Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum

Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum

Lukin Yury F.

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The article represents the review of materials of the Perm Engineering and Industry Forum held on the 6th-­‐7th of November 2014 in Perm. The Forum represented a project of the federal scale, under which dozens of round tables and seminars on the future of the Russian industry were held. The issues discussed at the Forum and the Resolution are correlated with the new industrialization of the Russian Arctic and the North and with the sixth technological order transition period.


Perspectives on Sámi historiography

Perspectives on Sámi historiography

Lars Ivar Hansen

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The article focuses on Sámi history and historical methods. The main results and central aspects of Sámi history, in its relational context, are gone through. What effects and consequences — regarding both methodology and narrative styles — these aspects have had, and ought to have, for the processes of doing research on and writing Sámi history? The focus is on the politics of Sámi history and research. The issues, who is “allowed” to write Sámi history and the way Sámi research is demanded to stand in the service of different societalcultural needs of the Sámi is dealt with. This expectation of applicability concerns Sámi history in general, and the more delimited efforts of presenting situated accounts of Sámi cultural practices, traditions and experience with relations to other folk groups. Finally, methodological considerations and recommendations of Sámi history are presented, in which a number of methodological competences and in-depth usage of numerous source categories are called for.


Plastic pollution tendencies of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters under the climate change

Plastic pollution tendencies of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters under the climate change

Ludmila V. Ivanova, Konstantin M. Sokolov, Galina N. Kharitonova

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The article represents the analysis of the plastic pollution of water areas and coasts of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters based on foreign and Russian studies. The authors consider the influence of various factors, including climate change in the Arctic. The threat to various types of marine activities and the marine ecosystem from plastic pollution is evaluated. The emphasis is on the existing and potential damage to industrial fisheries in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. An analysis of the regulatory and organizational and economic mechanisms for preventing plastic pollution of the Arctic seas and coasts of the Arctic Council member states and practices of their application is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the control and supervision over litter collection onboard and the efficiency of its disposal after delivery to the land. To improve the legal regulation of handling waste of production and consumption, it is justified to adopt the draft federal law “On secondary material resources”; to create a financial platform for the circular economy in analogy with the European Union and to develop technologies to increase the life cycle and reuse of goods made of plastic. To supplement to the activities of the “State Program Social and Economic Development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” and the state programs for social and economic development of the Arctic, it is proposed to include various types of plastic in the list of hazardous pollutants of water areas and coasts of the Russian Arctic and to build facilities for processing of plastic wastes from fishing enterprises in the Arctic. Also, the regional authorities should encourage volunteering for cleaning coasts of the Barents Sea from garbage, incl. plastic.


Polythematic informational products for the Arctic research

Polythematic informational products for the Arctic research

Rykova V.V.

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The article presents a description of the problemoriented databases of the own generation SPSL for information support in the Arctic research.


Pomorie and Pomors: the structure of one historical myth

Pomorie and Pomors: the structure of one historical myth

Semushin D.L.

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The historical myth is playing a key role in any ethno-­building. An important role in the initial stage is playing the work of ideologues and historians, writers. In the article is analyzed the structure of the Pomeranian historical myth, it is based on a specific interpretation of the colonization process of the Russian North and the specific interpretation of local history and geography and local concepts.


Population formation and development dynamics of the Russian Far North in the 1920s

Population formation and development dynamics of the Russian Far North in the 1920s

Yanina A. Kuznetsova

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Based on the analysis of All-Union Population Census of 1926 and a wide range of general and regional scientific research, the author studies the processes of demographic and economic development of territories located in the Russian North and conventionally designated by the author as regions of European, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern North. The paper identifies key trends and features of Northern regions' development in the 1920s, caused by the first Soviet reforms of the administrative-territorial structure of the country, economic development and national state policy, which had an impact on the demographic processes in the regions including population size, its composition and settlement structure. It is found that the economic development was the most active in the bordering areas, where intensive development of industry and transportation implied the need to strengthen national defense and expand trade and economic ties. This mainly concerned the regions of the European and Far Eastern North. The regions that were rich in natural resources, especially gold deposits, such as Yakutia, also developed more actively. Other regions of Ural and Siberian North developed in a more traditional way, based on growth of wood harvesting and fishing industry. Improving of living conditions of the indigenous peoples of the North, material support for their farms, medical care and legal assistance, introduction of education among the population in the 1920s had a positive impact on the economic and demographic development of the indigenous population.


Preconditions for the development of Russian Arctic export, coastal (cabotage) transportation and project cargo for the arctic demand

Preconditions for the development of Russian Arctic export, coastal (cabotage) transportation and project cargo for the arctic demand

Osipova Elena E., Smirnov Sergey V., Khairova Tatyana A.

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The authors consider the concept and description of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), the main preconditions for the development of the export in the Russian Arctic when using the NSR. The concept and analysis of coastal transport using Arctic vessels and the forecast conclusions on possible Arctic projects are discussed. System for the development of the Russian Arctic export, coastal transport, and project cargo include rail and sea freight transport systems. The purpose of the article is to analyze the data on transport systems, as well as to determine the critical prospects for their development in Russia, considering a new concept - the Northern Sea Transport Corridor. It is the national transport communication of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the development of the Arctic cargo flow in the Northern Sea Route is mainly connected with the projects for the development of mineral resources in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. For the transshipment of hydrocarbon raw materials and ores from the Northern Sea Route area, the ports of the Barents Sea are used. In the future, a significant role will be played by LNG transshipment in the ports of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Murmansk (Marine LNG transshipment complex). Also, it is planned to use the port of Indiga for the transshipment of coal from Western Taimyr. The NSR shipment ports and transshipment ports form a single transport chain and require coordinated management.


Priorities and opportunities of cooperation between Russia and the Asian-Pacific states

Priorities and opportunities of cooperation between Russia and the Asian-Pacific states

Svetlana A. Lipina, Konstantin S. Zaykov

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Potential role and significance of the Arctic and North of Russia, Siberia and Far East for integration in the Asian-Pacific region (APR) are undoubtedly increasing. A need for defining the priorities of the North-East areas of our country emerges. Development of the infrastructure, resource use effectiveness and attractiveness for investors is a significant issue that contributes to the competitive abilities of the Russian economy and mutually beneficial international trade in the APR.


Priorities of the strategic management and planning of the Northern Sea Route

Priorities of the strategic management and planning of the Northern Sea Route

Evgeniy E. Plisetskiy

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the main socioeconomic indicators of 10 subjects of the Russian Federation, with the coastal areas adjacent to the water area of the Northern Sea Route. The author studied the strategy of socio-economic development of the North and Far East Russia. The planned development of the NSR provides alignment of a unified system of public-private management of transportation artery and the implementation of other strategic activities. It is necessary to establish a single governing body, modernization of the Arctic transport system, production of high-tech products and marine technology for the home market, building a rear port infrastructure, container terminals, customs warehouses and logistics centers.


Private expediters on the social services in the Northern regions of Russia

Private expediters on the social services in the Northern regions of Russia

Styrov M.M.

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The article describes the main features and trends in private financing of the social expenditures in the Russian North. The estimation of the perspectives for the change in the structure of financing.


Problems and Trends in the Development of Mass and Elitist Systems of General Education in the Far North

Problems and Trends in the Development of Mass and Elitist Systems of General Education in the Far North

Sinitsa A.L.

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The Far North is the most important territory for Russia, which largely determines the pace and prospects of socio-economic development. This means that its development requires special attention. One of the main drivers for the development of the Far North is the system of general education, which meets the needs of the society and the economy of the macro region. The article considers it in two ways. First, a comparison is made between the Far North and the rest of the country of the dynamics of indicators that characterize the training of the most talented and motivated children. For this purpose, the number of winners and prize-winners of the all-Russian subject Olympiads since the academic year 2011/2012 is analyzed. It is shown that their number is significantly lower than the national average. Second, the dynamics of number of educational institutions, children attending them, and teachers working there are considered. The conclusion is made about the significant deterioration of the indicators, which is associated primarily with unfavorable demographic dynamics. The problems faced by the education system are considered and measures aimed at improving the situation are proposed. The most important of them are the concentration of efforts on the development of the mass system of general education, preparing children for work and living in rural areas, and improving the information support of the implemented policy.


Problems and prospects of Atlantic salmon mariculture development in the Russian Arctic

Problems and prospects of Atlantic salmon mariculture development in the Russian Arctic

Anatoly M. Vasilyev, Marina A. Aleksandrova

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The authors present the volume of Atlantic salmon farming in the world and in the Russian Arctic. It shows the reasons that hamper the development of salmonid mariculture in the Russian Arctic: the lack of own planting material adapted to Arctic waters, high-quality fodder, fish diseases and others. Objectives of the article: to show the peculiarities of natural and socio-economic conditions of mariculture development in the Russian Arctic and the impact of Atlantic salmon mariculture on import substitution. Relevance stems from the need to substantiate the sources of import substitution of salmon products. The most important results: the main factors that reduce the economic efficiency of growing and selling products were found; the possible causes of salmon diseases in the Russian Arctic and their impact on production processes were systematized, the possible impact of caged fish farming on the environment and on the population of salmon in the Arctic zone was shown. Practical significance: the article shows the influence of possible escapes of farmed salmon on the socio-economic conditions of the population of the Terskiy coast of the Murmansk region and the White Sea basin. It is proposed to introduce Atlantic GM salmon into the composition of genetically modified products. It is shown that import substitution is fully provided by Atlantic salmon mariculture and the supply of wild salmon from the Far East to the European part of Russia.


Problems of Rational Island Management in the Arctic

Problems of Rational Island Management in the Arctic

Inieva N.S.

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This article reports on the main environmental chal-lenges for northern insular territories. Here you can find the national approaches to these problems, with possibilities of regional cooperation in universal island policy implementation with regard to ecological limitations being specified.


Problems of the Arctic traditional industries in Yakutia

Problems of the Arctic traditional industries in Yakutia

Rodnina Natalya V.

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The transformations taking place in Russia since the 90s have changed both the political and economic and social systems of the country. Privatization led to a loss of manageability of all agriculture, but significantly negatively affected the traditional agricultural sectors of Yakutia. The transformation of organizational and legal forms and the transition to small-scale production negatively affected animal husbandry as the main occupation of the republic's indigenous population. Despite government support for traditional industries, there has been no positive change. Of particular concern is the implementation of large industrial projects in the Arctic. The subject of the study is factors and trends affecting the socio-economic situation and the development of traditional industries. The goal is to determine the features and patterns of the development of traditional industries and assess the impact of ongoing transformations in the Arctic on their condition. The research hypothesis is the assumption of insufficient state regulation measures and mutually beneficial economic relations with business in the industrial development of the Arctic. The results of the studies showed the need to increase the attention of all levels of government in deciding on the development of a particular territory of the Arctic and identifying such rules and mechanisms for companies that should not only ensure the preservation of agricultural industries, but also improve the quality and standard of living of the population. The research methodology is based on system analysis using economic and statistical methods, analytical and computational algorithms for processing information on the development of agro-industrial complex and changing dynamics, including content analysis.


Processes of institutionalization of youth cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

Processes of institutionalization of youth cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

Averianova S.A.

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The process of formation and strengthening of the youth cooperation structure in the framework of the two-­level Barents Euro‐Arctic Region organization system is reviewed in the article.


Professional self determination of the students of NArFU named after M. V. Lomonosov

Professional self determination of the students of NArFU named after M. V. Lomonosov

Henerina O.A., Karpova N.A.

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The article analyzes the professional self-determination of the students. Special attention is paid to the history and the development of NArFU named after M. V. Lomonosov formed on the basis of the Arkhangelsk State Technical University. Mentioned work on different aspects of the professional representation.


Project ‛Pomor harbor’

Project ‛Pomor harbor’

Zvyagin S.A.



Projects of the territorial and productive complexes in the Arctic: the soviet experiment and the modern situation

Projects of the territorial and productive complexes in the Arctic: the soviet experiment and the modern situation

Timoshenko A.I.

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In the article analyzes the problems of complexity in relations to the economic development of the northern territories of the USSR, which are rich in natural and mineral resources, and explores the possibility of using historical experience in a modern innovation policy.


Property and government interests of Russia under globalization: the Arctic case

Property and government interests of Russia under globalization: the Arctic case

Nikolay D. Eletsky

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Modern processes of the global property and governance formation are contradictory combined with the preservation and reproduction of economic interactions within the framework of individual States, regions and inter-state relations. The actualization of these processes in the Arctic region is due to its transformation into a place of focus and the most acute manifestation of the new contradictions between globalization and nation — state interests. The author concluded that the implementation of the Russian Arctic strategy is complicated by the uncertainty of prospects and the variation of possible vectors of the new globalization. The article substantiates the need for drastic measures to strengthen the Russian position in the Arctic due to the current strengthening of regionalization and fragmentation of the world economy. The geo-economic and geopolitical configuration of international cooperation in the Arctic may change in the near future due to the transition from of a unipolar to a multipolar model of the world order and the growing threats of a new hybrid cold war. It’s shown that the contradictions between the Arctic powers are complicated against the background of the desire of the non-Arctic countries to participate in the exploitation of the region's resources. The author reveals the issues related to the search of the optimal balance between the objective imperatives of globalization and the protection of nation — state and regional interests of Russia as the largest Arctic power.

