Гуманитарные и общественные науки. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

"Тёмные аллеи": художественный анализ произведения И. Бунина
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В статье говорится о творческих взглядах Бунина, о его рассказе «Темные аллеи», который содержит в себе немало актуальных, и по сей день, проблем общества.

Ambiguity in the definition of the Russian classification of forensic examinations
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The article is devoted to the consideration of various classifications of forensic examinations and identification of problems in their allocation in the classification.

An analysis of urban economic gentrification: the case of China and Korea
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Commercial gentrification has become a major topic in Korea over the past few decades. Local governments in Seoul have attempted to respond to this phenomenon by introducing local gentrification policies, and there have been successful cases such as the Ihwa Mural Village, but these policies tend to be applied in areas where experts or the media are already aware of the seriousness of the problem. In China, urban gentrification is also an issue that needs to be addressed, as in the case of chinese urban villages, but it is still very difficult to effectively address the issue of commercial gentrification.This paper analyzes similar urban villages in China in the context of the urbanization case of Ihwa Village, and analyzes the whole stage of its gentrification transformation, to provide a model as well as a reference for the future gentrification transformation of China's urban villages and their urban economization.

Analysis of factors influences the financial sustainability of enterprises
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This article analysis of factors influences the financial sustainability of enterprises.

Business negotiations and emotional intelligence
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The article provides arguments about the importance of the ability to properly negotiate in business life, which are complemented by practical advice for successful negotiations and the achievement of mutually beneficial goals of the parties. The author also explores the issue of emotional behavior during negotiations and discusses strategies for controlling both your emotions and those of your opponent.

Etymological characteristics of English restaurant menu vocabulary
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The results of the etymological analysis on the vocabulary of English restaurant menu texts are described in the article. It contains the information regarding the etymological composition of three categories of names in the menu structure, the correlation between the native and borrowed lexical units, as well as the periods of their appearance in the English language.

Features of theatrical art in Japan
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The article reveals the role of theater in human life. The history and features of theatrical art in Japan are considered on the example of Kabuki Theater.

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The article is about the literary historian, censor, Professor of St. Petersburg University Alexander Nikitenko, 215 years since the birth of which is celebrated this year. In 2019, the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin will have a big anniversary. The relationship between these people was not easy. They are revealed in the pages of the diary of A.V. Nikitenko. The article attempts to analyze the interactions of two Russian writers.

Importance of national music in Uzbekistan`s tourism development
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This article describes that Uzbekistan has the rich national music. As well as, the national music considers an important role in increasing the flow of tourists visiting the region now and also it outlines about International Festival of Maqom Art and International Festival of Bakhshi Art.

Innovative ways of improving excursion service around the touristic destinations
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Tourism is one of the leading sphere among profitable economic fields. For the development of the tourism in the country, many affairs are implementing. Excursion is considered as one of the main services of tourism. Tourist who comes in the country firstly wants to know and watch its history, culture, social life, natural resources. Excursion effects to people’s taking shape of their spiritual appearance with its illustrative, meaningfulness and profitableness.

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In today's world, diplomacy is gradually becoming mainstream, and Eurasia, as one of the world's largest Earth plates, is particularly noteworthy for diplomacy among the countries of the Eurasian continent. Recalling the China-Central Asia Summit and the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, diplomacy between China and the countries of Eurasia is unfolding in a new geopolitical form. It is gradually becoming the focus of the world.

Role of public-private partnerships in quality of education services
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This article discusses the role of public-private partnership in quality of education services

SMM в сегменте Horeca на примере работы сети кофеен
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В работе описан механизм продвижения сети кофеен на платформе Instagram. Здесь вы узнаете, как увеличить число подписчиков и сделать аккаунт любого заведения продающим. Статья описывает не только положительные стороны продвижения, но и ситуации, которые были провальными для компании.

Social media marketing - an effective tool for modern internet marketing
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This article discusses the Social Media Marketing - an effective tool for modern internet marketing. Social networking - is a web-site with interactive multitasking, which is supplemented by network participants themselves.

Status of a woman in the concept of three religions
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This article discusses the status of Muslim women in contemporary society. Since Islam and Islamic law had a profound influence on the history of the state and the right of a number of states, in particular, the position of human rights and freedoms, the status of women in society.

Structural features and principles of negotiations
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This article examines the relevance of the topic of business negotiations, their impact on our daily life. The article is also devoted to the study of the structural features of the negotiations, including the issue of independence of both parties. The author provides 5 basic principles of successful negotiation.

The implementation of color symbolism in “The great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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The following article discusses the role of green, yellow, blue, white and grey, lavender and other colors, used in “The Great Gatsby”.

The importance of professional development of foreign language teachers in Uzbekistan
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The article is devoted to solving problems of improving the mechanisms on strengthening professional competency of foreign language teachers in Uzbekistan as professional knowledge and skills of specialists is the key of success in life. The quality of teachers’ pedagogical competency is very important in the education system. A harmoniously developed generation is the basis of the progress of Uzbekistan.

The problem of national unity in Ossetian fiction
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This article is devoted to the study of the problem of the unity of the nation in Ossetian fiction. On the example of studying the work of K. Khetagurov, sh. Jikaev, A. Kodzati, H. Tsgoev, it is concluded that the problem is relevant at all times. It is reflected by Ossetian writers both on the basis of historical events and the realities of modernity.

The problem of the modern Kazakhstan woman: selection between family and career
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This article examines the problem of modern Kazakhstan women: the choice between family and career. A modern woman strives to combine all her roles, maintain an optimal balance between caring for the family and working life. It is necessary to understand that the safety of the family is the joint work of the woman and the man. At the same time, the family is the basis of spiritual and moral development.