Статьи журнала - International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science
Все статьи: 1080

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Web 2.0 is about social networking and collaboration between the creator and the user. Web 3.0 is termed as intelligent web or semantic web with technologies like big data, linked data, cloud computing, 3D visualization, augmented reality and more to make passive learner into active learner in the learning process. This paper identifies the characteristics of the different generations of web and its effect on the different generations of e-learning and also identifies the various issues related with web 3.0. Finally a study is made on the user preferences and recorded in this paper.

E-Mail Spam Detection Using Refined MLP with Feature Selection
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Electronic Mail (E-mail) has established a significant place in information user’s life. E-Mails are used as a major and important mode of information sharing because emails are faster and effective way of communication. Email plays its important role of communication in both personal and professional aspects of one’s life. The rapid increase in the number of account holders from last few decades and the increase in the volume of emails have generated various serious issues too. Emails are categorised into ham and spam emails. From past decades spam emails are spreading at a tremendous rate. These spam emails are illegitimate and unwanted emails that may contain junk, viruses, malicious codes, advertisements or threat messages to the authenticated account holders. This serious issue has generated a need for efficient and effective anti-spam filters that filter the email into spam or ham email. Spam filters prevent the spam emails from getting into user’s inbox. Email spam filters can filter emails on content base or on header base. Various spam filters are labelled into two categories learning and non-machine learning techniques. This paper will discuss the process of filtering the emails into spam and ham using various techniques.

E-Mail Spam Detection Using SVM and RBF
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In today's life internet is an important part. We spend most of our time on internet. One of the important features of internet is communication. Email is a mode of communication which is used for the personal and business purpose. Spam emails are the emails recipient does not wish to take delivery of; it is also called unwanted bulk email. Emails are used each day by number of user to converse around the world. At present large volumes of spam emails are reasoning serious trouble for Internet user and Internet service. Such as it degrade user investigate knowledge, it assists transmission of virus in network, it increases load on network traffic. It also misuses user time, and energy for legal emails among the spam. For evade spam there are so many conventional anti-spam technique includes Bayesian based sort, rule based system, IP blacklist, Heuristic based filter, White list and DNS black holes. These methods are based on satisfied of the post or links of the mail. In this paper we proposed an efficient spam filtering technique based on neural network. The technique used is RBF a neural network technique in which neuron are trained. The results obtained by using this technique are compared with SVM. The parameter meter for comparison is precision and accuracy. On the basis of these two parameters we compared the proposed technique with SVM.

E-learning Tools to Improve Students’ Learning Experience: a case study
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E-learning refers to the way people communicate and learn electronically which has only recently emerged as a key source of competitive advantage in the information society. With the development of the Information and Communication Technologies, E-Learning is argued to become a new and effective learning method and environment besides classroom based learning. Although still an emerging field, many researchers suggest that it offers many benefits that are radically different from a conventional classroom-based learning environment and can still generate result for students. It could be providing independent learning programme for internal students, external students, distant students, and training purpose. However, it is also revealed in literature that E-Learning has been used more indirectly as a tool for organising study courses and educational programmes. The questions such as “can E-Learning be made as a learning strategy” and “can E-Learning replace classroom-based modes of learning and teaching” remain unanswered. This research intends to explore various aspects with regards to how and to what extent E-Learning has been used to improve teaching and learning activities using the University of Bolton as a case study. It also intends to verify the main findings from the literature review via employing a case study approach and hence make comparisons between the national trends of E-Learning usage and the chosen case. The main research findings from this study are presented in this paper.

EMCAR: Expert Multi Class Based on Association Rule
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Several experimental studies revealed that expert systems have been successfully applied in real world domains such as medical diagnoses, traffic control, and many others. However, one of the major drawbacks of classic expert systems is their reliance on human domain experts which require time, care, experience and accuracy. This shortcoming also may result in building knowledge bases that may contain inconsistent rules or contradicting rules. To treat the abovementioned we intend to propose and develop automated methods based on data mining called Associative Classification (AC) that can be easily integrated into an expert system to produce the knowledge base according to hidden correlations in the input database. The methodology employed in the proposed expert system is based on learning the rules from the database rather than inputting the rules by the knowledge engineer from the domain expert and therefore, care and accuracy as well as processing time are improved. The proposed automated expert system contains a novel learning method based on AC mining that has been evaluated on Islamic textual data according to several evaluation measures including recall, precision and classification accuracy. Furthermore, five different classification approaches: Decision trees (C4.5, KNN, SVM, MCAR and NB) and the proposed automated expert system have been tested on the Islamic data set to determine the suitable method in classifying Arabic texts.

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In this paper we have shown how to use conductive sensor, Zigbee and 74HC14 Inverter to monitor the water level and to control the working of pump. This project is designed to automatically fill the over head tank when it gets empty and monitor the water level in it. The motor is switched ON when the water level in the overhead tank drops below a pre fixed low level (on point) and puts off the motor when water level rises up to pre fixed high level (off point).The motor is also switched off during the following conditions: when the sump water is exhausted before filling overhead tank, pump running dry, mains voltage fluctuations. We also introduce an energy efficient routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (ERPWS) for Conductive Sensor based Water Level Monitoring and Control System using Zigbee (XBEE 802.15.4) in terms of energy consumptions, the packet loss ratio, network lifetime and the average delivery delay. The XBEE used here is XBEE Pro Series 1(XBP24-AWI-001) and IC used is 74HC14 Hex Inverting Schmitt trigger. Simulation results have been obtained by using NS2 simulator. The evaluation results show that the energy consumption of routing using ERPWS is significantly lower than LEACH and traditional routing protocols.

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This project intends to develop an effective educational media that is not only rich in cultural content but also feasible in the museum setting. We want to introduce the Mao-Kung Ting, one of the most valuable collections of the National Palace Museum, to the public in two key aspects—its aesthetic beauty as an antique bronze cauldron, and its historical significance of carrying the longest bronze inscriptions ever discovered among unearthed bronze in China, which has made it plays an important role in the evolution of Chinese characters. Our mission is to develop an interactive installation that could help the audiences to understand this critical cultural heritage with ease. The major techniques that have been employed to facilitate this process include intuitive interactive interface, computer graphics animation, as well as an immersive environment with audio and video. Finally, two case studies were presented to show how the use of multimedia technology is helping to enhance visitors’ experience while the key challenges of the contemporary curatorial tasks are being discussed.

Economic Designing of PV/FC/Wind Hybrid System Considering Components Availability
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This paper presents an Optimization Sizing of a stand-alone PV/FC/Wind Hybrid System (PFWHS) to optimize the sizes of components of PFWHS. Based on PSO algorithm, one optimal sizing method was developed to determine the optimal configuration of system that can achieve the load required power supply probability (Reliability) with a minimum overall cost of energy (OCE).PFWHS costs involve investments, operation and maintenance as well as loss of load costs. The applied wind and radiation datasets belong to northwest region (Jolfa, latitude: 38_56, longitude: 45_37, altitude: 710, m) of Iran. In this paper the impact of availability of PFWHS components is investigated on optimal sizing. So, to investigating the impact of component availability rate on PFWHS costs and reliability due to failure and repair rate of PFWHS components and uncertainty in wind speed and solar irradiance, two scenarios are considered. In first scenario the availability of all components is considered 1 and in second scenario isn’t considered 1 because of failure and repair rate of components and uncertainty in wind speed and solar irradiance. Obtained results prove that while the overall cost of energy is optimized, the reliability indices are within a satisfactory bound with regard to the reliability standards. Also the results indicate that considering complete availability of components causes more reliability rate, so to achieve the actual behavior of PFWHS, the rate of components availability must be considered in suitable insight to designer for supply the load.

Edge-balanced Index Sets of the Nested Graph with Power-cycle C5mxPm5 (I)
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Based on the power-cycle nested graph brought before, using the research methods and techniques of graph theory and combinatorial mathematics, through studying the new design idea about the basic graph,nested-cycle subgraph with gear and five-vertex sector subgraph-group, the edge-balanced index sets of the power-cycle nested graph n=5 are provided here, for m≡1(mod3) and m ≥4, and the proofs of the computational of formulas and the construction of the corresponding graphs also give out.

Educational Background and High School Maths Teachers’ Specialism
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Teachers’ Specialism is a world development trend and fashion, but also the needs and the direction of teacher education reform. After the latest curriculum reform, the educational reform and development of math,teachers have become universally concentrated and thoughtful in the field of mathematical education. The study adopting questionnaires and telephone interviews carried out a sample survey to 59 common high school math teachers from 3 provinces, and analyzed the connection between math teachers’ specialism and educational background by the statistical analysis tool SPSS quantitatively and qualitatively. The study shows that both mathematical science knowledge and mathematical educational skills have an obvious connection with the educational background, while there’s little connection between mathematical educational knowledge and the educational background. The study points out a relevant strategy which high school math teachers should attach the same important to pre-job training and post-job training

Educational Data Mining: Classification Techniques for Recruitment Analysis
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Data Mining is a dominant tool for academic and educational field. Mining data in education atmosphere is called Educational Data Mining. Educational Data Mining is concerned with developing new methods to discover knowledge from educational/academic database and can be used for decision making in educational/academic systems. This work demonstrates an effective mining of students performance data in accordance with placement/recruitment process. The mining result predicts weather a student will be recruited or not based on academic and other performance during the entire course. To mine the students' performance data, the data mining classification techniques such as – Decision tree- Random Tree and J48 classification models were built with 10 cross validation fold using WEKA. The constructed classification models are tested for predicting class label for new instances. The performance of the classification models used are tested and compared. Also the misclassification rates for the classification experiment are analyzed.

Educational Suport for Hypermedia Design
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This paper presents a project directed towards the production of a book in two versions, printed and digital, with the provisional title of "Design, Education and Technology: support for teaching Hypermedia Design, which constitutes a didactic material to support teaching and research activities for the Design area. The starting point was the work by Dr. Cristina Portugal, funded by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq, as a scholarship researcher in a Post-PhD internship in the Graduate Studies in Design Program. Besides the theoretical content itself, the project for the aforementioned book includes studies on information architecture, layout, programming language and navigability, among other aspects. The book will gather issues about Design, Education and Hypermedia aimed at offering resources to enhance the use of multiple languages that converge in hypermedia environments, their applicability, techniques and methods in light of Design in Situations of Teaching-Learning. The content for producing didactic material, the object of this project, is partially concluded.

Educational performance analytics of undergraduate business students
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Educational data mining (EDM) is an emerging interdisciplinary research area concerned with analyzing and studying data from academic databases to better understand the students and the educational settings. In most of the Asian countries, it is a challenging task to perform EDM due to the diverse characteristics of the educational data. In this study, we have performed students’ educational performance prediction, pattern analysis and proposed a generalized framework to perform rigorous educational analytics. To validate our proposed framework, we have also conducted extensive experiments on a real-world dataset that has been prepared by the transcript data of the students from the Marketing department of a renowned university in Bangladesh. We have applied six state-of-the-art classification algorithms on our dataset for the prediction task where the Random Forest model outperforms the other models with accuracy 94.1%. For pattern analysis, a tree diagram has been generated from the Decision Tree model.

Effect of Friction on Ball-On-Sphere System Modelled by Bond Graph
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This paper presents the model analysis of ball-on-sphere system by considering the effect of friction. The ball-on-sphere system is modelled using bond graph technique. In the bond graph modelling procedures of the system, the various subsystems, storage elements, junction structures, transformer elements, dissipating element with appropriate causality assignments and energy exchange that make up the ball-on-sphere system were identified and modelled. In the model analysis of the ball-on-sphere system, the developed model with effect of friction had time of angular position response of the ball (1504237026699027.png) achieved at 0.5253s while in the system model without effect of friction, time of 0.5408s was achieved for the angular position response of the ball (1504237026699027.png). This shows 2.9% improvement of the angular position response of the ball considering frictional effect in the developed bond graph model of the system.

Effect of GameMaker on Student Attitudes and Perceptions of Instructors
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Computational thinking including the ability to think critically and solve problems provides benefits for every career path. A positive attitude toward computer science can increase the possibility of students selecting courses that increase computational thinking or pursuing computer science (CS) as a major. This research examined the effect of using GameMaker on the attitudes of students toward computer science (CS) and CS instructors in an introductory CS course. The research consisted of an initial study and a two year longitudinal study. The data was collected using student surveys, qualitative student perceptions, and anonymous teaching evaluations. We hypothesized that students who used GameMaker in their class would show improved attitudes toward CS and would evaluate the instructor more favorably. Our research provides evidence that the incorporation of GameMaker into computer science courses may improve students' short-term attitudes toward computer science and both long-term and short-term perceptions of the class instructor.

Effective Training Data Improved Ensemble Approaches for Urinalysis Model
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Urinalysis remains one of the most commonly performed tests in clinical practice. Laboratory work can be greatly relieved by automated analyzing techniques. However, noisy and imbalanced urine samples make automatically identifying and classifying urine-related diseases become very difficult. This paper proposed hybrid sampling-based ensemble learning strategies by improving training data and classification performance. Having compared the effectiveness of several learning classifiers and data processing techniques, the experiments showed that the suggesting methods provided better classification accuracy than other approaches.

Effectiveness of English Online Learning Based on Dual Channel Based Capsnet
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Web-based learning systems have quickly developed, by giving students a broader access to wide range of courses. However, when presented with a huge number of courses, it might be difficult for users to rapidly discover the ones they are interested in, from a large amount of online educational resources. As a result, a course recommendation system is crucial to increase users' learning benefit. Presently, numerous online learning platforms have developed a variety of recommender systems using conventional data mining techniques. Still, these methods have several shortcomings, like adaptability and sparsity. To solve this problem, this study provides a deep learning based English course recommendation system with the extraction of features using a dual channel based capsule network (CapsNet). This network extracts all the important features about the courses and learners and suggests suitable courses for the learners. To evaluate the proposed model’s performance, several investigations are performed on a real-world dataset (XuetangX) and outperforms existing recommendation approaches with an average of 91% precision, 45% recall, 55% f1-score, 0.798 RMSE, and 0.671 MSE. According to the experimental findings, the proposed model provides better and more reliable recommendation performance than the conventional approaches. According to the experimental findings, the proposed model provides better and more reliable recommendation performance than the conventional approaches.

Effectiveness of MOODLE in Education System in Sri Lankan University
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This study examines students' overview of the students' online capabilities of course that we have implemented in the MOODLE platform in a developing country and underlying information technology principles that are critical for an in-depth understanding of e-learning. A structured multiple choice questionnaire was distributed among students' who were enrolled in the certificate of teaching in higher education course at the General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University, Sri Lanka. A total of 31 students participated in this study and completed written and online multiple choice questionnaire on MOODLE. The outcome of this study shows that there is a strong positive response on e-learning on MOODLE platform. Almost 61% of them were able to get extreme good results in the online examination and observed late submission in both printed and online examination. Although the outcome is preliminary in nature, the results provide cause for concern over the status of e-learning education in MOODLE platform in Sri Lanka which is highly satisfactory.

Effects of Natural Dust on the Performance of PV Panels in Bangladesh
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Energy is considered a prime agent in the generation of wealth and a significant factor in economic development. Limited fossil resources and environmental problems associated with them have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options that use renewable energies. Among available technologies for energy production from solar source, photovoltaic system could give a significant contribution to develop a more sustainable energy system. Solar Panel has its wide use starting from a simple 5W diode lamp to a few kW ac drives. A solar panel with a battery and a charge controller and other auxiliary devices like dc to ac converters constitute a Solar Home System (SHS).Solar home system (SHS) is becoming popular day by day and even poor households are now becoming interested to purchase solar home system due to its various advantages. Solar home systems (SHS) have a major problem that is low efficiency. It also decreases output day by day because of improper maintenances, effect of dust and shadow. Accumulation of dust on solar panel of solar photovoltaic (PV) system is a natural process. It was found from the study that the accumulated dust on the surface of photovoltaic solar panel can reduce the system’s efficiency by up to 35% in one month .In this paper we show that the effect of dust accumulation on the solar panel naturally and how it is possible to overcome this problem.

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VANETs is the open model which stimulate in academia and industry oriented researches. However, the model is open and there are many violations in a communication of vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I). Any anonymous user may extract the useful information. Researchers have proposed many research proposal and solved issues related to VANET. The security is the major concern and to avoid mishappening in driving the vehicle. We proposed the authentication system that provides safety of the driver during travel on the roads. The proposed results deliver the following features: 1) Reliability of VANET model 2) Road Safety 3) Privacy of the vehicles 4) Authentication of message delivery to adjacent nodes. Finally, we provide a view point of how to detect the attacks and withdraw malicious node more efficiently.