Статьи журнала - International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business

Все статьи: 626

IReadWeb: Towards Best Performance of WebAnyWhere

IReadWeb: Towards Best Performance of WebAnyWhere

Najwa K. Bakhsh, Saleh Alshomrani, Imtiaz Hussain Khan

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This article describes IReadWeb system, which is based on existing WebAnyWhere technology. The existing WebAnyWhere system uses depth-first search (DFS) to traverse the Document Object Model (DOM) during the Web surfing task. DFS uses an exhaustive search and crawls through an entire page until it identifies the target node thereby greatly increasing the response time to users. We developed a user-experienced based algorithm, which, unlike DFS, exploits pre-fetched information stored in a local cache to speed up the browsing task. The performance of IReadWeb is thoroughly evaluated and compared against WebAnyWhere by using a sizeable sample of blind native Arabic speakers. The experimental results show that IReadWeb outperformed WebAnyWhere in attaining fast response speed.


IT innovation and firm’s sustainable performance: the intermediary role of organizational agility – an empirical study

IT innovation and firm’s sustainable performance: the intermediary role of organizational agility – an empirical study

Mohamed Amine Marhraoui, Abdellah El Manouar

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Both small and large companies are facing tough competition in today’s rapidly changing environment. They should be able to adapt continuously to these changes and to exploit them as opportunities of development. Firms should then innovate in order to gain sustainable advantage, by proposing adequate products and services allowing them to increase market shares and sustain their growth. Disruptive technologies are thus adopted in order to conceive innovative products, to develop a new use of existing products/services or to optimize processes. In this article, we describe our theoretical framework and its main constructs. It presents the direct effect of information technology innovation on economic, social and environmental performance. Moreover, our proposed framework focuses on the intermediary role of organizational agility. In addition, the main findings of our quantitative study based on the analysis of survey data from 103 participants are highlighted. After verifying the validity and reliability of our questionnaire results, the framework’s hypotheses are tested using partial least squares path modeling method.


Identification of a Better Laptop with Conflicting Criteria Using TOPSIS

Identification of a Better Laptop with Conflicting Criteria Using TOPSIS

T. Miranda Lakshmi, V. Prasanna Venkatesan, A. Martin

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Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are useful for evaluating several complex factors of multiple selection problems. The Multi-Objective problems are an extension of Single-Objective problems. The goal of MCDM is to help the decision maker to make a choice among a finite number of alternatives or to sort or rank a finite set of alternatives in terms of multiple criteria. Among the MCDM methods, the most widely applied method is TOPSIS. It is applied for different kinds of MCDM problems. In laptop selection process, it is difficult to select better laptop because relatively all laptops are seems to be same. By applying the TOPSIS method to the alternatives it is simple to differentiate the laptops from one another. The better laptop has been selected using TOPSIS based on conflicting criteria such as warranty, size, battery life, specification and others. This methodology also has been evaluated by MCDM evaluation metrics such as Time and Space Complexity, Sensitivity Analysis, ranking reversal and relative closeness coefficient.


Image Restoration Algorithm Research on Local Motion-blur

Image Restoration Algorithm Research on Local Motion-blur

Yan Chen, Jin Hua

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In this paper, we aim at the restoration of local motion-blur. On the base of construction of basic model of local motion-blur, the formation mechanism of local motion-blur is analyzed, and a new restoration algorithm aimed at local motion-blur in a complex background is proposed. In the algorithm, the problem of restoration of blurred image with complex background is simplified. First, the blurred part is extracted from the complex background, and then it is pasted onto a bottom with monochromatic background. After restoration in the monochromatic background, the restored part is pasted back to the original complex background. All the operations can be completed in spatial domain. Because the restoration of blur image with monochromatic background is easier, so the algorithm proposed in this paper is simple, fast and effectual. It is an effective method of blur image restoration.


Image-based Digital Marketing

Image-based Digital Marketing

Shyam R. Sihare

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An image represents millions of words which is depend on people interpretation. If image application considers for the marketing arena, then it represents to masses of peoples of different categories as per their requirements. The image-based marketing is an innovative and creative phenomenon which highly depends on geographical areas as well as on the interest of different placed habitat consumers. At recent times, the digital devices are widespread and it possesses by common peoples for completion of their daily miscellaneous needs and services. That is why, a new globe is opened for digital marketing, especially image-based marketing. Marketers jolt out traditional marketing strategies and adopt new marketing strategies to enhance productivity and sale. However, it is possible by application of a digital communication medium due to its effectiveness and efficiency. At recent times, the marketing paradigm has been shift very rapidly as per consumer mindset, for that, it is essential to switch into modern marketing technique keeping in mind of future firm prospect and its prosperity. Hence, in this research article, we discuss of how product sale grows by adopting digital marketing strategies, with that, we analyzed consumer behavior.


Impact of Modification Rate in Artificial Bee Colony for Engineering Design Problems

Impact of Modification Rate in Artificial Bee Colony for Engineering Design Problems

Tarun Kumar Sharma, Millie Pant, Deepshikha Bhargava

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Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), a recently proposed population based search heuristics which takes its inspiration from the intelligent foraging behavior of honey bees. In this study we have studied the impact of modification rate (MR) in basic ABC by gradually increasing it from 0.1 to 0.9. This impact is studied on four engineering design problems taken from literature. The simulated results show that it is beneficial to set the modification rate to a lower value.


Impediments to Requirement Engineering in Distributed Team

Impediments to Requirement Engineering in Distributed Team

Nabiha Usmani, Rabbia Hassan, Waqas Mahmood

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Due to the greater availability of skilled software engineers, organizations are increasingly adopting Global Software Development, at relatively lesser costs. Software process in such distributed teams have turned out to be progressively more viable for numerous reasons, due to better communication technologies and maturity level of software industry. However organizations adopting Global Software Development must take into consideration that it is not a risk-free action, as many failures related to it have been reported. There are a number of challenges when existing tools of globally distributed projects are adopted. Upon deep evaluation of requirement analysis during interactive phase, particular consideration must be given to the requirements of clients and distributed software provider teams which are globally dispersed. In this paper, we present realistic insights gathered from carrying out surveys from IT professionals and people working in the software industry. Moreover, extensive examination of the literature work previously done in this regard is also documented in our paper. The objective of our paper is to get a clear idea about the major factors and challenges faced by the team members of the globally distributed team. After identification of these key factors, based on the results of our survey, we have endeavored to present an analysis on how to overcome these challenges.


Implementation and Performance Effect on Electronic Procurement and its Ship Management Companies

Implementation and Performance Effect on Electronic Procurement and its Ship Management Companies

V.K. Narendira Kumar, B. Srinivasan

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Transportation industry in general and maritime transportation industry in particular are not exception in this regard. Customers, partners, agents, collaborators, shippers, port operators, suppliers and service agencies are involved in the ship transport industry supply chain, and one of the major requirements in such a supply chain in which all concerned parties are scattered all over the world, is the high speed transferring of data between them. In maritime transportation procurement process plays an essential role. In this study based on the literature review, seven most frequently mentioned factors found. These performance factors were: Cost, visibility of supply chain, cycle time, procurement control, inventory management and purchasing errors which were influenced by implementing E-Procurement. An attempt has been made in this research to find the performance effect of e-procurement implementation in ship management companies.


Implementation of Business Intelligence to Determine Evaluation of Activities (Case Study Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Implementation of Business Intelligence to Determine Evaluation of Activities (Case Study Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Ali Fajri, Ardiles Sinaga

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This study aims to examine how to evaluate the activities undertaken in IDX. By building the system "business intelligence implementation to determine the evaluation of activities ". Where in this study also used the algorithm Naive Bayes in the process of data classification activities that have been done. The approach to the development of this software is through the study of libraries, data collection, system design, system implementation, Test systems and analysis. The tools used in the development of this software are Pentaho, PostgreSQL (as a data processing tool), Microsoft Excel (as a tool for creating training data), XAMPP (as a Web server tool) and the encoding used in this software development is the PHP CodeIgniter framework (as the backend), Highcharts (as Dashboard views) and DataTables (as table views). In this study, authors build software that is expected to help the Directorate of Development (RPE) in conducting evaluation activities in IDX. The analysis of the study uses variables from budget-realization data and activity categories as comparators to figure out the activity status. The study also used IDX activity data in 2018 to implement a built-in system. The results of this study show that the realization of the budget and category of this activity strongly affects the activities that will be evaluated or not evaluated. Activities in each of the IDX representative offices are also potentially to be evaluated, depending on the value of the budget specified in the training data set.


Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in VHDL for Digital Circuits Optimization

Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in VHDL for Digital Circuits Optimization

Garima Grover, Ila Chaudhary

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In order to accomplish the targets of specified levels for reducing the hardware requirements of digital systems, innovative techniques are required to be implemented either at the device level, architectural level or gate level designs. In this paper one of the evolutionary techniques i.e. Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm has been used to optimize digital circuits at the gate level on VHDL platform to draw an automatic, generalised and reliable technique to find optimum solutions with reduced gate count for the designing of digital systems.


Improving Fault-Tolerant Load Balancing Algorithms in Computational Grids

Improving Fault-Tolerant Load Balancing Algorithms in Computational Grids

Jasma Balasangameshwara

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Fault tolerant scheduling of many jobs in an environment with millions of unpredictable nodes is not an easy issue. To the best of our knowledge, no work in the literature has proposed a solution that combines the merits of active and passive replication schemes of fault tolerance with the advantages of performance-driven load balancing so as to make the most of the strong points of each. While extensive fault tolerant scheduling and load balancing methods have been presented for the sequential jobs, none have taken into account fault-tolerant load balancing that minimizes the job make-span, provides efficient network and node utilization, achieves a Ill-balanced load and high system flexibility even during the resource failures. Hence, in this article, I present an Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm namely ASA that overcomes these problems. With thorough simulations, I conclude that ASA allocates any number of jobs to a million nodes with relatively low overhead and high flexibility. Experimental results show that the performance of ASA is better than those of its counterparts.


Increasing ERP Implementation Success Ratio by Focusing on Data Quality & User Participation

Increasing ERP Implementation Success Ratio by Focusing on Data Quality & User Participation

M. Rizwan Jameel Qureshi, Alnamer M. Abdulkhalaq

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ERP systems projects have been spread widely across many organizations in general and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in particular. Regrettably, failures were the results for most of the ERP implementations. As a result of that, critical failure and success factors (CFFs & CSFs) have been identified with the help of large number of researches. Accordingly, data quality and user participation were categorized as two of the most critical factors that threaten the success of the ERP projects. In order to raise the success percentage of such projects, a data cleansing methodology and some guidelines for user participation have been proposed.


Indicator Automation with Power BI in the Innovation Sector of a Transformer Company

Indicator Automation with Power BI in the Innovation Sector of a Transformer Company

Ana Julia Dal Forno, Letícia Marques Bauler, Selene de Souza Siqueira Soares, Marilise Luiza Martins dos Reis Sayão

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The use of indicators is increasingly common, as they allow the visualization and analysis of useful data to assist in decision-making and planning. In this context, this article aimed to evaluate the process of automating indicators in the area of innovation in a multinational company located in Brazil, a transformer manufacturer. To this end, the themes of indicators and the application of Business Intelligence (BI) and process automation for project manager functions were conceptualized. The action research methodology developed automated indicators to facilitate decision-making and improve the productivity of the project team. These results also allowed for the improvement of visual and systemic management, by presenting all current projects and information on the occupancy rate of each team member, in addition to real-time control of whether goals are being achieved in the company. Thus, it was evident that centralizing data helps managers make more assertive decisions and the case reported can be replicated to other industrial sectors. In the academic sphere, the research also contributed to the evolution of the topic of project integration, automation and visual management of indicators using the Power BI tool.


Information Technology for the Data Integration in Intelligent Systems of Business Analytics

Information Technology for the Data Integration in Intelligent Systems of Business Analytics

Victoria Vysotska, Andrii Berko, Yevhen Burov, Dmytro Uhryn, Zhengbing Hu, Valentyna Dvorzhak

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The purpose of the research is to develop mathematical models, solution methods and layouts of tools for problems solving of integrating information resources and creation of intelligent systems of business analytics based on effective models. These problems can be solved by automating the business processes execution and introducing artificial intelligence components into the business processes management systems. It can be said that the essence of the modern stage of the business processes modelling systems development is the transition from mainly manual (or with the use of auxiliary software) methods of business processes analysis to mainly automatic management of the business processes execution, construction of intelligent business processes networks in the interconnected conceptual models’ set form that encapsulate knowledge about the structure, the business processes features, system events, limitations and dependencies and are processed by machine. Decision-making powers are delegated to such information system in clearly defined (most often simple, routine) situations. So, in this way, it is possible to form the information resource of intelligent systems of business analytics as a single coherent set of data, suitable for use in solving a wide range of multifaceted problems. The integration approach of forming information resources has certain advantages over other approaches, in particular, regarding the information resources of intelligent systems of business analytics. The use of integration as a means of forming a set of consistent data has certain advantages, namely, it allows: combine data of different formats, content and origins in a single, consistent set; combine data without converting them to a single format, which is especially important when such conversion is difficult or impossible; creates virtual custom images of data that do not depend on their real appearance; creates opportunities to operate both real physical and virtual data in their combination; dynamically supplement, change and transform both the data itself and their descriptions; to provide uniform methods and technologies of perception and application of a large amount of various data.


Instructor’s Performance:A Proposed Model for Online Evaluation

Instructor’s Performance:A Proposed Model for Online Evaluation

Salah Alkhafaji, B. Sriram

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Currently due to high awareness and quality audits, the higher education institutions have made to keep a track on various performances of the institutions. One such most important activity that has to be analyzed and evaluated is Instructor’s classroom performance. As the students are the main stakeholders of the educational process, their concerns over the instructor, teaching pedagogies and methodologies, assessment techniques need to be collected and analyzed for achieving the institution’s goals and objectives. The students shall give their opinions related to the various performance indicators of instructor.In general, the higher education institutions use various techniques to evaluate instructor’s performance in the classroom from the students. The latest technological developments help in data collection using web technologies. Online system with required questionnaire and attributes will help the higher education institutions in easy data collection. Apart from that the students shall give their opinions without any fear from any place and at any time. In this paper, we have identified the major factors and users of an instructor online evaluation system. Also, we have proposed a model for such system with subsystem interface, entity relationship diagram and context diagram.


Integrating Asymmetric Cryptographic Digital Wallet for Online Services in Nigeria

Integrating Asymmetric Cryptographic Digital Wallet for Online Services in Nigeria

Theresa Olubukola Omodunbi, Ayomide S. Akindutire, Tolulope Moyosore Awoyelu, Rhoda N. Ikono, Ishaya P. Gambo

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Online stores have integrated one or more payment gateways on their website to facilitate the transaction of goods and services. In the Nigerian case, many physical stores are moving online. However, there is a gap in the payment methods which have slowed down business due to limited payment methods, charges incurred on gateways, and insecurity of websites. This paper is tailored towards the security of online transactions, reduced credit card usage and yet accentuation of cashless policy in Nigeria. Inline with the above stated, this paper proposed a secured digital wallet using cryptography to proffer a solution to exposing confidential information to different sites and curb fraudulent actions. By means of qualitative and quantitative research approach, data on user transactions were collected through google survey forms on how often they make transactions, 91.3% shop online but only 48.1% shop very often and 55% of sample questioned security of online payment, from the quantitative facts above, a larger percent of people who uses financial tools in their shopping activities have more security concern which this study solely aim at. In response to the corncern in the preceeding clauses, a mathematical model was formulated to generate keys for the wallet using an asymmetric cryptography scheme to improve the security process while using an online service. Furthermore, wallet referred in this paper uses the fund preload techniques which limits how often users needs to swipe their credit card for an handshake with the commercial banks, the end goal thus strengthen the Nigeria cashless policy. This paper generated encryption and decryption keys from the extension of the Euclid theorem and implemented a system that can generate keys for fund and asset transfer with the crypto service. The system was tested using unit testing and alpha and beta testing to assert the aims of the research. The result showed that digital wallet usage reduces the exposure of sensitive information on funds and allows using the account on different sites.


Integrating QR Code to e-Class System for Managing Attendance Lecture Services in Higher Education

Integrating QR Code to e-Class System for Managing Attendance Lecture Services in Higher Education

Winanti, Adi Nugroho, Budi Haryanto, Nana Supiana, Erick Fernando

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Currently attendance is still done manually by recapping each lecturer's attendance sheet. The method used is the prototype method and testing using the User Acceptant Test (UAT) method. This takes a long time, even misinterpretations of existing absences sometimes cause problems when giving salary receipts to lecturers, besides that, reporting to campus management also takes time. The lecturer attendance system can help the finance department to calculate lecturer teaching attendance faster and more easily, which can be used to calculate salaries and evaluate lecturer attendance. The system at the implementation stage and during implementation the average teaching attendance of lecturers is easier to control. Some of the features in this attendance system include Check-in, Lecturer, profile, History, Schedule, Help, Tutorial and Chat Group. Apart from that, the main menu also provides information regarding the check-in time limit, waiting time for the next check-in, campus information, and application updates. The system was built with a QR Code and is Android-based to make things easier for lecturers, admin, and the finance department.


Integration of Heterogeneous Cloud Storages through an Intermediate WCF Service

Integration of Heterogeneous Cloud Storages through an Intermediate WCF Service

Parvinder Kaur, Manish Mahajan

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Many organizations provide computing resources or services to the client like hardware, software, storage etc. Storage is one of important service that is popular and commonly used today and it provides storage space online to store the data. Service providers give a storage space to consumers on the basis of renting criteria with a trust of high and powerful security. Consumer and organizations uses these storages to secure own personal data. There are many reasons come across that causes to move data from one place to another. Some of them are: reconstruction of storage, backup, new technologies, security etc. So, data migration, data transfer between different cloud storages, often requires. Achieving mechanism of Data migration between clouds is very difficult because of its different architecture to store data. For example Window Azure cloud storage creates a primary key name ID automatically whenever a new table is created. Architecture of cloud storage is depending upon its implementation done by corresponding cloud vendors (like Microsoft). The main vision of this research work is to provide an intermediate service to move the data between both homogeneous and heterogeneous cloud storages. This intermediate service is a two way strategy that built in a SOA technology called WCF that helps the clients, organizations to move data between same and different cloud storages (Window Azure and Go Daddy cloud storages mainly used in this research work).


Intelligent Network Architecture Development for E-Business Processes Based on Ontological Models

Intelligent Network Architecture Development for E-Business Processes Based on Ontological Models

Yevgen Burov, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Yuriy Ushenko, Dmytro Uhryn, Zhengbing Hu

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The use of ontological models for intelligent systems construction allows for improved quality characteristics at all stages of the life cycle of a software product. The main source of improvement in quality characteristics is the possibility of reusing the conceptualization and code provided by the corresponding models. Due to the use of a single conceptualization when creating various software products, the degree of interoperability and code portability increases. The new-generation electronic business analytics systems implementation is based on the use of active models for business processes (BP). Such models, on the one hand, reflect the BPs taking place in the organization on a real-time scale, and on the other hand, embody corporate and other regulatory rules and restrictions and monitor their compliance. The purpose of this article is to research the methods of presenting and building active executable BP models, determining the methods of their execution and coordination, and building the resulting intelligent network of BP models. In the process of its implementation, such a network ensures the implementation, support of decision-making and compliance with regulatory rules in the relevant real BPs. A formal specification of an intelligent system for modelling a complex of BPs of the enterprise using models has been proposed. A hierarchical approach to the introduction of intelligent functions into the modelling system has been proposed. The simulation system is designed to be used for the design and management of complex intelligent systems. Achieving the set goal involves solving several development tasks: methods of presenting BP models for different types of such models; methods of analysis and display of time relations and attributes in BP models; ways of presenting the association of artefacts, and business analytics models with individual BP operations; metric ratios for evaluating the quality of process execution; methods of interaction of various BPs and coordination of their implementation. The purpose of functioning an intelligent model-driven software system is achieved through the interaction of a large number of simple models. At the same time, each model encapsulates a certain aspect of the expert's knowledge about the subject area. To apply executable conceptual models in the field of modelling BPes, it is necessary to determine the types of conceptual models used, their purpose and functions, and the role they play in the operation of an intelligent system. Models used in modelling BPes can be classified according to various characteristics. At the same time, the same model can be included in different classifications.


Intelligent Robust Feed-forward Fuzzy Feedback Linearization Estimation of PID Control with Application to Continuum Robot

Intelligent Robust Feed-forward Fuzzy Feedback Linearization Estimation of PID Control with Application to Continuum Robot

Afsaneh Salehi, Farzin Piltan, Mahmoud Mousavi, Arzhang Khajeh, Mohammad Reza Rashidian

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Refer to this paper, an intelligent-fuzzy feed-forward computed torque estimator for Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is proposed for highly nonlinear continuum robot manipulator. In the absence of robot knowledge, PID may be the best controller, because it is model-free, and its parameters can be adjusted easily and separately and it is the most used in robot manipulators. In order to remove steady-state error caused by uncertainties and noise, the integrator gain has to be increased. This leads to worse transient performance, even destroys the stability. The integrator in a PID controller also reduces the bandwidth of the closed-loop system. Model-based compensation for PD control is an alternative method to substitute PID control. Computed torque compensation is one of the nonlinear compensator. The main problem of the pure computed torque compensator (CTC) was highly nonlinear dynamic parameters which related to system’s dynamic parameters in certain and uncertain systems. The nonlinear equivalent dynamic problem in uncertain system is solved by using feed-forward fuzzy inference system. To eliminate the continuum robot manipulator system’s dynamic; Mamdani fuzzy inference system is design and applied to CTC. This methodology is based on design feed-forward fuzzy inference system and applied to CTC. The results demonstrate that the model base feed-forward fuzzy CTC estimator works well to compensate linear PID controller in presence of partly uncertainty system (e.g., continuum robot).

