Образование и педагогика. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки

Публикации в рубрике (1215): Образование и педагогика
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Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar hayotini shakllantirishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar hayotini shakllantirishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

Kushakova G., Mamatkarimova M.

Статья научная

Ushbu maqolada maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar hayotini shakllantirishning nazariy asoslari xaqidagi ma’lumotlar bayon qilingan.


Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English language

Ibragimov R.N.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on modern problems of linguistics and methods of teaching English. At present, the need to learn English in its actual functioning in various spheres of human activity has become generally accepted. The wellknown fact is that an indispensable condition for the implementation of any communicative act must be a mutual knowledge of realities by the speaker and the hearer, which is the basis of language communication.


New information technologies in training English language

New information technologies in training English language

Egamberdiyeva G.A.

Статья научная

In this article, we reflect on information technology in teaching English. ICT-system of methods and methods for collecting, storing, searching, transmitting, processing and issuing information using computers and computer communication lines.


O'Yinlar va o'yin uslublari ta'sir doirasi. Huquqiy tizimlarda geymifikatsiya va uning natijalari

O'Yinlar va o'yin uslublari ta'sir doirasi. Huquqiy tizimlarda geymifikatsiya va uning natijalari

Urinova M.V.

Статья научная

Maqolada raqamli texnologiyalar sharoitida talabalarga geymifikatsiya yordamida mashg’ulotlarni samarali tashkil etish xususida fikr bildirilgan bo’lib, milliy ta'lim tizimiga ularni tatbiq etish borasida misollar keltirilgan. Jamiyat hayotining turli jabhalarida yangi texnologiya sifatida o‘yinlashtirish tushunchasidan foydalanish va qo‘llash masalalari ilmiy tadqiqotlarda yetarlicha batafsil yoritilgan. Gartner tadqiqot kompaniyasining [1] prognozlariga ko'ra, 2020 yilga borib imo-ishoralarni boshqarish, boshqariladigan displeylar va kengaytirilgan reallik kabi zamonaviy texnologiyalar o'yinlashtirish kontseptsiyasini jamiyatning turli sohalarida amaliy aspektda qo'llash, texnologiyani integratsiyalashgan holda qo'llash imkonini beradi. kundalik hayot. Biroq, shu bilan birga, Gartner tadqiqotchilari o'yin dizayni va o'yinchilarning o'zaro ta'siri strategiyalarini tushunish bo'yicha ilmiy izlanishlar yo'qligi sababli geymifikatsiyaning to'xtab qolishi mumkin bo'lgan rivojlanish stsenariysini istisno qilmaydi, bu esa o'z navbatida samarasiz o'yinlashtirish modellarining rivojlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Shu munosabat bilan tarixiy retrospektivda geymifikatsiya metodologiyasini tushunish dolzarb masalalardan biridir, chunki o'yin elementlarini ishlashning ilmiy isbotlangan tamoyillari va algoritmlariga muvofiq qo'llash va amalga oshirish orqali rivojlanishning tarixiy jihatlaridan kelib chiqqan holda, kontseptsiyani ishlab chiqish. an'anaviy boshqaruv vositalariga samarali muqobil bo'lishi mumkin. Ushbu maqola doirasida to'plangan tajribani tizimlashtirish amalga oshiriladi. Kontseptsiya rivojlanishining tarixiy xronologiyasi tahlil qilinadi va umumlashtiriladi. Tahlil jarayonida geymifikatsiya tushunchasining rivojlanishi va shakllanishining asosiy bosqichlari aniqlandi va tavsiflandi.


Peculiarities of article omission in modern English language

Peculiarities of article omission in modern English language

Sharopova Sh.K.

Статья научная

Articles play an important role in the English language, both meaningful and expressive. But in modern language there is a tendency of omission the article, when articles are used in nontraditional way. In the given article this case is analyzed, thereto different literature was examined such as: grammar books, British and American magazines, various advertisement and instructions.


Pedagogical process, peculiarities of pedagogical process, principles of its organization

Pedagogical process, peculiarities of pedagogical process, principles of its organization

Toshpolatov I., Usmonova M.

Статья научная

In this article we consider the basic functions of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity is realized in certain pedagogical situations by a combination of the most diverse actions - perceptual, mnemonic, communicative, subject-transforming, research, control, evaluation, self-evaluation.


Pr-технологии в образовательной сфере

Pr-технологии в образовательной сфере

Соломон Ю.В.

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматриваются связи с общественностью в образовании РФ, что такое паблисити и как оно должно влиять на образование, что нужно делать, что бы люди были заинтересованы данным учебным заведением, показаны три этапа успешной PR компании. Ключевые слова: pr-технологии, образование.


Problems of education and upbringing of youth

Problems of education and upbringing of youth

Mikhailova E.I.

Статья научная

Will the young generation be able to carry the burden of responsibility that the life prepares for them on their shoulders? It is this question - the question of urgency of the problem of education and upbringing of young people in modern society is put in this article. This article discusses the problem of fathers and children, the problem of forming behavioral youth culture, the problem of depletion of speech culture and irresponsible attitude of young people towards their health. The author comes to the conclusion that superficial approach to these issues will lead to the inevitable "catastrophe" and that only consistent and comprehensive work can lead to positive results.


Russian speakers’ attitudes towards British accents and the usage of RP (received pronunciation) as a teaching model

Russian speakers’ attitudes towards British accents and the usage of RP (received pronunciation) as a teaching model

Nikishina E.V.

Статья научная

Proper pronunciation is an important aspect of learning a foreign language. This article will examine the choice of RP (Received Pronunciation) in learning English, and the attitude of native Russian speakers to British accents.


Situation and solutions to improve work physical education for teaching students northwest university

Situation and solutions to improve work physical education for teaching students northwest university

Nguyen T.D., Nguyen V.Q.

Статья научная

Physical education at the University of Northwest is concerned by the school's management. However, there are limitations and weaknesses that require specific solutions to develop and improve physical education.


Smart-учебник в профессиональной подготовке бакалавров

Smart-учебник в профессиональной подготовке бакалавров

Везиров Т.Т.

Статья научная

В статье рассматривается реализация Smart-учебника в профессиональной подготовке бакалавров, в частности кафедрой информационного права и информатики, на базе системы дистанционного обучения Moodle Дагестанского государственного университета. Представлены этапы автоматизации процессов обучения по дисциплинам читаемым на кафедре будущим информатикам-юристам.


Some aspects of active learning in the university

Some aspects of active learning in the university

Avdeeva A.N., Ablyalimov O.S.

Статья научная

The article discusses some active and interactive teaching methods. The authors of the article propose a democratic style of conducting active forms of classroom activities. Some pedagogical methods of conducting active classes are considered. It is concluded that active teaching methods are very effective, but require the teacher to have pedagogical competencies.


Some views about subjunctive mood

Some views about subjunctive mood

Jumayeva Sh.Sh.

Статья научная

The article is about many controversial and not thoroughly investigated points in the English grammar. Nevertheless, one of the most difficult and not clear both from the point of view of its definition and description and from the point of view of its practical implementation in speech is the subject of the Subjunctive Mood.


TV - контент как фактор эмоционального развития младших школьников

TV - контент как фактор эмоционального развития младших школьников

Меметова Э.Э., Капидинова С.Б.

Статья научная

В данной статье рассматривается TV - контент, на примере мультипликации, как один из факторов эмоционального развития в младшем школьном возрасте.


Teacher's books for English and their work

Teacher's books for English and their work

Buranova D.D., Guzacheva N.I.

Статья научная

The article deals with kinds of teachers books and it includes the work of course books as various facilitators for the teachers in academic process.


The analyses of allegoric characters in Faulkner's “A fable”

The analyses of allegoric characters in Faulkner's “A fable”

Usmonova Z.X.

Статья научная

The article deals with the analysis of allegorical characters in the work "Fable" and the artistic features of the creative work of William Faulkner. And also takes into account social problems in his work.


The application of active teaching methods in the teaching of a foreign language in the framework of the implementation of the CDIO-concept in medical universities

The application of active teaching methods in the teaching of a foreign language in the framework of the implementation of the CDIO-concept in medical universities

Sayfutdinova A.S., Adilova A.N., Tolbasieva A.A.

Статья научная

The article describes the experience of applying the active learning methods of the CDIO Concept in the framework of teaching students of a medical school to a foreign language with the aim of developing appropriate professional knowledge and interpersonal skills. Also, the article presents the data obtained during the experiment conducted on the basis of South Kazakhstan Medical.


The description of A.O.Tirkel's "August folly" obrases

The description of A.O.Tirkel's "August folly" obrases

Naimova A.M.

Статья научная

In this article highlights the means description of A.O.Tirkel's "August Folly" obrases and importans in literature.


The easy way of learning English with the help of songs

The easy way of learning English with the help of songs

Davlatova M.X.

Статья научная

The article reveals the role of songs in the study of English. Learning a language with the help of songs not only facilitates the work, but also creates a favorable atmosphere in the audience. But the problem is that every song does not correspond to the learning process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of students, the mentality of the people.


The importance of giving feedback in EFL classes

The importance of giving feedback in EFL classes

Sadullaev F.B.

Статья научная

In this article highlights English language in society life and the importance of giving feedback in EFL classes.

