Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Resource Potential for Innovation Development of the Russian Arctic Industry: Assessment and Significance

Resource Potential for Innovation Development of the Russian Arctic Industry: Assessment and Significance

Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S.

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The aim of the work is to determine a scientifically based assessment of the resource potential of the Arctic industry, which determines the possibility of transition the economy to an innovation type of development, taking into account its specific features. The considered scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists made it possible to determine the methodology for rational assessment of the resource potential of the industry of the Arctic territories. The study was performed on the basis of production, technical, investment, staffing and innovation development indicators for 2013–2019. The study showed that in terms of production and technical indicators the Arctic regions generally have an average level of resource potential while the maximum values are typical for the Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. In terms of investment indicators, the Arctic regions are characterized by high potential. In terms of staffing, the Arctic regions are characterized by low potential while Murmansk Oblast demonstrated effective personnel policy. Innovation development indicators of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Murmansk Oblast are lower than in the Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. The Arctic regions are characterized by the differentiation of indicators of resource provision of economic development associated with differences in production, investment, personnel and innovation spheres. The study showed that the highest aggregate resource potential for innovation development is typical for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug while the lowest one is typical for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Murmansk Oblast. Proposals for further scientific research in the direction of enhancing innovation and accordingly increasing socio-economic indicators of the Arctic regions were developed.


Review of fishing in the Arctic waters

Review of fishing in the Arctic waters

Anna M. Gornova

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Today the enclave of the central part of the Arctic Ocean is closed by ice for any industrial activity. However, if the process of warming goes on, countries will have a real prospect for development of large-scale economic activities in the area, including commercial fishing. The article offers cross-section of the major activities in 2015 aimed at the establishment of an international multilateral convention on fishery management and scientific fishery research in the Arctic region. The cooperation of the Arctic Council countries in the field of fisheries in the framework of international agreements is considered, as well as the species composition of fish of the Arctic seas is given.


Review of the monograph “The Arctic: a Development Strategy”

Review of the monograph “The Arctic: a Development Strategy”

Leonid A. Vaisberg

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The review emphasizes the key features of the monograph “The Arctic: Development Strategy”, prepared by experts of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and NArFU named after M.V. Lomonosov. The authors developed a systematic analysis of the development issues of the Russian Arctic and the state development efforts in this macro-region. They studied the preferential regimes of economic activities and the role of mineral resource centers as important drivers of socio-economic development. According to the reviewer, the monograph is of interest both to specialists and to a wide range of readers.


Review on the book "Historical essays about life on the islands of the Northern Dvina delta" by M.A. Lukina

Review on the book "Historical essays about life on the islands of the Northern Dvina delta" by M.A. Lukina

Drannikova Natalia V.

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The book is the result of a great work of M. A. Lukina on the history of villages in the Delta of the Northern Dvina River. The book is the first study of the island colonization, establishment, and centuries-old development of settlements in the mouth of the Northern Dvina River. The author combined the traditional historical approach to the data presentation and the method associated with the study of the value change over the centuries and historical memory.


Revisiting the quality of area planning schemes in terms of the educational institutions network development at the municipal level in the Extreme North regions

Revisiting the quality of area planning schemes in terms of the educational institutions network development at the municipal level in the Extreme North regions

Sinitsa Arseniy L.

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A lot has been said about the low quality of territory development programs at the regional and municipal levels in Russian literature. However, rare examples are given to confirm this thesis. In the case of such closely related issues as demographic and the education system development at the municipal level, we consider the territorial planning schemes and show these issues are not given sufficient attention. In terms of demography, the main disadvantages are an insufficiently detailed analysis of the age distribution of the population and its dynamics, analysis of a very short period (1-4 years), underestimation of existing trends (e.g., a wave-like change in the population), and an extremely weak demographic forecast. Concerning the education system, the main disadvantages are a short review horizon (1-3 years), insufficient analysis of trends and justification of the proposed measures, the use of planned rather than real indicators, which leads to an underestimation of demographic trends, insufficient analysis of the accessibility of educational organizations. A more detailed analysis of indicators over a greater number of years should be carried out to improve the quality of the schemes. When developing them, it is necessary to involve a specialist in demographic forecasting. Finally, it is required to create a model scheme that can be guided by developing schemes at the municipal level.


Revisiting the question of the Russian Arctic policy making

Revisiting the question of the Russian Arctic policy making

Kokis Kira A.

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The author discusses the main stages and key documents that have established the Russian Arctic zone as an independent object of the state policy and analyses current issues of the Russian Arctic policy making. It was decided to avoid the clear separation of stages in the policy making process due to the fact that it was not possible to determine the equivalent differentiation criteria. The chosen approach has allowed to achieve certain goals and to draw conclusions about the dynamics of the Russian Arctic policy making, its key points, the meaning and significance of adopted legal acts.


Rights of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic: problems and solutions

Rights of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic: problems and solutions

Valeriy P. Zhuravel

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The article reveals the situation of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation; it draws attention to the unresolved issues of the collective rights of the indigenous peoples, legal aspects of their ethnicity, public health, and reindeer husbandry, industrial development of the territories, education and language. The author has noted activities of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. In conclusion, the author states that despite the exist-ing shortcomings because of the self-sufficient public-state and ethnic policy, in the Russian Arctic, there is an ongoing system of ensuring rights of indigenous small-numbered peoples, their traditional way of life and economic activities.


Road transport safety in Northern Norway: how buyers of road transport services can contribute to a road transport with fewer accidents and near-misses

Road transport safety in Northern Norway: how buyers of road transport services can contribute to a road transport with fewer accidents and near-misses

Grinerud Katrine

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This paper contributes to filling a knowledge gap by presenting new research within the practical field of road transport. It takes the buyers of road transport services as its point of entry and seeks to answer the follow question: How can buyers of road transport services contribute to safe road transport in northern Norway? A qualitative approach was selected for this study, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with six different buyers of road transport services. By using a modified version of The Pentagon Model, different aspects were analyzed in order to identify organizational characteristics and qualities that will improve the possibility for buyers of road transport to contribute to a safer road transport in Northern Norway and thereby contribute to fewer accidents and near-misses. The following characteristics and qualities were identified: 1) the importance of developing a detailed formal contract with the provider of road transport; 2) being aware of the possibilities with new technologies; 3) understanding that the decision criteria for ordering transport can influence road transport safety; 4) seeing the importance of good communication with both the transport organization and the authorities; 5) recognizing that knowledge of and trust in a transport organization is important but could also affect judgement regarding revisions and controls. This study suggests that buyers of road transport services can contribute to a safer road transport in northern Norway by emphasizing these five characteristics and qualities.


Role of Consumer’s Cooperation in Arkhangelsk Region in Vital Activity of Rural Population

Role of Consumer’s Cooperation in Arkhangelsk Region in Vital Activity of Rural Population

Sidorovskaya T.

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The paper examined main development trends of consumer’s cooperation in Arkhangelsk region and it’s main role in rural regions infrastructure development. The emphasis was made on the social aspects of consumer’s cooperation activity: supply of goods and services to rural population, their employment and income increase.


Rural Yakutia: perception indigenous population сhanges in enviroment

Rural Yakutia: perception indigenous population сhanges in enviroment

Vinokurova L.

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In rural Yakutia climatic factors were added to human impacts on the environment. The phenomena of melting permafrost, rising water in rivers and lakes were recorded in rural areas. Normal Windrose has changed as well as temperature fluctuations in different seasons are marked. Environmental changes are perceived the indigenous population as a serious threat to quality of life.


Russia and India in the Arctic: a case for greater synergy

Russia and India in the Arctic: a case for greater synergy

Bhagwat Jawahar

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The article studies the cooperation between Russia and India with specific reference to the Arctic region. The melting of the Arctic sea ice has seen tremendous investment by Russia in the Arctic. It has sought strategic partners for the development of the Arctic, with the primary focus being on the development of the oil and gas industry and the Northern Sea Route. Russia and India have had long-standing diplomatic relations. It has been in diverse spheres such as space, atomic energy, defense, oil and gas, diamond industry, steel industry being just a few ones. Russia’s focus on the Arctic ushers in many more opportunities for Russia and India to cooperate. India is one of the few countries to which Russia has accorded many investment opportunities in oil and gas and the diamond industry. India has made some investments in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Arctic. However, the article highlights that the energy deficit in India is dangerous, and it affects the development of the country. The article suggests more significant Indian investment in the Arctic, including phase II of the Yamal LNG project. It brings out a need for greater cooperation in scientific research, specifically climate change and hydrography, and possible utilization of the immense technically qualified human resource that India has in diverse areas of the Arctic. It is relevant for diplomats, civil servants, oil and gas companies, strategic mineral companies, hydrographic authorities, and researchers in both countries involved in developing the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route. The article may be of interest for relevant courses and programs at universities.


Russia in the Arctic. Will the State Commission be its helmsman?

Russia in the Arctic. Will the State Commission be its helmsman?

Valeriy P. Zhuravel

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The article is focused on the analysis of the decisions on the development and exploration of the Arctic. It also reveals the activity of the State Commission on the Development of the Arctic. It notes the slow solution of problems of energy, information, transportation security of the remote settlements in the Russian Arctic. Unresolved issues of legal support of the guarantee and compensation system caused a certain degree of concern for persons working on the territory of the North in the Arctic. This list of existing problems could be extended. Activities of the State Commission confirm the thesis that Russia intends to provide reliable and long-term national interests in the Arctic.


Russia remains on Shpitsbergen

Russia remains on Shpitsbergen

Portsel A.K.

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The article considers the perspectives of the expanding of the national social-economic activities on the archipelago by the decisions of the government committee on the Russian presence on Shpitsbergen (December 2011).


Russian Arctic by the experts eyes and users of the Internet

Russian Arctic by the experts eyes and users of the Internet

Lukin Y.F.

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Summarizes the results of a survey of the experts and Internet users about the problems in the Russian Arctic.


Russian Arctic increases with islands

Russian Arctic increases with islands

Lukin Yury F.

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Relevance of the topic is defined by the fact that neither the Russian Empire nor the Soviet Union nor the Russian Federation have passed a law that defines the status, composition and the borders of the Russian Arctic, both on land and in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It is necessary to find system solutions for a number of urgent problems of the Arctic management modernization: 1) monitoring of Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean, administrative, legal and environmental responsibility for the departmental use of their lands and adjacent water area; 2) adoption of the basic federal law "The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation"; 3) effective functioning of the Government Commission on the Arctic; 4) development of interregional integration institutes; 5) implementation of state program "Socio-economic development of the Russian Arctic for the period up to 2020"; 6) transition to project management, the formation of the portfolio of the Arctic projects; 7) the possibility of establishing the Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the Arctic, Arctic state commercial bank.


Russian Arctic or the Arctic zone

Russian Arctic or the Arctic zone

Yury F. Lukin

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Analysis of data collection results on the topic “Russian Arctic or the Arctic zone”


Russian Arctic regional development aspects: the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Russian Arctic regional development aspects: the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Sleptsov Anatoly N.

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The article focuses on the regional development aspects of the Russian Arctic in case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The author explains the reason for the 13 Arctic and Northern territories of Yakutia to be legally considered as a part of the Russian Arctic. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has accumulated a long term positive legal experience in regulating the development of the Arctic and Northern ulus (districts) of Yakutia, which is of interest for the law community in other territories of the Russian Arctic. The author analyzes the issues of socio-­‐economic development of the Yakut part of the Arctic and the results of the Year of the Arctic 2014. In conclusion some specific recommendations on development of the Arctic territories are to be found.


Russian Arctic – Territory of Rights

Russian Arctic – Territory of Rights

Yury F. Lukin



Russian Literature of the Republic of Komi: the problems of history and modern condition issues

Russian Literature of the Republic of Komi: the problems of history and modern condition issues

Gurlenova L.

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The following problems are considered in the report the genesis and character of the historic development of Russian regional literature in the 20th century; the cultural mediation between Russian and Komi literature (typical trends are the interest to the foreign environment and the principle of tolerance); the problem of the relations between the literature of the «centre» and of the region (regional literature is the «ground» which suppresses the superfluous experiment and the radical innovations of the literature of the «centre»).


Russian old-settlers Yakutia: culture and landscape

Russian old-settlers Yakutia: culture and landscape

Boyakova S.I.

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Of the example of the areal groups of Russian old-settlers (russkoustyintsy, pokhodchane, the Amga, the Lena and the Olyekma peasants) have been reconstructed the basic socio-economic parameters, has been highlighted the traditional image of the rural cultural landscape of Yakutia. Formation a culture of life-support Russian old-settlers in the region is seen as the result of the multivariate combination of natural and cultural complex in the peripheral area of the continuum.

