Specifics of the migratory processes in the north of Europe (case of the Kingdom of Denmark)

Marina М. Panikar, Olga A. Vaseva

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Migration processes and policies of the northern European countries are studied with the focus on the Kingdom of Denmark. The area of the study got a sufficient attention, but the Denmark has not been considered as a carrier of a specific migration model. The model is characterized by relatively low share of migrants from non-European countries, strict immigration laws and policy of limiting the migration. Studying the case of Denmark, it is important to examine the effect the migration has on the ethno-cultural and economic situation in the Arctic countries, including Russia and its areas with an extensive transnational and cross-border communication. Comparative analysis and synthesis, mathematical and statistical methods were used to do so.


Stalin’s NeoNEP as the precursor of mass repressions of 1937-38s in the European North

Stalin’s NeoNEP as the precursor of mass repressions of 1937-38s in the European North

Sergey I. Shubin

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The article reveals the author's version of one of the causes of mass repressions of 1937-38 arising from the phenomenon of NeoNEP (New Economic Policy) of 1934-1936, which lasted for a short time in the country after the derationing and a kind of a respite after the overarching of the new Bolshevikbuilt socialism.


State policy towards indigenous peoples of Alaska: historical review and contemporary issues

State policy towards indigenous peoples of Alaska: historical review and contemporary issues

Polina S. Golomidova, Aleksander A. Saburov

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The article analyzes main stages of policy development towards indigenous peoples of Alaska and its influence on aboriginal cultures from the beginning of Russian colonization in the 18th century up to present time. The authors conclude that current policy towards indigenous peoples in Alaska can be generally evaluated as successful and supporting development of traditional cultures. The main achievements of this policy are: high level of self-organization and self-government of Alaska natives, legally secured rights for land and resources, progress in conservation of cultural heritage. However, social and economic challenges faced by indigenous people present a potential threat to the political stability in Alaska.


State preferences for the people in remote and northern territories of Russia

State preferences for the people in remote and northern territories of Russia

Viktor V. Fauzer, Tatyana S. Lytkina, Galina N. Fauzer

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The necessity of special benefits and guaranties for distant territories, and areas of the Far North and equivalent territories, allocated in a special group, aimed at involvement of people and providing the needs of national economy with natural resources are described in the article. The author’s periodization of the legal development of northern benefits and guaranties was presented. The grounds for separating the periods were the years of regionalization of these territories and a set of state preferences granted to the population in different periods. Five stages are highlighted: first — pre-Soviet, tsarist period, when the benefits and guaranties were introduced for distant localities; second stage — 1923–1932, the foundations of the benefit system by territories and branches were laid; third — 1942– 1945, the WWII years, when all benefits were collapsed or cancelled, fourth stage — 1946–1967, recovery of earlier established benefits, introduction the new benefits; fifth stage — 1990–2014, was ordering of benefits and guaranties due to the new economic realities; a part of benefits became a competence of labor law, defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The authors conclude that the development activities in the northern territories were the main goal of the government, and, therefore, the legal regulation of guaranties and benefits for the employees of the Far North and equivalent for them territories were also a priority. During the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century, the benefits for the employees of the Far North and equivalent territories had been repeatedly changed. They were expanded or limited depending on the necessity and opportunities of the state.


State protection and restoration of cultural heritage objects: experience and prospects of collaboration between Russia and Norway

State protection and restoration of cultural heritage objects: experience and prospects of collaboration between Russia and Norway

Yanovich M.V.

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We study the history of cooperation between Russia and Norway for the conservation of cultural heritage located in similar climatic conditions.


Status and specifics of the housing market in the Arctic regions of Russia

Status and specifics of the housing market in the Arctic regions of Russia

Emelyanova Elena E., Chapargina Anastasiya N.

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This paper aims to analyze and identify the specifics of housing industry development in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation using methods of comparative, analysis, statistical methods of grouping indicators, the method of scoring points. In the course of the work, an analysis of economic indicators of the housing market development, an assessment of the population's effective demand for housing. The main trends in the housing market development in the arctic regions were identified. The results show insufficient and uneven rates of construction of housing, a high share of emergency housing, and low investment in the housing industry in some regions. A disparity was observed between real estate prices and the population income because the population debt burden on the housing credit is quite high. According to the developed by the authors’ method of assessing the housing market based on selected indicators, the main problems are characterized and the development of the housing market in the arctic regions is assessed. It was found that in some regions the level of economic indicators of housing market development and the population's solvency significantly lags the Russian trends. The results have practical significance for the federal and regional authorities in creating housing policies and the implementation programs of national projects in the sphere of housing affordability, the main directions which should be demographic to attract and increase the resident population in the Russian Arctic, as well as the regulatory functions of the housing market by reducing interest rates and stimulating the construction industry development.


Status, composition, population of the Russian Arctic

Status, composition, population of the Russian Arctic

Lukin Y.F.

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The status, composition, and the number of population is analyzed, suggestions regarding the project of the Federal Law on the Russian Arctic are made.


Stock of seeds in soil of fir groves bilberry

Stock of seeds in soil of fir groves bilberry

Shangina Nadezhda, Feklistov Pavel

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In article results of research of a stock of seeds of various tree species in soil and a laying of fir groves bilberry are resulted. The interrelation between quantity of seeds in soil and quantity young generation of trees is considered. The obtained data is analysed by means of methods of mathematical modeling. It is possible to recommend results to use in the practical purposes.


Stockman can't be frozen

Stockman can't be frozen

Lukin Y.F.

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It is analyzed the situation of the development of the Stockman field in the Arctic region, which is happened in 2012.


Strategic Development Priorities for the Karelian Arctic Region in the Context of the Russian Arctic Zone Economic Space Integration

Strategic Development Priorities for the Karelian Arctic Region in the Context of the Russian Arctic Zone Economic Space Integration

Volkov A.D., Tishkov S.V.

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The Russian Arctic has been attracting a growing interest in terms of research and management. The former is due to the lack of knowledge about current processes in its development in the rapidly changing internal and external environments, and the latter is driven by the rising significance of this macroregion in ensuring the country’s economic, ecological, geopolitical stability, and national security. Being interdependent, these interest spheres evidence the demand for the study of Arctic regions, especially newly established ones, and underlie its practical value, which consists in building the analytical foundations for working out and implementing the administrative mechanisms for socio-economic space integration in Arctic regions. Hence, the aim of this study is to define the strategic development priorities for the regional socio-economic system of the Karelian Arctic as a newly established region in the context of the multifarious Russian Arctic integration processes. This aim is achieved through the following tasks: analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the socio-economic system of the Karelian Arctic, identification of key challenges and opportunities for its development, identification of the strategic priorities to overcome threats and realize opportunities. The principal methods were expert and in-depth interviews, SWOT analysis and content analysis, the dialectic method and system approach, which were applied in the context of the propositions of spatial economics. As a result of the study, characteristics of the Karelian Arctic’s socio-economic system are identified in the context of the high-relevance problems of managing the development of the Arctic macroregion as a complex system. Directions for further research are defined, with the aim to build the scientific foundations for managing the spatial development of the Russian Arctic zone and its constituent regions and for handling the challenges hindering such development.

