Статьи журнала - Природа Внутренней Азии
Все статьи: 255

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Livestock production globally is facing the increasing pressure of negative environmental implications, particularity because of abiotic stresses. In Mongolian agriculture drought and salinity are the main environmental stresses which are limiting plant growth, development, and survival rate, leading to enormous yield loss. The purpose of this study was to compare salt and drought stress of Russian alfalfa (Vega87, Tayejnaya) by morphological and physiological parameters and to seek a possibility to plant it in Mongolian dry and harsh environmental conditions. To expose salt and drought stresses we used NaCl and Polyethylene glycol in laboratory condition. According to the morphological and physiological results Tayajnaya variety was tolerant to salinity and drought rather than Vega87.

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In this paper, applied the ethnobotany method to discuss the investigation of Inner Mongolia Chifeng City banner of Bairin Chaganhada Ulangerile village. Investigate the local Mongolian, access and collection of local people's daily used of wild plants. There are altogether have interview with 32 residents, collected and produced the 39 specimens of plant, belonging to 18 families and 25 genus. Then conduct to species appraise and analysis the life from,biotope. Furthermore, the way from the local population can be divided into food using plants, forage plants, medicinal plants and daily use four kinds of plant were analyzed.

Analysis of salt tolerance of Medicago L. plants
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Salinity becomes a concern when an ‘excessive’ amount or concentration of soluble salts occurs in the soil, either naturally or as a result of mismanaged irrigation water. Alfalfa (Medicago L.) acts as a most important legume forage crop and is widely cultivated in various environments. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of salt stress during germination and growth stage of 2 species (Medicago sativa, Medicago falcata) and 2 varieties (Mongolian Medicago varia Marthz var. Burgaltai and Inner Mongolian Medicago varia Martyn var.Nutag Belcheer-2) in laboratory condition. Salt stress in plants was induced by NaCl (0-as a control, 50, 100 and 200 mM concentration) for 2 weeks. The results represented that Medicago sativa had higher seed germination percentage than other species and varieties. Root length and weight, dry matter index are observed in M.sativa higher than others. M.falcata showed the maximum result of shoot weight and length. M. varia Martyn var.Nutag Belcheer-2 illustrated higher chlorophyll content and water uptake than M.varia Marthz var.Burgaltai. In conclusion, M.sativa and falcata are tolerant to salt stress. M.varia Martyn var.Nutag Belcheer-2 is moderately tolerant to salt stress. M.varia Marthz is sensitive to salt stress than other Medicago L. plants.

Analysis of vegetation covers change and its influencing factors in Ordos since the 21st century
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Taking MODIS NDVI as the main data sources, combing with precipitation and temperature, using trend analysis and correlation analysis methods to study the vegetation cover changes and its influencing factors in Ordos during 2000 to 2013. The results showed that, the average annual growing season NDVI has a significant increasing trend in Ordos over the past 14 years, the relative change rate was up to 28.40% and there was 61.1% of the total area NDVI significantly increased. At the inter-annual scale, the rainfall controls the growth of vegetation in Ordos and the NDVI and precipitation has markedly positive correlated (R2=0.64, P

Application of hyperspectral remote sensing in the detection of marine oil spill
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The article presents the application of Hyperion hyperspectral data for conducting oil film detection in the Gulf of Mexico after marine oil spill accident. Data dimension reduction was performed by the Minimum Noise Fraction Method, the endmember was extracted by the Pure Pixel Index (PPI) method. Spectral Angle Mapping (SAM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to classify and verify data. The results show that the classification accuracy of SVM method is higher than that of SAM method, and the result is closer to the distribution of oil film, while the accuracy of SVM method based on Polynomial kernel function is higher than that of SVM method based on RBF kernel function, and offshore oil film identification is better.

Cadastral investigation оf Shuiquan town in Tuquan county
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The development of economy and society imply high requirements for cadastral management. Computer technologies and the development of geodesy and mapping allowed people to meet such high requirements for cadastral management, thus the theory and practical technology of cadastral survey and cadastral data management has been developed. Taking the cadastral survey project of Shuiquan Town in Tuquan County as an example, we introduce the cadastral survey, ownership investigation, plane control, database construction and quality inspection in all the administrative villages except the township government. This project is aimed at studying the process of rural homestead investigation, making the future work more standardized, and having an overall understanding of the whole work.

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Soil erosion and destruction is well known, but there are different rates of tendency of soil mechanical composition of the same region. In this paper, the same grassland regions in different countries were selected as the study area: the Uzemchin region of the Inner Mongolia, China and the Sukhbaatar province, Mongolia. The soil mechanical composition in the research area was determined through the field survey and laboratory analysis. Soil texture classifications in study area consists of clay, loamy sand, loam, sand, sand clay, sandy loam, silt, and silt loam, but the ratio of silt loam and sandy loam are significant, 48% and 25% respectively. Changes of average sand along the north-west direction from the southeast of in the research area tends to reduce, but changes of average clay tends to increase and changes of average silt tends to increase slightly. Chang of sand and clay tend to increase in the Uzemchin region of the research area along all soil layers, while silt tends to reduce in the Uzemchin region. But they tend to be stable relatively in Sukhbaatar region of the research area. Therefore, the quality of the soil mechanic composition of the research area in Mongolia is better than the research area in Inner Mongolia. However, the two regions have similar natural conditions. The differences of soil separate tendency found between Sukhbaatar, Mongolia and Uzemchin, Inner Mongolia in the research area will be analyzed in the next research.

Comparison of drought tolerance of cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) varieties
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Alfalfa is a perennial fodder plant with high nutritional value, efficient grass yield and high protein content [Erdenejav, 2015]. Drought stress is a major environmental factor that affects the germination and growth stages of plants. In this study, the drought tolerance of Turkish alfalfa variety, Gozlu-1 and Mongolian alfalfa variety, Burgaltai was compared using polyethylene glycol (PEG 20 000) and mannitol both in vitro and ex vitro. According to the results of the study, the germination rate of Gozlu-1 variety in drought was 4.4-20.2% better than that of Burgaltai variety. When comparing the alfalfa varieties according to some morphological parameters that indicates the resistance of artificial drought, Gozlu-1 variety showed 8.4% more resistance than Burgaltai variety, and Gozlu-1 variety has 17.5-28% more water absorption intensity than Burgaltai variety.

Comparition of salt tolerance of turkish alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. var. Gozlu-1)
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Alfalfa has been cultivated for more than 3 000 years. Today, over 80 countries cultivate alfalfa on more than 30 million hectares. It is a good fodder plant with a rich ratio of protein and essential amino acids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and other substances. Salt stress has various effects on plant physiology. For example, due to a decrease in osmotic potential, it becomes difficult for plants to absorb water, metabolism is lost, and the intensity of the photosynthesis process decreases. In this study, the salt tolerance of the Turkish alfalfa variety Gozlu-1 and the Mongolian alfalfa variety Burgaltai was compared using NaCl in vitro and ex vitro. According to the results of the study, the Gozlu-1 variety’s germination stress tolerance index is 11.2-39.0 % higher than the Burgaltai variety. When comparing artificial salt tolerance with some morphological parameters, the Gozlu-1 variety showed 1.2-18.4 % lower chlorophyll content than the Burgaltai variety, while the water absorption intensity of the Gozlu-1 variety was 27.1-39.8 % higher than the Burgaltai variety.

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The article studies the habitats of Common myna A. tristis (Linnaeus, 1766) in anthropogenic landscapes, natural landscapes with anthropogenic elements, agrocenoses, and settlements. The distribution of Acridotheres tristis in Kyzylkum is limited by anthropogenic elements. The main factor that ensures the appearance of Acridotheres tristis in such places is the existence of a network of premises and food sources. The seasonal changes in the quality and quantity of nutrient resources, availability of sleeping places, and seasonality of human activities determine the distribution and number of A. tristis in various habitats. Seasonal fluctuations in food resources cause seasonal and daily "local migrations" of A. tristis. Local migrations can be considered as an important stage in the life cycle of A. tristis. This migration plays an important role in the biotopic redistribution and distribution of A. tristis.

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The study is aimed at planning civil engineering constructions based on the estimation of maximum runoff volume during the flood and determination of susceptible parcels for flood risk in the dry riverbed which directs to the centre of Turgen soum, Uvs province. We have determined the channel width, flood level, bank height, flood-prone households and parcels by flood runoff modelling using HEC-RAS software. The hydraulic analysis of civil engineering construction to avoid risk was implemented by Flow pro software. The volume of water flowing through a channel was carried out by Pipe flow advisor software. The hydraulic parameters were estimated using a digital elevation model. The maximum discharge of flood with 1% rainfall feeding was Q1%=11.06 m3/s when daily precipitation was at maximum. Therefore, there is a need for the planning of civil engineering construction that can drain the amount of the estimated discharge. The application of flood runoff modelling with the help of HEC-RAS software showed that the inundation width, channel bottom width, the difference between the highest point and the lowest point, and slope angle for the civil engineering construction were 10.66 m, 2 m, 6.01, and 0.0028, respectively. The flood-prone areas in the soum centre were 32 parcels with an area of 4.8 hectares. The hydraulic estimation results revealed 11.06 m3/s for discharge and 2 m for channel bottom width, while 0.8 m for water depth. Based on this estimation, the ferroconcrete channel for the flood will be planned to be the width of 2 m and height of 1 m and it is also calculated to be 0.2 m from the surface water level to the edge of the channel. We have suggested that the total length and discharge of the channel would be 1673 m and 13.896 m3/s.

Hydrochemical study of water supply of Ulaanbaatar city
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We conducted this study to determine the seasonal dynamics of chlorine organic compound and physico-chemical characteristics of two sources of drinking water in Ulaanbaatar city. There are seven sources of wells suppluying drinking water. The first is “Uildver” source whuch is placed in the highly occupied industrial zone showing pH 6.11-6.94 and the conductivity (EC) 41.5-60.2 mS/m. The general hardness was 3.8-5.9 mg-eqv/l, general mineralization is classified as SO42 - - Ca2+ and Mg2+ which grades up to 274.96-470.8 mg/l. The second industrial source called “Mah kombinat” shows pH 6.14-6.85 and the conductivity (EC) is 54.5-62.4 mS/m. The general hardness is 4.9-6.0 mg-eqv/l and the general mineralization is classified as SO42-, Ca2+ and Mg2+ which grades up to 420.4-520.7 mg/l. In addition, in cations the main component is the Ca2+ ion in drinking water of these two sources and SO42- and HCO3- ions are abundant anions. The obtained results meet the requirements of Drinking water standard MNS 0900:2016, any changes of composition depending on the season have not been revealed. Moreover, the analysis of microelements by using ICP-MS facility in drinking water on the way to water supply to the user’s pipeline showed presence of several elemental components and severe radioactive elements, but they don’t exceed the national standards.

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Impacts of wildfire low-severity on soil properties on 2 sampling plots of the dry pine forest in Western Transbaikalia are studied. Low-severity surface fires in the studied pine forests have a positive effect, since they activate the processes of litter decomposition and further dissolution of organic substances that provide soil and plants with accessible elements. Pyrogenic morphological features persist for a long period after a fire. These include the presence of black carbonaceous subhorizon at a depth of 14-14.5 cm, ocher mottles along the roots of burnt trees. These features are shown in the increased content of iron in the Tamm extract and exchangeable bases. This creates conditions for the fixation of humus associated with both calcium and iron hydroxides. Also there is a slight increase in the content of the clay fraction. Two years after the fire the properties of the soil change significantly. Eleven years after the fire, most soil properties are quickly restored to pre-fire levels.

Краткое сообщение
Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus) is a migratory breeding species of the North-East of the tundra zone of Russia, distributed from the Anabara river valley the East to the Eastern extremity of the Chukotsky Peninsula and the Anadyr river basin, Islands Ayon and Wrangel. In Baikal Siberia this species belongs to the causal. This status is based on a some finds during autumn migration. So, the Dowitchers were met in different years on the Western shore of the Middle Baikal in the Maloe More area, in the Bratsk reservoir and Northern Mongolia. 2 ind. of Long-billed Dowitcher observed in the flock with 12 ind. of Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa) feeding in the coastal shoals in the Posol’sk village on the southern Baikal Lake.

Pasture degradation evaluation study in the Middle Gobi (Mongolia)
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In view of the increased load on rangeland of the Middle Gobi, their condition significantly deteriorated. The purpose of our work is to assess the impact of overgrazing on the territory of Adaatsag district and verification of the methodology for its studying in the arid steppe zone. We have used three types of methods for assessing and comparing the effects of overgrazing. The method for assessing the degradation of ecosystems in Mongolia was developed by Soviet-Mongolian specialists [Gunin et al., 1989]. The method of indicating the state of soils was used in the USA for monitoring of pastures [Pellant et al., 2000]. Methods of control over land use and introduction of state certification were introduced by the Administration of Land Affairs, Geodesy and Cartography of Mongolia (1995). The total area of degraded lands is 72,695 hectares (total pasture area - 329,130 hectares). In comparison with the data of the research carried out in 1992 by the Administration of Land Affairs, Geodesy and Cartography of Mongolia, the areas of pasture degradation increased by 37.5%. The main reason for the degradation of pastures is an extraordinary year- round use. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the climatic conditions: a severe drought has aggravated the condition of pasture lands over the past few years.

Quality assessment of soil nutrients in the steppe region of the Mongolian plateau
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Characteristics of soil nutrient quality assessment of steppe region in Mongolian Plateau are presented. The research has conducted mainly vertical and horizontal changes in soil fertility quality assessment in Mongolian and Inner Mongolian research areas. The results show that along vertical direction of soil fertility gradually decreased with increasing depth (in the form of 0-5

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The Mongolian plateau is a relatively isolated territory with arid and semiarid conditions and vast steppe spaces. Ecological changes in the steppe ecosystems affect the environment of northeastern Inner Mongolia in China, and eastern Mongolia. The article analyzes the spatiotemporal distributions of the vegetation cover and plant communities (at the level of facies) based on the Landsat and MODIS13Q1 remote sensing data of Sino-Mongolian transects at typical steppes of the Mongolian plateau in 2002, 2009 and 2016 and with the use of 3S technology. The research results indicate a general tendency to degradation of the vegetation cover macrostructure; herewith, a more serious degradation is observed on the transect of Inner Mongolia in China in comparison with the territory of Mongolia. Differences in plant communities are presumably explained by different methods of cattle grazing.

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Agrogenically transformed soils in the mountain forest-steppe of Western Transbaikalia have been investigated. The morphological, chemical and physical properties of the Ap horizons 10-15-year old fallow lands have been studied. There is an increase in the content of organic carbon and exchangeable cations in agro-dark humus horizons. Soil pH decreases towards acidification. There is an increase in the content of the silt fraction in grain size distribution in soils. The structural composition of agro-dark humus horizons in two key plots is generally favorable due to the predominance of agronomically valuable fractions 0.25-10 mm. The water-stable structure of the agro-dark humus horizon of key plot 2K-13 is good and unsatisfactory of key plot 1M-13. The main stages of restoration of the fallow lands vegetation are revealed. The shrub stage of the steppe meadow reflects the next stage of demutation of steppe vegetation and further forestation of the territory.

Rhodostrophia jacularia (Hubner, 1813) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) в Забайкалье
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Резюме: Rhodostrophia jacularia Hb. - евросибирский степной вид из группы пядениц-стеррин. Его ареал охватывает Центральную Европу и Азию, на юго-востоке достигает районов Внутренней Монголии. В Забайкалье он встречается в зональных степях Селенгинской и Ононской Даурии, в местах произрастания гониолимона красивого (Goniolimon speciosum (L.) Boiss. - кормового растения его гусеницы. Жизненный цикл Rh. jacularia характеризуется зимовкой яйца, развитием гусеницы в весеннее время, окукливанием в конце мая, вылетом имаго в начале лета, спариванием и откладкой яиц в конце июня - начале июля.

Some researches on Chinese enterprises which invest in Mongolia
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Mongolia is a close northern neighbor of China. The two countries have a common border of 4710 km. Along with the continuous deepening of political relations over the past 10 years, bilateral trade and economic cooperation has developed steadily. President Hu Jintao during his visit to Mongolia in 2003 approved bilateral partnerships of good-neighborliness and mutual trust, which gave a strong impetus to the strengthening of mutual trade and economic cooperation. China for 14 consecutive years until 2012 was the largest investor in Mongolia. Currently, Mongolia has more than 700 enterprises with Chinese capital, the volume of their investments is half of the total volume of all foreign investments. Enterprises with Chinese capital work mainly in such areas as oil production, mining, construction, processing of livestock products, service industry and garment industry. Enterprises with Chinese capital provided employment for more than 50 thousand local residents, which are 6.25% of the total labor force throughout Mongolia. In September 2014, Xi Jinping said that China, Russia and Mongolia establish close cooperation, actively implement the medium-term road map for triangular cooperation, which has already yielded significant results in the trade, economic, humanitarian, transport, touristic and sports fields. China is satisfied with the trends of triangular cooperation. At the same time, it is necessary to actively promote comprehensive trilateral cooperation by linking the Chinese project "The Economic Belt of the Silk Road", the Russian strategy "The Eurasian Path" and the Mongolian initiative "The Steppe Road". The economic corridor provides great opportunities for investors. Therefore, the article is devoted to those who want to invest in Mongolia.