Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Factors of development of family entrepreneurship
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In this article, the attention given by the state to family entrepreneurship and factors of development of family entrepreneurship are highlighted.
Factors of influence on improving the quality and efficiency of education
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This article discusses the impact on improving the quality and effectiveness of education.
Factors of informatization of the process of primary education
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The theory and practice of information processing in primary school education is accompanied by the dependent factors in which there is a difficult problem.
Factors of successful teaching process for kindergarten English teachers
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This article deals with the focus on the factors for successful English learning for children and concerned with kindergarten English classes in Uzbekistan. This study will benefit kindergarten children, teachers and educators in Uzbekistan providing helpful suggestions and insight for kindergarten English classes. Moreover, it is hoped that this study will provide empirical data for policy making in Uzbekistan.
Factors that negatively affect the sense of patriotism of youth and their characteristics
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In this article highlights factors that negatively affect the sense of patriotism of youth in the condition globalization.
Factors that raise social consciousness in the spiritual development of society
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The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need for a philosophical analysis of the impact of factors (globalization processes and the media as an element of information society) on the formation of public consciousness in the modern era, called post-industrial. The increasing role of information in the life of society, the improvement of technological means lead to social changes.
Family entrepreneurship as an important factor of family strength
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The article addresses the issues of family business and its importance as an important factor in family stability.
Family traditions and their place in young people
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This article discusses family traditions and their place in the worldview of young people.
Famous English teaching techniques
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This article discusses the main and most famous methods of teaching English and the difference between them
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The article analyses the lifes, works, contributions of the Uzbek scholars to the development of sciences
Farg’ona viloyаtining sug’orma dehqonchilik maydonalarida tuproqlarni sho’rlanish ko’rsatkichlari
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Mazkur maqolada Farg’ona viloyatining sug’oriladigan maydonlarda ananaviy sug’orish tizimida yuzaga kelayotgan sho’rlanish maydonlari bugungi kun holati va uning ekologik jixatlari taxlil etilgan.
Farmakologiya faniga kirish, fanning boshqa fanlar bilan bog`liqligi, kelib chiqish tarixi
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fanning rivojlanish tarixini o`rganish, fanning yo`nalishlari tasnifi va xususiyatlari haqida nazariy va amaliy ma’lumotlar.
Fatty liver disease of various etiologies
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Due to significant alcohol consumption in Russia, an increase in the prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, there is an increase in chronic liver diseases. In alcoholic illness, there are several variants of damage to the liver parenchyma caused by systematic alcohol consumption: steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (AH) and cirrhosis of the liver. Thus, the data of previous studies are contradictory and indicate the feasibility of studying psychovegetative features in patients with fatty liver dystrophy of various etiologies. The number of comparative studies of alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis by clinical parameters is rare, especially in the Russian literature.
Fatty liver disease of various etiologies
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Due to significant alcohol consumption in Russia, an increase in the prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, there is an increase in chronic liver diseases. In alcoholic illness, there are several variants of damage to the liver parenchyma caused by systematic alcohol consumption: steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (AH) and cirrhosis of the liver. Thus, the data of previous studies are contradictory and indicate the feasibility of studying psychovegetative features in patients with fatty liver dystrophy of various etiologies. The number of comparative studies of alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis by clinical parameters is rare, especially in the Russian literature.
Favqulodda vaziyatlarni bartaraf etish, fuqoralar hayoti va salomatligi
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FVVning asosiy vazifalari va faoliyat yo`nalishi asosan: favqulodda vaziyatlarni bartaraf etish, fuqoralar hayoti va salomatligini muhofaza qilish, favqulodda vaziyatlar yuz berganda ularning oqibatlarini tugatish hamda zararini kamaytirish sohasida davlat siyosatini ishlab chiqish va amalga oshirish, favqulodda vaziyatlarning oldini olish va bunday hollardagi harakatlarni boshqarishning davlat tizimi (FVDT)ni tashkil etish va uning faoliyatini ta’minlash, fuqaro muhofazasiga rahbarlik qilish, vazirliklar, idoralar, mahaliy davlat organlari faoliyatini muvofiqlashtirib borish, maqsadli ishlab chiqarish va hakozalarga qaratilgan.
Fe'Lning turlanishi va tuslanishi
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Ushbu maqolada fe’lning turlanishi va tuslanishi, shakllari kabi masalalar yoritib berilgan.
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The features and the procedure for the taxation of transactions with intangible assets in businesses from a position of financial and tax accounting. The article deals with the concept, characteristics and types of intangible assets, particularly the formation of intangible assets, amortization, taxes.
Features direct and indirect costs in the enterprise
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The article presents a clarification of the validity of the distribution of costs into direct and indirect in the company. Also, the article discusses cost control, the result of which is development of managerial decisions aimed at optimization and cost reduction.
Features of a career in the hotel business
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The article deals with some fundamental issues of career in the hospitality industry. The issues of management in tourism are studied. The stages of career development in the hospitality industry are highlighted.