Статьи журнала - Уровень жизни населения регионов России
Все статьи: 1268
Employment crisis or crisis of employment
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That we are facing an employment crisis cannot be doubted - and it is equally unquestionable that we are confronted with the simple necessity of ‘creating jobs’. It is also without any doubt that we need to look at employment issues as matter of ‘social security’. However, looking at precarity in the context of the overall political-economic development of national and global economy, urges us to shift attention towards understanding the crisis as one of a macro-economic model that is founded in employment. In this light, the presentation will outline some considerations on major changes
Flexibility = precarity or flexibility + security? The lost guarantees of social security
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The Object of the Study: «Flexicurity Strategy» and Precarious Employment. The Subject of the Study: Profile the Precarious Employment and the Strategy of flexible and non-standard forms of employment (NSFE). The Purpose of the Study: Identifying the characteristics of the “Flexicurity strategy” and the social and economic Impact of the flexible and precarious employment in Europa. The Main Provisions of the Article: Because of the economic and social challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the profound changes in the labour market processes, the risk of being excluded from work and from social goods divided by work is no longer just among the low-skilled, or manual workers today. As unemployment became commonplace, the basic paradigm of the distribution of social goods and the existence of existential security, based on the share of work carried out, is also jeopardized. Following the turn of the millennium, with the spread of flexible forms of employment, social security has been damaged not only for the unemployed but also for a wide range of workers. The «Flexicurity strategy», designed to tackle the employment crisis of the 1990s - aimed to increase employment by using active labor market instruments and flexibility of work, while strengthening state responsibility in providing social guarantees - it seems to have failed. The pillars of social protection have been weakening among workers in recent years, and the precariat and precarious employment and income insecurity have become more and more widely known phenomenon. After all, the question is right: guaranteeing the social security of workers can only be achieved through the reduction of flexible forms of employment or the creation and guarantee of new forms of social security that fit into the 21st century labor market conditions, dictated by the digitized world.
Forms of precarity and the development of its characteristics in Hungary
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In the wake of the development of the market model that evolved as a result of the fall of socialism and the process of privatisation, the role of the state, which had played a dominant role during the socialist era in all areas, decreased gradually. Owing to the fact that neoliberal ideology gained ground, as well as to the economic effects of globalisation, this process intensified during the second half of the 1990s in Hungary just like in other countries. The effects of deregulation manifested themselves in almost all areas, but especially in the gradual erosion of the system of institutions that was meant to guarantee the security of the citizens, and in the fact that the labour market was becoming more flexible and, moreover, increasingly uncertain. In parallel to this process, a work-based society became ubiquitous, a wide range of welfare services appeared that were tied to ‘compulsory work,’ and this lead not only to the loss of social citizenship, but also to a reduction of the importance of the system of democratic institutions during recent years. Most social groups do not have well-developed and viable survival strategies that they could rely on in the face of the multi-dimensional uncertainty that affects increasingly broad classes of society, and that took the place of the social security that had existed earlier. Organisational structures or bodies representing the interests of marginalised groups, which could provide them with security and guarantees, are almost completely missing, and the constant state of transition, the loss of status and the lack of a future perspective make the frustrated masses more and more susceptible to extreme populism, which promises them order, stability and safety. The number of people who sympathise with extreme right-wing movements has grown considerably.
International migration in Europe in the 21st century: present and future
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The paper considers the current migration trends in the European Union with the focus on the development of the country. This article identifies different categories of migrants and measures to regulate their admission. Also the paper gives the forecast of future migration to these countries and provide appropriate measures in the EU migration policy.
Precarity - it isn’t about Employment, it is the Economy, Stupid
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Precarity is commonly referred to as matter of employment and the increasing insecurity and instability of obtaining labour as secure and predictable foundation of socio-economic security - subsequently we find instability of inclusion, cohesiveness and empowerment (and/or perception). Alluding to the slogan «the economy, stupid» which had been guiding Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992, the slogan brought forward is here «Precarity - it isn’t employment, stupid». The thesis is that much of the debate on precarity is referring to a curtailed understanding of the economy, based in four main pillars: monetary gain, growth, competition and employment. The real challenge lies in addressing the limitations of the quadriga that dominates modern social science, namely methodological individualism, methodological nationalism, methodological solutionism and methodological presentism. The Object of the Study. Analysing precarious employment The Subject of the Study. Change of Methodological Requirements The Purpose of the Study. Identifying flaws of existing methodology of social science and perspectives for alternatives The main Provisions of the Article. Locating precarity within the framework of a changing economic formation
SWOT-анализ удаленной работы как нестандартной формы занятости населения Самарской области
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Рассматриваются нестандартные формы занятости населения Самарской области, в частности, развитие фриланса, а также приводится SWOT-анализ удаленной работы.
Social narcissism - how society pushes us to overestimate our capacities, leaving many behind
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The following introduces the concept of overlife, not claiming that it is an entirely new idea, however suggesting that it is a suitable term to bring different problems of contemporary societal development together. Broadly speaking, overload is defined as simultaneously condensing patterns of life and the actual living, i.e. intensifying living by establishing patterns of multitasking; however, doing so occurs for the price of a shallowed concept of life by a differentiated system of standardization. Simplification of cognition and education, not least in the context of digitization, are important factors: The apparently increasing control, everybody experiences, goes hand-in-hand with increasing difficulties of understanding - and enjoying - the complexity with which we are confronted. Still, although this seems to be a secular process concerning humanity and humans in general, control and power remains in the hands of a few who, as individuals and corporations, design life and society. Paradoxically, the theoretically gained possibility to answer complex questions and develop long-term perspectives, turns, at least under capitalist conditions, into narcissistic idiosyncrasies, and wasting huge amounts of monies for the thrill of egos instead of strategically developing socio-economic strategies addressing major challenges as poverty, environmental threats, digitisation and new forms of stupidification
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The article illustrates the implications for the world of work of two decisive factors of change in the global situation: the joint commitment of states to promote sustainable development according to the normative guidelines of the United Nations and the effects of the pandemic crisis. It proposes the reference to the institutionalist theoretical approach as the most appropriate to provide a valid interpretation of the diversity of orientations in economic and social development policies, including labour policies, which occur on the global scene. The article presents the analyzes on the professions of the future and the relative employment prospects for 2030 contained in two studies developed in Italy on the basis of predictive models that applied specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, officially presented in the first half of 2021. Presented research recalls the ultimate meaning of the phenomenon of structural crisis, the value of institutionalist theory in understanding the complexity of the processes of development, and progress of communities and, in the context of the choice for sustainability, the importance of the changes that lie ahead in the world of work in relation to the specific green and digital transition processes currently promoted by the states. Article’s findings may stimulate research on predictive models in the field of employment and new professions projected beyond short-term trends, in the broader dimensions of perspectives and scenarios
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This paper aims to examine the peculiar characteristics of the Italian working situation after the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, starting from the forecasts on the impact of the Digital Transformation (DT) on the global labour market, the authors try to combine the macro and micro-social risks related to this process with those arising from the pandemic scenario, finding a common thread that seems to return the sign of these times. Observing the Italian context, some reflections are provided to rethink the balances of the world of work, in particular through the use of the digital technologies, the plural forms of remote working (RT) and the prevention of the youth unemployment and great resignation phenomena.
Work in the age of social uncertainty:10 theses and counter-strategies
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In my report I want to present 10 Theses on the Future Work in the 21st century. For each hypothesis, a proposal of how to react to this development will be offered. My examples are related mainly to societies in Western Europe, who are the ones most involved in the rapid development of global capitalism. However, we suppose that the presented evolutions and issues in the foreseeable future will occur worldwide. My overarching assumption is that over the next few years the tendencies of social uncertainty and social inequality - caused by the globalized and digitized capitalism - will increase radically. My contribution is committed to the method of Horkheimer / Adorno of classical critical theory, what means to analyze actual states and to propagate - even utopian - target states.
Краткое сообщение
В статье представлен обзор Международного экономического Форума, состоявшегося в Республике Польша в 2019 г. и посвященного будущему Европы. Очерчена тематика прошедших дискуссий, проанализировано участие в них российских представителей. Более подробно охарактеризовано содержание двух дикуссионных панелей: «Кризис средних классов: трансформация или размывание?» и «Быстро, дешево и некачественно - состояние современных человеческих ресурсов».
Автоматизация процессного управления как механизм сокращения неустойчивости занятости населения
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Объект. Неустойчивая занятость. Предмет. Автоматизация процессного управления. Цель. Исследование перспектив автоматизации процессного управления для сокращения неустойчивости занятости населения. Основные положения статьи. В условиях цифровизации автоматизация процессного управления на предприятии становится эффективным механизмом повышения прозрачности управления, его открытости и одновременно содействует снижения неустойчивости занятости. В рамках статьи будут рассмотрены возможности автоматизации процессного управления в целях сокращения неустойчивости занятости населения.
Актуальная проблема культурной доминанты в управлении экономикой
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В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема культурной доминанты в управлении экономикой Российской Федерации на современном этапе Подчёркивается значение современного английского языка как важнейшего средства международного общения. Предлагается концепция реорганизации преподавания современного повседневного и делового английского языка для обеспечения внедрения во всё возрастающих масштабах новейших достижений мировой науки и техники в целях коренной модернизации экономики страны, повышения эффективности международного экономического, научно-технического и культурного сотрудничества
Актуальное состояние научно-экспертного дискурса о тенденциях развития российской высшей школы
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В начале 2023 года журнал «Уровень жизни населения регионов России» инициировал публикацию серии статей, в фокусе которых были реформы образования в России, а именно анализ пройденного и разработка основных направлений и положений модернизации системы образования РФ при сохранении черт национальной традиционности. Целью данной статьи является: во-первых, краткое обобщение позиций экспертов относительно различных аспектов реформ российского образования в ретроспективе и перспективе, во-вторых, выявление тех вопросов, которые не нашли должного отражения в указанных публикациях, в-третьих, представление собственного взгляда на направления развития российского высшего образования в современных условиях. Авторы выделили: «Точки согласия», объединяющие эпизоды с символическими заголовками а - «Вперёд в прошлое» и vice versa», б - «Маятник образовательной госполитики» и с - «И снова о Болонской системе», объединив таким образом мнения участников заочной дискуссии. Далее были обозначены «Особенные позиции» каждого и «Дефицит внимания» к отдельным современным реалиям образовательных процессов, а именно, к вопросам, связанным с процессами продолжающейся интернационализации высшего образования, которые являются объективной реальностью XXI столетия и которые необходимо учитывать независимо от тактических манёвров политической элиты и меняющейся конъюнктуры в мировой политике. На сегодняшний день векторы образовательной мобильности студентов и преподавателей поменяли своё направление с Запада на Восток, поэтому своевременно ставить вопрос не только о реформировании системы высшего образования на уровне национального государства, но и о возможности и целесообразности создания некой россиецентристской модели высшего образования как макрорегионального (имея в виду регион РФ-СНГ-АТР-Африка) образовательного центра. В заключении рассматриваются основные положения пилотного проекта по реформе высшего образования, стартующего в шести вузах страны на период 2023-2026 учебных годах.