Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

The Estimation of Remuneration Efficiency in Monopsony: Concerning the Arctic Fishing Industrial Cluster

The Estimation of Remuneration Efficiency in Monopsony: Concerning the Arctic Fishing Industrial Cluster

Samarina V.P., Skufina T.P.

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At present, new financial mechanisms of interaction between employees and employers in the context of market relations are being formed and improved in Russia. The decisive factor in workers’ performance is their financial motivation and stimulation. The determinative of productivity of an enterprise activity is remuneration efficiency as a base of laborers’ financial motivation and stimulation. The remuneration is a flexible element of distributive relations and it is impossible to create an effective motivational mechanism without an establishment of its communication with final results. Such indices as salary distribution and salary intensity as basic indicators of wage efficiency assessment have been used in the paper. The object of the research is sixteen large and medium-sized fishing enterprises in the Arkhangelsk region as a part of the Arctic fishing cluster. These enterprises catch fish in the Barents and Norwegian seas, as well as in the North Atlantic. It has been shown that the financial results of fishing enterprises depend on external conditions — primarily on the quotas for fish catch and the price of fish products. In the research, the authors have proceeded from the following hypotheses: the Arctic fishing cluster’s enterprises operate in a monopsony on the labor market; there is a pattern between the size of wage fund and financial performance of the Arctic fishery cluster enterprises; the change in wage fund is an effective mechanism to improve the efficiency of the Arctic fishery cluster. In the course of the research, the following interrelated tasks have been solved: the identification of the features of the Arctic fishing cluster’s labor market; the assessment of the effectiveness of the wage fund use for the Arctic fishing cluster’s enterprises based on the author's methodology; the identification of the importance of the problem of insufficient efficiency of wage fund use in the Arctic fishing cluster.


The European North of Russia as the bridgehead to the Arctic development

The European North of Russia as the bridgehead to the Arctic development

Shybin S.I.

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The realization of the Arctic strategy in Russia will greatly depend on stability in the internal development of the country and first of all on the level of the efficiency in the state social and regional policy and also on realizing successfully a potential of the regions which are a pre-Northern zone. The problem of the coordination of the efforts of the Northern subjects in the Russian Federation at a new stage of the Arctic development would be more successfully solved if the Northern federal district was formed within bounds of the Northern economic region or the region was integrated under a conditional name of the Dvino-Pechorsky territory.


The First World War as a form of European containment of Russia: a view from Arkhangelsk

The First World War as a form of European containment of Russia: a view from Arkhangelsk

Shubin Sergey I., Rogachev Ivan V., Opryshko Andrey I.

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The article considers the factors of the successful development of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century and favorable forecasts on the prospects of increasing its capacity on the Eurasian continent. The successful development in a peaceful environment did not satisfy geopolitical opponents of Russia, especially the United Kingdom, which sought the variants of weakening the Russian empire by pulling it to military conflicts. Using the logic of the previous historical events and the current geopolitical situation, the authors hypothesize the First World War as a form of European containment of the development of Russia. There was a version expressed that the help of the Allies was coming mainly through Arkhangelsk. “It cannot be so,— the authors write, — that the invaders did not have the information about inability of arranging the delivery of goods because of the poor condition of the transport infrastructure in the region during that time”. Was it so or not, was it a conscious reason for the subsequent operation for using Arkhangelsk as a staging ground and a way of bribery of the local population and the authorities? To a certain extent this was confirmed by the message, sent by the chief of the British mission in Russia, General Poole, to London in January 1918 and analyzed in the present article.


The Food Security Doctrine: Regional Aspects

The Food Security Doctrine: Regional Aspects

Rodnina N.V.

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The article discusses issues of the state of the agro-industrial complex of the region in connection with the need to fulfill the targets approved in January 2020 by the new edition of the Food Security Doctrine of Russia. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the northern region and to develop proposals for changing the situation for the successful implementation of the Doctrine. The scientific problem discussed in the article relates to the determination of the methodological foundations of the most relevant areas of agrarian policy for the current state, ensuring the implementation of the Food Security Doctrine of Russia and increasing the level of self-sufficiency of the region. The author's research develops the theory of determining the socio-economic role of effective interaction between authorities of different levels, scientific justification of the prospects for the further development of the agro-industrial complex due to the transformation of the industry development management system, innovative approach to training personnel for the agricultural sector, and introduction of new technological solutions as highly relevant. It has been established that such factors as the lack of effective interaction between the state and municipal authorities, and also the lack of young qualified personnel, whose competence meets the modern requirements, have a negative impact on the economy of agricultural production and food self-sufficiency of the region as a whole. The article draws attention to the underestimated opportunities for improving the situation in the agro-industrial complex due to a change in the scheme of interaction between the state and municipal authorities during the implementation of the program-targeted method of regulation and strategic planning, as well as the creation of a scientific and educational complex in the region for the training of competitive specialists for the agro-industrial complex. In order to improve the situation, it is necessary to consolidate the formation of a regional agricultural system on the basis of a set of similar systems developed by the municipalities themselves, based on the relevant climatic conditions, financial, material and labor resources of these areas. Besides, it is necessary to start the training of personnel for the agroindustrial complex system from school, applying new educational standards, based on scientific developments.


The Formation of a Career Trajectory by Students of Secondary Vocational Education in the Russian Arctic Zone

The Formation of a Career Trajectory by Students of Secondary Vocational Education in the Russian Arctic Zone

Simakova A.V.

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The purpose of the article is to identify the features of professional self-determination and formation of career trajectories of secondary vocational education students in the subjects of the Russian Arctic zone, their orientation towards professional implementation in the Arctic zone of Russia. The study is based on the survey of secondary vocational education students in the constituent entities of the Russian Arctic zone in the framework of the All-Russian career guidance lesson “Start your career in the Arctic and the Far East!”. A total of 686 questionnaires of respondents from Krasnoyarsk Krai, Murmansk Oblast, Komi Republic and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were selected for analysis. The results of the study showed that only about a third of students have decided on further plans for building career trajectories. Most students, when shaping their professional future, are guided by personal desires and preferences, as well as by material well-being. Every tenth student does not clearly associate his/her future with employment in the specialty. About a third of students are focused on professional implementation in the Russian Arctic zone. The results of the study can be useful for researchers, specialists in professional self-determination, teachers and consultants of educational institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as authorities in the field of education, labor and employment.


The Historical Study about Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North

The Historical Study about Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North

Kiselyov A.A.

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The article represents a short review of the new book by prof. P.V. Fedorov «Cultural Landscapes of the Kola North: Structure and Historical Dynamics».


The Impact of the Implementation of the Welfare State Concept on the Level of Poverty in Russia and Norway

The Impact of the Implementation of the Welfare State Concept on the Level of Poverty in Russia and Norway

Vereshchagin I.F., Vakhrushev A.V.

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At present, the problem of poverty is urgent for both Russia and Norway. According to Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, 12.1% of the Russian population was below the poverty line in the second quarter of 2021. According to the World Bank, the national poverty rate in Norway in 2018 was 12.7%. At the same time, both states position themselves as having overcome extreme poverty. Both states use the social-democratic type of the welfare state concept as the basis of social policy. The purpose of this study is to research the influence the welfare state concept application on the national level of poverty in Russia and Norway. The research methods are the analysis of official statistics of Russia, Norway and the World Bank, international reports, legislative acts and the analysis of media texts. The conclusions of this study highlight that the use of the welfare state concept in the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway can positively affect the national level of poverty, but it contains a set of significant risks. The results show that further use of elements of the welfare state concept to combat poverty is possible in both countries, but taking into account the current realities, namely, the application of the principles of multidimensional evaluation, targeting in implementation and consideration of regional specificity in practical work with the phenomenon of poverty, and the involvement of other (besides the state) social institutions in this process. The conclusion of this paper formulates recommendations for state and municipal authorities of the Arctic subjects of the Russian Federation (mainly) and the Kingdom of Norway (to a lesser extent) to adjust the social practices used with regard to current trends and taking into account the identified risks.


The Interaction of the Regional Government and Indigenous Peoples: the Role of the Scientific Community of Yakutia (80s – Early 90s of the 20th Century)

The Interaction of the Regional Government and Indigenous Peoples: the Role of the Scientific Community of Yakutia (80s – Early 90s of the 20th Century)

Astakhova I.S.

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The role of scientific institutions and individual scientists of Yakutia in establishing the relationships between the government and the indigenous peoples of the North is shown. The scientific community has not only identified the main challenges the people of the North face, but also presented possible solutions.


The Kola North: encyclopedic essays

The Kola North: encyclopedic essays



The Northern Sea Route: problems of national status legitimization under international law. Part II

The Northern Sea Route: problems of national status legitimization under international law. Part II

Gudev Pavel A.

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The second part of the paper shows that the regime of navigation in the Arctic, particularly on the NSR, defended by Russia today, is much more liberal than that which existed in the Soviet years: up to the Gorbachev’s 1987 Murmansk speech the Soviet Arctic was a closed sea region for foreign navigation. Permissive order of passage established today at the level of Russian national legislation applies only to civil ships, and in the framework of the 1982 Convention, measures to protect the marine environment from pollution from ships cannot be applied to warships, military auxiliary ships, and ships on the state non-commercial service. However, the presence on the Northern Sea routes of water areas with the status of internal historical waters, including several Arctic straits, plus the special legal status of the Arctic, which is not limited exclusively to the 1982 Convention, allows Russia to insist on the applicability of the permit regime also to foreign warships. This approach is based mainly on the two states’ practice with the longest coastline in the Arctic: the USSR and Canada. Navigation along the NSR in today’s ice conditions is not yet possible without passing through the waters of the Russian Arctic Straits, whose waters are classified by the USSR as internal on historical legal grounds. Although under the 1982 Convention, they can be conditionally regarded as international, the lack of permanent transit through them makes it possible not to recognize them as such. However, the Russian Federation’s task to turn the NSR into an international shipping route may lead to a weakening of the current legal position. A similar situation may arise concerning the enforcement of Article 234 “Ice Covered Areas” of the 1982 Convention, which gives the Arctic countries additional rights in the field of navigation control. Lack of ice cover in the Arctic during most of the year can significantly strengthen the position of Russia’s opponents, who insist on a too broad interpretation of this article on our part. Finally, climatic changes may lead to the NSR becoming more latitudinal, and then the Russian Federation will lose any legal grounds to regulate navigation.


The Northern Sea Route: the potential of expectations and the real functioning problems

The Northern Sea Route: the potential of expectations and the real functioning problems

Zalyvsky Nikolay P.

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The main objective of the article is positioning the Arctic regions as the participants of the federal Arctic strategy. The Regions are analyzed in the context of improving the efficiency of the Northern Sea Route, perceived a very important factor in their economic and social development. Author compares some aspects of the competition between the NSR and the Suez Canal, with focus on the historical and economic desires of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk to be the main gateway to the Arctic.


The Northern district town in the mirror of the demography

The Northern district town in the mirror of the demography

Razymova I.А.



The Problem of design and implementation of the development of strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of theory of I. Adizes

The Problem of design and implementation of the development of strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of theory of I. Adizes

Konov Alexander

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In the article is analyzed the Problem of Design and Implementation of the development of Strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of management of changes theory of I. Adizes. There are formulated the recommendations to establish an effective system developing and implementing the strategy to solve the problem.


The Republic of Korea and the Arctic region: from policy formulating to policy making

The Republic of Korea and the Arctic region: from policy formulating to policy making

Kim Minsu, Marchenkov Maksim L.

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The following article is a policy review paper devoted to the general analysis of the Arctic policy of the Republic of Korea. The analysis includes the explanation of the country’s demand for conducting its own policy in the Arctic that mostly resides in the peculiarities of South Korea’s geographical position and economic conditions and demands. The policy of South Korea in the Arctic region is highlighted in the three stages: before joining the Arctic Council, during the first master plan for the Arctic, and after the updated Arctic policy was issued. The brief history of the Korea’s participation in the Arctic activities is highlighted. Also, the provisions of Korea’s first master plan for the Arctic are highlighted, and some conclusions are made regarding its implementation. Then the updated Arctic policy of South Korea is examined. The core conclusion is that during 20 year of participation in the Arctic-related activities, the Republic of Korea has transformed its Arctic policy from being research-oriented only to providing national economic benefits from the multilateral inclusion in the Arctic cooperation institutions and events. Some further reflections on Korea’s further Arctic policy are provided at the conclusion.


The Role of Innovation in Solving the Demographic Problems of the Arctic: A Population Perception Study

The Role of Innovation in Solving the Demographic Problems of the Arctic: A Population Perception Study

Gubina O.V., Provorova A.A.

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The decline in the birth rate, the increase in migration outflows and the deterioration of the health of the Russian Arctic population make it necessary to find innovative solutions to these issues. The scientific problem is to reveal the mechanisms of the influence of innovations and methods of their implementation in the sphere of the formation and realizing of the Arctic demographic potential. The aim of the article is to study the perception of innovation by the population of the Arctic territories when solving personal demographic issues and to assess the relationship between this perception with socio-demographic characteristics. The novelty of the study is in an attempt to link demographic and innovation processes in the Arctic. It was reflected in the substantiation of the theoretical model. The key element of the model is the zone of innovations perception by the population, formed on the basis of the interaction of demographic and innovation processes and combining the following directions of perception: population innovative activity, the desire to learn, the willingness to invest in innovations, the assessment of the innovations availability and willingness to use them, the inclusion of the population into the digital environment when solving demographic problems. The empirical basis was formed by the author's sociological survey of the Arctic municipalities population of the Arkhangelsk region, conducted in 2019. It was revealed that innovation perception is mainly influenced by the age and education and, to a lesser extent, by the level of their income. The results obtained can be used to develop a state regional policy for the demographic development of the Arctic territories based on the use of innovations.


The Role of Self-Education in Preservation and Development of Human Capital in the Republic of Karelia: Socio-Cultural Aspect

The Role of Self-Education in Preservation and Development of Human Capital in the Republic of Karelia: Socio-Cultural Aspect

Suvorova I.M., Skoropadskaya A.A.

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The problem of preserving human capital in the context of globalization is due to processes in the economic, social and cultural spheres. The search for a solution to this problem in the field of humanities is associated with aspects of personality self-development. Among the most important components of personality self-development, the majority of researchers in the humanities note self-education as a motivator for labor and social activity. Therefore, the identification of socio-cultural factors affecting the level and need for self-education requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach with regional specifics taken into account. Objective is to identify the factors influencing the level of self-education of residents in the modern economic and socio-cultural conditions of the Republic of Karelia. The material for cultural analysis was the results of field studies obtained during a scientific expedition to the Karelian Arctic, northern and southern border regions of Karelia. As a research methodology, an integrated cultural approach was used. Among the effective methods were focus groups on thematic cases, standard and non-standard questionnaires, interviews, polls, factor analysis, statistical and normative methods. For the first time in scientific practice possible sources, channels and preferences of the population of Karelia in self-educational activities have been researched. As a result, it was concluded that the combination of economic indicators is the determining socio-cultural factor for self-educational activity of the residents of the investigated areas and geographical indicator, which allows the inhabitants of Karelia to realize their spiritual and material needs at a high level and to preserve human capital as the main value of society in the unstable situation of a globalizing world.


The Role of training in the innovative development of the Russian Arctic

The Role of training in the innovative development of the Russian Arctic

Menshikh N.G.

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The paper considers the problem of training and retraining for innovation and technological development of the Russian Arctic.


The Russia-USA legal dispute over the straits of the Northern Sea Route and similar case of the Northwest Passage

The Russia-USA legal dispute over the straits of the Northern Sea Route and similar case of the Northwest Passage

Andrey А. Todorov

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This article examines the legal status of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), which has been a subject of dispute between the Soviet Union\Russia and the United States for over fifty years. The main legal issue of the analysis is the question whether straits of the Northern Sea Route are international, where the freedom of navigation applies, or whether the straits are internal waters of Russia and they are subjected to national rules of navigation. The case of the Northern Sea Route straits is considered from a historical perspective and with references to relevant provisions of the contemporary international law of the sea. A similar dispute between Canada and the USA over the Northwest Passage is assessed as well. The author concludes that the USA has a disadvantageous position in the disputes due to difficulties in proving that both routes can meet necessary criteria for international straits developed by the international law. So far, the debate on legal status of the NSR waters is more of theoretical nature and has no practical implications. However, the situation might change with the Arctic sea ice melting and Russia planning to use the NSR on a much larger international scale.


The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity

The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity

Timoshenko A.

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The report considers problems of continuity in the Russian state’s policy towards the Arctic region and the Northern Sea Route. Traced the main strategic directions of the state interests in the northern territories in the twentieth century and expansion them to XXI century, associated with the preservation of the Russian Federation the status of a major Arctic power. In the regional Arctic policy is permanent, regardless of changing political regimes.


The Second International Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 30–31 March 2017

The Second International Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 30–31 March 2017

Natalia Е. Koroleva

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Here we present a brief overview of events and presentations at the International Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop, held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, on 30–31 March 2017. The purpose of the workshop was to collect and process data about the Arctic vegetation. The data supposed to be presented in a standard format for subsequent classification and analysis. Twenty-nine scientists from most of the Arctic states were among the participants of the workshop. They presented an overview of existing databases on vegetation, discussed the possibility of sharing and pooling of data as well as possible ways of classification for the pan-Arctic vegetation.

