Статьи журнала - International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing

Все статьи: 520

NB-IoT based Status Measurement System for 33kV Power Distribution Networks in Smart Grids

NB-IoT based Status Measurement System for 33kV Power Distribution Networks in Smart Grids

M.W.P. Maduranga, A.S.B. Wijerathna

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In the recent decade, there has been a lot of focus on developing intelligent systems and appliances to suit the century's needs and make life easier. During the same period, the electric power industry introduced Smart-Grid, a crucial innovation to meet today's electric supply-demand and effectively use electric resources. The smart grid is an aspect of the electricity industry's evolution and reformation. An electrical power grid is a complex system consisting of generation, transmission, distribution, storage, and utilization. Coordinating these systems further increases the complexity of this interconnection of systems. The existing power distribution system available in the industry consists of monitoring equipment such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) to monitor some network parts. However, there's no automated way of monitoring power outages or load current flow in some sub-sections of the distribution line. Physical inspection is not convenient as it's more time-consuming.Moreover, these sub-sections may have up to ten distribution transformers or even could be more. In this work, A novel IoT-based power line monitoring system has been introduced to overcome those issues. Narrow Band Internet of Things(NB-IoT) is used in this system as the primary wireless technology. A current sensor measures electrical line currents, and sensor values are pushed to a remote IoT cloud. Implemented system tested in several 33kV power lines and result and performances of the system is presented.


Nanotechnology Innovations and Commercialization-Opportunities, Challenges & Reasons for Delay

Nanotechnology Innovations and Commercialization-Opportunities, Challenges & Reasons for Delay

P. Sreeramana Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna Aithal

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Innovations in nanotechnology are making a revolution in manufacturing and production, creating new materials and products through novel processes for commercial applications. New products based on nanotechnology with novel characteristics are continued to grow and benefit the society. Being general purpose technology, nanotechnology is expected to support all fields of the society, but some fields like medicine, energy, environmental remediation, robotics, manufacturing, commerce, and space exploration are expected to undergo explosive developments. In this paper, we made a detailed analysis of advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages of progress in nanotechnology for the society and discussed the reason for the failure of estimated timeline for realizing various generations of progress and proposed a modified timeframe for anticipated nanotechnology innovations. Based on the business perspective, we have developed a nanotechnology products/services commercialization model and discussed the opportunities for nanotechnology commercialization. The paper also contains a detailed analysis of common commercialization challenges faced by nanotechnology firms including time lag, the valley of death, lack of infrastructure, lack of a standard for evaluation, bureaucratic delays, the dearth of funding, and lack of trained professionals, brand image, and public support. Finally, we have mentioned how the various corporate business strategies can be used in the successful business of nanotechnology products and services.


Neural Network Recognizes Fruit Fly's Wing Vibration Sound Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform

Neural Network Recognizes Fruit Fly's Wing Vibration Sound Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform

Min GUO, Chunhua JIA

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The paper applies Hilbert-Huang Transform to process the fruit fly's wing vibration sound. Firstly, it gets Hilbert-Huang spectrum and marginal spectrum of the wing vibration sound of two different strains of fruit fly in the same species. Then, it analyzes differences of the energy size and the energy distribution, and extracts features including the relative energy, time-frequency entropy and the cumulated amplitude value of marginal spectrum. Finally, recognizes two different strains of fruit fly by BP neural network and obtains a satisfying result. The experiment result verifies effectiveness and feasibility of the feature extraction, and the paper offers a new evidence for the study of discrimination in intraspecies relationship of fruit fly.


Neural Networks-based Process Model and its Integration with Conventional Drum Level PID Control in a Steam Boiler Plant

Neural Networks-based Process Model and its Integration with Conventional Drum Level PID Control in a Steam Boiler Plant

Douglas T. Mugweni, Hadi Harb

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Controlling drum level is a major and crucial control objective in thermal power plant steam boilers. The drum level as a controlled variable is highly characterized by complex non-linear process dynamics as well as measurement noise and long-time delays. Developing a data-driven process model is particularly advantageous as it could be built from ongoing operational data. Such a model could be used to assist existing controllers by providing predictions regarding the drum level. The aim of this paper is to develop such a model and to propose a control architecture that can be easily integrated into existing control hardware. For that purpose, different neural networks are used, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX), and Long Short Term (LSTM) neural networks. LSTM and MLP were able to capture the dynamics of the process, but LSTM showed superior performance. The results demonstrate that the use of traditional machine learning criteria to evaluate a process model is not necessarily adequate. Using the model in an open-loop and a closed-loop simulation is more suitable to test its ability to capture the dynamics of the process. A novel architecture that integrates the process model within an existing closed-loop controller is proposed. The architecture uses adaptive weights to ensure that a good model is given more influence than a bad model on the controller’s output.


Neural Spike Feature Extraction of Globus Pallidus Based on Wavelet Package Decomposition

Neural Spike Feature Extraction of Globus Pallidus Based on Wavelet Package Decomposition

Yan HE, Jue WANG, Guangjun ZHANG, Guodong GAO

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In this study, features of neural signal recordings with microelectrode injected into the internal globus pallidus of non-human primates before and after 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treatment which induces Parkinson’s disease (PD) were investigated. Neural oscillations were analyzed using the measure of wavelet spectrum and singular value extraction. Differences in the time-frequency analysis were observed between groups. Results showed that the PD states had significantly higher amplitudes of spectrum. Singular values extracted from wavelet coefficients after wavelet package decomposition were used to differentiate pathological changes from normal states, and the singular values of the reconstructed wavelet coefficients of the PD states were statistically smaller than controls. We speculate that the irregular high frequency oscillations and reduced singular values observed in the pathological firings are consistent with the previous view that a loss of information transmission in the neural circuitry underlies PD and these measurements could be of diagnostic and monitoring values of the disease state.


New Method Simulating Flexible object-operator Cube Model

New Method Simulating Flexible object-operator Cube Model

Yu-Cai Ma, Hai-Ru Long

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In order to represent complex graph drawing in the course of 3-dimensional dynamic simulating flexible objects such as fabric、garment、rope、netting yarn and rubber band, we designed a new mathematic model named operator cube. Any graph formed on the basis of the point information. In a word, if each point has enough geometry information, the graph can be drawn and rendered. Operator cube model came into being just because of that idea. The paper mainly discussed the theory of operator cube model. The model can transform a complex graph into a simple representation effectively and in real time, especially in the course of topology structure varying flexible object simulation. What’s more, the model can accurately express the simulation results. The model converted between the world coordinate system space and device coordinate system space. And the model and the conversion involved some profound mathematic theorems and our conclusions which were proved strictly.


Non-Digital Method of Process Safety Management (PSM) Compliance, OSHA PSM and EPA RMP Rulemaking Initiatives, and Methodology to Estimate Related Economic Impact on PSM Facilities in the United States of America

Non-Digital Method of Process Safety Management (PSM) Compliance, OSHA PSM and EPA RMP Rulemaking Initiatives, and Methodology to Estimate Related Economic Impact on PSM Facilities in the United States of America

Dheerajkumar R. Narang

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Over the years, process safety management (PSM) program development and implementation has benefited the operating facilities in terms of successful avoidance of process safety incidents, and related business losses arising due to equipment damage, production interruption and environmental damage. PSM covered facilities have also reported improved personal injury record through successful implementation of an applicable, regional PSM standard. However, there is still a need to address both the efficiency and effectiveness aspects related to non-digital (manual) PSM program development, implementation, audit, and compliance. There has been continuous reporting of significant process safety incidents even after the promulgation of process safety management regulations both in the United States and globally. The uncertain macroeconomic and political conditions have also forced the governments to allocate less than required fiscal budget to their regional regulatory bodies to address any ongoing operational efficiency concerns in successful enforcement of their PSM regulation. This research paper will investigate and discuss the key issues faced by both the government regulatory bodies and process plant facilities, with the current non-digital (manual) method of PSM implementation, audit, and compliance. Moreover, recent modernization initiatives of safety regulations undertaken by federal regulatory bodies such as OSHA and EPA in the United States are described and discussed in the context of achieving the PSM compliance effectively and efficiently. The paper will also discuss detailed comparison between OSHA’s 1992 regulatory impact analysis study and 2023 information collection requirement burden hour and cost estimate and will outline a methodology to estimate the total economic burden of PSM compliance on the existing and future PSM covered facilities in the United States. The methodology to adjust (correct) OSHA’s PSM compliance cost estimates are based on accounting key regulatory, industrial, organizational, and economic factors prevalent in the global process plant industry.


Novel Approach of Surface Unfolding for Ceramic Bowls

Novel Approach of Surface Unfolding for Ceramic Bowls

Xien Cheng, Jinghua Zheng

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Recent years, the significant advantage has been taken by ceramic industrial from the strong evolution in automation. All production phases have been addressed through various technical innovations, with the exception of the final stage of the manufacturing process. When applying computer vision on ceramic product quality inspection, the different kind of product of ceramic makes it difficult, especially on ceramic bowls, which have a curved surface. It is difficult to analyze rapidness and catch the production rate. This paper proposed an approach for automatic surface imperfection inspection of ceramic products. The bowl’s curved surface unfolding model was discussed derived from helicoid unfolding method. Experiment shows that this method can be nicety.


Numerical Study of Non-premixed MILD Combustion in DJHC Burner Using Eddy Dissipation Concept and Steady Diffusion Flamelet Approach

Numerical Study of Non-premixed MILD Combustion in DJHC Burner Using Eddy Dissipation Concept and Steady Diffusion Flamelet Approach

Jarief Farabi, Mohammad Ismail, Ebrahim Abtahizadeh

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Numerical study simplifies the challenges associated with the study of moderate and intense low oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion. In this study, the numerical investigation of turbulent non-premixed combustion in a Delft Co-flow Burner presents, which emulates MILD combustion behaviour. MILD combustion yields high thermal and fuel efficiency along with very low emission of pollutants. Using commercial ANSYS software, this study focuses on assessing the performance of two different turbulent-chemistry interactions models: a) Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) with reduced chemical kinetic schemes with 22 species (DRM 22) and b) Steady Diffusion Flamelet model, which is adopted in the Probability Density Function (PDF) approach method using chemical kinetic schemes GRI mech 3.0. The results of numerical simulations are compared with available experimental data measurement and calculated by solving the k-epsilon realizable turbulence model for two different jet fuel Reynolds numbers of 4100 and 8800. It has observed that the Steady Diffusion Flamelet PDF model approach shows moderately better agreement with the predicting temperature fields of experimental data using chemical Mechanism GRI mech 3.0 than the EDC model approach with a chemical mechanism with DRM 22. However, both models perform a better understanding for predicting the velocity field with experimental data. The models also predict and capture the effects of lift-off height (ignition kernel) with increasing of fuel jet Reynolds number, Overall, despite having more computational cost, the EDC model approach with GRI mech 3.0 yields better prediction. These featured models are suitable for the application of complex industrial combustion concentrating low emission combustion.


Numerical simulation of droplet coalescence in turbulent stream using level set method

Numerical simulation of droplet coalescence in turbulent stream using level set method

Ashraf Balabel

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In the present paper a novel numerical method for solving the problem of two-phase flow with moving interfaces in both laminar and turbulent flow regimes is developed. The developed numerical method is based on the solution of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes equations in both phases separately with appropriate boundary conditions located at the interface separating the two fluids. The solution algorithm is performed on a regular and structured two-dimensional computational grid using the control volume approach. The complex shapes as well as the geometrical quantities of the interface are determined via the level set method. The numerical method is firstly validated against the prediction of the well known flow dynamics over a circular cylinder. Further, the numerical simulation of two colliding droplets in gas flow is numerically predicted showing the important dynamics associated with the different flow regimes considered. The remarkable capability of the developed numerical method in predicting turbulent two-phase flow dynamics enables us to predict further a wide range of two-phase flow industrial and engineering applications.


Nutritional Evaluation of Adinandra Nitida Leaves

Nutritional Evaluation of Adinandra Nitida Leaves

Gang Li, Xiaohong Ge, Benguo Liu, Changzhong Liu

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In this study, the nutritional evaluation of Adinandra nitida leaves was investigated. It was found that Adinandra nitida leaves were rich in necessary amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. The content of the main flavonoid (camellianin A) was as high as 27.57±0.92 %. These results proved the high nutritional value of Adinandra nitida leaves. It has great commercial interest in the food and phyto-pharmaceutical market.


On a GARCH Model with Normal Scale Mixture Innovations

On a GARCH Model with Normal Scale Mixture Innovations

Feng Feng

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Recently, there has been a lot of interest in modeling real data with a heavy tailed distribution. A popular candidate is the so-called generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) model. Unfortunately, the tails of normal GARCH models are not thick enough in some applications. In this paper, we propose a GARCH model with normal scale mixture innovations, the parameters estimation procedure using EM algorithm is also provided. It is shown that GARCH models with normal scale mixture innovations have tails thicker than those of normal GARCH models. Therefore, the GARCH models with normal scale mixture innovations are more capable of capturing the heavy-tailed features in real data. Shanghai Stock Market Index as a real example illustrates the results.


Online Signature Verification Using Fully Connected Deep Neural Networks

Online Signature Verification Using Fully Connected Deep Neural Networks

Snehal Reddy Yelmati, Jayasree Hanumantha Rao

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Biometric systems have been used in a wide range of applications. In this paper, we have introduced an online signature verification system using deep neural network models. The proposed system is designed to be used in a production environment and has accuracies on par with the state-of-the-art signature verification methods. It authenticates much faster than most of the existing signature verification systems (less than 2 seconds). To achieve better accuracies and faster training times, a feature vector with 42 features, both static and dynamic, is obtained from the signature sample. This feature vector is fed into the user identification model, which predicts the identity of the user with about 99% accuracy and based on this prediction, the user authentication model predicts if the signature is genuine or forged for that recognized user, with about 98% accuracy. The best possible accuracy achieved by the proposed system for 40 users is 97.5% and EER about 2%. The dataset from the Signature Verification Competition 2004 (SVC2004) was used to assess the performance of the proposed system. The results show that the proposed system competes with and even outperforms existing methods.


Open Educational Resources (OER) for Sustainable Development using Autonomic Cloud Computing System

Open Educational Resources (OER) for Sustainable Development using Autonomic Cloud Computing System

Nureni Asafe Yekini, Uduak Inyang-Udoh, Funmilayo Doherty

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Open Educational Resources (OER) are those teaching and learning materials that are available either in the public domain or under an open license. The focus of this research work is to propose a conceptual framework for design and implementation of TVET autonomic cloud-based OERs for it integration into classroom teaching and learning strategies towards sustainable development. The beauty of this proposed system is its autonomous and self-managed features. The system will have capability of including the following: laboratory activities; syllabi, homework and assignment; assessments (CBT- computer-based test), lecture notes; audio visual lectures; simulation; lesson plan; and textbooks etc. while the system will be own and maintained by Yaba college of technology Nigeria, it's services will be available for usage by any individual with interest in TVET across the globe.


Operational Risk Research on Social Pooling Fund Under Diseases Score Settlement System

Operational Risk Research on Social Pooling Fund Under Diseases Score Settlement System

Zhang Kaijin, Wang Min

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Objectives: To find out the inner outer risks and its influence on social pooling fund under diseases score settlement (DSS).Methods: To Use step multiple linear regression analysis, the risk factors of the fund have been screened out. The selected risk factors have been taken into BP artificial neural network (BPANN). Results: In 12,724 insured inpatients, chronic diseases accounted for 24.89%.The average medical expense per inpatient was 11,950.88RMB and per hospitalization expenditure of social pooling fund was 7,665.81RMB. The 10 variables such as age, sex, unit type, hospital level, individual pays,medicine fee, medical fee, operation fee, nurse expense, bed fee and other expense were statistically significant. Conclusion: The growing aging population, changes in disease spectrum, increasing medical costs are all risks of non-controllable running outside the system. Moral hazard and the defective design of the system belong to the system controllable risks. The results from BPANN were compatible with multiple linear regression analysis. The payment system plays an important role in health insurance [1]. Good payment can control the hospitalization expenditures in a reasonable scope, while an imperfect one can throw a monkey-wrench into the system.The diseases score settlement (DSS) is payment system of Huai’an in China. This article develops two simple models (step multiple linear regression analysis and back-propagation artificial neural network(BPANN)) to illustrate the risks both inside and outside DSS and explore the risk control function of DSS. BPANN are the most widely used networks and are considered to be the workhorse of ANNs because of its simplicity and its power to extract useful information from samples [2].Due to its strong learning ability and generalization capability, BP networks have been successfully used in forecasting some financial problems, for example, predicting stock market returns [3], loan risk warning [4] and forecasting bankruptcy firms [5].


Optimal Capacity Determination For Electrical Distribution Transformers Based On IEC 60076-7 And Practical Load Data

Optimal Capacity Determination For Electrical Distribution Transformers Based On IEC 60076-7 And Practical Load Data

Keyvan Farahzad, Aliakbar Shahbahrami, Mani Ashouri

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Optimal installation of electrical distribution transformers has always been a challenging task for distribution operator (DSO)s due to load variations, particularly for seasonal loads. Depending on the quality of distribution systems in different regions and countries, a considerable number of installed transformers may be oversized or have capacity lower than critical standard. In this study, IEC 60076-7 is used to calculate the temperature limitations for distribution transformer capacities and determine optimal transformer capacity for an electrical distribution substation based on the critical values and limitations given in the standard. A data logger is installed on the substation and the load data is recorded for one year. Additionally, the impact of different parameters like ambient temperature is investigated for optimal determination of transformer capacity.


Optimal Controller Design for the System of Ball-on-sphere: The Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Case

Optimal Controller Design for the System of Ball-on-sphere: The Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Case

Usman Mohammed, Tologon Karataev, Omotayo O. Oshiga, Suleiman U. Hussein

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Control system plays a critical function as one of the essential bedrocks of contemporary social development. Differential equations are time-based equations. The analysis of these equations according to time-domain, is what the theory of modern control is based on. It uses a state-space method which allows direct design in the time-domain. With the state-space method, many controllers can be designed optimally. LQG is one of these controllers. This controller is covered much in the literature. Despite this, not many works cover the ball-on-sphere system. Therefore, the research designed an optimal LQG controller for the system of ball-on-sphere. System dynamics were first investigated and the mathematical model was derived. After that, the system was linearized and then the state-space representation was obtained. Using this representation, the controller was designed and applied to the system for control. The control was done based on the specified desired system performance. Finally, the controller's performance was analyzed. Results obtained showed that the controller met the desired system performance. The controller satisfied the at least 80% performance requirement with θ_x is 82.35% and θ_y is 82.95% less than their respective unregulated settling times. It was also observed that minimizing the total control energy leads to maximizing the total transient energy. Another finding was that all states played role in regulating the controller to the desired system performance. Unfortunately, a settling time (of the ball's angles) of less than 1.00 sec could not be realized. The realized performance is 2.35% and 2.95% more than the desired performance in x and y directions, respectively, for the ball’s angles settling time. This research is significant because it is the first to design an LQG controller for the ball-on-sphere system. Therefore, bridging the existing gap in the literature is the value of this research.


Optimal Measurement Model for the Assessment of Cell Adhesive Force by Using the Dielectrophoresis Force

Optimal Measurement Model for the Assessment of Cell Adhesive Force by Using the Dielectrophoresis Force

Jeng-Liang Lin, Chyung Ay, Jie-Yu Cheng, Chao-Wang Young

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The objective for this research is to assess the optimal measurement model for cell adhesion force. The Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell Line (ECV304) was cultured on a type of biomedical material, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The research also studied the parameters such as alternatives of working solution, styles of PDMS substrate, driving frequency and collagen smearing etc. The result showed the cells cultured on the large area substrate with 2 mm structural spacing and the small area substrate with 100μm structural spacing have better adhesive force. It was also clear to find that large area substrates also showed faster cell growth and expansion. They are more suitable as culture substrates for the measurement of cell adhesion force. As for work solution, 2% glucose solution that has relative low conductivity and concentration has the best measurement that effectively obtained cell adhesion force.


Optimal Segmentation Framework for Detection of Brain Anomalies

Optimal Segmentation Framework for Detection of Brain Anomalies

Nageswara Reddy P, C.P.V.N.J.Mohan Rao, Ch.Satyanarayana

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This work presents an enhancement in accuracy for brain disorder detection using optimal unification. The strategy for detection of segments and brain regions causing medical conditions are described. This work demonstrates the application of multilateral filter and applied watershed method with EM-GM method. The most popular existing techniques of brain tumor detection are not optimal compared to this combination of Watershed and EM-GM technique with the proposed optimal unification technique. The result is optimally unified and achieved high accuracy. The multilateral filter enhances the image edges for better segmentation using signal amplitude moderation of the pixel. In the unification process, the optimal sets of segments are divided and finest merged results are considered with the brain regions detected with anomalies. Henceforth the number of possible medical investigations will be reduced.


Option Pricing Under Stochastic Interest Rates

Option Pricing Under Stochastic Interest Rates

Haowen Fang

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This paper reviews the research history of option pricing, then our model assumes that the interest rate subject to a given Vasicek stochastic differential equations, using option pricing by martingale method to study the stochastic interest rate model of European option pricing and obtain the pricing formula. Finally, we compare the differences between the standard European option pricing formulas and European option pricing formula under stochastic interest rate.

