Статьи журнала - Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство
Все статьи: 210

"Адский чосон" как фактор политической активности в Южной Корее
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В данной статье исследуется феномен «адский Чосон» в Южной Корее на примере выступлений против президента Пак Кын Хе в 2017 г. Мы рассматриваем данный феномен как один из факторов яркого всплеска политической активности в Корее, в итоге оказавший значительное влияние на объявление импичмента президента Пак Кын Хе. Трудности в поиске работы, отказ от личной жизни, отсутствие возможности самообеспечения оказывают негативное влияние на восприятие собственной страны молодыми корейцами. В поисках образа Кореи в глазах молодых корейцев в статье разобрана картина «адского Чосона». В статье сделан вывод о том, что неустроенность молодежи в социально-экономическом плане и отсутствие государственной поддержки в конечном итоге приводят к отказу от самореализации.

"ВКонтакте" и левое движение в России: идейный, тематический и возрастной раскол
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В этой статье мы стремимся показать, каким образом левое движение представлено в наиболее популярной социальной сети русскоязычного интернет-пространства - «Вконтакте». Социальные сети интернета углубились в человеческую жизнь и стали очередной неотъемлемой площадкой для репрезентации и политических идей, в том числе коммунистической идеологии. Стоит признать, что постсоветское пространство, представленное в виртуальной интернет-среде русскоязычной средой, или «рунетом», активно включено в идеологические процессы. Левое движение в политическом сегменте социальной сети «ВКонтакте» является наиболее ярким примером разности как идейных течений, так и тематики различных ресурсов. Каждый политический лагерь данного движения непримирим как в идеологическом плане, так и по способу воспроизводства атрибутов своей идеологии.

"Мягкая сила" в международной политике: особенности национальных стратегий
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Современный мир по-прежнему не является стабильным и безопасным. Постоянная борьба государств за власть, ресурсы и прочие конкурентные преимущества, носящая, главным образом, насильственный характер, требует от них создания все более новых и опасных видов вооружения. В результате количество накопленного оружия массового уничтожения, включая ядерный потенциал, поставило все человечество на грань выживания. В этой связи, в последние десятилетия значительно возрастает роль несиловых способов воздействия государств на мировую общественность, появляются новые концепции и теории, посвященные данным вопросам. В настоящее время на этот путь уже встали многие промышленно развитые страны. В статье рассматриваются национальные стратегии так называемой «мягкой силы» во внешней политике ряда современных стран, анализируются основные подходы, ресурсы, цели и результаты использования государствами «мягкой силы» на современном этапе. Это позволяет оценивать в перспективе и ретроспективе эффективность, как отдельных ее инструментов, так и всего имеющегося у стран в наличии «мягкого потенциала».

A study of some public management factors affecting the retention of social workers
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A rationale for thestudy of human sustainability in the child protection sector. More than twenty years have passed since the development of social work and the profession in Mongolia, but there is still a need to develop social work management. This will be one of the factors affecting the stability of human resources to ensure the development of social work. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prompted the first identification of specific targets and outcomes (Goals 5, 8, 16) for preventing and responding to all forms of violence against children and was an important step toward ending violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children. To achieve the goals of the SDGs to protect children and ensure that no child is left out of the development, the third goal of the United Nations Children's Fund Strategic Plan for 2018-2021 states that "affirm the protection of boys and girls, especially children in vulnerable situations and humanitarian crises, from all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation and practices with negative consequences. The Guide to strengthening the social services workforce served as the basis for a review of lessons learned in this field and “What Works and How It Works”. This highlighted the critical need for capacity building, better planning, development, and sustainable support for social service workers. The article is aimed to identify public management issues by analyzing the factors that affect the sustainable functioning of social workers in their workplace, based on systems theory.

A study on the relationship between religion and palace music and dance in the Great Yuan period
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The article studies the offering music and dance during the Yuan Dynasty. In addition to the comparative research on the interrelations between religion and believes of Mongolians and the sacrifice music and dances and hereby introduce some of the research work results. To conduct the research work, we studied regional offering and sacrifice ceremonies, feature and music and dances of Yuan Dynasty and touched the development issues, too. According to our points of view, research on the regional offering and sacrifice ceremonies, feature and music and dances of Yuan Dynasty shall be very important not only for the development of the music and dance development of Mongolia, but also for the research of the sacrifice and offering ceremonies of Mongolians. In accordance with the history of Mongolia, Palace music and dances have developed during the Yuan Dynasty, therefore the article has reflected the major factors influencing on this development rate. The article reflects research works on political and religious meaning of the shamanism in the beginning of the Mongolian state and government and mentioned the outstanding ceremony of sky offering and sacrifice ceremonies on basis of the historical evidences and facts. We may consider that dance movements were included into the shamanist ceremonies conducted during the sky sacrifice ceremonies as different art types have not been separated but were conducted as a complex ceremony at this time; therefore, the believes of people were also complex worshipping lyrics and music, actions and performances, images and roles of these ceremonies.

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The purpose of the study is to analyze and characterize conceptual approaches, content and trends in border management. Currently, the issue of studying the state and problems of border management in Mongolia is becoming relevant. Based on the research, we have presented proposals and recommendations for improving the management process in this field. Border management should effectively implement two important goals: on the one hand, to ensure the security and inviolability of borders, and on the other hand, to ensure the prompt passage of passengers, goods, and products across the state border. The study identified the key indicators and needs of Mongolian border management system. There is a need to develop a comprehensive border management strategy at the national level.

Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and its aftermath on contemporary world affairs
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As the conception of security consolidates our prosperity to evolve on this planet that revolutionises our social norms and values from time-to-time, it also encounters threats and challenges that could potentially deliver a massive impact to the world. For instance, such security dilemmas would result in transforming the world order, international relations or even the lives of billions. This is the novel coronavirus pandemic of 2019 (COVID-19) that has changed the world for an indefinite period. Thus, it has forced us into a new phase, new norms and a new world. The article examines the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on the political, economic and social world order through the lens of international relations.

E-Use and Information Channels for Young People in Mongolia
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As society develops, the lifestyles and social relationships of people also change. Today, the use of electronics has become a real and continuous use with the increase in the influence of electronic environments around the world. The aim is to determine the content and structure of emerging risk spaces in the digitalization of Belarusian and Mongolian young people. Since most social media users are young people, the study found that using social media tools to attract young people can influence the involvement of different industries.

Informational Security, Risks and Consequences of Digitalisation Among Mongolian Youth
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It is impossible to imagine the shape of the future of human society without the full functioning of communication, information exchange, daily financial transactions and the use of e-social services. However, rapid technological development brings threats and risks. Our aim is to identify measures for information security and to reveal the inherent risk of causing harm to young people through digitalization, their awareness, and their knowledge levels. In a 2022-2023 social study conducted by 800 young people in five provinces and the capital, Ulaanbaatar, it was found that young people did not sufficiently understand and understand the social risks of digitalization.

Review and prospects of the research on the Chinese traditional culture "Naadam"
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Currently, a series of changes have emerged in the research on «Naadam». The research is mainly based on the CNKI database as a source of information. The article presents a systematic review of the literature related to «Naadam» over the past 30 years by time and category, its research status, trends and hot spots. As a result, it was revealed that the study of “Naadam” in China can be conditionally divided into three main stages: “downturn - sudden increase - stability”. At present, there is no close interaction between social institutions, and universally recognized authority in this field. In this respect, the content of research tends to be diversified and widely integrated into various disciplines. Today, the relevant aspects in the research of “Naadam” related to social development and policy are “population mobility”, “integration of traditional culture and tourism”, and “New Silk Road”.

Siege economy as an institutional precursor of state socialism
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State socialism had little in common with a model of stateless egalitarian communalism envisioned by Karl Marx. At the same time, its designers borrowed heavily from a model of a German state-controlled economy instituted during the First World War [1]. German war socialism, in turn, curiously resembled a form of organization historically employed in besieged fortresses [2]. In the medieval towns surrounded by the enemy troops commanders requisitioned war-related resources and rationed out these resources to the defenders. After examining few episodes of siege warfare, that study argues that social organization of besieged fortress may be viewed as a true institutional precursor of state socialism.

Some issues of logistics management program development based on sociological research
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According to the long-term development plan, Mongolia by 2050 should "become a nation with sustainable economic growth, а predominant middle class which will substantially reduce poverty, a solid economic development policy meeting domestic needs, increased exports, enhanced capacity in investment and savings, and a multi-pillar economy". This study program purpose is to prepare competent managers with scientific thinking, personal development and communication skills, capable of working independently in the fields of science, manufacturing, technology, transport and society according to the standards of developed countries.

Some issues to consider regarding access to government electronic services
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The development of egovernance to improve Mongolian political services and introduce innovation to them has been progressing rapidly for more than 20 years. On the other hand, the need for fast delivery of services by the government to citizens demands for electronic services that are independent of time and space, and the fact that traditional services are changing with the needs of the society, increasing the value of studying the topic. The article analyzes the current situation of "E-services", the results of research on future trends and implementation, using the example of the "E-Nation" program.

The Origin of the Rule of Many Wangs in the Great Yuan Dynasty
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The rule of many dynasties of the Great Yuan State was formed from the time of Genghis Khan. The issue of how this rule was formed is discussed in three stages in the article. It was elaborated in the process of conquering the Golden Kingdom and the Seven Kingdoms, and it was standardized during the reign of Hublai Khan. The word "Olon Van" has two meanings: in a broad sense, it refers to the sons and daughters of the royal family. Refers to many vassals. Many vassals of the royal lineage began to be formed during the time of the Great Mongol Empire, when the land was conquered, and private possessions were formed. However, from the beginning of the Great Yuan Dynasty, many vassals had the rank of vassals, and formed the rule system of many vassals. The rule of many kings was created only during the time of Hublai Khan, or it is not a Chinese institution. On the contrary, it was formed from Genghis Khan to the time of Hublai Khan, and according to the traditional division of the Mongol Empire, a special rule system was created by honoring many kings. Chinggis Khan and his sons gave military training, conducted training, and established policies for conquest. Before the reign of Genghis Khan's eldest son, Hublai Khan, he was appointed to the provinces before Gobi, replacing the king and controlling the people in general. It was formed from the beginning, but there was no special rule, so the succession and duties of deer were not clear, and the distinction between honorary titles and ranks was not clear. In response to the chaos of many wangs, Hubilai Khan organized many wangs into six ranks and implemented the gold and silver service. It was the need of the state at that time to organize and regulate the many vassals of the Great Yuan State. King Kublai renewed the old practice of honoring many vassals of the royal dynasty and adopted a policy of limiting the powers of the vassals and centralizing the power of vassals. It is useful for strengthening. The rule system of many dynasties had an immeasurable effect on the maintenance and defense of the vast territory of the Great Yuan State.

The nomadic empires as state formations
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The article explores historical experience of the premodern empires formed by the Inner Asian nomads (e. g., the Xiongnu, the Huns, and the Mongols). It claims that the steppe tribal confederations turned into the centralized empires when the nomads launched large-scale military expeditions, conquered other societies, and had to maintain their domination by using extratribal authority structures. However, a shift towards centralization and sedentarization undermined the nomads' main advantage vis-a-via settled farmers, their mobility. Transferring a function of taxation to the native princes and local bureaucrats resulted in weakening of the imperial center and strengthening of the centrifugal forces. When the power of the nomadic aristocracy had become undermined by the conflicts and the internecine wars, the subordinate rulers have overthrown the power of their nomadic masters.

«Иноземцы», «иноверцы», «инородцы» в азиатской части России
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Статья посвящена трансформации образов и наименований «иноземцы», «иноверцы», «инородцы» в азиатской части России в панораме нескольких веков. Ситуация отличительна от китайской модели по отношению к неханьцам. В статье на основе анализа публикаций разных авторов указываются различи я российской официальной терминологии и «народной» этимологии, связанно й с «другим». Постепенно это «другое» становилось уже не всегда «чужим». Это происходило благодаря изменению статуса в структуре государства, заинтересованного в стабильной ситуации в приграничных районах. Поэтому русификация и христианизация там ограничивались, несмотря на устремления миссионеров. Отмечается, что постепенное обретение опыта совместного проживания является важным фактором «диалога», востребованного и в XXI в.

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В данной работе основное внимание уделено специфической социальной категории - «новым дальневосточникам». Это иностранные мигранты - участники программы содействия переселению соотечественников в Приморский край. Большинство из них граждане стран СНГ. Исследование выполнено с опорой на данные официальной региональной статистики и количественного социологического опроса, проведенного методом телефонного интервью (n=145) в рамках разведывательного стратегического плана. Результаты показали, что миграционный обмен Приморья с другими регионами России отрицательный, а со странами СНГ положительный. При этом качество жизни можно интерпретировать как один из факторов, влияющих на миграционную (не)привлекательность региона, способствующих как миграционному оттоку, так и притоку населения. Удовлетворенность мигрантов своим пребыванием в принимающем сообществе повышает привлекательность Приморья как предпочтительного региона для последующего притока иностранных мигрантов, в том числе и по программе содействия переселению соотечественников. Помимо этого результаты исследования позволили выявить типичные проблемные зоны социальной адаптации прибывающих на постоянное место жительства иностранных мигрантов в принимающем региональном сообществе, устранение подобных проблем в дальнейшем позволит свести к минимуму деструктивные последствия этой адаптации.

Абсолют и история в историко-философских концепциях С. Дасгупты и Г. Гегеля
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В статье рассматривается роль понятия Абсолюта в историкофилософских концепциях Г. Гегеля и С. Дасгупты. Исследуются сходства и различия между названными концепциями по этому вопросу. Статья будет интересна философам и историкам философии (в первую очередь специалистам по индийской и немецкой классической философии).

Абсолютность и историчность ценностей в европейской культуре
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В статье показано значение ценностей для бытия человека и изменение понимания ценностей в истории европейской культуры. Автор характеризует античное и христианское понимание блага и добродетели, объясняет причины возникновения ценностного нигилизма.