Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Prospects of cooperation between Russia and North-East Asian countries in the Arctic region

Prospects of cooperation between Russia and North-East Asian countries in the Arctic region

Aleksandr L. Voronenko, Sergei V. Greizik

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Significant increase in global attention to the Arctic, as well as the intensive development of technologies for its study, makes the cooperation between various countries increasingly important. The article discusses the history and current interaction in the Arctic region between Russia (and its predecessor, the USSR) with North-East Asia (NEA) — China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. The author noted the increasing scientific and practical interest of the NEA countries to study the Arctic, analyzed it and main aspirations of these countries to cooperate with Russia. Also, the author reviewed the most significant internal laws and regulations governing their activities in the Arctic. It was concluded that the high prospects for cooperation between the countries of Northeast Asia and Russia occur. Main directions of possible interaction in the region are presented in the article along with the highlighted unique position of the Russian Far East as one of the critical links.


Protected areas network in the Murmansk Region: yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Protected areas network in the Murmansk Region: yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Evgeny A. Borovichev, Viktor N. Petrov, Olga V. Petrova, Natalia E. Koroleva

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The article represents a retrospective of nature conservation in the Murmansk Region. It is devoted to the period since the first State Nature Reserves to the present day. Today, the network of Protected Areas (PA) in the Murmansk Region consists of three nature state Reserves, one National Park, two natural parks, 12 protected areas “Zakaznik”, 55 nature monuments and the protected area of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute. The total area of the PA is 1,947,799.4 hectares or 13.4% of the Mur-mansk Region. An effectiveness of the PA was assessed due to the correspondence of the protection regimes and the threats. The authors concluded that effective environmental protection could be realized only in small part of PA, mainly in nature state reserves and national park, whose total area is only 4.2% of the Murmansk Region. At the present level of efficiency, even if it will be possible to achieve a share of Pas equal to 16.4% of the region’s area, it is hardly possible to guarantee the proper level of biodiversity conservation and the stability of the ecosystem of the region.


Protest behavior in region (on the materials of the Arkhangelsk region)

Protest behavior in region (on the materials of the Arkhangelsk region)

Chuvashova N.

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There is an analysis of the social discontent's basis, the form and dynamic of the protest behavior in the modern period on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region in article.


Providing security and sustainable development of the Arctic Region, conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic

Providing security and sustainable development of the Arctic Region, conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic

Yury F. Lukin

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Review of the conference materials “Safety and Sustainable Development of the Arctic Region, the conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic” held within the framework of the 5th International meeting of the Arctic Council member states, observer states and international scientific community on the 15th—16th of September 2015 in the town of Arkhangelsk.


Public participation in planning a comfortable urban environment on the example of the Arkhangelsk region

Public participation in planning a comfortable urban environment on the example of the Arkhangelsk region

Alexei G. Demenev, Tatiana F. Shubina, Polina V. Shubina, Marina V. Nenasheva, Artem V. Makulin, Ivan A. Tarasov

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The article analyzes the experience of public participation in the planning of a comfortable urban environment. The forms of public involvement in the formation of a comfortable urban environment and their implementation are considered on the example of the Arkhangelsk region. The method of complex analysis of the theory and practice of public communications helps the article to present a qualitative assessment of public involvement in the improvement of the urban environment. It is shown that the existing methods of interaction between the authorities and citizens represent a one-sided process and often they are reduced to the formal fulfillment of legal requirements by municipalities. To improve the efficiency of public participation, the authors propose to develop a communicative model of urban space management based on constant interaction between municipal authorities and citizens. This model will allow establishing a dialogue between all stakeholders, which will ultimately lead to the successful implementation of the urban environmental program and improve the quality of life of citizens.


Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Lukin Y.F.

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Ecology, Economy, Security of Russian Arctic − are the strategic and important steps in 2012. It is the beginning of the general cleaning of the Arctic. The Arctic shelf of Russia, Prirazlomnoye. ‛NK ‛Rosneft’: policy towards the strategic partnership with ExxonMobil, Eni and Statoil. To be strong – is the guarantee of the national security.


Recovery technology of social work — an important condition for maintaining and ensuring family safety (case of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Recovery technology of social work — an important condition for maintaining and ensuring family safety (case of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Anna B. Fedulova

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Ensuring the social security of the modern family is an urgent issue and a priority of the national policy of the Russian Federation. In contemporary society, the relationship between the social security system and the resource of the family is visible. Family resource acts as a set of potentials aimed at maintaining the stability of the family and the development of its competence in solving family problems. So, the technology of social work aimed at enhancing the resources of the family is essential. The same is fair for the role of the immediate environment in supporting the family since it becomes an active subject in solving family problems. Such an instrument is restoration technologies focused on the resource potential of the family and the resources of social capital. These technologies are widely used in foreign social work and are a promising area for the Russian one. The use of these technologies can be a factor in increasing the effectiveness of family institutional resources in the social protection of the population. Also, the author analyzed the role of recovery technologies in ensuring the social security of the family and examined the use of these technologies in the Arkhangelsk Oblast.


Recreational nature management and tourism in the new development plans of the North of Russia

Recreational nature management and tourism in the new development plans of the North of Russia

Dmitriy V. Sevastyanov

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Тhe article is devoted to the problems and prospects for the recreational nature management development in the Arctic in connection with the state “Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and National Security for the Period up to 2020”. The author considered modern trends in the development of cruise tourism, environmental problems of the Arctic and the task of embedding recreational and tourist activities in the complex redevelopment of the Arctic and the North. The result of the study is the conclusion about the expediency of integration of the tourist-recreational sphere into the complex project of social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.


Region, like a social system

Region, like a social system

Dokychaev D.S.

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The article is devoted to the social and philosophical analysis of the phenomenon in the region. The author of the system approach considers the region as a social system. Determined by the conceptual, structural and substrate levels of the system. Analyzes the main systematic relationships.


Regional Linguistic Worldview Modelling Based on the Texts of Arctic Travels of the 18th – 19th Centuries

Regional Linguistic Worldview Modelling Based on the Texts of Arctic Travels of the 18th – 19th Centuries

Simashko T.V., Maslova M.N., Morozova N.S.

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The article considers texts of scientists and public figures of the second half of the 18th–19th centuries, who wrote travel essays on the natural-climatic and historical-cultural peculiarities, social and daily life of the population of the Russian North and the Arctic coast. Ways of modelling the regional linguistic worldview on the basis of text analysis are suggested. The article describes the stages of working with semantically diverse texts, which make it possible to differentiate and systematise texts for the purpose of forming semantically homogeneous discourses allowing identification of the basic parameters of conceptualisation and categorisation of the world objects reflecting the essential aspects of regional life.


Regional State Programs as an Energy Supply Development Tool in the Russian Arctic

Regional State Programs as an Energy Supply Development Tool in the Russian Arctic

Gasnikova А.А.

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Organizing reliable and affordable energy supply for consumers in the Arctic area is an important and difficult task. An effective solution of this task requires taking into account many factors. This paper analyzes how various factors are taken into account in the state programs of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, aimed at regional energy development. Natural resource, economic, social, technological, environmental, legal factors of energy supply are considered. The study is conducted on the example of four subjects of the Russian Federation, fully assigned to the Arctic zone (Murmansk Oblast, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug). The main research method is content analysis of the relevant information sources. The role of regional state programs in regulation of regional energy development is specified. A review of the main state programs of the considered Arctic subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out. It was revealed that the tasks of energy supply development are unevenly distributed in the state programs of the constituent entities of the Federation, and program measures are differently detailed. The content of the analyzed state programs is compared with the factors of energy supply. It is shown that regional state programs are primarily compared with economic factors. As instruments of regional policy, the state programs of the regions act as legal factors. Factors of other groups are taken into account in state programs to a lesser extent.


Regional specifics of municipal solid waste management in Arctic regions of the Russian Federation

Regional specifics of municipal solid waste management in Arctic regions of the Russian Federation

Nedoseka Elena V., Kozlovskiy Vladimir V.

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The article analyzes the regional specifics of solid municipal waste management in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to analyze the regional specifics of solid municipal waste management within the framework of the federal project "Integrated System of Solid Municipal Waste Management", included in the national project "Ecology". First of all, this request will allow us to achieve the most effective management decisions in the field of regulatory regulation and the introduction of mechanisms for economic regulation of MSW management activities, as well as to contribute the creation of an effective management system, and the development of infrastructure for MSW management. The statistical analysis of formation indicators, processing and utilization of MSW waste in the structure by region is presented in this paper. The factors determining the specificity of MSW handling in the Arctic regions are defined. The expert survey made it possible to identify the main problems of implementing the garbage reform in the Arctic in general and in inner regions in particular. The main methods in this study were: semi-formal telephone interviews with representatives of environmental organizations and associations (18 informants), as well as collecting and analysis of statistical indicators of the MSW handling in the Arctic regions.


Reindeer Tracking Technologies in the Russian Federation

Reindeer Tracking Technologies in the Russian Federation

Khaimina L.E., Zelenina L.I., Khaimin E.S., Antufyev D.I.

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Currently, reindeer husbandry actively uses tracking technologies to identify animals. They allow solving the problems of breeding and zootechnical accounting, tracking the movement of animals between herds, and carrying out antiepizootic measures. The electronic databases with individual characteristics of reindeer formed in this process allow speeding up the breeding process, organising breeding work in reindeer breeding, improving the breed and regulating the herd. Keeping an electronic “registration” of calves to their mothers gives the possibility of system functioning of cross-breeding estimation of animals that will undoubtedly increase both productivity and economic efficiency of reindeer breeding as a whole. This article addresses an issue related to reindeer tracking technologies. Attention is paid to radio tracking and satellite tracking techniques. The use of modern methods of chipping animals is considered on the example of various territories of the Russian Federation: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Trans-Baikal Krai, the Murmansk Oblast, the Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Republic of Karelia, the Arkhangelsk Oblast. The work carried out on deer chipping is considered for various time periods, during which monitoring, programs, projects and other large-scale studies of animal movement paths were carried out. The resulting data can then be processed using mathematical tools, after which conclusions can be drawn about the impact of the environment on reindeer migration routes.


Relevant aspects of international legal regulation of the Arctic shipping

Relevant aspects of international legal regulation of the Arctic shipping

Popkova Svetlana V., Zarubin Lev S.

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The critical aspects of the international legal regulation of shipping in the Arctic discussed on the international Arctic agenda are analyzed. The authors examine the specifics of the Northern Sea Route legal status from the perspective of the leading role of the Arctic coastal states and the possibilities for countries to specify at the national and regional levels the universal norms of international maritime law at the national and regional levels. The authors devoted much attention to the study of the UNCLOS 1982, Art. 234, which gives coastal states the right to adopt national laws and regulations to control pollution of the marine environment in ice-covered areas within exclusive economic zones. The article is one of the leading international legal grounds for the Russia's establishment of control over the NSR shipping. The Polar Code, entered into force in 2017, is examined separately. The article also presents expert opinions on navigation forecasts in the Arctic region.


Religion and power in Yakutia: From the history of relations

Religion and power in Yakutia: From the history of relations

Vasilieva N.D.

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The article contains analysis of the Soviet regime policy in its attitude to religion during first years of the Soviet modernization.


Religious views and the problem of preservation mother tongue of the evenks

Religious views and the problem of preservation mother tongue of the evenks

Kartcev Y.N.

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The description of religious beliefs, indicated the problem of preserving the native language of the evens.


Research into minorities: between science and politics

Research into minorities: between science and politics

Lena Ingilæ Landsem

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The article examines the interplay between science and politics in minority research in the period 1979 to mid-1980s at the University of Tromsø. Research was influenced by different conditions at the time, such as political events and policy priorities and ideological of streams in academia. Three factors influenced the choice of theme, priorities and approaches to minority research in North Norway. The first factor was the damming of the Alta-Kautokeino river, followed by Sami rights struggle and political changes towards the Sami population in Norway. What consequences did the political case for the research for the academic environment in the Northern Norway? The second factor was the research program run by the Norwegian general scientific Research (NAVF). An analysis on the relevant themes and focus areas within minority research is undertaken on basis of the research program. Finally I will use the methodological and research political discussions on emic and etic research positions that took place in the 1980s. Was it the Sami themselves, or also the researchers belonging to the majority that had the right to pursue research on the Sami? Sources consist of internal documents, reports, research papers and oral sources from the UiT.


Research, development, and education: laying foundations for Arctic and Northern data centers

Research, development, and education: laying foundations for Arctic and Northern data centers

Saunavaara Juha, Laine Antti

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The global data center industry is a huge and rapidly growing sector. This growth has resulted in the development of significant data center clusters in various northern regions. Furthermore, the desire to attract new data center investments has been incorporated into regional development plans and strategies in different parts of the Circumpolar North. Although the policy-makers seem to have great expectations, they and the general public often know little about the industry, which consumes huge amounts of electricity and plays an immense role in the digitalization process that the world is experiencing. This article attempts to increase awareness, knowledge, and understanding of these matters among all relevant stakeholders by introducing data center-related research and development activities and education in the Arctic and the North, as well as research concerning the development of the data center industry in the cold, northern environment. After all, it is often argued that these particular conditions offer advantageous circumstances for the construction of environmentally friendly and sustainable data centers.


Resilience in the Theory and Practice of Arctic Communities’ Adaptation to Environmental Challenges

Resilience in the Theory and Practice of Arctic Communities’ Adaptation to Environmental Challenges

Nenasheva M.V.

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The aim of this study is to describe the individual and collective characteristics of the rural population of the Russian Arctic, which determine their vital activity and are internal factors of adaptation to climate change. The scientific novelty of the study consists in describing the phenomenon of resilience on the example of island and coastal communities of the Primorskiy district of the Arkhangelsk Oblast, which are characterized by high natural and socio-economic instability. Based on the empirical data, it is shown that the territorial and socio-cultural integrity of the living space of local communities, the integrality of self-existence and self-consciousness of local residents, cooperative coexistence, as well as proactivity of life support create the foundation for the resilience of local communities and contribute to their social adaptation to the effects of climate change. Particular attention is paid to the issue of understanding the culture of mobility of northern communities in the face of increasing cases of adverse weather events due to climate change. Based on the results of an empirical study, an approach to adaptation to climate change based on the use of the knowledge potential of local communities is proposed. The results of the study can be used to develop the theory of the development of the North of Russia, as well as the development of specific measures for adaptation to climate change at the local level.

