Статьи журнала - Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Экономика и менеджмент
Все статьи: 609

"Зелeная" экономика - повестка дня конференции ООН по устойчивому развитию (РИО+20)
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Статья посвящена вопросам «зелeной» экономики, которая является одной из основных тем предстоящей конференции ООН по устойчивому развитию (Рио+20) в июне 2012 года. Рассматриваются концепция «зеленой» экономи-ки, инициативы и практический опыт ee разработки на международном, ре-гиональном и национальном уровнях.

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The study is aimed at determining the impact of the Baltic countries on the global economic integration of Azerbaijan and the main directions of expanding Azerbaijan's bilateral trade opportunities between these countries. Despite the fact that the Baltic countries have almost the same strategic, economic geographical location as Azerbaijan, the main focus is to study the achievement of high development in 30 years and to find out how to build this strategy. The main purpose of the research is to identify and develop the economic policy of these countries in the transition to a market economy, as well as the development of Azerbaijan's foreign economic relations with these countries. At the same time, other objectives are pursued on the basis of theoretical considerations of European and Azerbaijani science related to economics. All this increases the relevance of the study, which presents the need to study the development of economic relations with the Baltic countries in the process of European integration, identify the problems of economic cooperation in the analysis and assessment of the current situation, as well as the potential and mechanisms for trade and economic relations.

Anti-crisis marketing in the pandemic period
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The article discusses the features of marketing activities in modern conditions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection. COVID-19 has shocked the world and left many economies in dire straits. Many companies are now struggling to survive, and marketing is essential to restore sales. How badly has the virus affected marketing, PR and sales? Contactless, remote, virtual are the main words in the description of technologies in 2020. Management of remote teams, remote sales support, virtual communication with the customer and the maximum acceleration of delivery have become priority areas for finding solutions for retail. Many innovations have already been tested in past years, but the pandemic has accelerated their implementation in the daily life of companies

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Many have travelled through the hallowed lanes of books and booksellers in prominent as well as obscured by lanes of Indian cities like Kolkata, but few have noticed the senses which get tingled into the buying behaviors and change our economic senses of decision making. There are even strategic choices associated with buying books and the percentage of people choices as part of economic rationale decision making on returning customers as few global marketers prefer to distinguish while strategizing choices and perspective in luxury brand management. The learning curve associated with books and the world of booksellers may be trivial but they bring about impactful strategy to the larger picture of luxury brand management which can be learnt from as simple as from a street book seller unnoticing jumping into the bandwagon of olfactory branding. This paper is a sustained effort to bridge the long standing research gap in olfactory branding which is borne from multiple cases and empirical studies from the poorer streets of Indian booksellers which on one hand is historically symbolic and on another hand portrays strategy even to big corporate firms globally on how and when can senses of smell bring about in revenue generation and creating resilient brands.

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The article proposes a methodology for component-by-component and integral assessment of the potential of Mongolian national cultural tourism resources. The integrated indicator for a region’s cognitive potential has been calculated across the following three components: natural, cultural-historical, and socio-economic. Each of these components incorporates several subgroups with their own factors and different units of measurement. Each of the parameters making up the natural component deals with tourist interest in a particular area. The cultural-historical component is linked directly with one’s interest in cultural tourism. The socio-economic component is associated with the development of appropriate infrastructural conditions for realizing the potential of cultural tourism. The proposed methodology is based on open data monitored by state statistics authorities and includes 23 different parameters reduced to a single integral indicator. This makes it possible to rank the areas densely inhabited by the Mongolic people across a multitude of factors governing the potential of national cultural tourism resources. The proposed model has been verified using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of international auditing standards in the regulation of auditing and to identify areas for improving the audit of securities transactions in banks. The article addresses international auditing standards and their objectives, which are of particular importance in the audit of financial instruments. At the same time, the interrelationships of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Standards on Auditing are considered as effective tools for the formation of quality financial information. One of the issues that attracts attention in the article is the identification of important trends in the development of internal audit of banks in the environment of digitalization and change, and tasks that are adequate to modern challenges. The problems raised in the article and the results obtained on the basis of the research can be useful in determining the prospects for the development of the audit, in assessing the feasibility of applying international standards in this area.

E-commerce challenges of old commerce centers: evidence from Azerbaijan
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E-commerce transformation has become one of the major strategies to protect the existence of businesses in the market. The article investigates the key reasons why old commerce centers are not able to transform into e-commerce and digital platforms. Evidence of research comes from Azerbaijan and the article also suggests the main ways to help sellers to use e-commerce to increase their sales revenue and ensure durability in the market. Since problems arise from both the government and retailers, we have considered them in a systematic manner, and identified the responsibilities of government and retailers in addressing emerging issues.

Formation of the food industry in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan
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The article reflects the mechanisms of establishing agrarian entrepreneurship in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. We have considered the growth of agricultural production as one of the prerequisites for increasing the production of foodstuff. The research shown that a number of consistent and systematic measures had been taken after Azerbaijan regained its independence in order to increase the production of food. The article sets out the main directions of state regulation for the formation and development of the food industry in the liberated territories. These areas include finance, credit, price, tax, investment, insurance, foreign economic policy, state assistance to local producers, etc. We also have developed the proposals for the further development of the food industry in the liberated territories.

Hollywood movie's pro-intervention propaganda before World War Two
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Before World War Two, Hollywood movie’s attitudes to intervention is underwent a progressive change. Before the early 1930s, several reasons guided Hollywood movies to focus mainly on entertainment and avoid being interventionist. After that, Hollywood movie began to take an entirely different standpoint. This new standpoint of interventionism became more and more dramatic and explicit after 1938. This paper records the progressive development of Hollywood movie’s changing positions to interventionism. Meanwhile, the reasons concerning this change are also exemplified, which, the paper finally points out, will help a lot to understand the propaganda role played by Hollywood movie during World War Two.

Issues of improving accounting and statements in joint activity
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Currently, it is observed that large capital-intensive projects in various sectors of the economy, especially in the oil and gas industry, have high risks and complexity. Transnational companies also admit that they have difficulties in achieving the implementation of their current projects within the specified time and budget. Against the background of such complexity and global challenges, in order to further strengthen the investment portfolio in global markets, to diversify risks and opportunities the tendencies of merger and integration between companies are also strengthening. In this regard, joint activities, including joint ventures, operate in many areas of industry today. Joint ventures are considered as one of the optimal solutions for ensuring development and sustainable activity in the current economic conditions. Despite such a high level of tendencies in joint activities, their objectives can be different depending on the industry and various projects being implemented. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out serious analyzes and identify needs and problems in those areas in order to effectively manage joint activities and thereby reduce risks. Namely joint ventures in the oil and gas industry are one of the clear examples of the development of joint activities. Here, counterparties can get a number of advantages, such as expanding the scale of operations, operating in foreign markets, resource allocation, diversification of risks, as well as using the other party's different capabilities. In this case, the integrity and transparency of accounting and accountability in joint activity is the main issue in focus. It is important to ensure the mutual interests of the parties, to fulfill the obligations correctly, and to improve the accounting activity in order to achieve economic efficiency.

Management of parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of management consulting
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The article develops a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of management consulting (within the framework of training management consulting), which includes the following stages: determining the composition and scope of work in the project (projects), determining the specifics of the project; forming expert groups on the part of the consulting company and the customer; conducting an analysis of financial, economic, organizational and managerial indicators; synthetic and analytical expert analysis of the effect; calculation of the panoramic index of accompanying training counseling. We have presented the results of approbation of the above-mentioned methodology in the practice of operating enterprises. The parameters of management consulting assessment have been developed, among which are finances, clients, processes, innovations, personnel qualifications, top management qualifications, process time. The effectiveness of management consulting is estimated as an arithmetic mean between the summary estimates of the consulting project team and the assessment of stakeholders (stakeholders of the company), which are determined individually in each project directly or indirectly affecting the activities of the management of the customer company.

Mongolian coal industry exploration and recent situation
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In this paper, i try to study coal exploration in domestic and international market and their future trend compired with other producers. Mongolia produced 1.22% and exported 5.7% from the total coal production in the Asian Pacific by the 2011. By the way Mongolian coal exploration amount increased 30% or reached 32.9 million tonnes. The our domestic demand just rised in that time. In the 2009, the coal exploration sharp increased by 128.9% and it excessed from the rate of GDP and Mining&Quarring. But it became 0.6% growth share in the GDP. Maybe, it is related on world economic crisis and market pricedown. The industrial total production value rate has fluctuation recent years. Therefore, the international market supply and demand, and world market price influenced on the GDP value, just related on mining production.

Office of war information and Hollywood movie propaganda
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After America went into World War Two, it established the Office of War (OWI) Information to help with the government propaganda. Hollywood movie, as the pop culture centerpiece, was the focus of OWI’s work. Owing to various reasons, a forced and cooperating relationship between the state and Hollywood formed, which would influence the movies produced during World War Two. This paper focuses on explaining the reasons concerned and indicates that this relationship is also helpful to understand the relations hip between government and Hollywood during the early cold war.

Organizational assessment of the formation and development of management consulting
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The article identifies the key features of the management consulting market with respect to the current stage of development of the national and global economy as a whole. Among them we highlight the processes of digitalization, the implementation of the activities of management consultants in the design of startups within customer companies, etc. We have proposed the key parameters of the effectiveness of management consultants in the implementation of professional activities. Our original approach to the assessment of the formation and development of management consulting at the present stage of economic development involves diagnostics of the company's activities, audit procedures, development of the organization's complex, procedures for making changes in the organization, implementation of control procedures. We have defined the order of work performed within the framework of the organizational assessment of development of management consulting within the structure of the development of the organization's complex by a management consultant.

Political economy of agriculture in Russia
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Debates in political economy of agriculture tend to study the policy-making process of market regulation. They investigate how agricultural policies reflect the ability of different interests to influence policy-making through access to the policy-making process or by shaping pubic or expert discourse. The article studies the functioning of three important policy areas in the agriculture sector - subsidies, land use policies, and trade policies - in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

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Ports cities in Northeast China have geographical, historical, policy, and other advantages in cooperation and trade with Russia, but in recent years, with the improvement of China's domestic infrastructure construction, the rise of e-commerce, the northeast port city economy is relatively declining. Ports cities in Northeast China should not only play the role of Sino-Russian trade transit station. Instead, infrastructure construction, new technology, and the industrial chain should be strengthened. At the same time, we should take measures according to the local conditions and give full play to the complementary advantages. The port cities and the hinterland of the Northeast should cooperate to build the information sharing and service platform. It is also necessary to have an in-depth understanding of Russia's political system and culture. Tourism should be promoted which could help to create new growth points.

Theoretical and methodological bases of the analysis of the financial situation
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The study is aimed at determining the theoretical and methodological bases for assessing the financial situation of insurance companies. We have used a systematic approach, logical generalization, and standard methods for analyzing the source information as a research methodology. The study is of practical significance, since it provides an opportunity to identify and justify the main indicators that are used for analysis of the financial situation of insurance organizations, as well as to determine the factors that affect their financial status. Originality and scientific novelty of the research consists in definition and evaluation of the theoretical and methodological bases for studying the financial situation of insurance companies in foreign countries.

«Лидер» и «культура лидерства» в контексте трансформации системы управления организацией
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В исследовании рассматриваются современные взгляды на понятия «лидер» и «лидерство» в контексте менеджмента конкурентоспособности промышленных предприятий. Исследуются не только навыки и качества, которыми должен обладать лидер, но и его роль и функции в управлении трансформацией. Особое внимание уделяется способности лидера объединять человеческие ресурсы и направлять их на достижение долгосрочного роста предприятия. Исследуются ключевые аспекты, необходимые для успешного лидерства, такие как умение вдохновлять, мотивировать коллектив, принятие стратегических решений и обеспечение развития организации. Таким образом, в центре внимания исследования находится значимость лидерства для управления промышленными предприятиями и их успешного развития в условиях конкуренции. В статье изучается вопрос об эффективности лидерства в процессе трансформации систем управления на промышленных предприятиях. Утверждается, что лидер, обладающий юридическими полномочиями руководителя, оказывается более эффективным в этом процессе по сравнению с только лишь неформальным лидером или только формальным руководителем. Автор рассматривает различные аспекты этого утверждения, такие как способность формальных лидеров к принятию стратегических решений, управлению изменениями и координации действий персонала. Таким образом, основная мысль исследования заключается в том, что на промышленных предприятиях реальный лидер с юридическими полномочиями может быть гораздо более успешным в процессе трансформации систем управления. В исследование вводится понятие «культуры лидерства» как набора артефактов поведения лидера, а также разработана методика оценки «культуры лидерства» при трансформации организации, которая может быть успешна использована в различных отраслях народного хозяйства.

Автоматизация рабочего места независимого автоэксперта
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Для каждого объекта управления можно предусмотреть автоматизированные ра-бочие места, соответствующие их функциональному назначению. Например, в сфере экономики на таких АРМ можно осуществлять планирование, моделиро-вание, оптимизацию процессов, принятие решений в различных информационных системах и для различных сочетаний задач. Принципы создания АРМ независимо от их назначения должны быть общими: системность, гибкость, устойчивость и эффективность. Актуальность компьютеризации судебно-экспертной деятельности объясняется необходимостью повышения эффективности обработки и использования экс-пертной информации с целью более оперативного получения научно обоснован-ных решений судебно-экспертных задач и оказания качественной помощи клиен-там компании.

Автоматизация учета научной активности сотрудников кафедры
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Рассматриваются вопросы автоматизации учета научной активности профессорско-преподавательского состава для повышения оперативности и удобства подготовки сводных кафедральных отчетов, учитывающих результаты научной деятельности, таких как сведения о публикациях (включая статьи, монографии и другие с указанием наименования журнала/издания, всех выходных данных, года публикации) в рецензируемых научных журналах и изданиях, сведения об апробации результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности на национальных и международных конференциях (с указанием наименования конференции, ее статуса, наименования доклада, даты проведения), участие в научных мероприятиях, конференциях, выставках, симпозиумах и т. д., руководство научно-исследовательской деятельностью студентов.