Филологические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

Публикации в рубрике (386): Филологические науки
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The anti-dogmatic metaphors in M. Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita”

The anti-dogmatic metaphors in M. Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita”

Abdurazakova Diana

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The article describes Christian reminiscences in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. From the perspective of evangelical traditions the themes, issues and pro-genre originality of the work are explored in the novel. The novel is analyzed in terms of menippea genre. In addition, the specifics of using the “shift” techniques lexical bias are discussed in the article; violation of the logic of cause and effect linkages, accurately traced episodes, as well as the expansion of the thematic fields, images with symbolic meaning, artistic ambiguity by using words are also described in this article. The reasons of rejection of the classical model of the universe, the binary system of concepts (good and evil, light and darkness, harmony and chaos) are analyzed. A comparative-typological analysis of the main characters of the novel is drawn. The range of problems are touched upon the issue, there are risen and closely intertwined topical issues and at the same time eternal issues: “What is truth?”, “What is real and imaginary freedom?”, “Man and his faith”, “The problem of power, conscience, man’s responsibility for his actions”, “The artist’s fate in a totalitarian regime”, “Why do betrayals happen?”, “Where is the border between mind and common sense?”, “How does true charity, love and devotion become apparent?”.


The aspects of the homonymy in Persian

The aspects of the homonymy in Persian

Hasanova Charos

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The article studies the phenomenon of homophones, homographs and homoforms in Persian that has been paid less attention. The research comparatively analyzes the theories of linguists on homophones and discusses the appropriate ideas respectively.


The causes of verbal aggression and ways to overcome it

The causes of verbal aggression and ways to overcome it

Abdisalam Kyzy A., Abdimusa Kyzy A., Akim Kyzy Zh.

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The article is devoted to the problem of verbal aggression. The purpose of the article is to study the nature of verbal aggression; to determine the essence of verbal aggression of schoolchildren. However, verbal aggression is a widespread phenomenon in the school speech environment, taking place at almost all social levels of communication. Moreover, verbal aggression is noted in the speech of both students and teachers of secondary schools. In this regard, it is obvious that one of the most important educational tasks of modern school education is the socialization of students in the modern world through teaching effective communication skills and means of traditional folk culture that do not allow manifestations of verbal aggression.


The concept of war through seasonal symbolism in Ernest Hemingway's selected works

The concept of war through seasonal symbolism in Ernest Hemingway's selected works

Naimanova Cholpon, Tynchtykbekova Aizhan

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Humankind faced numerous war experiences in its existence. War concept is one of the significant themes in art; moreover, it is one of the frequently utilized concepts in literature. This paper studies war concept through seasonal symbolism in the context of Ernest Hemingway’s literary works, its interconnection with seasons of the year and post war conditions of the characters. The topicality of the paper can be explained through existing interest to symbolism, exactly seasonal symbolism in the literary world. Additional data is the analysis done on the seasonal symbolism depicting the concept of war in Ernest Hemingway’s works. The novelty of this paper lies in the analysis done to reveal symbolic interpretation of seasons reflecting the concept of war in Ernest Hemingway’s writings. During the analysis of this work the following methods of research were applied: qualitative method and comparative method of research. Symbolic interpretation of war concept can be illustrated with various phenomena. Some works depicts war through the usage and existence of weapons in the work, some with blood and death of the characters and finally, some works can reveal war symbolism through weather depiction and the existing season in the plotline of the work.


The concept of “dreams (while sleeping)” in the proverbial context of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages

The concept of “dreams (while sleeping)” in the proverbial context of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages

Berdibaeva N., Chekirova A.

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This article conducts a linguistic and cultural analysis of proverbial expressions, we tried to identify the specifics of linguistic verbalization of the linguistic and cultural concept of “dreams (while sleeping) / сон (Russian) / түш (Kyrgyz)” in the Russian and Kyrgyz linguistic proverbial space. The combination of sustainable forms produces a proverbial space of language, which reflects the entire history of life, way of life and experience, folk observations, conclusions, traditions and customs of each nation. By conducting linguistic studies of each language, linguists identify the ethnocultural characteristics of each language, depending on such extralinguistic factors as: geographical location, mental processes in the consciousness of a certain ethnic group and worldview. The relevance of this survey is the importance of the linguistic and cultural concepts, semantic descriptions of the features of Russian and Kyrgyz paroemia, which are an integral part of the national linguistic picture of the world. The concepts of “dreams (while sleeping) / сон (Russian) / туш (Kyrgyz)” considered by are an important state of human existence, the basic concept of any linguistic culture.


The embodiment of humiliation and terror against Jews in the novel Night by Elie Wiesel

The embodiment of humiliation and terror against Jews in the novel Night by Elie Wiesel

Mukhamedova Shohista

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The article studies the Holocaust reflection in the novel Night by American-Romanian author, laureate of the Nobel Prize Elie Wiesel. Being a prisoner himself, created the best works about the Holocaust repressions and tortures of the Jewish nation by Nazi during the Second World War. The article is aimed to give a new definition to the concept of “Holocaust” on the basis of a literary analysis of the suffering of Jews through the eyes of survivors in concentration camps. The methodology of analysis, based on a combination of cultural, historical and biographical approaches to the novel, enables to reveal the new explanation of the phenomenon which incorporates humiliation, discrimination, repression and extermination.


The essence and content of family education in creative activity by Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi

The essence and content of family education in creative activity by Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi

Aliyeva Hafayat

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For the first time in the article, the goals and objectives of the family, as well as the concept of the family in the works of the messenger of morality Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi, became the subject of research and analysis. The researcher notes that in his works, Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi paid special attention to the issues of family education of children, deeply studied the historically established system of family relations and clarified many problems associated with family education that previously could not be solved by teachers, psychologists and philosophers. The researcher who developed the idea that “while the child is still in the womb, the mother’s feelings are transmitted to the child”, Rumi believes that the mother should be pure, moral, cheerful, smiling, full of happy moments, minutes, hours. It takes days and months for the unborn child to receive nourishment, fertilization and formation in this spirit. The article also examines the works of Hazrati Ali, Balasagunlu Yusif, Nasreddin Tusi, coinciding with the views and opinions of Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi, and provides examples. It is shown that Mevlana considered the child a soul, a treasure, a wonderful good of the family, and considered the main factor to educate a child in the spirit of honesty, truthfulness and nobility from an early age, he must be accustomed to hard work, loyalty, loyalty, honesty and modesty. The article argues that the decency of parents in the formation of such superior qualities is an important factor. The pedagogical meetings of the great thinker, poet and scientist Mevlana Jalaladdin Rumi on family education were summarized by the researcher and completed with the provisions.


The image of God in a History of the world in 10 1/2  chapters

The image of God in a History of the world in 10 1/2 chapters

Tursunova Makhlyuza

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This article examines the literary interpretation of the story of Noah in a postmodern novel A History Of The World In 10½ Chapters by Julian Barnes, an internationally acclaimed contemporary English novelist, and justifies the author’s views on the reality of the story to realize the true image of God embodied in this work.


The interpretation of the concept of “time” in Kyrgyz language view of the world: associative experiment

The interpretation of the concept of “time” in Kyrgyz language view of the world: associative experiment

Naimanova Cholpon, Baizhigitova Aisulu

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The topicality of the research is based on the growing interest in the study of the concept of “time” in Kyrgyz cognitive linguistics. The concept of time reflects the cultural, spiritual, and moral values of any culture including Kyrgyz. The novelty of the research is that the concept of time has been analyzed in the framework of the Kyrgyz Language. In the framework of this paper, the associative experiment of how Kyrgyz people perceive the concept of time held. The aim of the paper is to study the concept of time in the Kyrgyz linguistic view of the world based on the associative experiment. To reach the aim of the paper the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, observation, statistical analysis, interpretation, and an associative experiment. In this paper we have shared the results of the survey hold in Kyrgyzstan, 85 people participated as native speakers of the Kyrgyz language. The age and gender - 13-64 years; the number of women who participated in the Kyrgyz survey is 59 and 26 of them are men. Kyrgyz people believe that time has both positive and negative qualities. Kyrgyz people associate time with life, irreversibility, hour, age, moments, death, possibilities, happiness, success wrinkles, etc.


The nomadic mood of loneliness embodied in the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe

The nomadic mood of loneliness embodied in the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe

Mukhamedova Shokhista

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The article investigates the poem The Raven by American dark genius Edgar Allen Poe. The research was done basing on historical, biographical and psychological literary schools, and is aimed to disclose hidden link of the poem to the life of the author. Moreover, the research includes the study of elements of gothic literature depicted in the poem.


The notion of phraseological unit

The notion of phraseological unit

Tairova Feruza

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The given article deals with issues related to the relationship between phraseological units and words, and provides definitions of the term “phraseological unit”. A significant part of the article is devoted to the review and analysis of different views of scientists on the theory of equivalence of phraseological units with words. The results of the analysis are used to formulate conclusions about the relationship between words and phraseological units.


The process of enantiosemy in Nizami Ganjavi and Gatran Tabrizi's creative works

The process of enantiosemy in Nizami Ganjavi and Gatran Tabrizi's creative works

Niftaliyeva Elnara

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The article deals with “enantiosemy” the term which shows situation that carry two meanings, the first it’s meaning is “exist”, in second is “not exist”. It has opposite meanings. This process happens in vocabulary. The history of this process is connected with the ancient history of language. It has opposite meanings. This process happens in vocabulary. The history of this process is connected with the ancient history of language.


The representation of the author's individual world picture in the literary text

The representation of the author's individual world picture in the literary text

Fayzullaeva Muhaiyohon

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The article encompasses the scrutiny of the author’s individual world picture representation in the literary text. The world picture of the author defines his/her modality, positive-negative attitude to the realities of the world or the characters and events in the literary text. Of great importance to the research is conditioned by the fact that there are particular linguistic means which illustrate the author’s image either explicitly or implicitly. Specifically, concepts, descriptive contexts and symbols are investigated within the scope of the research as the most frequently used linguistic means in revealing the author’s worldview. Additionally, the article presents the analysis of the literary texts to support the theories standing behind the topic.


The research of constructions of verbs and their translations in French (transitivity and intransitivity)

The research of constructions of verbs and their translations in French (transitivity and intransitivity)

Isgandarova Vusala

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The distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs is important for the choice of the auxiliary verb in the formation of the compound tenses, for the formation of the passive voice and indeed for the learners of the FLE for their good translations.


The role of foregrounding in interpretation of subtextual and conceptual information in a fictional text

The role of foregrounding in interpretation of subtextual and conceptual information in a fictional text

Mansurov Ramziddin

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One of the major issues in contemporary text linguistics is the analysis of the cognitive principles of distributing information in a literary text. Literary text unlike other types of the texts holds subtextual and conceptual information which could be encoded by the readers when they identify foregrounded parts of the text. Foregrounding is the type of cognitive principles of distributing information in the text and its main function is guiding the readers in interpretation of hidden and conceptual message of the text by showing some signals (important extracts) to the readers. In this article, the types and techniques of foregrounding are discussed, and their usages are observed in the short story The Luncheon by S. Maugham.


The role of the intensity category in the implementation of artistic opposition

The role of the intensity category in the implementation of artistic opposition

Gulyamova Ozodahon

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The article examines the phenomena of opposition, contrast ratio, contradictions that form the basis of artistic opposition. The direct (explicit) and indirect (implicit) realization of opposition in a literary text is studied. Seven stages of text creation are covered. An attempt was also made to systematize the ways of expressing the category of intensity that affects the expression of artistic opposition.


The tip of the iceberg theory (based on A very short story by Ernest Hemingway)

The tip of the iceberg theory (based on A very short story by Ernest Hemingway)

Naimanova Cholpon, Iliyaz Kyzy Nurzat

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There is always something that distinguishes one author from another one. That something might be the genre, choice of the words, theme of the literary work, attitude of the author toward the characters, moral that can be extracted by the readers, and so on. Along with these distinctions Ernest Hemingway’s “iceberg” style of writing also has tremendous significance because it is mostly the style of writing that makes the author stand out from the rest. The main aim of the article is to reveal the “iceberg” of Hemingway through his short story “A Very Short Story”. In order to achieve this goal, we used discourse analysis which includes lexical and grammatical cohesion, deixis (person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, social deixis), presupposition, entailment, implicature, locution, illocution, and perlocution. Aforementioned elements also comprise sub-elements which we demonstrate in this article.


The verbalization of the national world picture

The verbalization of the national world picture

Fayzullaeva Muhaiyohon

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The article deals with the study of the national world picture and its role in reflecting culturally colored aspects of different national elements through language. The national world picture is the vision of the world from the point of lifelong experiences of particular nations, which have been traced due to nationally specific biases. This type of the vision of the world is represented by nationally specific means such as national mentality, character, values, myths, traditions and others. The article is particularly concerned with the verbalization of the national character and mentality in the representation of the English national world picture. On the basis of the analysis, the article illustrates the representation of national character and mentality through the application of particular linguistic units in the literary text.


Theoretical aspects of studying ethnography as a scientific discipline

Theoretical aspects of studying ethnography as a scientific discipline

Kholmatova Dilorom

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This article considers theoretical aspects of studying ethnography as a scientific discipline. The aim of the article is to consider linguistic analysis of ethnographic terminology (on materials of Russian and Uzbek languages). The author of the article considers that the vocabulary of the people is connected with the history of the country, with the events taking place at all stages of political, economic and cultural development of the state. A great influence on the development of vocabulary of one culture on the other is the borrowing of words, which occurs in the course of the development of any of the areas in the state. The lexical composition of the language accepts all cultural contacts and replenishes its vocabulary, which results in the creation of ethnographic terminology. Composition of linguistic analysis of this terminology is one of the most interesting goals in studying borrowed words and their role in lexico-semantic system of Russian and Uzbek languages.


Title intertextuality in Ray Bradburie's works

Title intertextuality in Ray Bradburie's works

Mansurov Ramziddin

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This article deals with the concept of intertextuality in the titles of Ray Bradbury’s short stories. It reflects the ideas of intertextuality in general, intending to define them through the examples of his short stories. It intends to explain why the author uses title intertextuality while decoding the plot of his short stories and the referred text. Through four stories, “There will come soft rains”, “Some live like Lazarus” “I sing the body Electric” “Perchance to dream” (also called “Asleep in Armageddon”) we find what role an intertext plays, being used in the title of the work and how it should be seen as an intertextuality as being as reference tool in new texts. That in turn helps us to understand the author’s mastery extend who while writing new texts that would refers to other texts in his title. Along the way, we will witness the value of science-fiction and its usage in his works.

