Статьи журнала - International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing
Все статьи: 520

Proactive Security of E-business
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After giving a brief statement to the theory of proactive security, based on the differences between passive defense and proactive security, the article describes the main idea about the proactive security theory of e-business network from aspects of network environment, security technology and service, network management. At the same time it analyses the barriers existing in the actual use of proactive security in e-business network.

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Friction welding is a solid state joining process the joints are formed by utilizing the heat generated by friction. This paper discusses the importance of impact toughness in friction welded components and the effect of various process parameters on impact toughness. The process parameters considered in this research work are friction force, Forge force, rotational speed and burn-off length for the 15CDV6 alloy steel and the Impact toughness is optimized to establish the weld quality using the Taguchi experimental design technique with an orthogonal array of L9, ANOVA. The effects of process parameters are discussed in detail based on the values obtained in the ANOVA and micro structural observations.

Process and Development of Electrical Porcelain Insulator Using Edo State, Nigerian Raw Materials
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Ceramic products produced depend not only on the over-all chemical composition but also on the individual compositions, its crystalline structures and particles sizes of the raw materials. It has also been revealed that the appropriateness of particle size of materials used and the crystalline formation is much desired in the production of high strength electrical porcelain insulator. There is virtually no study conducted locally in Nigeria reviewed by the author at the point of compiling this study gave credence to particle sizes of materials as a considerable factor in producing their porcelain insulator. However, the dielectric and mechanical properties of the electrical porcelain insulators produced still need to be improved upon in order to produce high strength electrical porcelain insulators. The study therefore experiments by varying particle sizes 75µm, 150µm, and 300µm at developing electrical porcelain insulator with quality mechanical and dielectric strength using locally sourced raw materials. The raw materials were mixed by adopting two varied formulations from previous study, while slip cast techniques was employed in producing test samples sintered at 1200oC at the rate of 5 oC per minute. The physio-mechanical properties and dielectric strength of the samples were carried out in accordance to American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C20-00, and ATSM D116 standards. Sample A1S of 75 µm particle size is the most acceptable of all the sample that met the required physio-mechanical and dielectric strength properties. However, this study suggests that 150µm particle sizes as a starting powder for production of electrical porcelain Insulator could also be used since its cost of processing is not much unlike 75 µm particle size and could easily be achieved locally in Nigeria.

Production of refractory porcelain crucibles from local ceramic raw materials using slip casting
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The vast need for refractories in Nigeria makes it imperative to domesticate its production in the country in order to reduce over-reliance on their importation. In this research, refractory porcelain crucibles were produced from indigenous ceramic raw materials from Ikere Ekiti and Awo (locations in South Western, Nigeria). Chemical analysis was carried out on the raw materials using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) to determine their chemical compositions. Five body compositions, labeled as samples A-E were formulated and the crucibles were produced using slip casting. They were dried and fired in a gas kiln up to 13000C for 6 hours. The result of the standard tests carried out on the locally produced porcelain crucibles showed total shrinkage of 10%-15%, water absorption of 0.36%-0.72%, compressive strength of 1.43N/mm2-1.65 N/mm2 and refractoriness of 1680.20C-1717.50C. The result showed that ceramic raw materials sourced from the selected deposits in South Western Nigeria are suitable for the production of porcelain crucibles with good refractory properties.

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The understanding of learning materials by students is the primary goal of education. However, this is not easily achieved by students. Teachers must make various innovations so that students can easily grasp the learning materials. Free-falling objects are one of the main topics in physics. Learning materials can be delivered through project-based activities in the classroom. Through class projects, empirical research can be conducted by both students and teachers. This article presents the tools and testing results related to the motion of granular materials as project-based learning. The flow rate of granular material in this project will illustrate the relationship between distance and time in free-fall motion. Therefore, this research designs and constructs a granular flow rate measurement system based on multiple sensors and a microcontroller to demonstrate the concept of free-falling objects through project-based learning. The method used is the design and construction of a device consisting of electronic and mechanical systems. The granular motion will be detected by the sensors. The main part of the electronic system consists of a microcontroller and five infrared sensors, which include five transmitters and five receivers. The mechanical system consists of a granular holding platform. Several types of granular materials are used for testing the flow rate measurement system. The lowest flow rate among the tested granular materials is around 70 grams/s for basil seeds, and the highest flow rate is for colorstone, with a flow rate of around 200 grams/s. The results also align with the basic physics concept of freefalling objects, which states that velocity increases as they approach the earth's surface due to the influence of gravity and distance. With the results obtained, this project-based learning device can be used to validate existing theoretical concepts.

Pulmonary Parenchyma Segmentation by Watershed Transform
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Lung cancer has become one of the leading causes of death in the world. Clear evidence shows that early discovery, early diagnosis and early treatment of lung cancer can significantly increase the chance of survival for patients. Lung Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) is a potential method to accomplish a range of quantitative tasks such as early cancer and disease detection, In computer-aided diagnosis of lung disease, accurate and fast pulmonary parenchyma segmentation is the core step. Watershed algorithm is used in this paper to segment and extract lung parenchyma. To reduce over-segmentation, an improved watershed segmentation method which marks foreground and background is proposed. This method is based on watershed algorithm using “Sobel” operator on edge detection and then using mathematical morphology opening and closing operations and morphological reconstruction to mark the foreground. Extracting the local maximum associated with object will constitute the binary marker image. By testing different types of images, it proposes that the algorithm in this paper can be consistent with human visual characteristics and get more accurate, continuous object boundary. Compared with other watershed improvement methods, this proposed one requires less computational complexity, more simple parameters, and can effectively reduce over-segmentation.

Quality Analysis for Different Video Formats by Using Video Watermarking
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In this paper, our main motive to compare different video formats and also analyze what will be the effect on quality when we embed same watermark in different type of formats such as .avi (colored and uncompressed video format), mp4(colored and compressed video format) & grey color image using discrete wavelet transform & singular value decompositions techniques. In research work, HH bands are used to embed the watermark into video because this band are less sensitive to human eyes and not easily detected or captured by human visual system. It also helps to improve the quality of video. The analysis is done on the basis of quality metrics such as PSNR, BER & MSE for different format video clips.

Quality Analysis of Ash from Lignite Coal and its Utilization at Thar Power Plant
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Billion of tonnes lignite coal is deposited under the surface of Tharparkar zone had been started utilizing in its own mine mouth power plant. Tharparkar is rich in coal resource and have the potential to energize the Pakistan for at least 200 year with the deposited coal fuel of 175 Billion of tonnes. Thar coal further divided into 13 blocks; Block II (have 1% of 175 Billion of tonnes of coal has the capability of produce 5000 MW for 50 years) had just set its 2 units which is capable for 2x330 MW with coal consumption of 560 tons/hour. With the time, the increase in thermal power plant will results in increasing problems with the disposal of solid residues from combustion and off gas cleaning (Bottom ash and Fly ash). The properties of as fired coal is analyzed i.e, volatile matter, sulfur and nitrogen contents and solid residues from combustion and off gas cleaning (Bottom & Fly Ash) and it’s found that as fired coal consists of 12% ash which is 5% greater than ash of design coal that is 7% and ranges from 4-12%. Large amount of ash produced by as fired coal reaches the almost upper range of ash in designed coal and yet it’s not utilized or recycled, according to analysis it can be utilized in various forms i.e. CLC block, cements, road construction and agriculture, if it is not recycled in future then it will create bad impact to the environment like environment pollution, health concern to the human and wildlife and contaminant the under-ground water.

Quantitative Economic Analysis of the Industrial Structure of Coastal City of Shandong Province
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Based on shift-share method, the author analyses the industrial structure benefit of coastal city of Shandong since 1990. Results indicate that the industrial structure of coastal city of Shandong is not rational in different degree, which results in slow-moving of the economic growth. The industrial structure of Yantai, weihai, rizhao are in lower level, in particular tertiary industry, so it cannot provide much-needed supporting services for rapid development of the second industry. The proportion of the first industry in the economy is extremely large in rizhao, it can't adapt to the new period of industrial structure development trend. Therefore, continual adjustment, optimization of the economic structure and improvement of the industrial quality are needed so as to promote the coordinated and rapid development of economy.

Racial Bias in Facial Expression Recognition Datasets: Evaluating the Impact on Model Performance
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Despite extensive research efforts in Facial Expression Recognition (FER), achieving consistent performance across diverse datasets remains challenging. This challenge stems from variations in imaging conditions such as head pose, illumination, and background, as well as demographic factors like age, gender, and ethnicity. This paper introduces NIFER, a novel facial expression database designed to address this issue by enhancing racial diversity in existing datasets. NIFER comprises 3,481 images primarily featuring individuals with dark skin tones, collected in real-world settings. These images underwent preprocessing through face detection and histogram equalization before being categorized into five basic facial expressions using a deep learning model. Experiments conducted on both NIFER and FER-2013 datasets revealed a decrease in performance in multiracial FER compared to single-race FER, underscoring the importance of incorporating diverse racial representations in FER datasets to ensure accurate recognition across various ethnicities.

Reach Enhanced Is-OWC System using Double Sideband Suppressed (DSS) DP-QPSK
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Insophisticated situations coming from developing multimedia applications and the exponential increase in the number of smart sensors and devices, future wireless networks will ensure high reliability, low latency, scalability, as well as better quality-of-service.Optical wireless communication (OWC) becomes more important because it can take advantage of the light medium's unique selling points over RF, such as immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), ultra-high capacity, the ability to communicate wirelessly through water, and the ability to provide additional security. Dual polarization (DP) enabled multilevel modulations in inter satellite optical wireless communication (Is-OWC) are potential and capacity building techniques to cope up with bandwidth explosive demands. Therefore, inthis work, a reach enhanced single channel Is-OWC is proposed using Double Sideband Suppressed (DSS) dual polarized (DP) Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation. Spectral efficiency of carrier is improved through DSS technique using Mach-Zehndar modulator (MZM) and millimeter wave (mm- wave). Further, pulse width reduction, nonlinear effects suppression, carrier phase estimation (CPE) and frequency offset estimation (FPE) is performed by Digital signal processor (DSP) in coherent receiver of PDM-QPSK. Performance comparison of DP-QPSK and DSS-DP-QPSK is performed at different link lengths in terms of log BER and error vector magnitude (EVM%). Results revealed that proposed system i.e., DSS-DP-QPSK at 160 Gbps data rate covers 44,000 km Is-OWC distance with acceptable log BER as compared to 40,000 km in DP-QPSK due to improved spectral efficiency of carrier spectrum of proposed system.

Reactive Power Market Clearing based on Pay-as-Bid Method with System Security
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This paper presents a marketing mechanism based on the Pay-As-Bid (PAB) method for reactive power ancillary services in the deregulated electricity market. Security, reliability and the location is major concern for Independent System Operator (ISO). So a modified Optimal Power Flow (OPF) optimization method is proposed in this paper to provide the system security. Firstly, the reactive power solution is obtained by solving a modified OPF model which maximizes system loadability subject to transmission security constraints imposed by thermal limits, voltage limits and stability limits. This modified OPF model is used for ensuring systemsecurity as well as for contingency analysis. Secondly, the Expected Payment Function (EPF) of generators is used to develop a bidding framework while Total Payment Function (TPF) based OPF is used to clear the PAB market. For the simulation and analysis purposes, a 24 bus RTS network is used in normal condition as well as in worst contingency state. The system security is preserved even in the worst contingency state.

Real Time Implementation of Driver Drowsiness Monitoring System Using SVM Classifier
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Nowadays, as transportation is increasing day by day and the probability of occurance of it in future is also very high. There are so many people travel an hours together every day, due to lack of rest the driver may feel tired or drowsy and may fall asleep. This may lead to several highway calamities causing to severe injuries, loss of human life etc. So solve this issue we propose a driver drowsiness monitoring system that helps in avoiding major accidents. The proposed method detects the status of the driver of the vehicle using the Eye Aspect Ratio (EAR) and Mouth Opening Ratio (MOR) techniques. The developed system includes a Pi camera, Raspberry Pi module and is used to detect and analyze continuously the eye closure status in real-time. When drowsiness is detected buzzer sound will alert the driver which significantly helps in reducing the percentage of highway calamities by alerting.

Real-time construction of 3D welding torch in virtual space for welding training simulator
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One unsolved problem in the development of an effective welding training simulator is how to construct an accurate 3D welding torch model based on the moving position of this torch in the training process. This paper presents an effective approach to deal with the problem. The whole scene is constructed in the base coordinate system and the torch is modeled as a 3D object in the sub-coordinate system. The sub-coordinate system firstly overlaps the base coordinate system, and it’s continuously changing as the trainer operates the torch. A nine axis sensor is installed in the torch at a selected point, which is the origin of the sub-coordinate system. The sensor can measure the rotation posture of the torch. Another marked point that can be captured by the Binocular Vision System (BVS) is installed with an infrared emitter. The BVS can measure the coordinate values of this point in the base coordinate system. As long as the coordinate values of a certain point on the model and its rotation posture based on this point can be determined, the VR development tool, such as Unity-3d,can track the model in real-time. That is the algorithm of this system, which is verified by Pro/E, a 3D modeling software. The approach presented above is applied to a welding training simulator product, which has been put into use and proved to be effective.

Relating Interactive System Design and Information Theory from Information Leakage Perspective
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In contemporary interactive software system design, to maintain equilibrium between usability and security is a challenging task because strictly enforced security policies directly affect the usability of the software. As a solution to this problem, information theoretic measure of information leakage in interactive system design has been proposed in the present work. The present paper first models the software system as a coloured Petri net model and after that using information theory and Petri net algebra; it defines the leakage in the interacting system. Based on the leakage definition, the present paper further quantifies information leakage and tries to establish a relation between information leakage and interactive system design principles. The paper also hints to decide consensus on the equilibrium of security and usability.

Reliability Analysis Techniques in Distribution System: A Comprehensive Review
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Quality of electricity with continuity is the reliability of the power system which is inversely proportional with the duration of power supply interruption. It depends on some expected or unexpected faults/failures on the systems, speed of protecting systems, preventive maintenance, and motivation of technical staffs. The detailed study of the distribution system is more crucial as its reliability is the concern of utility’s fame, service, customers’ satisfactions and reflects to the overall revenue. The relevant articles from the various sources has been collected and analyzed different reliability indices with their significance. Also, to realize the methodology related with reliability analysis, a comparative study among its different components has been carried out and the best techniques for maintaining system reliability are suggested.

Reliability Analysis of Combat Architecture Model based on Complex Network
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Based on the complex and networking characteristics of the combat system under the informationtization condition, combining the complex network theory, the author put forwards three network extension rules and established the network-based system model. Meanwhile, this article discussed the network characteristic parameters, reliability assessment and some other problems, and further relied on the simulation to analyze the network characteristics, reliability and the vital nodes mining under the different extension rules. The research methods and conclusions in this article can be used as the combat system’s arguments and references to its optimization.

Remote sensing image scene classification
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Remote sensing image scene classification has gained remarkable attention because of its versatile use in different applications like geospatial object detection, natural hazards detection, geographic image retrieval, environment monitoring and etc. We have used the strength of convolutional neural network in scene image classification and proposed a new CNN to classify the images. Pre-trained VGG16 and ResNet50 are used to reduce overfitting and the training time in this paper. We have experimented on a recently proposed NWPU-RESISC45 dataset which is the largest dataset of remote sensing scene images. This paper found a significant improvement of accuracy by applying the proposed CNN and also the approaches have applied.

Research of Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Improved FP-Tree
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Mining algorithm of FP-Tree is one of the most effective mining algorithms in association rule mining. It must produce large amounts of the candidate set and scan database repeatedly, but it generates conditional FPTree recursively in the process of mining frequent pattern and wastes the storage space greatly using the common tree's memory structure. It proposed an algorithm for mining frequent patterns by constructing reverse FP-tree with a binary tree storage structure. In mining process, it mines left son tree recursively, but gets frequent pattern not by generating conditional FP-Tree, so it greatly reduces the storage space and running time. The experiments show that the improved algorithm can realize effective mining on the time and space.

Research of Distributed Data Mining System Based on Web Services
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For the following reasons, the original centralized data mining became more and more out of date. First, the data source need to be processed is distributed on different computers in the networks. Second, because of the constrain of networks band, the privacy and safety of data, the incompatibility of systems and so on, it is not realistic to put all data source in a place for centralized data mining. Third, more and more demands have addressed on the openness and easy accessibility. The distributed data mining technology was presented for the problems mentioned above. This article introduced the latest technology for distributed component technology—web services technology into distributed data mining field, and took some tentative efforts in solving the problem of designing for suitable architecture of distributed data mining systems and corresponding distributed mining algorithms.