Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Russian woman in the rural Yakutia in the second half of the ХХ century

Russian woman in the rural Yakutia in the second half of the ХХ century

Vinokurova L.I.

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Russian women of Yakutia in the rural areas of the second half of the XX century were a social group with a difficult complex structure. The separate interest is Russian women who came to work on a governmental contract. In daily life, they had to overcome the social and cultural challenges, including gender. Successful socialization of Russian women in the villages of Yakutia promoted general political factors, as well as regional ethno-cultural traditions.


Russian-Norwegian agreement about the division of the Arctic space

Russian-Norwegian agreement about the division of the Arctic space

Poval L.M.

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The article reveals a complex, time-consuming process of normalization of relations between Russia and Norway on the delimitation of the Arctic spaces. Particular attention is paid to the legal analysis of the provisions of the International Treaty of Paris of Svalbard and the agreement signed between Russia and Norway concerning the delimitation of maritime areas in 2010.


Russian-Norwegian borderland in the foreign historical literature in the 20th — beginning of the 21st centuries

Russian-Norwegian borderland in the foreign historical literature in the 20th — beginning of the 21st centuries

Konstantin S. Zaikov

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The article presents a review of foreign research on the history of Russian-Norwegian borderland in 16th — early 20th centuries. The dominance of the empirical positivism and historical nationalism in the history of the Northern frontier delimitation led to the formation of relatively stable and unilateral interpretations of the Russian-Norwegian border in the first half of the 20th century. The state was perceived as an a priori objective phenomenon. That’s why historians and legal scholars understood the “border” as a static instrument of political power, ignoring its multipotential phenomena and variety of its subjects. The Scandinavian historiography has developed a historical tradition of perception of the Treaty 1826 on the delimitation of “common districts” as a fair act of institutionalization of borders over the common possession. As a part of this tradition, it may seem that Norwegian territorial claims did not look expansive in relation to Russia. However, for a long time the Scandinavian historians advocated the theory that the Russian Empire, driven by the idea of permanent territorial extensions, had posed a threat to the Norwegian Finmark. So, the delineation of the Northern frontier was a diplomatic deal aimed at creating legitimate barriers to further Russian expansion in Western Europe through the Norwegian Arctic. Thus, the author con-cludes that from the methodological perspective, the evolution of the Russian-Norwegian borderlands is still not sufficiently developed in foreign historiography and requires closer attention to create high-quality reconstruction of the Russian-Norwegian borderland evolution from the territory with frontlines configura-tion of political boundaries in the 13th century — the early 19th century to the space with a sealed political boundary in the 20th century.


Scenarios for the development of the Arctic region (2020–2035)

Scenarios for the development of the Arctic region (2020–2035)

Konstantin S. Zaikov, Nikolay A. Kondratov, Elena V. Kudryashova, Svetlana A. Lipina, Anatoliy I. Chistobaev

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The importance of selecting the development of the Arctic seems to be relevant since rapid and irreversible changes are taking place there. Climate change and globalization are their prominent examples. A complex of factors has both positive and negative impacts on the use of natural resources and the positioning of states located not only within the Arctic but also outside it. The questions arise: what is the significance of these changes for geography, politics, and the management system? How should the comprehension of these processes be built? The relevance of the topic is enhanced by the fact that Russia has the most significant Arctic sector among the states with access to the Arctic Ocean. Therefore, our country has a leading role in working out strategies for the development of the Arctic. The comprehensive approach (considering the economic and political-geographical positions) is central in the article to analyze the directions of development of the Arctic territories. The method reveals the possibilities of sustainable development, which will provide Russia with strategic benefits within the Arctic and globally. The article discusses scenarios for the development of the Arctic, including the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, in the long-term perspective (until 2035). Substantiation of the long-term prospects for the development of the Arctic, despite Russian and foreign research, seems to be unrealistic due to lack of knowledge about the nature and consequences of climatic changes currently observed in this region and affecting global environmental management. The authors concluded that the priority directions of the Arctic development should be the ones based on positive and innovative trends.


Scientific Cooperation: Supporting Circumpolar Permafrost Monitoring and Data Sharing

Scientific Cooperation: Supporting Circumpolar Permafrost Monitoring and Data Sharing

Bouffard T.J., Uryupova E., Dodds K., Romanovsky V.E., Bennett A.P., Streletskiy D.

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Scientific cooperation is a well-supported narrative and theme, but in reality, presents many challenges and counter-productive difficulties. Moreover, data sharing specifically represents one of the more critical cooperation requirements, as part of the “scientific method [which] allows for verification of results and extending research from prior results.” One of the important pieces of the climate change puzzle is permafrost. Currently, most permafrost data remain fragmented and restricted to national authorities, including scientific institutes. Important datasets reside in various government or university labs, where they remain largely unknown or where access restrictions prevent effective use. A lack of shared research—especially data—significantly reduces effectiveness of understanding permafrost overall. Whereas it is not possible for a nation to effectively conduct the variety of modeling and research needed to comprehensively understand impacts to permafrost, a global community can. However, decision and policy makers, especially on the international stage, struggle to understand how best to anticipate and prepare for changes, and thus support for scientific recommendations during policy development. This article explores the global data systems on permafrost, which remain sporadic, rarely updated, and with almost nothing about the subsea permafrost publicly available. The authors suggest that the global permafrost monitoring system should be real time (within technical and reasonable possibility), often updated and with open access to the data. Following a brief background, this article will offer three supporting themes, 1) the current state of permafrost data, 2) rationale and methods to share data, and 3) implications for global and national interests.


Scientific and educational space of the Arctic: Norway

Scientific and educational space of the Arctic: Norway

Konstantin S. Zaikov, Marina R. Kalinina, Aleksander M. Tamitskiy, Aleksander A. Saburov, Evgeny A. Shepelev

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The analytical overview represents the scientific and educational potential of the Norwegian territories of the Circumpolar Region (Svalbard, Finnmark, Troms and Nordland), Norway's science and innovation policy and scientific interests in the Arctic.


Searching for balance: Swedish ethnic policy model today

Searching for balance: Swedish ethnic policy model today

Ekaterina S. Kotlova

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The article is devoted to ethnic policy models in Sweden regarding indigenous population, national minorities and migrants. It seems most important to analize the ethnic policy models (acculturation, assimilation, segregation and integration policy) and circumstances which caused changes in state policy, as well as the efficiency in conditions of the modern crisis situation.


Seashore Litters Impact on Biological Resources of Arctic Seas

Seashore Litters Impact on Biological Resources of Arctic Seas

Avdonina N.S., Sobolev N.A.

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In the present manuscript, the impact of seashore plastic litter on the Arctic aquatic environment with a primary focus on fish is discussed. Plastic pollution of seashore and aquatic ecosystem became a major environmental problem in the late 1990s, when it was considered as a major threat for aquatic ecosystem. In recent years, the microplastic (MP) pollution has raised scientific attention and awareness as severe threat for aquatic ecosystem. Since fish is a significant source of food and wealth of Arctic countries, the shrinkage of fishing rates caused by aquatic ecosystems plastic pollution can lead to a significant negative effect on the well-being of the Arctic countries’ population and economy. Recent studies showed significant amount of MP in Arctic seas. The MP particles were found in more than 90% of the studied water samples from the Barents Sea. This indicates that MP has become a major threat for aquatic life in the Arctic. Despite the fact the MP may pose harmful effects to aquatic life, there is still a lack of valid information concerning this research. Moreover, standard and generally accepted protocols for MP pollution monitoring and risk assessment need to be implemented. In view of the above, the current state of the problem is described in this paper.


Selection of HR-Strategy in the Location of the Transport-Technological System of Oil Fields in the Russian Arctic

Selection of HR-Strategy in the Location of the Transport-Technological System of Oil Fields in the Russian Arctic

Chizhova L.A., Gubaidullin M.G.

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The development of Arctic hydrocarbon resources is in the sphere of interests of many large companies. At the same time, the vast northern territories and polar seas do not have a developed infrastructure that would allow implementing various transport and technological solutions for the development of oil fields. The opportunities for attracting the resources of the Russian Arctic into economic circulation are currently being used to a small extent, which is caused by various factors, both objective and subjective, that were formed at the previous stages of the country's development. This work is devoted to the problem of choosing an HR strategy when placing objects of the transport and technological system of oil fields in the Russian Arctic, taking into account the ecological, economic and socio-economic features of this macroregion. Using the example of oil and gas fields in the coastal-shelf zone of the south-eastern part of the Barents and Kara Seas, the authors consider multivariate forecasts for the formation of a rational scheme for the transportation of hydrocarbons as an integral part of the regional oil and gas complex. The authors assign a special role to the important economic and socio-psychological components associated with the processes of organizing the work of oil workers. At the same time, they come to the conclusion that the shift method of labor organization, adopted by many large mining companies, should not displace, but only complement the traditional methods of attracting personnel to the Arctic oil infrastructure facilities. The use of the combined method of labor organization in the Arctic is the most optimal, allowing to integrate the advantages and localize the disadvantages of other methods of labor organization.


Self-determination and the legal basis for the Northern indigenous people development: an analysis of the documentary of the «Scientific Sibirica» database

Self-determination and the legal basis for the Northern indigenous people development: an analysis of the documentary of the «Scientific Sibirica» database

Rykova Valentina V., Gorte Julia D.

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The paper gives a brief description of the bibliographic database of the State Public Scientific-Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS), generated for the information support of the topic "Indigenous peoples of the North". It was presented the bibliometric (logical-statistical) analysis of the documents selected from the database relating legal bases of development, self-development and self-determination of northern indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and the world. The authors examined the temporal, typical, geographical, and language structures of the information flow, revealed socalled "nuclear" group of periodicals, characterized by high publication activity on this issue, mentioned the most important scientific events, where this problem was discussed by scientists and specialists, presented the recent monographs entering the library collection on the legal basis of the indigenous peoples development at the Far North.


Singapore on the way to the Arctic

Singapore on the way to the Arctic

Valeriy P. Zhuravel, Artem P. Danilov

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Singapore’s Arctic interests and needs are analyzed. If China, Japan and South Korea consider the Arctic as a source of oil and gas, Singapore is interested not so much in the mineral resources of the region, but in the use of their technologies for their production. For Singapore, the Arctic is a platform on which its innovation and technology can find a place. Singapore has achieved the status of a permanent observer in the Arctic Council, which for him is a convenient position for careful monitoring of Arctic political changes.


Small and Medium-Sized Towns in the Settlement System of the Russian North: 1939–2020

Small and Medium-Sized Towns in the Settlement System of the Russian North: 1939–2020

Fauzer V.V., Smirnov A.V., Lytkina T.S., Fauzer G.N., Klimenko V.A.

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The article examines the settlement system of the Russian North, which was previously determined by decisions of ministries and departments, and now it is changing under the influence of resource corporations' activities. The focus is on small and medium-sized towns that are part of the supporting framework of settlement, ensuring connectivity of the northern territories. The authors analyze the dynamics of population, including urban one, and the population of small and medium-sized cities. The study identifies periods of upward and downward dynamics for each population group and settlements. If the country is drawing the population to the west, then in the North it is concentrated in the Asian part. The article shows that urban settlements were created multifunctional, with the monopoly of a city-forming enterprise, which, on the one hand, made them economically vulnerable, and on the other hand — more adaptable to external conditions. According to the author's methodology, small and medium towns are ranked according to the share of the population of these cities in the total population of the region. The authors have identified four groups of regions that have an insufficient, medium, high and excessive share of the population of small and medium towns; the optimal boundaries of this share are proposed. The authors have identified four groups of regions that have an insufficient, medium, high and excess share of the population of small and medium towns; the optimal boundaries of this share are proposed. The study revealed the similarity (concentration of the population in large cities) and the difference in the structure of settlements in the North (the share of the population living in small and medium urban settlements, is lower in the countryside). The research results will be applied in the development of strategic documents for the development of northern towns.


Small business in the Arctic: background for changing the management paradigm

Small business in the Arctic: background for changing the management paradigm

Tutygin Andrey G., Chizhova Lyudmila A., Regeta Anna I.

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The article is devoted to the analysis and justification of socio-economic background that initiates the need to change the paradigm of management for small and medium-sized businesses in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The key points of this analysis, in addition to the generally accepted estimates of demographic trends, were those indicators of the dynamics and structure of the standard of living which are the link between the population as a consumer of goods and services, and small businesses that create these goods and services. In the almost complete absence of a single content that allows full monitoring of small and medium-sized businesses, the state makes attempts to make adequate management decisions based on the project management methods. It is especially clearly reflected in the adopted and implemented system of national and federal projects and programs. At the same time, even in the current trends in the formation of information and analytical support for these projects and programs that directly or indirectly relate to small businesses, economic aspects often prevail over social ones, which is directly reflected in the formation of the management paradigm. At the same time, a systematic approach and appropriate tools, lead the authors to the conclusion that in the coordinate system of socio-economic development of the Arctic territories, the economic drivers are large corporate structures, while small businesses are assigned the role of a localized “social buffer”. It is one of the main backgrounds for changing the paradigm for small and medium-sized business management in the Arctic areas of Russia. The current economic situation caused by the COVID-2019 pandemic fully confirms our assumptions.


Social Challenges of periodic floods in the Yakutia

Social Challenges of periodic floods in the Yakutia

Filippova V.

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In recent decades due to climate change in the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) increases the number of flooded settlements. In this article author research addresses problems of social adaptation of people which live in the annually flooded village Kyllah.


Social and medical problems of the population of the circumpolar countries – challenges of the modern development of the Arctic

Social and medical problems of the population of the circumpolar countries – challenges of the modern development of the Arctic

Vyazmin A.M., Sannikov A.L., Mordovskiy E.A.

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The article is based on a review of data, which were submitted in the foreign scientific journals, which reflect the results of the research, which were carried out in the framework of the discipline ‛Public Health’. The characteristic of the social and medical problems of the population of the circumpolar countries in the early XXI century is given.


Social ecology and futurology

Social ecology and futurology

Shraga M.H., Kudrja L.I.

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In the social ecology futurology is considered a section that defines the perspectives of the "socio-­natural relations". The methodological problems of noosphere development and futurological forecast for global and "Russian civilization"


Social well-being of the population of the mono-specialized city

Social well-being of the population of the mono-specialized city

Kashkina L.V.

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The article deals with the concept and the distinctive characteristics of the health and social well-being, mood and social mood, the main approaches to the study of the social well-being, its species and indicators, as well as features according the research of such phenomenon like mono-specialized city.


Social-psychological well-being of rural population in the White Sea coastal area as a risk factor for the Russian Arctic policy

Social-psychological well-being of rural population in the White Sea coastal area as a risk factor for the Russian Arctic policy

Andrey O. Podoplekin

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The article represents a generalized data from sociological survey of social-psychological well-being of the rural population of the coastal areas in Arkhangelsk region (included into the Russian Arctic zone) held in 2015. The data shows a critical level of social pessimism, assurance of residents in continuation of negative social-economic dynamics, deficiency of motivation and readiness for active participation and inclusion into the development of territories. Such a status is based on a deep degradation of local industries, infrastructures and social sphere, which has been confirmed by statistic data. The revealed indicators explain high migration preparedness, especially in groups of working ages, proceeding, in the middle-term prospective, to the risk of depopulation and disintegration of social carcass in the coastal areas which, in their turn, possess a significant resource potential. At that, residential population on these areas considered as strategic factor from the perspective of Russian geopolitical interests in the Arctic. A positive trend may be provided through implementation of spatial approach to the social-economic development, which has been already applied in activities held by the Russian State Commission on the Arctic Development. With that there is obvious relevance of correction of the Russian legislation toward transformation of residential population into the beneficiary party of the macro-regional development, which may be provided by establishing of special regimes and preferences in spheres of natural resource use, tax assessment, entrepreneurship and crediting for all groups indigenous (resident) population, including aboriginal people of the North.


Social-­economical problems of creating the territories of traditional land use

Social-­economical problems of creating the territories of traditional land use

Shishatsky N.G., Kirko V.I., Keush A.V.

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The article analyzes the concept of ‘territory of traditional nature use’, addresses the social-­economic and legal problems of the concept of territories of traditional nature. The authors propose an approach to solving the problems of the concept. Highlighted criteria for establishing boundaries and implementation phases of the concept of territories of traditional nature. The result of a comprehensive study of the concept should be a standard design of the unit territories of traditional nature.


Socio-Demographic Processes in the Russian Arctic in Statistical Assessments and Population Surveys

Socio-Demographic Processes in the Russian Arctic in Statistical Assessments and Population Surveys

Skufina T.P., Samarina V.P., Baranov S.V., Bazhutova E.А.

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Specificity of modern social processes determines close attention of the global scientific community to socio-demographic processes in the Arctic. The article examines systemic and recent social and demographic processes in the Russian Arctic, determined both by the immanent specifics of the Arctic (generating active migration processes, the phenomenon of city-forming enterprises, etc.) and by the all-Russian social reforms (in particular, the pension reform). The methodological peculiarity of the article is to present socio-demographic processes through the analysis of quantitative indicators, as well as through the reflection in the consciousness of the Arctic population (highlighting workers of city-forming enterprises) of modern factors of influence that determine their attitude to residence and work in the Arctic. The analysis of the results of settlement processes in the Arctic regions has been carried out, indicating an unstable stabilization of the population situation in the Nenets, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets okrugs, provided by various factors; it revealed the preservation of the negative trend of population decline in the Murmansk Oblast. Statistical analysis and surveys have revealed socio-demographic problems caused by the pension reform, which can aggravate the problem of the outflow of working-age population from the Arctic territories. It was found out that the reaction of city-forming enterprise employees differs from the "all-Arctic" reaction of the population on the grounds confirming the stabilizing role of city-forming enterprises in socio-demographic processes in the Arctic.

