Schole. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция @classics-nsu-schole
Статьи журнала - Schole. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция
Все статьи: 675
![Etymology of the nickname 'Iskarit(h): the “one who saw a sign” [('I)sqar(^i)'^o/yisqar(^i)'^o] or the “one who slandered/betrayed a sign” [('I)sqar(^i)'^o/yisqar(^i)'^o]? Etymology of the nickname 'Iskarit(h): the “one who saw a sign” [('I)sqar(^i)'^o/yisqar(^i)'^o] or the “one who slandered/betrayed a sign” [('I)sqar(^i)'^o/yisqar(^i)'^o]?](/file/thumb/147103397/etymology-of-the-nickname-iskarit-hthe-one-who-saw-a-sign-i-sqar-i.png)
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The article derives Judas's nickname 'Iskariṓt(h) from the Hebrew/Aramaic verb sāqar/seqar, and the noun 'ōṯ/'ôṯ (widely used in Biblical Hebrew and attested in the Talmud [=Aramaic 't/'t']), and interprets it as the “one who saw/gaze upon a sign” (cf., e.g., John 2:23, 4:48, 6:2,14,30 mentioning those who «saw signs» and came to be Jesus's followers; the verbs theōréō and ‘oráō used in these passages correlate with the verb sāqar/seqar, “to look (at), gaze, see”, and the noun sēmeîon (pl. sēmeîa) correlates with the term 'ōṯ/'ôṯ, “sign”). The ex hypothesi “positive” character of Judas's nickname possibly explains the evangelists' renunciation of its interpretation. As an alternative etymology of Judas's nickname 'Iskariṓt(h), one can derive it from the Hebrew/Aramaic verb šāqar/šeqar (“to lie, deceive, slander”, sc. “to violate (a treaty, etc.)”, “to betray” [the latter meaning is attested in Samaritan Aramaic]) and the same noun 'ōṯ/'ôṯ: the “one who slandered/resp. betrayed a sign”, i.e. the one who brought false evidence against Jesus (сf.: Matt. 26:59 ff.; Mk. 14:55 ff.). In Jn. 6:70, Jesus himself defines Judas with the term diábolos; this word can be interpreted as “slanderer”, “accuser”.

Eudamonia in the theories of Soren Kierkegaard and Gregory of Nyssa
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Panos Eliopoulos (University of Athens) carries out a comparative analysis of the concept of happiness of two Christian philosophers who lived at different times and in different cultural traditions, Søren Kierkegaard and Gregory of Nyssa.

Execution in selection task depends on Chrysippus’ criterion for the conditional
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Wason’s selection task is a current cognitive problem. It is a reasoning task including a conditional sentence that only sometimes is correctly solved by participants. It has been claimed that the versions of the task that are often properly executed are only those in which the conditional sentence fulfills the criterion given by Chrysippus of Soli for the conditional. In this paper, this point is checked by considering a relevant number of versions of the aforementioned task in order to review whether or not their conditionals meet Chrysippus’ requirement.

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This paper offers a novel interpretation of the luxury golden ring with a carnelian intaglio depicting a woman's profile and an engraved Greek inscription, ΒΑCIΛICCΑ ΟΥΛΠIAΝΑ(Ζ)IA (or AΣIA E.A.), found in cist grave 14, in Mtskheta, Georgia, dated to the Roman period, the 3rd century AD. In consideration of the then contemporary political situation in the Mediterranean and Roman East, through the putting and interpreting sources into broad historical context, the author identifies the female individual as the Roman Empress Ulpia Severina. The very inclusion of royal woman within public propaganda during this period signifies her prominence within, and significance outside of, the imperial metropolis. This deliberate inclusion proved to the public that this empress was not mere figurehead but could have been a very influential person in the Empire.

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L'auteur de l'article tente de relier l'observation des relations économiques et commerciales développées par les Phéniciens dans la partie occidentale de la Méditerranée à une réflexion sur la situation dans laquelle se trouvaient les pays du Levant. On sait qu'à l'époque où la fondation de Carthage peut être hypothétiquement localisée, les centres phéniciens étaient sous pression politique, économique et militaire - principalement de l'Assyrie - bien que d'autres puissances, comme Damas, ne puissent être exclues. D'autre part, cependant, on sait que, par exemple, dans la science allemande l'absence d'acte fondateur de Carthage en Afrique du Nord a été soulignée, et les traces archéologiques laissées sur ce territoire semblent insuffisantes pour concilier les relations littéraires conventionnelles avec l'acte fondateur. de Carthage à la fin du IXe siècle av. L'intention de cet article est de tenter de montrer les enjeux à partir desquels il convient d'envisager la réinterprétation des événements rapportés dans le contexte de la fondation de Carthage. Cette démarche servirait à réviser les connaissances scientifiques existantes sur la chronologie de la fondation de Qarthadasht et pourrait, par conséquent, contribuer à montrer que la fondation de Carthage s'inscrit dans une période postérieure - c'est-à-dire la fin du VIIIe ou le début du VIIe. siècle avant notre ère.

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The author considers three possible Aramaic etymologies of the designation Ἐσσαῖοι/Ἐσσηνοί: (1) Since, according to reiterated Josephus Flavius' accounts and the Dead Sea scrolls' evidences, the Essenes and the Qumranites, closely associated with them, believed in predestination and foretold the future, they could be called: those, who believe in predestination, sc. the “fatalists”, “determinists”; or: those, who predict fate, i.e. the “foretellers”. This hypothetical etymology is derived from the Aramaic word ḥaššayyā᾿ (m. pl. in st. det.; resp. ḥš(᾿)(y)yn in st. abs.) reconstructed by the author from the term ḥšy/ḥš᾿ (“what man has to suffer, predestination, fortune”) after the model: C1aC2C2aC3. (2) In the present author's opinion, the Qumran community held itself allegorically to be the “root(s)” and “stock” of Jesse, giving life to the “holy" Davidic “Shoot” (see: Isa. 11:1); or, in other words, the Qumranites appear to have considered their Yaḥaḏ (lit. “Unity/Oneness”) the personification of a new Jesse, who would “beget” and “bring up” a new David. (Cf., e.g., 1QSa, II, 11-12: “When [God] begets (yôlîḏ) the Messiah with them (᾿ittām; i.e. the sectarians. - I. T.)...”.) Proceeding from this doctrine, one can assume the etymology of the designation Ἐσσαῖοι/Ἐσσηνοί from the Aramaic-Syriac spelling of King David father's name Jesse - ᾿Κ(š)ay. (3) The Essenes' and the Qumranites' aloofness from this world and their striving for interrelations with the other world could be a reason, by which they came to be regarded as “liminal” personalities and nicknamed (probably, with a tinge of irony) after the name of “rephaites” (the original vocalization seems to have been: rōfĕ᾿îm, lit. “healers”, sc. “benefactors”) of former times, whom they really recalled in some key aspects of their outlook and religious practice. In this case, the designation θεραπευταί, “healers”, - applied in Jewish Hellenized circles, primarily, in Egypt, to the members of the (ex hypothesi) Essenean communities of mystic-“gnostic” trend - could be in fact a Greek translation of the Hebrew term rōfĕ᾿îm. It also seems natural to assume that this designation of the sectarians could be interpreted/translated by the uninitiated by the word ᾿āsayyā᾿/᾿āsên, meaning “healers”, “physicians”, in the Aramaic-speaking milieu of the region of Syria-Palestine.

Geometric patterns of the palace of termez rulers
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Archaeological expedition of Moscow Museum of Oriental Cultures, which worked in the 1930s at the site of Old Termez, excavated the ruins of a building identified as the Palace of Termez rulers. The interior of this building was decorated with stucco slabs contained various geometric patterns, together giving a rich collection of geometric design of the pre-Mongol era. This article classifies and analyzes the entire set of these patterns, numbering about three dozen. They are compared with geometric patterns of the same era on other architectural monuments of Khorasan.

Harmony, order, and unity in Plato’s Laws
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In Book X of Plato’s Laws , the motions of the body are contrasted with the changes of the soul. The latter are categorically different from the former. The soul is oriented in time while the body is oriented in space. Despite their differences, soul and body work in unison. When the senses are informed by λόγος, order is perceived and enacted. The coordination of soul and body is most evident in music and dance. A choral dance is a composition in which body and soul and their analogues, space and time, are unified. A city is an analogous composition. The relation between body and soul parallels the relation between a city on the one hand, and its laws, beliefs, and customs on the other. For these reasons, the highest order of a city is its religious order. The religious life of a city integrates time and space as well as soul and body. Religion serves as a binding power that harmonizes the city and its people.

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The paper has as its goal the investigation of the meaning of logos in DK frs. 1, 2, 31b, 39, 45, 50, 87, 108, and 115, with particular emphasis on frs. 1, 2 and 50. It is argued that the focal meaning of the term is ‘account’ or ‘statement’, and that the statement in question, of particular importance in frs 1, 2 and 50, it the account/statement forever being uttered by ‘that which is wise’, ( to sophon ), Heraclitus’ divine principle. Plato picks up the idea, with his notion of a World Soul which is similarly forever in a state of utterance (‘ legei ’, Tim. 37ab) which is a piece of self-description, and it is suggested that a modern version of the notion of the universe being in an everlasting state of such self-description is our ability to learn what it has to say by investigating the ‘language’ of radio waves and the like, which are forever being emitted by all moving systems composing the real, and thereby forever offering us a piece of the real’s self-description of itself.

History and Fantasy on Acholius, the Biographer
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Among the bogus authors cited in the Historia Augusta, there are some who turn out to be masks for real authors, as part of the picaresque aspect of the work. However, the vast majority are simply disregarded as the product of the biographer’s invention. One of them is Acholius, an author cited on four occasions. We believe that there are reasons to include him in the first group.

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This paper offers a detailed analysis of Damascius' discourse on Orphic theology in Chapter 123 of On First Principles, focusing on how Damascius correlates the first principles of Rhapsodic and Hieronyman theogonies to his own Neoplatonic first principles. Through detailed textual analysis, it presents a schematic alignment of Damascian principles with Orphic theology.

Hybris как инверсия «объекта» и «метода» в «Пире» Платона
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Задача работы - показать, что одним из лейтмотивов «Пира» является семантика гюбриса как «инверсии», которая относится к теме взаимодействия противоположностей, обыгрываемой на протяжении всего диалога на уровне лексики, поведения персонажей, собственно философского содержания и самой композиции диалога. Как инструмент анализа этих уровней текста используются ключевые метафоры инверсии и гюбриса в «Пире» - андрогины из речи Аристофана и силены из речи Алкивиада. Делается вывод, что в целом «Пир» можно назвать апологией философского гюбриса как инверсии «объекта» и «метода» в форме своеобразной «сатировой драмы».

Iamblichus path to the ineffable
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Iamblichus of Chalcis postulated theurgy on metaphysical grounds as the only means of communion with the supreme principle of everything that exists. Iamblichus sets this principle as a completely transcendent reality, unattainable by reason, and, at the same time, differs from Plotinus, who postulated absolute withdrawal from everything and conceived union with the One as an escape in solitude to the solitary. Iamblichus conceives matter as an instrument for the souls ascent to that principle and explicitly proposes a mysticism of solidarity with the cosmos and with other souls.

Iconography of Plato in antiquity and in medieval orthodox painting
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The article is devoted to the topic of visualization, which is relevant for the modern world in general and scientific knowledge in particular, investigated through the image of Plato in Antiquity and in medieval Orthodox painting. Using the example of Plato’s iconography as a visual message, the authors want to show the great potential for the development of the visual history of philosophy, anthropology and culture in general, as well as the new visually oriented semiotics and semantics of the image. This approach reveals expressively and meaningfully its relevance for the study of Plato’s image, together with other ancient philosophers’ images, in Orthodox medieval churches in Greece, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and, of course, ancient Russia in the 15th-17th cc, allowing to see the great ancient Greek philosopher from a new perspective.

Identity, regional ethnicity and nationality in Carthaginian discourse
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This paper explores the sociopolitical and state dynamics of the Carthaginian statehood, early manifestations of nationhood and nationalism and also unpacks issues such as the identity and regional ethnicity in Carthaginian discourse. This study argues there were indeed ancient nations and that Carthage represents one of the best examples. Carthaginian citizens and allies exhibited their national affiliation in a variety of ways, most notably via a willingness to fight for the Carthaginian national collective in the face of extreme duress during the Punic Wars.