Статьи журнала - Форум молодых ученых

Все статьи: 13729

Communicative peculiarities of the relationship of the main accountant with creditors and investors

Communicative peculiarities of the relationship of the main accountant with creditors and investors

Shargorodskaya A.V.

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Some aspects reflecting the specifics of the complex of relations between the chief accountant and the creditors and investors of the organization are considered. It is noted that the activities of the chief accountant in practice require the possession of certain psychological knowledge, the practice of building communication through the mechanisms of direct and feedback. The thesis is substantiated that the chief accountant is a responsible subject, honest, relating to people in a humane, unbiased manner; it is a subject that acts in the context of implementing the dominant principles of professional ethics.


Companies’ branding as a part of internal communications

Companies’ branding as a part of internal communications

Nemtsev I.A., Aleksenko A.A.

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It is not enough to broadcast them only to the target audience in order to maintain the company's main values; Every employee as a part of a brand must be the bearer of these values himself; the article examines the personnel of companies not from the point of view of the subject of broadcasting the brand values, but as a complete adherent.


Comparative analysis of the accounting policies used in the preparation of financial report by Russian standards and IFRS

Comparative analysis of the accounting policies used in the preparation of financial report by Russian standards and IFRS

Agkatseva L.V., Khamikoeva A.O.

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The authors note the importance of the definition of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS in the accounting process. The authors made an attempt to analyze and compare the presentation of data in public statements by Russian standards with leaving the financial statements and IFRS PJSC "Aeroflot", examined the differences in the accounting policies used by the company. Based on their judgment, they were made a brief summary on the transformation. The result revealed fundamental differences in the approaches of IFRS and Russian standards, which led to the conclusion that the differences in the provision of information are important and will persist for a long time.


Comparative analysis of the novels “A farewell to arms” by E. Hemingway and “tender is the night” by F. Scott Fitzgerald in four aspects

Comparative analysis of the novels “A farewell to arms” by E. Hemingway and “tender is the night” by F. Scott Fitzgerald in four aspects

Kontsevaya V.N.

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The article deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of the novels by the contemporary American authors of the XX century - “A Farewell to Arms” by E. Hemingway and “Tender is the Night” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Comparison is carried out in four aspects: plot structure, symbolism, implication and peculiarities of characterization. The author comes to the conclusion that both novels are original but dissimilar in all considered aspects.


Comparison of early versus late timing for silicone stent removal following transcanalicular laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy

Comparison of early versus late timing for silicone stent removal following transcanalicular laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy

Petkov D.

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Laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a surgical operation performed to treat recurrent dacryostenosis in which an anastomosis is created between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. The role of intubation in dacryocystorhinostomy is the subject of debate in the field of lacrimal surgery.


Complications of diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot syndrome

Complications of diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot syndrome

Bektashev I.B., Yusupova Sh.K., Valieva V.Yu., Abduvalieva G.T., Yaminova N.Kh.

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Recently, this disease has begun to be studied as a social problem that is becoming more and more urgent. This is due to the fact that there is an increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes mellitus, the chronic nature of the course of the disease, the development of various complications that lead to a decrease in the quality of life and a reduction in its duration.


Consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the environment

Consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the environment

Mashtakova K.V.

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Now the burning issue of the negative impact of the person on the environment came to light. It is not dependent on the sphere of activity, indisputable harm is done to an ecosystem. In article types of anthropogenic impacts on the environment are analyzed. Artificial sources and types of pollution in industrial activity are considered. The main industrial enterprises which during the work release harmful waste into the atmosphere is revealed. And also the review of the advantages of low-waste and waste-free technologies is given.


Contemporary self-determination of nation states

Contemporary self-determination of nation states

Romanova A.

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Self-determination is one of the key concepts of sovereignty. It expresses people’s rights for freedom, independence and equality. Self-determination is a very multifaceted principle - it has some historical, legal, political, and theoretical-philosophical roots. However, self-determination also brings a lot of arguments and misunderstandings into the discourse.


Control in the control system

Control in the control system

Vasileva Y.D.

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The purpose of my work is the study of the control in the control system, precisely its conception, types, process, and characteristics of effective control


Cultural aspects of Russian and polish phraseology

Cultural aspects of Russian and polish phraseology

Golikova M.M.

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The article is devoted to the study of cultural features of phrasemes. The practical material for the study were the works of G. Senkevich. Attention of readers is offered to groups of phrasemes that are valuable from the point of view of linguocultural studies, as well as analysis of their key features. Cultural comments allow to reveal the essence of such phrasemes.


Cultural heritage management and tourism development in Syrian Arab Republic

Cultural heritage management and tourism development in Syrian Arab Republic

Alghafri M.A.

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Political stability and safety are prerequisite for tourism in any place in the world. This paper tries to outline the deeply rooted Syrian cultural heritage and the tourism industry before and during the ongoing war. It tries on to analyze the current hurdles that have emerged because of the war. It tries to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken by the government. It underscores the need of measures that are proactive. It sees the absence of increasing the awareness of the local community about the value of its heritage as a leading reason of looting and destruction. It also shows the need to direct attention to internal tourism and the importance of attracting tourists from the friendly countries around the world.


Culture of speech and relationship

Culture of speech and relationship

Tomanova A.D., Tastemir A.A., Makhambet M.M.

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This paper identifies main features characteristic to modern linguistic situation, the working methods aimed at the formation of linguistic and communicative competence of future language teachers. Modeling speech situations is one of their effective exercises in the development of communication skills and mastery of the rules of modern language.


Cпектры как источником информации о строении и свойствах молекул

Cпектры как источником информации о строении и свойствах молекул

Багаутдинов И.З.

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В статье рассматривается электронный спектры для изучения свойств молекул.


Data infrastructures

Data infrastructures

Deriugina A.

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In this paper I have an idea to find out more information about infrastructures based on readings. My point was to introduce some practical examples to show how this structure really works according to our everyday life. How just one part can stop or even ruin work of big corporations? What consequences it can cause? What is more, another issue that is discussed in this article is how companies take our private information and data for personal using and what is done with it all in storages.


Description of innovative activity in education systems: technological measurement

Description of innovative activity in education systems: technological measurement

Maxkamova Sh. T.

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This article dedicated innovative activity, so technological measurement, innovation methods of education and its effect to the effectiveness of teaching process.


Development of verbal categories in English

Development of verbal categories in English

Ivliyeva G.G.

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In this article highlights means of history verbs and development verbal categories in English.


Diabetik retinopatiyani diagnostika va davolash usullarini takomillashtirish. (adabiyot sharhi)

Diabetik retinopatiyani diagnostika va davolash usullarini takomillashtirish. (adabiyot sharhi)

Khakimova M.Sh., Allayarov A.T.

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So'nggi yillarda barcha mamlakatlarda qandli diabet bilan kasallanishning sezilarli o'sishi kuzatilmoqda. Jahon sog'liqni saqlash tashkiloti qandli diabetni o'ziga xos yuqumli bo'lmagan kasallikning epidemiyasi deb hisoblaydi. Diabetik retinopatiya - asoratlari retinal tomirlarning shikastlanishiga va mikroanevrizmalarning rivojlanishiga, shuningdek ko’z tubida yangi hosil bo'lgan tomirlarning ko'payishiga olib keladi. Diabetik retinopatiyani erta tashxislash va davolash muammosi zamonaviy oftalmologiyaning dolzarb muammolaridan biri bo'lib qolmoqda, bu diabetik retinopatiya bilan og'rigan bemorlarning kech murojaat qilishi bilan bog'liq.


Differences in the definition of financial lease under IFRS and RAS

Differences in the definition of financial lease under IFRS and RAS

Shidov A.R.

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The article presents a comparative analysis of the definition of financial lease according to International financial reporting standards and Russian accounting standards. The author reveals the key differences in the Russian practice of leasing accounting and standards of disclosure in respect of lease agreements both for lessees and lessors in accordance with IFRS 17.


Disinfection of water with silver ions

Disinfection of water with silver ions

Dmitrienko N.A., Monova A.V.

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The article deals with the most relevant problem: disinfection of water by means of silver ions. The results of a brief review of the basic methods of water disinfection to improve people’s health are pointed out as well as main advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The results of experimental studies of scientists can be expressed as scientific supposition that the method of purifying water with silver ions is effective and rational.


Dispatching centralization and dispatching control on railway transport

Dispatching centralization and dispatching control on railway transport

Fedanov N.S.

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This article describes the systems of control and management of the transportation process in railway transport. The main types of these systems currently used in the railway are also listed.

