Филологические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

Публикации в рубрике (386): Филологические науки
все рубрики
Language policy proposal

Language policy proposal

Azimova Maftuna

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This article indicates some issues in educational establishment including Public school. It also illustrates varieties of levels of the pupils in this school and provides data about English textbooks. Also, this article demonstrates methods of the teachers as well as the aim of the curriculum. In addition, recommendations are provided in order to support students to achieve their goals.


Lexical means for describing human appearance and character

Lexical means for describing human appearance and character

Metyakubov Jumanazar

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The paper analyses lexical means for describing human appearance. The most productive types of lexical units are compound words and phraseological units. Simple words describe human appearances in general, but compound nouns give specific information.


Linguapragmatic analyze of greetings in Persian and Uzbek languages

Linguapragmatic analyze of greetings in Persian and Uzbek languages

Turdieva Рulkar

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Communication is an important part of people’s life. The communicating way can be the first reason for both success and failure in further progression or regression. Communicating in a proper and polite way with the people in the different cultural background is becoming one of the most important matters that still lacks researching. Cross-cultural communication happens between two or more people who have different cultural background where the politeness has powerful role. Politeness is the practical application of good manners or etiquette; however, it can vary differently in a different culture, namely, what is considered polite in one culture can sometimes be quite rude or unusual in another cultural context. Studying speech etiquette units deeply in one language and comparing them to a particular language can give a great chance to avoid common and uncommon mistakes, misunderstandings and it let learners classify, realize the phrases, words semantically according to certain criteria...


Linguapragmatic approach to tourism communication

Linguapragmatic approach to tourism communication

Abdukhalilova Gulbahor

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The article gives an overview of the linguapragmatic approach to tourism communication and analysis of its main components, revealing interconnection between pragmatic linguistics and theory of speech acts. The structure and content of professional intercultural competence is substantiated in the article, which is formed within the linguapragmatic approach to teaching English for professional communication. The article also presents the recommendations on an effective communication for teachers and students based on the analysis of culturally specific behavioral strategies typical of the tourism industry.


Linguo-cognitive and linguo-cultural analysis of the English phraseological units with the fire component

Linguo-cognitive and linguo-cultural analysis of the English phraseological units with the fire component

Mirjalilova Madina

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At present, special attention is paid in the cognitive linguistics to the problem of linguistic units that represent different knowledge structures. Phraseological units, being one of the core linguistic means of verbalization of different knowledge structures, are ought to be analyzed thoroughly. Further to this, idiomatic expressions and proverbs are vital signals in verbalization of cultural values and national specific concepts which leads to the necessity of linguo-cultural analysis of these units. This article is aimed to analyze phraseological units with the fire component in English language according to cultural and cognitive parameters and to identify cultural values and cognitive models that are presented by these expressions.


Main values of wedding traditions and representation of wedding concept by language means

Main values of wedding traditions and representation of wedding concept by language means

Zhalieva Zhamilya, Abdykadyrova Syuita

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This work is devoted to the linguo-cognitive and linguocultural study of the concept of “wedding”. The concept as a universal category plays a very important role in the culture of every nation; in all languages they reflect not only universal concepts, but also completely different meanings and properties of the objective world, which explains their different manifestations in language. The linguistic picture of the world influences people and forms their linguistic consciousness, and with them their cultural and national identity. The influence of cultural and human factors on the formation and functioning of various linguistic units (lexemes, free and non-free phrases or idioms, and even texts) are culturally marked in the content, which is embodied in national connotations. This study illustrates a comparative study of wedding traditions reflected in English, Russian and Kyrgyz cultural linguistics. Marriage, being a universal human “universal” - the only possible form of social life, although extremely variable, has a national specificity. Marriage is a mirror that reflects the social, legal, demographic and cultural aspects of the life of peoples. It shows the complex palette of the social relations system. The relevance of this study is due to a number of factors: the high importance of the linguocultural concept “wedding” for the Russian, English and Kyrgyz cultures; the lack of existing research approaches to the description of the highlighted concept; the need for a detailed and comprehensive study of this concept, which is a fragment of a separate concept sphere. The aim of the research is a linguo-cognitive and linguocultural analysis of the universal concept “wedding”, which is actualized in correlated fragments of Russian, English and Kyrgyz cultures.


Media ethics in Pakistani perspective

Media ethics in Pakistani perspective

Mahesar Rameez Ali, Qazi Sajjad Ali, Jamali Mukhtiar Ali

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Without any shadow of a doubt, media is playing its top-notch role in imparting information among masses but in what manner is a hanging matter. Thus, the choice for media in presenting something in a good or bad manner stays open at best. This paper, however, elaborates the ethics for media with regard to Pakistani perspective. The paper focuses its attention on Press Ethics. Press ethics imitates the society and the regulations that inclusively form the press system. The ethical standards and the code of conduct media practitioners should actually abide by are the ongoing debates. The role media must play has been given emphasis. At the final stage of this study, meagre discussion of the councils concerning media has also been inserted.


Medical terminology in Kyrgyz and Turkish languages

Medical terminology in Kyrgyz and Turkish languages

Mataeva O.

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In this paper, the subject of the study was the study of medical terms in Kyrgyz linguistics as the etymology of the Turkic language. The aim of the study is to analyze the use of medical terms in the context of the Turkish language and compare them with the Kyrgyz language. The study used methods of comparison, analysis and generalization. The relevance of the article lies in the need to study medical terms in Kyrgyz linguistics and analyze their relationship with the Turkish language. As a result of the study, medical terms from Diwan Lughat at-Turk Dictionary by Mahmud Kashari were analyzed and it was confirmed that the terms used in the modern Kyrgyz language are the etymology of the Turkic language. The article also presents the contribution of Kyrgyz scientists to the creation of the first terminological dictionaries. The result of the study is recommended to be used in the development of introductory courses in sociolinguistics, comparative typology, linguoculture, to represent the linguistic image of terms.


Metafiction and its elements in the French lieutenant’s woman novel by John Fowles

Metafiction and its elements in the French lieutenant’s woman novel by John Fowles

Jurayeva M., Tursunova M.

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Discusses metafiction, its influence and usage in postmodern literature. In the research the theoretical basis of metafiction and its practical functions are analyzed by bringing examples from The French Lieutenant’s Woman novel by John Fowles. The analysis of the novel assists in the conceptual understanding of metafiction, its effective meaning, structures, the purpose and a widespread application.


Metaphorical features of the animated nature of the concept star in Kyrgyz linguistic picture of the world

Metaphorical features of the animated nature of the concept star in Kyrgyz linguistic picture of the world

Naimanova Ch., Rustemova Zh.

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The authors delve into an exploration of the multifaceted concept of star within the context of the Kyrgyz linguistic worldview. It discusses the structural elements of this concept, its verbalization, and the identification of metaphorical features that draw parallels with the living world. The focal point of this research is the profound role this concept plays in shaping the inner world of individuals and its significant impact on the preservation and evolution of the Kyrgyz culture. This intricate image of ideas is beautifully woven through the lens of linguistic metaphors used by native speakers, each metaphor providing a window into the Kyrgyz perception of stars. By analyzing these metaphorical representations of the animated nature, the authors aim to answer a pivotal question: How has the concept of the star been actualized and what significance does it hold in the history of the Kyrgyz linguistic worldview?


Methods to reveal the psyche of the hero in a monologue

Methods to reveal the psyche of the hero in a monologue

Tursunova Faridakhon

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The article describes the inner anguish of the heroes who suffered from the problems of the time in Abdulla Kodiriy’s comics with the help of monologue speech. In it, the writer’s skill in using folklore traditions in revealing the heroic psyche is revealed through the analysis of examples.


Modeling of morphological analysis and synthesis of word forms of the natural language

Modeling of morphological analysis and synthesis of word forms of the natural language

Kochkonbaeva Buazhar, Egemberdieva Zh.

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This article discusses the modeling of morphological analysis and synthesis of the Kyrgyz language. Models of creating word forms and rules for connecting affixes to the base of a word are considered. As a result of studying the structure of natural language, a algorithm of module was created that performs automatic morphological analysis and synthesis of word forms on a personal computer.


Modern methods of comparative study of Russian and English idioms when teaching English at a higher level

Modern methods of comparative study of Russian and English idioms when teaching English at a higher level

Sabirbaeva Z., Sabirova A., Akbar Kyzy K., Mukhitdin Kyzy Sh.

Краткое сообщение

A good knowledge of a language, including English, is impossible without knowledge of its phraseology! Language, as a social phenomenon, is closely connected with the realities and traditions of the people-carrier. The article reveals the approaches to the definition of idioms, substantiates the importance and relevance of introducing idioms in the process of teaching English. It is proved that phraseology is not only a cultural and informative source, but also contains the richest linguistic material, allowing to study various aspects of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of a foreign language on its basis.


Mythological criticism applied to Spotted dog running along the seashore novel by Ch. Aitmatov

Mythological criticism applied to Spotted dog running along the seashore novel by Ch. Aitmatov

Abdiraimova Madina, Kalieva Kanykey

Статья научная

This paper identifies the role of mythology in Spotted Dog Running Along the Seashore Novel by Ch. Aitmatov. The aim of the study is to apply mythological criticism to the novel, to find related myths and legends in the story, to interpret their roles, and to underline Aitmatov’s style of writing through his use of cultural mythology of certain folk. In order to complete the research on the topic, a critical analysis was done on the main myths of the novel. During the conduct of the analysis, it was revealed that the symbols used by the author do coincide with the world symbols. For example, in the book, Luvr duck symbolizes the parental sacrifice for the sake of the future chick, the same way as universal symbols, where the duck is a symbol of family happiness, and fertility. Thus, the importance of Aitmatov's usage of myth in the literary work, with the help of which he introduces other cultures and nations to his folk and vice versa, is obvious due to the research paper done. The reason is that it’s exactly the most distinctive feature of his writing style.


Negative and positive influences of the native language in foreign language learning process

Negative and positive influences of the native language in foreign language learning process

Ahmadova Hoshgedem

Статья научная

The article deals with the actual problems in the sphere of foreign language teaching. The best methods of mastering the foreign language have been worked out and proposed to instructors by methodologists and scientists. The special attention must be paid to the fact that the foreign language teacher and the students don’t master a common language. The classroom environment requires a properly equipped technology, experienced and qualified teacher skills, as well as the justified methodology of outstanding scientists. The oral approach method is applied successfully, the two groups are compared with the results and negative, positive interferences of the native language in the learning process of the foreign languages are manifested.


New mathematical model for the Russian population projections

New mathematical model for the Russian population projections

Ashurova Dilyaram

Статья научная

The research is concerned with the cognitive approach to literary text interpretation which presupposes certain models of understanding. It discusses the problems of multidimensional structure of the literary text, the basic linguistic signals put in the position of foregrounding and the role of cultural concepts in decoding authors world picture. Special attention is paid to the principles of foregrounding, linguistic iconicity, redundancy and economy, which are considered to be cognitive principles of information distribution in a literary text and perform conceptually significant functions, highlighting the most essential information. It is substantiated that in the process of literary text interpretation, attention should be paid to the representation of cultural concepts, the processes of conceptualization and distribution of information in a literary text, the distribution of conceptual features according to the field principle.


Non-verbal means of communication in the Turkish language and their corresponding expressions

Non-verbal means of communication in the Turkish language and their corresponding expressions

Gulyamova Ozodahon

Статья научная

The article attempts to describe the gestures used by the representatives of Turkish culture and to classify them by comparing them with Russian gestures. While analyzing gestures, the principle of lacunarity, the absence of a phenomenon in a comparable language, was taken into account. The material of the study was the observation of the process of communication of representatives of various cultures with native speakers of the Turkish language, an analysis of literature, from which one could draw descriptions of certain gestures, materials of modern media. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of two languages in an asynchronous context. The study of gestures led to the following results: 1) the vast majority of gestures are lacunas (which have no analogs in another culture) for a representative of Russian culture; 2) gestures close in execution have distinctive features that do not allow them to be equated to Russian gestures in full. The possible coincidence of gestures in the aspect of execution, an increase in the number of borrowed gestures from Western cultures, once again proves that it is a nonverbal culture that is a ‘living substance’, influenced by cultural and socio-political changes in society. Nevertheless, in spite of this, today it is possible to establish and describe purely Turkish gestures, which are an integral part of communication with representatives of Turkish culture.


On the satirical poetry school

On the satirical poetry school

Nasibova Vyusala

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The article is devoted to the views of Great Azerbaijan writer Mirza Ibragimov on satirical poetry in Azerbaijani Literature. The academician gave an extensive analysis of the satirical poetry of Mirza Alekper Sabir.


Peacebuilding through proverbs (in the example of the proverbs in the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages)

Peacebuilding through proverbs (in the example of the proverbs in the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages)

Toktomatova Altynai

Статья научная

Peace building and peace education through proverbs and sayings in the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages are described in this article. There is a discipline called peace education taught at schools and universities in many countries. This discipline isn’t taught in our country and it’s difficult to imagine our life without conflicts. Proverbs and sayings expressing peoples’ wisdom and spirit are among the most ancient human institutions as they tell a story taken from our life experience. With the help of proverbs and sayings we educate our generation to build peace that they could have good relationship with other persons, within groups and with people from other cultures. In the globalization period it’s important to teach people how to make inner peace, how to interact with others and avoid unnecessary aggression. This article aims at defining how inner peace is educated and how these cultures build peace with others in the example of proverbs. Peace building proverbs connected with peace, tolerance, patience, avoiding or resolving conflict are picked up from the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages and studied comparatively. The method of the research is exploratory.


Peculiarities of deixis and anaphora in speech discourse

Peculiarities of deixis and anaphora in speech discourse

Rakhmatova Odina

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This article considers peculiarities of deixis and anaphora in speech discourse. The author of the article believes that the separation of deictic and anaphora relations as independent objects of research in linguistics is associated with the consideration of the problems of deixis as a category of general activity theory, communicative-functional, pragmatic and cognitive linguistics, and anaphora as a category of text/discourse linguistics, which provides its structural-syntactic and semantic coherence. This explains the transition from the study of the characteristics of syntactic anaphora, mainly pronouns, within the sentence/utterance to the consideration of text / discourse anaphora.

